Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, May 1. 2014Thursday RondeletBird Dog needs therapy, so you're stuck with me. I imagine he's Half the population of Illinois would move if they could. Sounds low. Hell, I wish I could move to Illinois, just so I could move out of Illinois. 15 "Retronym" Terms in modern usage. Retronym? Hmm. The term the author is looking for most of these terms is "a debasement." Delightful Portraits From Around America, at Slate The photographer, and her audience, aren't accustomed to regular people. He's not obscure, exactly; he's just not universal. Ahmad Jamal in 1959 I don't know about you, but Ahmad Jamal seems cooler than I am. Wired is very concerned that Hackers Can Mess With Traffic Lights to Jam Roads and Reroute Cars Yes, Supreme Court reverses patent judges (again) in 9-0 decision on lawyer fees The Supreme Court wants to ensure lawyers get paid, coming and going. Duh. Driver caught using cell phone jamming device I'm not saying he should have done it. I'm saying I understand. Guess "The Deadliest Animal in the World" before you click this link to Bill Gates' blog I got it wrong. I hereby apologize to my cat. People who can't do much of anything are always astonished that people than can do something can do something else, too. Dustin's Take it from me. Entrepreneurism isn't easy, but it's a porcupine, and all the needles face out.
Institutional memory is important. Lots of things shock the Times -- except shocking things, generally. CEOs get a piece of the action, and talking about it like it's wages is stupid. Me? I just like saying "Marissa Mayer's remuneration" over and over. What happened to you NASA? You used to be cool. How I removed Email From My Life Install of labeling it, threading it, full-screening it, and adding it Google Hangouts, I just answer my emails. Seems easier. He and Marion Barry should star in a buddy picture.
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Wednesday, April 30. 2014Weds. morning excellent link dumpFor Some, Caffeine Addiction Is Dangerous Good grief Is breast truly best? Probably doesn't matter much at all. Most Moms and babies like it, though Whole Foods Quackery G.K. Chesterton in 1000 Words Short sex is pretty normal, it turns out Half of human copulation takes 2 minutes or less. Quickies are efficient, but not so much fun for the gals. Why teens are rebelling against Facebook Dalrymple: I will never complain again Smith College tangled in knots re gender identity Female Performance Artist Shocks the Art World By Staging Event That Doesn't Involve Her Vagina At All New Poll Shows America Is More Racist Than Ever Climate Models Behaving Badly When does reality ever comply with models?
Average Retirement Age In America Hits Record High That's a good thing. Work keeps people young and engaged. Never too late to learn: McGovernite Rides Mobius Loop Who’d a-thunk it? The USPS used its coercive monopoly power to squash the digital mail startup Outbox? A Walmart Fortune, Spreading Charter Schools The NY Times seems to feel that is a bad thing, but they use private schools for their kids and thus have choice Bummer: Your Pets Are Mucho Evil For Climate Change KEYSTONE PROTESTER: Our People Are Willing to Die to Stop Pipeline Good grief. Why not just protest to close the pipeline that heats your house? U. Wisconsin-Madison’s Advanced Pleasure Workshop: Sex Out Loud No, Facts Don’t Matter in Duke Lacrosse Case College ‘Trigger Warnings’ Get Noticed by the MSM Trigger Warnings trigger me Professors decry Disney’s ‘Jungle Book’ as racist, demand a less ‘offensive’ remake Reaping the consequences of “Smart Diplomacy” Related: The leader of the world’s only superpower just “wants to be alone.” To eat his waffle? Many Americans may be uninterested in geopolitics, but the world doesn't feel the same. It's the big game. Why Dennis Prager is Dangerous to Young Conservatives Obama Is Right on Clemency for Non-Violent Drug Offenders - Conservatives have no good reason to caterwaul this time Clemency is one thing, but if the laws are dumb, change the laws Sharyl Attkisson: Obama White House Directed Incorrect Benghazi Narrative Dem congressman: Let’s face it, pretty much all criticism of Obama is racist
The Persistent Survival of Anti-Semitism The Iraqi Military’s Downward Tuesday, April 29. 2014Tuesday morning linksCould we live longer by eating less? Probably, but how long do you want to live? What the Heck Do I Do with Dandelion Greens? These weedy pests should be on your next dinner plate What the Heck Do I Do with Dandelion Greens?These weedy pests should be on your next dinner plateRead more: Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter NYC: Above-ground remnants of the Croton Aqueduct 5 of the Biggest Myths About Pain UK centre to shoot for nuclear fusion record Let’s Kill the Media’s Stereotype of ‘Incompetent Dads’ Behold: the two absolutely worst arguments against homeschooling Crazy in Colorado, or are male philosophy profs really sexist pigs? Making cost-benefit college choices - Students should use ‘Man Up,’ ‘Don’t Be A Pussy’ Labeled Offensive Language at Duke University The gospel according to Hillary Clinton "I guess I'm a racist" So What? ‘Check your donor lists’: Paul Begala advises conservatives not to defend Donald Sterling; Instapundit leads schooling The Good News about Racism in America The Guardian tries to claim global warming sank the Titanic – research says the exact opposite Best comment there: "It would be nice to know if there was something global warming and CO2 weren’t the root cause of." Why does Minneapolis hate America? A Doctor's Declaration of Independence - It's time to defy health-care mandates issued by bureaucrats not in the healing profession:
Clinton Library's Doc Dump Reveals CRA Fueled Subprime Bubble George Will: 'Global Warming is Socialism by the Back Door' David Horowitz: Who Are Our Adversaries? Conservatives must wake up to the true nature of the people many still call “liberals.” Memo To Dr. Yellen: Don’t Look Now But The Wealth Effect Is Over Straight talk about gay Republican congressional candidate Carl DeMaioThe Good News about Racism in America
Monday, April 28. 2014My cold, dead handsThe EPA Is Going to Regulate Wood-Burning Fireplaces Out of Existence That is not from The Onion. Wood stoves and furnaces, and charcoal grills too. These bureaucrats are crazy and drunk with power. "Everything that is not banned should be mandatory." Your moral and intellectual superiors say so. It's all for the best, for the greater good. Trust them. Monday morning linksWayne LaPierre: "‘Gun Rights Have Become a Metaphor for Something Larger" Car of the future: Introducing the Envia Discord 2015 Will 'self-cleaning' paint eliminate car washing? NY teen entrepreneur taps maple syrup profits Connecticut Dems Sponsor Bill to Ban Whole And 2% Milk in Day Care Centers Idiots. Kids need whole milk. Brain development needs those fats. Texas family plagued with ailments gets $3M in 1st-of-its-kind fracking judgment Scammer plaintiffs? Idiot jury? Nosebleeds? Cape Wind's unlucky 13 years Windmills, etc.: Microwaves of the Desert; Cuisinarts of the Sky Partners in Ethanol Crime - The corn-fuel mandate has been an invitation to mass fraud. It’s Official: At Dartmouth, The Word ‘Fiesta’ Is Racist And White People Can’t Use It What about siesta? Taco? University of Hawaii (Hilo): Our students are easily intimidated, need to be protected from people handing out literature UNC fake-classes whistleblower resigns after meeting with Carol Folt EMT Instructor Deemed Insufficiently ‘Sensitive to Diversity’ Vindicated Good grief Oligarchy in the Twenty-First Century - Column: Think rich conservatives rule the world? Think again. The vast majority of the mega-rich in the US are Dem supporters Obamacare deals blow to one-doctor medicine The NR reviews the Michael Mann lawsuit Top climate expert's sensational claim of government meddling in crucial UN report How Michael Lewis is hurting, not helping, the stock market Sunday, April 27. 2014Livable. But Ugly
I am more intrigued by a 3-D printed home than by the tiny house 'movement'. Democrats Can't Be Racist, Can They?
However, the show spent all of maybe 20 seconds discussing Sterling with Dem. Senator Clarie McCaskill before she shifted the discussion to a bill she is working on. I wonder why? Oh, here it is! Sterling has a 100% track record of Democratic donations. In addition, Sterling has another honor Personally, I thought Doc Rivers' son, Jeremiah, had the best response.
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Saturday, April 26. 2014Why can't we all just get along?
You might not be interested in geopolitics, but geopolitics is interested in you. A good summary, from Mead: The Return of Geopolitics - The Revenge of the Revisionist Powers
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Too much ice?Alaskan Polar Bears Threatened…By Too Much Spring Ice. They do acknowledge the rather obvious fact that bears have legs and go to where the food is. They can swim for miles, too, and seem to like to do that.
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Saturday morning links A reader sent that pic of an Osprey last week Pet duck attack leads to neighbor's $275,000 injury lawsuit Warren: Of music & politics Code Duello: The Rules of Dueling McInnes defends drug use Traditional taxi cartels are doomed as on-demand ridesharing services take off Vanguard’s Bogle: “It’s Better To Have High-Frequency Trading Than Not” The Folly of Germany’s Plan to Lower Its Retirement Age A brief summary of Cultural Marxism Warmists Attempting To Kill Ikea Store In California Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Western Feminists Life Safe, Soft Decadent Lives, Why Does Nation Tolerate A Habitual Liar As President? Hamas TV celebrates jihad murder of Israelis: “Our harvest is your heads” Williamson on the politics of poverty Student Loan Forgiveness--A Get-Out-the-Vote Rip-off Time to Rethink Basic Logic of Friday, April 25. 2014Friday morning links
My pic above is Newport, RI. Nice little town in the most corrupt mob-union state in the US. Mark Twain on dueling Nutrition should be considered folklore A book: Music at Midnight: The Life and Poetry of George Herbert The deadly war on e-cigarettes Limbaugh Back After Week Off for Second Cochlear Implant Ladies' Home Journal to End 130-Year Run as Regular Magazine *Music at Midnight: The Life and Poetry of George Herbert* - See more at: Student Goverment Votes to Change Oppresive, Racist ‘Utah Man’ Fight Song The most interesting dilemmas are moral dilemmas. The Dutch and their Moroccans Asian-Americans, affirmative action, and the Russia, India, China planning epic $30 Billion Oil Pipeline that could shift the Geopolitical balance Guess Who Makes More Than Bankers: Bank Regulators Why it pays to be an environmental skeptic How did Harry Reid get so rich? Even the WaPo: Keystone XL’s continued delay is absurd SEAN HANNITY Responds to Cliven Bundy’s “Beyond Repugnant, Beyond Despicable” Racist Comments Al Gore Is Not Giving Up Small Businesses Figure Out How to Cope With Obamacare Thursday, April 24. 2014Nora Gardner update
Our favorite designer of professional womenswear (see Forbes: Nora Gardner Turns A Careerwear Challenge Into Winning Looks) has come out with... ... a line of men's polo shirts with her seahorse logo. It's Spring up here, so I'm gonna get me one, in black. Be the first guy on your block to have one. Those Brooks Brother's dead sheep logos are so dorky, and the Ralph Lauren polo player is just plain gay, and nobody wants to be gay unless they are. A seahorse is cool, like Neptune. Photo is a Nora Gardner day-to-night dress. Thursday morning linksThe US geography of chain coffee shops Get Ready for Powdered Alcohol to Hit Liquor Stores This Fall Bridal Lingerie Trends 2014 The Salmon are back! But the enviros are not happy DH Lawrence, the f-word, and cold-hearted sex Who Has It Worse? Women In America Or Elsewhere? Why Do Teachers Complain So Much? The world-wide Rise of the Fatty Is Sitting For Long Hours The New Smoking? Why Are Extreme Weather Events Becoming Less Common?' Cuz of global warmening, of course Adding to ye olde blogroll: The Federalist Matt Walsh hates affirmative action The Dem Mead on Inequality Today: The Left-Liberal Narrative Justice Sotomayor and the affirmative action bitter-enders have lost bigtime Raced-Based Preferences Forever:
I'll ask it again - what race is Obama? Science and politics in the academy today Pelosi: Republicans Take Food Out of the Mouths of Black People Yuk. Why do Republicans always do that? Wednesday, April 23. 2014You Didn't Build That, and We Want More
Continue reading "You Didn't Build That, and We Want More"
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Wednesday morning links
A reader sent that pic of an American Egret in New England, with dramatic breeding plumage. Nepal's Sherpas Cancel the 2014 Climbing Season Good riddance. The entire Everest Carnival is plain stupid. Unemployed Sherpas are welcome to apply for work at the Farm. The 7500 Square Foot Soho Loft That Just Sold For $27 Million Who makes mysterious rectangular tree holes? Exploding student debt threatens families The American Middle Class Is No Longer the World’s Richest Re Piketty: New Book Argues Higher Taxes Needed To End Wealth Disparities We need more capitalism, not less: Piketty Gets It Wrong - Instead of berating capitalists, we need to make it easier for workers to join their ranks. In the US, it's not the 0.01% of movie stars, rock stars, sports stars, hedgie stars, and NYC heiresses. It's the other end - single parents. Anyway, Piketty is French and thus not worth thinking about. Video: Best campaign ad of the cycle?
Voters can bar racial discrimination by their government, for now Mozilla, Duck Dynasty, Chick-fil-A, and the politicization of everything Obama planning expansion of clemency for “thousands” of non-violent offenders I entirely agree with the administration on that. In fact, I would go much further. Sotomayor Attacks John Roberts' Views On Race As 'Out Of Touch With Reality' Whoa Re Sotomayor: "Her argument amounts to an assertion that a ban on racial discrimination CARSON: When government looks more like foe than friend - Feds who send arms against ranch families betray American values Tuesday, April 22. 2014Tuesday morning linksDoes dressing nicely for church matter? Or does looking good matter, in general? Oh noes: A salt crisis Government intervention needed immediately to improve the plebs against their will! Oklahoma will charge homeowners who generate their own power ...if it moves, tax it.... Jim DeMint: ‘Big Government Benefits the Rich’ George Will: Democrats are making income inequality worse Sen. Harry Reid’s baseless ‘domestic terror’ accusations Drudge juxtaposes:
Does the need to maintain a successful political community create an obligation to obey the law? Rudolf Havenstein Draghi Speaks: Debt Default Is Our Aim; Hidden Wage Depreciation Is Our Means Tackling ‘Placetimematter’ - Educational researchers study the darnedest things. Climategate in review See what they’ll be teaching in the Chicago public schools That will help the kids improve themselves New Study Finds That Even the Good Kind of Ethanol is Terrible Monday, April 21. 2014Monday morning linksWhen Lenin backtracked on Bolshevism Hottest magazine right now for young women: Real Simple Why It's a Big Deal That Half of the Great Lakes Are Still Covered in Ice Shortest US graduation speech ever? Nobel economist Thomas Sargent’s list of 12 valuable economic lessons De Blasio vs. carriage horses What about the Amish horses? Under The Streets Of Naples, A Way Out For Local Kids Over the Hill? Cognitive Speeds Peak at Age 24 An Obituary For High Frequency Trading: The Adaptive Genius Of Rigged Markets I don't think HFT is so bad Marxism is back, and Thomas Piketty’s new book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” might be its new Bible. But both Politics as class warfare Our Nudge in Chief: How, and why, Cass Sunstein believes laws and public policies should help save us from our irrational impulses His faith in the sublime wisdom of politicians, bureaucrats and experts amazes me. Hinderaker: The War On Standards Comes to College Debate Liberals now love Barry Goldwater, but his 1964 loss won the GOP’s future Resegregation in the American South - Sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education, the schools in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, show how separate and unequal education is coming back. Taranto: "This column probably isn't the first to notice a recent intensification of liberal and Democratic rhetoric about race." Bundy Family Unearths BLM Mass Cattle Grave Krauthammer on how campaign disclosure got screwed up Al Gore dupes 9000 people in Hawaii, insults the rest WH Counterterror Chief: Parents Need to Watch for ‘Sudden Personality Changes in Their Children’ Dem consultants telling candidates not to use the word 'recovery' Or the word Obamacare Warmists explain that skeptics have mental problems Good grief The United States of SWAT? Military-style units from government agencies are wreaking havoc on non-violent citizens. “86M Full-Time Private-Sector Workers Sustain 148M Benefit Takers” Pro-Labor Media Group Resists Own Staff’s Unionization Somin: Speed limits, immigration, and the duty to obey the law Study: Fuels from corn waste The Middle East War on Christians - Muslim-majority nations are doing to followers of Jesus what they did to the Jews. Big Revamp of Pentagon’s Troubled Mission to Find Missing Soldiers Looks a Lot Like Old Revamp “86M
Full-Time Private-Sector Workers Sustain 148M Benefit Takers” - See more at: Friday, April 18. 2014A Greenie Warmist explainsVia Am. Thinker, explaining the deep thinking of a Soros employee:
What about dinosaurs? And the "rightness of ice"? Ice is never right in a gin Martini but, OK, it is right in a Mint Julip and in a Coke with a lime. The guy sounds psychotic to me. Word salad.
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Friday morning linksDuke Porn Star Inspires Other Co-Eds to Become Strippers Why not become whores? Adultery site big in Japan where marriage reigns 10 Most Disappointing Destinations in the World Oh, No, Not Another College Tour! Every school has gone green. How about telling us something interesting? In the business world, it's called "green marketing." It's gone out of style though. Wild Horse Crisis - What’s the best way to control an invasive species: Round them up or shoot them? Hardly a crisis, I think. There used to be bison, before that wild camels and all sorts of ungulates in the American West. The Indians killed 'em all except for the bison. What is best? I don't know. The wild horses are eating the food of the cattle. Bloomberg Plans a $50 Million Challenge to the N.R.A. Bloomberg always wants people to be just like him, like an old-time NY Jewish mother. "It's raining. Put on your rubbers or you'll catch a cold." Otherwise, he'll try to make laws to make you act that way. NBC Suddenly Loves Outside Money in Politics When It’s Michael Bloomberg Why Crony Capitalist Brats Make Me ILL Antisemitism Explained From An Objectivist Perspective There is a lot packed into that essay Also, a lot in this one: Blame George Washington - The first president and the origins of American corporate welfare - link fixed Should We Force People to Save for Retirement? How government medical care in Russia takes care of cancer patients An amusing Klavan vid here, discussing Libs and Conservatives. Yes, he is an ex-Lib, like so many of us. Al Gore Calls Global Warming Skeptics “Immoral, Unethical And Despicable”… That's me! Censorship is Coming! New Jersey College Silences a Professor Over a ‘Game of Thrones’ T-shirt High School Girl Screamed at for Carrying Bible in Hallway Peter LaBarbera Arrested for Professing Christianity in Canada Warmist Scot Lehigh: This Democracy Thing Is Bad For Climate Change Steyn: The slow death of free speech - How the Left, here and abroad, is trying to shut down debate — from Islam and Israel to global warming and gay marriage Krauthammer Against the Tyrants - It's official: The Left is out of control. Proposed Common Core standards omit ‘liberty’ from list of America’s founding principles A voice from an American rebel: The Pig Trap Selfless Crusader Against Income Inequality to Heroically Accept White House: “Weather practically everywhere is being caused by climate change” When I was a kid, there didn't use to be weather, but I blame the Weather Channel. Telling ‘Noble Lies’ About Climate Change Will Backfire - Doing the right things for the wrong reasons is a serious mistake Megan McArdle goes off on suspicious Census Bureau/Obamacare methodology switch Sultan on Passover: From slavery to freedom Thursday, April 17. 2014Thursday morning linksPhoto is Czech Easter eggs The iPad is everywhere, Android tablets not so much Brief excerpt from the video The invention of the teenager This 300 ft Wall in Bolivia has over 5000 Dinosaur Footprints A Christian pastor’s Passover sermon As an American, I disapprove of the glorification of presidents Not a Joke→ UN Says Vacuuming CO2 Out of Air May Be Only Way to Save Planet Earth L.I. High School Students Suspended Indefinitely For Displaying Confederate Flag What's wrong with that? Is the wind lobby’s most precious subsidy finally losing steam in Congress? Hope so Military Satire Site Rips at Fort Hood ‘Workplace Violence’ Designation What the Left and Right Both Get Wrong About the Moynihan Report Brandeis Feminists Fail the Historical Moment Who Was Ho Chi Minh? A Deceitful Mass Murderer. Israeli workers pay less income tax than workers in the US or Europe, a new Wednesday, April 16. 2014Wednesday afternoon linksYour tax dollars at work: Review: The Traveling Government Global Warming Play IRS data: The top 1% pay 37% of all taxes, the bottom half pay 2%, a blubbering David Letterman can’t believe the facts Voting with your feet and the meaning of Passover Bookworm: My annual Passover post Why Most Brazilian Women Get C-Sections Northwestern U hosts event for female students who are ‘having trouble masturbating’ Sowell: Women and Statistical Frauds Dr. Helen: Sexism Sent Me To the ER! How’s That New Replay System Working Out For Ya, Major League Baseball? EPA Concedes: We Can’t Produce All the Data Justifying Clean Air Rules Those evil Koch Bros: Dem donors How the Dems are The Paranoid Party Brandeis University Faculty Sent Letter Demanding School Rescind Ayaan Hirsi Ali Honorary Degree “EPA
Concedes: We Can’t Produce All the Data Justifying Clean Air Rules” - See more at: Wednesday morning linksWe have snow this morning. How about you? Image is via Am. Digest Critics of the SAT and other standardized testing are disregarding the data. All tests are elitist and racist. The science is settled. What emotion is driving the market now? What I learned as a liberal talking head on Fox News Yet Another New Low In Economic Reporting At The New York Times Progressive Puritans - From e-cigarettes to sex classifieds, the once-transgressive left tries to criminalize fun. Rand Paul’s foreign policy extremism Donald Rumsfeld declares war on IRS Terrible Tenure - Are 98 percent of California’s teachers worthy of jobs for life? How the Obama administration turned the latest IPCC report into meaningless gobbledegook “I just filed my taxes and I’m getting 400 dollars from the federal government!” Tuesday, April 15. 2014Tuesday morning linksImage via Our Psychodramatic Campuses Bad Mad Men's Creator: Don Draper Represents American Society - A conversation with Matthew Weiner about anti-heroes, why Good Tax Day! Now Comes the Great Refund Rip-off - Steal an identity, file a return and, presto, the IRS wires cash to your prepaid debit card. Bad Brit Hume: Holder's, Obama's Racial Appeals "Crybaby Stuff;" Both Over-Regulation is strangling innovation — and even safety How Being a Doctor Became the Most Miserable Profession Food Stamp Recipients Outnumber Women Who Work Full-Time Company unveils first age-verifying, pot vending machine Ten Welfare-Reform Lessons from NYC Vermont's Single-Payer Dream Is Taxpayer Nightmare Obama Admin Bans Junk Food in Schools Explain to me how this is the Federal govt's job 90% of NY Gun Owners Refusing SAFE Act Registration? 90% of NY Gun Owners Refusing SAFE Act Registration? Read more at A Century of Anti-Semitism on the American College Campus Chart below via How To Get A Job Despite The Economy
A Century of Anti-Semitism on the American College Campus
Read more at: | SPME Monday, April 14. 2014You just have to laugh
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Correction: Total Lunar Eclipse is very late tonight, in the USThanks, reader. I didn't realize about GMT etc. Worldwide Times to view. Around here, it's viewable 3 AM tomorrow morning. Try a triple espresso, or set the alarm. Blood Moon, etc., perfect for tax day.
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