Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, August 6. 2015Thursday morning links
Graph above via Carpe Giant Mystery Ring of Galaxies Should Not Exist Advertising the 1950s: These 60-Year-Old Car Ads Are Cool ‘Three Little Pigs’ — a fairy-tale nightmare for NYC schools The Politics of Delusion - Mayor Bill de Blasio’s radical dreams are leading straight to chaos. Kirsten Powers: I've got news for Democrats. It's a baby! The Employment and Income Effects of Raising America’s Minimum Wage to $12 and to $15 per Hour Professor arrested in racial profiling hoax Mark Levin to Rising Generation: Will You Choose Freedom? Crushing the Poor & Middle Class with the EPA Hillary Clinton Put on Southern Accent for South Carolina Democratic Chairman Britain Rolls Out Red Carpet for Illegal Immigrants From Africa I Will Always Remember Where I Was When Cecil The Lion Was Killed Tokyo Ascending: Abe’s New Defense Strategy Assessing the Iran Nuclear Agreement and The Washington Institute’s Iran Study Group June 24 Policy Statement Iran: U.S. Banned from Knowing Details of Iran Nuclear Inspection Agreement Very Smart Diplomacy: Creating Desert Storm's Effective Coalition State Department watered down human trafficking report Britain
Rolls Out Red Carpet for Illegal Immigrants From Africa - See more at: Wednesday, August 5. 2015Amusingly insaneWe do not make fun of true mental ailments here because there is nothing funny about them, but sometimes we encounter relatively-normal people who sound totally batshit crazy. Not sometimes, often. Good example: Undone By Her Radical ‘Do. "New frontiers of outrage." Annah Anti-Palindrome is “a Bay Area-based writer, musician, optical sound-smith and queer/femme antagonist.” Wow. She sounds mighty talented but she seems to be all about her hair style. Probably lives on the dole. Heck, reality and haircuts are difficult for everybody. I try to be understanding towards those who avoid reality, but there are always plenty enough nuts around to make you feel normal within your own "community." The internet says 2% of people are Borderline psychotics living in a mental world between ordinary and totally nuts. That 2% manages to get plenty of press if only for entertainment value.
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Wednesday morning linksFDA Report Finds Food Prevents Hunger 98% Of Time When Properly Used
How do we know the age of the Universe? 1936 Film Perfectly Explains How a Manual Transmission Works (h/t Insty) Giant gates to Goliath's home discovered: Monumental fortification belonging to the Biblical city of Philistine Gath unearthed Why Millennials Are Still Living with Their Parents Uber Battle in New York Shows the Problems and Promise of the Sharing Economy From Milton Friedman’s greatest hits
How to Read a Legal Opinion: A Guide Discouraging News on College-Bound Black Students New York’s grade-fixing scandal was entirely predictable — and predicted Not enough boys in college? The Immigration Onslaught Continues The H-1B Visa Program Gives American Workers a Raw Deal Netherlands abandoning multiculturalism Gov't watchdogs urge Congress to reverse Obama administration IG crackdown Has the Justice Department Seized Hillary’s Server? If Not, Why Not? German critics blast Berlin over economic minister’s ‘scandalous’ trip to Tehran Tuesday, August 4. 2015Impressions From Last Night's GOP Speed Dating Event
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Tuesday morning links
Find out what your DNA says about you and your family New York guys flee ‘Trainwreck’ women You’re 100% Wrong About Showering 5 Reasons Why Being Immortal Would Suck Rogue waves more than a myth How to Raise Grateful Kids in an Entitled World Funhouse Psychotherapy With Poker Chips - When the casino is a harsh classroom The Decline—and Fall?—of Religious Freedom in America Dutch King: the Party’s Over - RIP, the Welfare State. How Single-Payer Health Care Failed in Progressive Paradise Obama poised to unveil major climate change plan All This for .01 Degrees Celsius? More Green Cards in 10 Years Than Population of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina Combined More Green Cards in 10 Years Than Population of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina Combined - See more at: Hillary Supporters Call For Repealing Bill of Rights - "You can't have the rules of yesteryear now" Why I Think Scott Walker Would Make a Great Foreign-Policy President Russia Is Upgrading S-300 Defense Missiles Intended For Iran Vietnam's Unending Oppression Why Empower Iran? Fences Rise Across Middle East as Jihadi Threat Escalates Who Is Destroying the Palestinian Dream? Monday, August 3. 2015Monday morning linksImage via NYM 5 Rucking Rules Every Backpacker Should Know Uber is just the tip of the iceberg Yes, people do not like to work for a boss.
Thanks Vancouver (BC) for a 40-minute Black Car Wait Company with crowds for hire sees opportunity in politics The Twitter Mob: Society’s New Mechanism for Enforcing Morality Is it a lynch mob or a modern-day stocks? Can College Tenure Survive the 2016 Election? Audit: Too Many Administrators With No One to Administer at Syracuse U. TV legend Norman Lear gives 6 strong opinions about American life How Corporate Welfare Harms Efficiency, Growth And Fairness The Six-Year Slough - New GDP revisions show the worst recovery in 70 years was even weaker. Spending More on Health Care Is Actually Sort of Good Chinese Company Replaces Humans With Robots, Production Skyrockets, Mistakes Disappear Living in Switzerland ruined me for America and its lousy work culture Is the U.S. Ready to Become Scandinavia? Drought, flooding, disease - climate change is already threatening the source of our caffeine fix. Are we facing the end of coffee as we know it Good grief, Now I'm scared! ‘Toxic lunacy': Salon’s concerned editorial to ‘White America’ is both ‘tragic and hilarious’ The New York Times begrudgingly admitted that raising pay arbitrarily to $15 an hour stinks. Congress wonders: Can the nation survive without Planned Parenthood? What if baby parts could cure…malnutrition? Will: Planned Parenthood and the barbarity of America Combative Fiorina targets Bush, Clinton and the media at Koch-funded summit Obama Wants 5-Year Plan: ‘I Guarantee You This Is Not How China’ Handles Its Infrastructure Navy to Charge Officer Who Fired on Islamist During Chattanooga Terror Attack Here Comes Puerto Rico’s Default A Home Without young Yazidi Slave Girls Is So Boring Venezuela Increasingly Looks Like A War Zone More "bad luck" for Venezuela as the phones go out. DEMOCRAT POLICIES WORK! Which country is out of food, pays doctors $15 a month, and has no beer? The UK: Migrants think our streets are paved with gold Behind the Lines: Erdogan’s bait and switch Saturday, August 1. 2015Uber
Related, SOCIALISM ALWAYS STARTS WITH THE SAME PROMISES AND END WITH THE SAME DISASTERS More: L.A. City Council Wants to Make Life Worse For People Trying to Get from LA's Main Airport: Uber shows-not-tells the people why legal transportation cartels suck
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Saturday morning linksPhoto of the new American rural landscape Texas man shoots armadillo, gets hit in face by bullet ricochet Man shoots drone trespassing over his property and is arrested That dude could easily be me. I would do that. Why My Kitchen Floor is Always Disgusting How And When To Harvest Potatoes Five Facts About Chiropractic That Might Make You Reconsider Getting Your Back Cracked UC Irvine Applications Offer Six Options for Gender I am royalty born in a commoner's body, and society is discriminating against me UC Irvine Applications Offer Six Options for Gender - See more at: Who knew that jumping out of planes was safer than getting out of bed? Interview With a Drug War Casualty Marion Zimmer Bradley: “Children are brainwashed into believing they don’t want sex.” The Colossal Hoax Of Organic Agriculture:
Laughing Over Dead Babies? Media Bored Rock musicians vowed to smash capitalism and to “imagine no possessions.” What’s the problem here? What "Everyday American" Would Pay $600 For This Haircut? "... after fifty years of structuring everything in Europe to prevent German hegemony, is it really a big surprise that Germany isn’t well set up to act as a hegemon?" Planned Parenthood’s Mammogram Lie At this point, municipalities across the country need to seriously consider refraining from applying for Community Development Block Grants and other grant programs sponsored by HUD. In Michigan, Bad News for Unions with Hands in Workers’ Pockets - State supreme court upholds right-to-work for public employees. Asymmetrical politics: Republicans act like an unruly mob, Democrats like a regimented army Immigration As Obama's Vehicle For 'Fundamentally Transforming' America Obama Throws The Base A Bone, Will Offer Federal Student Aid To Prisoners Clinton touts 'passionate commitment to helping people' Central Planning Emerges As a Classic Error In Clinton’s Strategy
I'm sure she calls us plebes, not proles. I know her type. Hillary Clinton's camp fears a new 'bimbo eruption' will put the kibosh on candidacy - especially from Gennifer Flowers who claimed Bill liked to be blindfolded and tied up with silk scarves and called his wife 'Hilla the Hun' Hillary Clinton has never won a competitive election. Hillary’s Friends in High Places - Everyone—from her aides to the State and Justice departments—is bending over backward to protect her. Theodore Dalrymple - David Cameron’s Muslim Muddle WHEN “MIGRANTS” BECOME SUFFICIENTLY NUMEROUS AND VIOLENTLY INSISTENT, THEY’RE CALLED “INVADERS Undermining the US military - Along with budget reduction, the armed forces must endure social engineering What Obama doesn’t want us to know on Gitmo closure The Ayatollah's Plan for Israel and Palestine Rutgers Prof Deepa Kumar Criticized for ISIS Tweet; Complains of 'Death Threats' Friday, July 31. 2015Friday morning linksA big game hunter speaks (short vid) Who's Afraid of Uber? I Used Windows 10 And Survived, And You Can Too For the love of God, stop dressing like crap Would you let your 12-year-old daughter sleep in a tent with an 18-year-old boy? Robert F. Turner: Thomas Jefferson and slavery Study: Claim That “97% Of Climate Scientists Agree” Is Really Just 47%… Washington, D.C. Sinking, So, We Totally Need To Discuss Climate Change The Chappaqua Case: The Feds Muscle In on Local Zoning Laws The Regulatory State’s War against ordinary Modern Life Why Do So Many Working Age Americans Choose Not To Enter The Workforce? Raising Children Contributes to 43% of American Poverty White House Says Planned Parenthood Videos Are Fake Undercover Journalists Have NINE More Planned Parenthood Videos In The Can Abortion word games come to end Sen. Ernst: Funds Will Still Be Available for Women’s Health Services, Just Not for Planned Parenthood Hidden Motives Behind the Huge GOP Primary - Sixteen Republicans are running for president. Why is the roster so large? DNC Chair FREEZES-CAN’T ANSWER=> ‘What’s the Difference Between Democrat Party and Socialist?’ Jeb Bush Takes Positions on Climate Change, EPA Rules, Other Energy Issues Pay Attention Republicans — Especially You, Mr. Trump Pay Attention Republicans — Especially You, Mr. Trump - See more at: Revelations put Clinton in crosshairs of broadening inquiry into whether she mishandled classified information U.S. intel preparing for massive breach of classified data in Hillary Clinton emails From Hill-ary To Mountain-ary - How UBS Sent Millions To The Clintons After Saving The Bank In 2009 A.B. Stoddard: Clinton must be joking:
Why Hillary Clinton keeps falling in the polls The Truth About Western 'Colonialism' - How the misuse of a term legitimizes the jihadist myth of Western guilt. Facebook: Marine Corps emblem violates community standards Top French Official Contradicts Kerry on Iran Deal India About to Surpass China as World’s Most Populous Country India’s Faltering Economic Revolution: Lost Opportunity, Lost Future Palestinians: A Rare Voice of Sanity Hamas's Child Abuse Camps HuffPost Arabic’s Muslim Brotherhood connections THE BRUTAL REALITIES OF NAVAL STRATEGY Young Africans to Obama: 'Clean your own house first' Thursday, July 30. 2015Let's Talk Honestly About Immigration
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Dead babies vs. dead lionBig game is hunted all the time in Africa, quite legally. All you have to do is pay and the guides will find a convenient target for all of the Bungalow Bills. Poor schmuck shot the wrong one (but with a bow, to his credit). For real heart-wrenching, ‘It’s Another Boy!’ So we progressively humanize animals and dehumanize people. Something wrong there. I am neither pro-abortion nor anti-all abortion. I have been in a moral limbo about it for years while finding the very idea of abortion spiritually revolting. Abortion is not health care. PP abortions should not be funded by taxpayers. They can abort all the lions they want if they have too many. To care more about animals than about humans is the mark of true depravity. To
care more about animals than about humans is the mark of true depravity. - See more at:
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Thursday morning links
"Although I grew up in a union household and surrounded by progressive peers, I kept noticing liberal policies sound good but actually reinforce poor choices. It dawned on me: I’m a conservative." Why Do Government Services So Often Suck So Badly? Mexico Cracks Down on Illegal Aliens From North of the Border Indian restaurant fined for trying to hire Indian waiter Don’t blame ‘evil’ landlords for the free market Is it time for a racial classification system in America? Would Cat-Lovers Give Up Their ‘Pets’ To Save the Earth? What it’s like to be a veteran at one of the most liberal colleges in the country Health Care Costs To Accelerate, Report Says The Co-Founder of Greenpeace Explains Why He Left Atlantic Writer Jeffrey Tayler Wants Christianity Officially Considered a Mental Illness Networks Spend More Time Covering Cecil the Lion Than Planned Parenthood Videos Raising the Minimum Wage Is the Perfect Way to Kill the Summer Job Bernie Sanders schools Vox on immigration Mexico Cracks Down on Illegal Aliens From North of the Border - See more at: Fed Keeps Interest Rates Near Zero, But Increase May Come Later This Year Chinese Stocks Rise After Government Injects $100bn Into Sovereign (Rescue) Fund; Sell-off 'Blame' Shifts To Hong Kong Federal Judge Threatens To Hold IRS Commissioner, DOJ Lawyers in Contempt of Court over Lerner Media Struggling to Ignore Black Mob Violence Unfortunately for Coates’ persuasiveness, white people, unlike blacks, have never actually done anything terribly bad to him. Reporters Covered up Bill Clinton Affair During Hillary’s 2008 Presidential Campaign Linda Tripp: Hillary Clinton Believes Americans Are Little More Than Plebeians If Spending Is Our Military Strategy, Our Strategy Is Bankrupt 10 Ways for America to Deal with the South China Sea Challenge Self-Contradiction, Priorities, Conflict, and Women in the USMC US Military's Bomb Techs Fear Flying IEDs What Information Collected by Israeli Intelligence Reveals About the Iran Talks
Has the U.S. Just Sold Out the Kurds? Turkey and Syria: From Bluff to Buffer TERRORISM TASK FORCE CHAIR: IRAN NUKE DEAL INCREASES HEZBOLLAH THREAT TO US
Wednesday, July 29. 2015Cecil the Lion
I wish I could care about Cecil the Lion, but as much as I think his killer is a bit of an asshole, I'm more disturbed by the outpouring of death threats he has received. More to the point, I'm trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be upset about today? The kid whose body they found in the dumpster or a freaking lion who was killed legally (however much the kill was rigged to be legal, and however much of an ass the guy is, it was legal). Yeah, Cecil is a sad story. Yeah the dentist is probably an idiot. But let's face it - we have a presidential contest about to start and a host of issues here at home that have led us to be concerned about way too much: 1. a moron former first lady who claims she is 'for the people' and gets $600 haircuts, while roping herself off from the people in parades 2. a moron socialist who occasionally says something cool, but is generally an asshole because he wants to pay everyone a minimum of $15 an hour but won't even pay his own staffers that wage - because it's too much. 3. a moron businessman who speaks plainly and pisses people off because running the country isn't the same as running a business. Yeah, he makes a few good points, but he has no shot at winning and even if he did I wouldn't trust him with my tax dollars. 4. a moron president who is no doubt hoping someone will change laws and allow him to run for a third term (while I'd support changing that law, I don't support him) 5. a bunch of morons trying to ban the Confederate battle flag, but not really caring about the 20 other Confederate flags which were equally "racist" then, but have different meanings today. 6. a bunch of morons who think banning guns is a good idea so they created "gun free zones" which have become kill zones - and they believe this supports their cause! 7. a bunch of morons who think certain words are triggers and should be outlawed because they 'offend' The list of things I need to care about is endless. I have to remind myself each day to not offend anyone, to not be myself because someone else may not like what I am or what I stand for, to abide by some of the dumbest laws a nation can devise (and be concerned about others which are certainly headed our way), and generally be sensitive and caring to all people and all animals, all the time, everywhere, no matter what. I'm pissed off about Cecil. But he's a freaking lion and he's thousands of miles away. There will be more lions, and he's not in my backyard. But I'm tired of having to care about every little thing that someone thinks is 'important' to them. I care about me, and my family, and my friends. I care if they are healthy, and I care if someone is impinging on mine, or their rights. So yes, I care. But I really just can't find time in my day to care about Cecil. Sorry. Africa rising?Africa is beginning to go down that dark road towards western-style prosperity, development, and freedom. Like Cuba, see it now before the old Africa disappears. Is "poverty" a Western concept? Masai warriors with iPhones? What next? Disney Africa? Already, there is no "wild Africa" remaining. Its future is like South America.
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Wednesday morning linksDon't forget to throw a few coins to Wikimedia Finding Out How Boa Constrictors Kill Dutee Chand, Female Sprinter With High Testosterone Level, Wins Right to Compete Another Video Released: Planned Parenthood’s Black Market in Baby Parts Palin Asks Which Killed More Black People: Confederate Flag or Planned Parenthood? Order, Please, Not Utopia - Bill de Blasio’s New York has the wrong priorities. FDA: Mexicans Defecating in Farm Fields Getting Americans Sick I hate cilantro anyway Responders Anticipate Possibility of More Illegal Crossers - Border Patrol apprehending about 3,100 people a week International “Scientific” Human Rights Organization Demand That Dante’s “Divine Comedy” Be Banned Bias-Free Language Guide claims the word 'American' is 'problematic' It's a mental illness. Or maybe meant to be satirical. Gun control? Americans increasingly see more guns as the solution, not the problem. Push to Scale Back Sentencing Laws Gains Momentum Prince Charles extends climate doomsday deadline by 33 years Why not 34 years? EPA Chief: Climate Change Is Fact Because Bad Weather Leads the News
Policies like Virginia's new corporate welfare for a local brewery are three sheets to the wind. When government gives tax breaks, working stiffs pay for it Rent Control Makes Sense Only for Politicians. Single-Family Zoning Racist? Seattle Thinks So Why Does The Republican Party Exist? Exodus from Puerto Rico could upend Florida vote in 2016 presidential race Geraldo Rivera Frets Planned Parenthood Scandal ‘Might Put an End’ to ‘Garbage’ Used to ‘Be the Cure for Cancer’ Geraldo Rivera Frets Planned Parenthood Scandal ‘Might Put an End’ to ‘Garbage’ Used to ‘Be the Cure for Cancer’ - See more at: Carly the Communicator Clinton campaign pledges to be carbon neutral, aide says Good grief Wall Street is in Hillary Clinton's corner Clinton's New Email Fuss Is No Scandal Hillary Clinton’s $600 haircut puts Bergdorf on lockdown It’s Official: Jon Stewart is an Obama Shill UK Government Admits 250,000 Porn Websites Visited On Parliament PCs Naughty boys A detailed review of the Iran verification plan
Tuesday, July 28. 2015Clinton-Cosby
A fun, wide-ranging interview. She gets it wrong on Clinton-Cosby though. It's not "wired-differently," it's a refusal to exercise conscience. Low-life pond scum. Most people manage to refrain from doing whatever they might feel like doing. One quote from her re academic craziness:
Related, in part, Woman who accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment launches anti-Hillary website to recruit other 'victims' and chronicle
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Tuesday morning linksChristianity: Now Isn’t the Time to Flee the Public Square You don't actually need to drink 8 glasses of water a day Tatanka Iyotaka, more commonly known as Sitting Bull Panasonic gives factory workers superhuman strength using an exoskeleton No Wonder Insurers Want to Merge I'm really glad I grew up a tomboy before all this gender confusion stuff came into vogue. ‘Student Voices’ Exposes Anti-Semitism in the College Classroom ‘I’m No Longer Afraid’: 35 Women Tell Their Stories About Being Assaulted by Bill Cosby, and the Culture That Wouldn’t Listen Male Feminist: ‘I Hate That I Love to Grill’ Because It’s ‘So Conventionally Masculine’ Ezra Levant: ‘Crazy’ prosecutions Go get 'em, Ezra John Oliver Slams Mandatory Minimums - He emphasizes the importance of making shorter sentences retroactive. I agree One-Fifth of El Salvador, Estimated One-Quarter of Mexico Now Living Inside USA Sheesh Illegal Aliens Outnumber Unemployed Americans African-Americans lose out when immigration favors low-skill labor. Ta-Nehisi Coates: America’s Next Top Victim - You owe us for slavery. Now enslave us all over again. This Week in Progressive Lunacy: Air Conditioning is Sexist FCC Should Fine People For ‘Misgendering’ Transgenders, Says NBC’s ‘Black Contributor’ Liberals worry that workers with specialized skills make more money Three for the Money: Carly, Walker, and Cruz Mitchell: Experts can find no reason for a private e-mail system except to thwart oversight Duh Nigh Inconceivably Stupid Would Be a Fair Phrase For Clinton’s Tax Hike Hillary Clinton boarding private jet just hours after launching global-warming push – and she's using a FRENCH aircraft Why Obama blames the right for everything What Militarism Means - Its perfect symbol isn’t Prussia, it’s the F-35. U.S. State Dept. Bars Christians from Testifying about Persecution How Obama Misunderstands LBJ’s Vietnam History How Obama’s Poor Judgment Led to the Chinese Hack of OPM Falsifying the Six-Day War - As Censored Voices makes its American debut, my advice to American Jews is this: save your tears—the Six-Day War was decently waged and morally just. Obama presents a false dichotomy on Iran Arab Immigration to Historic Palestine: A Survey by Richard Mather Monday, July 27. 2015#BlackLivesMatter Movement “A Very Tragic Diversion”
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Monday morning linksImage via Moonbattery If Male Musicians Were Described The Same Way As Female Musicians Woman who shot alleged attacker may have slain a serial killer, police say NASA estimates 1 billion ‘Earths’ in our galaxy alone Where Does the Bible Say Extra-Marital Sex is Wrong? The big picture of God's design for sex. Call off the bee-pocalypse: U.S. honeybee colonies hit a 20-year high Honeybees are not native to North America When I worked at Marxism Today, my desire to At Anti-Bullying Conference, Middle Schoolers Learn About Lesbian Strap-On Anal Sex, Fake Testicles SOCIAL JUSTICE BULLIES: THE AUTHORITARIANISM OF MILLENNIAL SOCIAL JUSTICE. The New York Times' Nail-Salon Exploitation Narrative Is Falling Apart - Another case of advocacy journalism proving full of factual inaccuracies. "... why stop at Jefferson and Jackson?" Supremely Naive: The Impact of Southworth on the "Marketplace of Ideas" Ultimate Proof Green Energy is About Cronyism, Not the Environment Charles Murray’s Prescription for American Government Steve King: Chamber of Commerce for 'cheap labor at any cost' Obama Admin Plans More Executive Action on Immigration DNC speaks to empty College Democrat event Democrats’ handout strategy is failing Carly Fiorina Shows Us How It's Done As Hillary! Craters, Democrats Search for Panic Button VDH: Obama’s Dangerous Rhetoric As Military Strength Plummets, the New York Times Cheers Cutbacks Hungary’s Orban Urges Hard Line Over Migrants in ‘Broken’ Europe Iran vows to bar international inspectors from military sites Why I oppose the president’s nuclear deal with Iran Iranian FM: Using Ballistic Missiles No Violation of N. Agreement Sunday, July 26. 2015Carly is cool
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Saturday, July 25. 2015Bicycling and prices
Man, I love this amazing city with one surprise after another. Citibike (subsidized, I believe) price is good, but I constantly wonder about this: Financial Prices Should Be Discovered, Not Administered. Central bankers think they are smarter than markets. They should be abolished. Mayor DeBlasio hates Uber, as does Hillary!. Everybody else loves it. Let the market (the people) decide: Uber Wins a Battle With New York, Now It’s War. What an arrogant jerk, just like our last mayor. Not enough government controls on enterprise? I am out on the town tonight, boating and fishing next weekend. Life is good here, despite all the political frustrations. NYC in summer is good stuff, beautiful, intelligent, ambitious, fun people everywhere you go. Just say "Hi." The annoying people are in the Hamptons. Trump for Mayor! Addendum from the Editor below - could not resist -
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Saturday morning linksIn Praise of the Benjamin Button Babes We Are Told Jazz Jennings Is a Girl, yet Boys Aren’t Biting Rutgers Professor: White People Are “The Face Of The Oppressor” All the Illegals Get to Stay Anthem to buy Cigna — and then there were three: 7 key points Colorado Nuns Appeal Birth Control Ruling to Supreme Court IRS Should Avoid Bias Risk in Auditing Nonprofits, GAO Finds New York Times alters Clinton email story HILLARY PUTS ‘FUN CAMPS’ ASIDE TO PROPOSE ‘CARING CORPS.’ Sheesh. She should run on the Fun Camps thing. A winning issue. Hillary Promises Pizza And Free Stuff, But Still Can’t Attract Any Young People To Her Cause Why Scott Walker is so dangerous Walker is not anti-union. He is anti-government employee unions. So was FDR. The real reason he is dangerous is because he rides a Harley, while Hillary! can't drive a car. Italians Finally Rise Up Against ‘Migrants’ - Slow-motion but steady invasion of Europe by Africa and the Middle East gets some pushback. From Foe to Frenemy - Why the United States is Courting Vietnam Hungary expects to complete Serbian border fence by November Get Ready, Japan: Russia Has Its Own Island-Buildup Project Amnesty protests 'staggering execution spree' in Iran Mission to Purge Syria of Chemical Weapons Comes Up Short The Myth of Iran's Peaceful Nuclear Program The President’s Preferred Bad Deal Salman Rushdie on Islam: 'We have learned the wrong lessons' We Are Told Jazz Jennings Is a Girl, yet Boys Aren’t Biting - See more at:
Friday, July 24. 2015Friday morning linksHelicopter Parenting is Mandatory Now Index Funds May Work a Little Too Well The World's Biggest "Hedge Fund", $30 Billion Bigger Than Bridgewater, Remains Mysterious As Ever You Have a Right to Buy and Sell Sex. Will the Courts Protect It By Legalizing Prostitution? It's immoral, but why illegal? It's victimless. This Texas College Produces More CEOs Than The Ivy Leaguers Global warming team iced in Lawmakers Pressed Same-Sex Marriage Issue with Visiting Nigerian President New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to State Economy: 'Drop Dead' Bill de Blasio’s embarrassing Uber defeat — the latest in a string of misguided battles NYT-CBS Poll: Race Relations Bad, Getting Worse Not in my life, they aren't Planned Parenthood Pulls Names of Corporate Donors After Coca-Cola, Ford and Xerox Object In Texas, an illegal immigrant crime wave Obama Admin Plans More Executive Action on Immigration - Proposed rule expands number of illegal immigrants allowed to stay in country How Our Current Immigration System Impedes Black Progress - African-Americans lose out when immigration favors low-skill labor. Trump is Actually Useful: Proves Once and For All That Business Licensing is Corrupted by Politics Democrats drop Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson names from annual fundraising dinner That's Progress! Clinton on candidacy: 'One of the merits is I am a woman' One, or the only? Swedish Countermoonbats Plan Gay Pride Parade Through Muslim Zone Bring popcorn NO JIHAD HERE: MIDDLE EAST STUDIES PROFS ON CHATTANOOGA SHOOTING Thousands take to NYC streets to protest Iran nuclear deal "Refugee Children" Invade Sweden Iran's Prison Archipelago Obama gave Europe control of the Iran sanctions ‘snap back’ mechanism PA education: A recipe for hate and terror Secret Iran Deals Cover Military Site, Other Past Arms Work
Thursday, July 23. 2015Four legs good, two legs badThursday morning linksHow to live without air conditioning The old suburban office park is the new American ghost town Praise music: AVI on Church Music I find it embarassing These Are the Top 20 Cities Americans Are Ditching Via Warren:
College: We Won’t Let You Say That — For Your Own Safety Why? The Argument For Redefining Marriage That Gives Me Pause US Median income falls to a 20-year low Liberals have won a series of victories on social issues. Most Americans aren’t thrilled about it. OBAMA’S ICE DIRECTOR: NO IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT UNTIL AMNESTY IS PASSED Obama: New citizens can skip pledge to take up arms and defend the U.S. What? Unions vs. Obamacare Three Huge Reasons Why the Fed Cannot Let Rates Normalize Jerry Brown considers Climate Change a potential Extinction Level Event Wouldn't that be good for Gaia? Kirsten Powers: Crush Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood videos should appall even pro-choice advocates In defense of PP: The Campaign of Deception Against Planned Parenthood Democrats Seek Federal Investigations of Group Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Venezuelan farmers ordered to hand over produce to state How Goldman Sachs profited from the Greek debt crisis The squid never rests Army chief Odierno, in exit interview, says US could have ‘prevented’ ISIS rise Iran Nuclear Agreement Meets With Public Skepticism - Little Confidence in Iran’s Leaders to Live Up to Deal
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