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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, March 12. 2019Conor McGregor
Tuesday morning links
Toon h/t Flopping Dylan and Rod Stewart: Forever Young Why non-conformists always end up looking alike. Go ahead, try and be different. High School shooting teams My secondary school had riflery and shotgun sports. Also, a hunting club British Crackdown on Knives Progresses NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Announces´Meatless Mondays´ In Public Schools To ´Save The Earth´ Feed them more carbs What the Fall of the Newseum Says About News, and Museums Facebook bans Zero Hedge ZH is a fine site. But commenters there are often crude, racist, anti-semitic, misogynist, etc. Vietnam War History: Orthodox Versus Revisionist Kling: The poverty trap Democratic Socialism In AOC’s Own Words: We Don’t Want To Take Over EVERY Form Of Production – We Just Want To Tell Every Workplace How To Operate " Capitalism Delivers What Socialism Promises" It's a good line, and true, but better just to term it "freedom" The 1972 Progressive Pathway to Oblivion The Narcosocialist Republic of California I was assaulted at Berkeley because I'm conservative. Free speech is under attack. The punch I took on campus was not an isolated incident. Leftists are targeting conservative students across the country for their political beliefs. The fear in Nancy Pelosi’s eyes is what I’ll always remember about the Ilhan Omar Affair. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t turn away from a fight, but turned away from a fight with Omar. That tells you how serious the situation is. Ilhan Omar and the Axis of Antisemitism The Democrats and Anti-Semitism - An inflection point in American political history. Byron York: Yes, Trump is target of 'presidential harassment' Another piece from the plot to Get Trump puzzle snaps in, with new dark money revelation Why do Republicans still back Trump? The answer is simple: Attitude and gratitude Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs “No End In Sight”: Looting, Starvation On Fourth Day Of Venezuelan Blackout At least they have gone Zero Carbon NATO Member Turkey Announces Joint Military Operation With Iranian Regime Against Kurdish Fighters Monday, March 11. 2019Daylight Savings Time
‘WTF, I love Trump now?!’ President Trump tweets his support for a policy both the Right AND the Left can agree on
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Monday morning links Americans are consuming more and more stuff. Now that other countries won’t take our papers and plastics, they’re ending up in the trash. They have enuf of their own China's Cultural Revolution had "Struggle Sessions." What about the US? New Conservative Hire at CNN Demoted from Editor to Pundit After Pressure from Liberals Sarsour explaining how she, CAIR and other Mu$lim organizations took control of the House, protected Omar, and demanded Pelosi rewrite the censure to include all forms of hate. No Application Necessary - In Britain, “positive discrimination” keeps a qualified candidate off the police force. "If even a successful businessman and entrepreneur like Governor Hickenlooper can't openly support capitalism in the Democratic primary, it's clear this is Senator Sanders' party now." Why Brooklyn’s trendy brand of ‘socialism’ is ultimately doomed For once, I find this piece by Kevin Williamson incomprehensible Ocasio-Cortez: In US ‘If You Don’t Have A Job You Are Left To Die’:
800-Year-Old French Basilica of St. Denis Heavily Vandalized in No-Go Suburbs — 19th Century Stained Glass Windows Destroyed They need to be taught to COEXIST The United States spends around $700 billion a year on its military but following a series of wargames over the past couple of years, “blue” forces continue to lose and lose big to simulated war with great powers like Russia and China. Swedish social democracy, so often viewed by American and West Europeans with envy as a model society, is in deep trouble. Sunday, March 10. 2019From today's Lectionary: Debating the devilLuke 4:1-13 4:1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, 4:2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished. 4:3 The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become a loaf of bread." 4:4 Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'One does not live by bread alone.'" 4:5 Then the devil led him up and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 4:6 And the devil said to him, "To you I will give their glory and all this authority; for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please. 4:7 If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours." 4:8 Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.'" 4:9 Then the devil took him to Jerusalem, and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, 4:10 for it is written, 'He will command his angels concerning you, to protect you,' 4:11 and 'On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.'" 4:12 Jesus answered him, "It is said, 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" 4:13 When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time. Saturday, March 9. 2019Can we please get rid of daylight savings time?
There is no point to this annoyance
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Saturday morning links No surprise there Do You Have Bad Gym Etiquette? History: The death march to Volary Rolls-Royce Experiencing "Blowout" Demand For Its $325,000 SUV Perfect for those Maine logging roads US Users Are Leaving Facebook by the Millions Do Blame Me, I’m From Massachusetts Adults won’t take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are forced to strike Yes, human shields There’s A Whiff Of China’s Cultural Revolution In The Air British PM Theresa May Holds Summit to Address UK Knife Crime Epidemic - UK police chief Sara Thornton: Knife crime now a “national emergency.” Give them their guns back and solve the knife crisis Feds Pay Millions for Lobster Tail, Booze, Toys in End of Year Spending Binge Your tax dollars at work Grand Jury Returns 16 Felony Counts Against Jussie Smollett Special Prosecutor John Huber Has a Message For Americans: Bill Barr and I Will Hold Offenders Accountable and Advance the Rule of Law What has Huber been doing for 9 months? Judicial Watch Uncovers DOJ Records Showing Numerous Bruce Ohr Communications with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele A cabal to destroy Trump The Stark Choice Facing Jewish Democrats Trump Blasts Dems: 'They've Become An Anti-Jewish Party' US Military Asked to House 5,000 Child Migrants: Pentagon No Need for Thanks - America rescued Ilhan Omar and her family, but to hear her tell it, we are the ones who should be grateful. Winning the Hearts and Minds of Middle America: Cory Booker Tells Meat Eaters Their Days Are Numbered Fred Barnes: None of this is normal
Nadler's Letters are Proof of the Blood Sport in American Politics Re Pelosi:
Democrats Vote To Give Illegal Immigrants The Right To Vote That's what it's all about Will Socialism Die In Darkness? Massive Country-Wide Blackout Hits Venezuela Venezuela goes Green! BEHIND THE LINES: THE FALL OF THE CALIPHATE - No new beginnings in sight for ravaged Syria. Stop the F-35 Deal With Erdogan's Turkey Trouble at China’s backdoor: Sinkiang Devastation and Denial: Cambodia and the Academic Left Friday, March 8. 2019IntoleranceMost Politically Intolerant Americans Tend To Be Urban, Highly Educated Whites, Survey Shows As they say, your moral and intellectual superiors.
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Friday morning links World's biggest bee found alive The 'WIMP Miracle' Hope For Dark Matter Is Dead Ohio State Hosts Deviant 'Sex Week' How Diversity Hijacked History 101 and All the Humanities THE POST-CHILD DEMOCRATS - Kill 100,000 babies a year and maybe global temperatures will drop. What Taxing the Rich Did to Warren and Ocasio Cortez's States Statewide Rent-Control Laws Cannot Escape the Law of Supply and Demand Whole Foods Adopts $15 Minimum Wage, Then Starts Slashing Workers' Hours 'Significantly' Higher ed labor union AAUP slams Trump’s free speech executive order Border Patrol: 300 Percent Spike In Family Apprehensions Creates ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ Ninth Circuit Appeals Court Grants More Protections for Asylum Seekers Ilhan Omar Knows Exactly What She Is Doing Yes she does Top Democrat Tells Holocaust Survivors To Check Their Privilege. According to Rep. James Clyburn's logic, it's OK to hate Jews if you rank higher than them on the pyramid of victimhood. Joe Lieberman: Ilhan Omar's Comments About Israel A "Moral Test" For Democratic Party Ocasio-Cortez Fundraises On Anti-Semitism Scandal, Says Pro-Israel Group Coming After Her, Omar, Tlaib Obama Judge: “Including Citizenship Question On The Census Is Fundamentally Counterproductive To The Goal Of Obtaining Accurate Citizenship Data” Trump Judge Confirmed Despite Dems Weaponizing SPLC 'Hate Group' Smears Against Her The Anatomy of a Self-Annihilating Political Party Pelosi Denounced as White Supremacist Conrad Black: The Cohen Fiasco Why Trump Will Win in 2020 - Americans have seen real improvements in their lives during his presidency. China update: Plus and Minus Iranian hackers have attacked more than 200 companies in past 2 years, Microsoft finds - Massive campaign stole corporate secrets, deleted data, caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damages International hacking is just part of life now Thursday, March 7. 2019Thursday morning links
"Retiring early isn’t just about saving up enough money... It’s also a huge emotional and ideological transition." Bury those bespoke suits in the closet: Goldman Sachs is going casual Will the VA Pay for Your Funeral? The Answer May Surprise You 80-Year-Old Cleveland Deli Owner Opens Fire At Two Men Who Tried To Rob Him Why Campus Prejudice Favors Women Girl Scouts Gives Highest Award To Girl Who Organized A Pro-Abortion Campaign JACK PHILLIPS WINS AGAIN Re Christians: Universities wouldn’t treat any other group — or any other religion — this way. Deforming Development - Rent control won’t solve Portland’s housing “emergency.” Canada Shows Us The Endgame Of Transgender Extremism Over 100 House Dems Support Banning Private Health Insurance Plans Conservatism and the People - From Burke to Buckley to Trump, the Right has always had a populist current. VDH: The Deep State Past and Present SUPPLY-SIDE RACISM IN ACTION THE MYTH OF SENATOR KAMALA HARRIS, FRONTRUNNER Kinzinger To CNN: You’d Better Believe There’s An Emergency On The Southern Border Feds Reveal Massive Operation That Saw Illegals Getting Fake Documents Record arrests of Illegal-immigrant families on border bolster Trump's emergency claim Pelosi Bows to Radicals – House Dems Delay Vote Condemning Anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar The Left Is Making Jews Choose: Our Progressive Values Or Ourselves The Anti-Semitism Monster Democrats Can No Longer Control McCarthy: It's not about collusion; it's about obstruction ... and impeachment Trudeau Arrives At Climate Rally, Protests Erupt, Things Get Crazy Merkel’s Successor Under Fire for Mocking Gender-Neutral Bathrooms A French Officer Speaks the Truth about the War in Syria Wednesday, March 6. 2019He hated TrumpUntil the light went on. He realized he had been brainwashed.
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It is illegalIt is an invasion. Free ticket to entry is "I need asylum." From Mexico? At Town Hall:
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Wednesday morning links
Facing Historic Lawsuits, Purdue Pharma Considers Bankruptcy Why Social Justice Is Killing Synagogues and Churches - Data suggests that the more a religious movement is concerned with progressive causes, the more likely it is to rapidly lose members Nobody goes to church to be preached about politics UC-Berkeley says it will take "very specific actions" to support free speech on campus. The statement comes after President Donald Trump said he plans to sign an executive order tying federal funds to free speech. Lurid new details in $60 million sex harassment lawsuit against Columbia University I Thought I Could Be A Christian And Constitutionalist At Yale Law School. I Was Wrong Impressive fellow ISIS Bride Who Wants To Return To U.S. Is Asked About Her Tweet Urging People To Slaughter Americans "...it was an ideology that really was just a phase." Yeah, this looks like a border crisis NY Times Blames Border Patrol For Illegals Showing Up With All Sorts Of Medical Problems Scott Adams Talking to Dr. Shiva About Climate Change:
Why Would ANY Conservative, Republican or Business Owner EVER Move to Communist New York State? Ocasio-Cortez’s Mom Moves to Florida – Raves About Low Taxes — Bashes Communist New York State’s Outrageous Tax Burden Ocasio-Cortez Regrets Costing NYC 25,000 Amazon Jobs As CoS Backpedals Jersey gov’s deadly demand for new taxes Via The Atlantic:
So many big ideas: First ‘Medicare for All,’ then ‘Green New Deal,’ and now ‘Glass-Steagall for Tech’ Entertainer in Chief: President Trump’s CPAC speech was spontaneous and endearing, and the media scolds hated it. Q-Poll: Trump Committed Crime Before Election, Most Say What crime? Whether you call it impeachment or pre-impeachment, the Trump accountability era is here VDH: THE CASE FOR TRUMP Will John Bolton Bring on Armageddon—Or Stave It Off? China Update: The "Reasonably Enlightened Autocrats" At Work Tuesday, March 5. 2019Tuesday morning links
Alex Honnold of Oscar Winner “Free Solo” Takes Climbing to New Heights. The author of “The Impossible Climb,” Mark Synnott, talks about his book Alien species are 'primary cause' for global extinctions, study finds Where Millennials Really Go for Jobs. Contrary to media hype, tech firms and young workers aren’t flocking to “superstar” cities. Drugs push the US down in global health rankings: America plummets to 35 out of 50 as overdoses and poor diet slash life expectancy Two Caravans A Week: 70,000 Detained Along The Southern Border In February The Rise and Fall of Sex Week at Yale Mandating Freedom with a New Title IX - An executive order on campus freedom would put advocates of free expression in a bind. 'Hawaiian Day' party flooded by cultural controversy wave I called for diversity of thought. My peers compared me to a neo-Nazi. I tried to debate a campus socialist. He told me to ‘F*** off.’ Google decides it is underpaying its men The Army Is No Place For Men Hate Speech is The New Pornography New York Times backs up Trump's migrant claim after WaPo ridiculed it : ‘Yes, there was duct tape’ Kamala Harris Enthusiastically Endorses Rent Control. The senator's own San Francisco is a case study in the policy's poor consequences. Brilliant Democrats’ biggest ObamaCare scare tactic was just completely debunked AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies Bernie Can’t Name Any Legislation He’s Passed To Help People Vanderleun's radical political past "Everybody is conservative about what he or she knows best." MEDIA SILENCE CONTINUES: Clinton Foundation Connected AGT Forwarded Top Secret US Intel to RUSSIA – Made Bribes to Seal Deals – FBI/DOJ Covered It Up Wrong narrative Victor Davis Hanson: Donald Trump the paradox - Trump’s election caused a self-created contradiction White House Decries Investigations: Democrats Not After the Truth, They Are After the President Duh Dems unleash sprawling probe of Trump family, administration Monday, March 4. 2019Impeachment is on
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What do never-Trumpers want?
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Monday morning links
Spain logs hundreds of shipwrecks that tell story of maritime past - Weather rather than pirates caused majority of sinkings, says culture ministry team The War on Religion They want your faith in the State, not God And for an example, DEMS WILL FIGHT ANY ALTERNATIVE TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Record Number Of Robots Replaced Humans In 2018 The Total Futility Of Trying To Save The Planet By Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Co-Founder of Greenpeace RIPS Ocasio-Cortez: “Pompous Little Twit… You Would Bring About Mass Death” Lies, Damned Lies, and STEM Statistics Trump says he'll issue order protecting campus free speech MALKIN: I've Been Silicon Valley Sharia'd Washington Post publishes editor’s note on Covington controversy coverage Koch Brothers Announce Plans to Intervene in GOP Primaries in Support of RINO, Open Border, “Free Trade” Republicans UH OH: Wife Of NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Can’t Account For $850 MILLION Given To City Mental Health Program New York City Experienced Worst Decline in Restaurant Jobs since 9/11 After $15 Minimum Wage Win Rate Of Hispanic Poverty In America Fell To Record Low 18.3%, Overall Poor Americans Declined Andrew Cuomo’s Case for 2020—No, Really In New York, his nickname is Andrew Evil Eyes Cuomo CNN’s Vinograd: Trump’s CPAC Speech Had Moment That Sounded Like Hitler, He Said Things That Sounded Like ‘Putin Scripted’ Speech Here’s Why Trump’s Greatest Talent Terrifies Dems and Baffles Republicans "Our Drivers Have Been Attacked": UPS Halts Deliveries To Swedish "No Go Zone" ISIS Jihadi Returned To Sweden To Treat War Wounds Before Returning To The Front Lines… Success! Vietnam Wants Western Politicians, Not Western Politics. As Hanoi welcomes Trump, it shuts down a key reformist think tank. Sunday, March 3. 2019Trump talents, and life talentsMany people dislike or disapprove of Trump's personality style, or disapprove of the way he lives and speaks. Or his tendency for hyperbole (to put it kindly). Scott Adams likes to talk about his idea of personal "talent stacks" which can lead to success in individual life goals. If one's talent stack is not aligned with one's goals, success is possible but much less likely. Scott is not, politically, a Trump fan or voter, but admires his skills - his "talent stack". Talent stacks of course include more than math talent, or rhetorical talent, or IQ, or musical ability. It includes drive and energy, adventurousness, adaptability, sense of humor, integrity (rare in politicians and criminals), charm, temperament, likability, interpersonal warmth and connectivity, neuroticism or lack thereof, toughness, generosity of spirit or the opposite, etc. etc. Only one in a million have a single talent on which to build a world-class reputation without a stack (think Glenn Gould). And it's best to focus on one's talent stack instead on one's shortcomings - but those shortcomings sure can mess up your life goals. Reality's a bitch of a grader. But to get back to my point (that should be a Maggie's trademarked phrase), Trump gave a 2-hour speech at CPAC which sounds like some combination of entertainment, reality/political TV, and hypomanic explosion. Yes, Trump is crude, impulsive, slippery, etc but he has instincts and has been doing his best for the country. At this moment in time, I doubt anybody could do better. As Powerline notes, the man is a whirlwind. Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today. The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top. To his credit, self-deprecating humor too. I like people who can mock themselves. It saves you the trouble...
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Saturday, March 2. 2019Saturday morning linksSnow Day! Winter wonderland. Gym uncrowded early this morning, car slippin' and slidin' a bit because no plowing that early. Fun. Got my third weights day done without having to wait for anything. Yes, all the regular morning gals were there. WH Auden on de-platforming Ezra Pound over politics Vandalizing History - Progressives want to reframe even joyous moments from the past into a narrative of oppression. Overdosing on Regulation: How Government Caused the Opioid Epidemic Amazon Will Not Occupy Seattle Skyscraper As Planned They can go wherever they want Cuomo Hasn’t Given Up On Bringing Amazon To NYC Williamson: Three Cheers for the Labor Market VIDEO: ACTIVISTS TAKE OVER COLORADO EDUCATION - A new bill seeks to hand over children's education to radical leftists. The Climate Scare: Ever More Shrill, Ever Less Serious California snow pack at record level But Climate Change! Largest California County Bans Mega Solar Farms - "On more than 1 million acres of private land" So much for habitat protection Too little, too late: Washington Post admits it screwed up big in the Covington Catholic story Commentary: Where Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Get Her Sweet Potatoes? Michelle Malkin's fiery CPAC speech A good Scott Adams podcast: LoserThink in the News, From Warmbier to Black Friends, to TDS, to Climate Change Lefty Greenwald feels sorry for MSNBC viewers At Quillette, The Rise of the Ungovernables: Americans Prefer Building A Wall Over The Green New Disaster Deal NYT: The Electoral College Is the Greatest Threat to Our Democracy - It has not stood the test of time. Since Trump, that is Olympics to Allow Transgender Athletes to Compete with Women — WITHOUT Having Gender Reassignment Surgery Friday, March 1. 2019Friday morning links
Democrats In California Seek To Ban Animal Dissections In High School Male Rapper Zuby Sets Women’s Weightlifting Records How Government Researchers Hijack Science for Political Purposes Cory Booker, other 2020 Dem presidential hopefuls introduce federal marijuana legalization bill House Democrats explode in recriminations as liberals lash out at moderates YouTube Deplatforms Retired Navy SEAL Who Exposed Tribal Elder Nathan Phillips' Stolen Valor Facebook Employees Freak Out, Refuse to Answer Questions Then Run Away When O’Keefe Confronts Them About Censoring Conservatives How de Blasio’s mental-health push became a boondoggle Rep. Kinzinger: I Saw State of Emergency at the Border Jonah Goldberg, Steve Hayes Team Up for New 'Trump-Skeptical' Media Company Dumb idea JUDGE ORDERS RELEASE OF CHRISTOPHER STEELE DEPOSITION Trump Cuts Short North Korea Summit After Dispute Over Sanctions: ‘Sometimes You Have To Walk' "It’s all part of the process. Trump is demonstrating that, unlike previous American presidents, he won’t go for a deal just to announce that he has a deal. He’ll get what he needs out of the deal or he won’t do the deal at all." Cuban “Collectivos” Storm Venezuelan National Assembly and OPEN FIRE Ilhan Omar Accuses Israel Hawks of ‘Allegiance to a Foreign Country’ Unrepentant Ilhan Omar suggests Jews who criticize her anti-Semitic statements are doing so because she's Muslim, revives dual-loyalty smear Thursday, February 28. 2019Thursday morning links LA Countywide Outbreak Of Whooping Cough Hits Exclusive Harvard-Westlake Hard How to Stop the Censoring Mobs on Campus So much for winning WWII Kraft’s Sabbath - Judging a rich man’s sins, in a world that thrives on outrage, humiliation, and fake virtue School says workers can’t celebrate black history month with southern food Idiots. Southern food is America's best food Twitter Legal Warns Michelle Malkin Her ‘Mohammed Cartoon Tweet’ Violates “Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws” – Which Are Punishable by Prison or Death Why NYC pols see the ‘sharing economy’ as a threat WHILE NYC BATTLES CHARTER SCHOOLS, IT WASTED $773M ON FAILED PUBLIC SCHOOL EFFORT Health Care Is the Opposite of a Right Medical insurance as a civic duty - to be considerate of your fellows Atlantic: The ‘Hidden Mechanisms’ That Help Those Born Rich to Excel in Elite Jobs. When two sociologists interviewed highly paid architects, TV producers, actors, and accountants, they encountered work cultures that favor the already affluent. Former Bernie Sanders Aide Calls Team Clinton ‘Biggest A**holes In American Politics’ Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide? America can afford a Green New Deal – here’s how Kamala Harris Doubles Down Claiming Costs Don’t Matter For Big Gov’t Programs: “It’s Not About Cost”… Don’t Worry, Illinois—Be Happy. Governor Jay Pritzker’s budget avoids all the hard fiscal choices that the state must make. Yesterday's MSM/Dem talking point: Korea is a distraction Michael Cohen Admits to Coordinating Scripted Testimony With Lanny Davis, Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings… Trump unleashing digital juggernaut ahead of 2020 Trump has eliminated North Korea's reasons for hostility Tucker on hate crimes:
Wednesday, February 27. 2019Wednesday morning links IBM: The Rise and Fall and Reinvention of a Global Icon The Cancer Personality Scandal (Part 1) Did The Vatican’s Sexual-Abuse Summit Fail “The McCarrick Test”? NYT: Inside the Secret Sting Operations to Expose Celebrity Psychics We're All Becoming Robert Kraft, But We Just Don't Realize It Emory University hosts ‘abortion as a moral good’ lecture Three Democrats who voted against infanticide Diversity Requirement at UCLA Threatens Academic Freedom Boys Will Be Boys, Except When They Are Girls Venice, CA: BEACH OF THE LIVING DEAD Why the Smollett affair was a win for the Left Politics and civility: “I’m done with my grandfather,” a friend confided in me after a recent family gathering. If political disagreements are more important than family and friends, you have a real problem VDH: Yes, ‘This Is America, 2019’ Bill Maher To Amazon: Please Move To A Red State And Save These People From Their Garbage Culture ONCE AGAIN… Liberal Media to Flood Airwaves with Russia Conspiracy Stories As Trump Arrives for Historic Hanoi Summit Democrats Are Wrapping a Gift for Trump President Trump has made unthinkable progress on Korea: Rep. Babin A book: The Vietnam War Revisited Is Theresa May the UK's Jimmy Carter? Tommy Robinson permanently banned by Facebook and Instagram China’s “Social Credit” System Is Already Blacklisting Many Citizens Tuesday, February 26. 2019Tuesday morning links Fake hate is good Transgender Sprinters Finish 1st, 2nd At Connecticut Girls Indoor Track Championships
Fake hate is good HOW TO FAKE A HATE CRIME AND GET AWAY WITH IT - Lessons for Jussie Smollett and the Left.
Hollywood Stars Under Attack for Attending Bible-Believing Churches Strong Arctic sea-ice growth this year Ocasio-Cortez: People Maybe Shouldn’t Reproduce Due To Climate Change Open Borders Advocates Pitch “Food Insecurity” As Means For Asylum The Left’s Rage Against ‘MAGA’ A Constitution which would allow Trump to be elected must be flawed Projection: Lawyer Who Served in Obama Admin Worries Trump Might Not Accept a 2020 Defeat Ready for Hillary one more time? Reconciling ‘Spygate’ With The ‘Soft Coup’ – Five Phases That Explain The Behavior… Danny Burch, a U.S. citizen, had been imprisoned in war torn Yemen for the past year and a half. His release marks the 20th American rescued from abroad by the Trump administration. Love Him Or Hate Him, Trump Is Right About North Korea Guardian: Say what you will about Trump, but his tactics on North Korea are working France President May Ban Non-PC Language Users from Internet for Life Monday, February 25. 2019Immigration scam
Asylum claims are the latest immigration scam. If migrants want somewhere else to stay, why not stay in Mexico where the language and culture are similar?
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His best podcast ever?
Is the MSM the real enemy of the country? Is the press trying to make us fight each other? (BTW, Scott is a lefty, claims he is left of Bernie.)
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