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Monday, April 14. 2014You just have to laugh
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Correction: Total Lunar Eclipse is very late tonight, in the USThanks, reader. I didn't realize about GMT etc. Worldwide Times to view. Around here, it's viewable 3 AM tomorrow morning. Try a triple espresso, or set the alarm. Blood Moon, etc., perfect for tax day. Monday morning links
I have that - and ADD. Perfect combination. Sears is dying. Why? I think it's more about an obsolete business model than it is about the middle class. Home Depot is packed with people, same with Target, etc. Total Lunar Eclipse tomorrow Charles Murray's advice book is out Canoe thought to be 250 years is 1,000 years old Should the U.S. Adopt the German Model of Apprenticeships? Chicago Teachers Union to It’s not just athletes – college screws everyone The college degree gap: women earned a majority of degrees at all levels in 2012, and the degree gap for blacks is stunning Whether it's bikes or bytes, teens are teens. There's a reason teenagers are so reliant on technology: They don't have the freedom their parents did. NJ Anti-Bullying Law Challenged As First Amendment Violation Over Head Lice Mention Sharyl Attkisson: When I'd Begin Getting Under Surface of an Obama Scandal, CBS Would Pull Me Off Where is the feminist anger at Brandeis? The remarks that the students at Brandeis will not hear The remarks that the students at Brandeis will not hear - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=53281#sthash.FS49XPfj.dpuf Why Aren't Public Officials Held to Account for Lying? Obama Lies about Voter Fraud and DOJ Investigations Before Paranoid Audience Walsh: I don’t respect the president or his office, and neither should you George Will: The Obama Administration’s Cries of Racism Are Becoming a Joke:
Dis-United Kingdom? Harry Reid's 'Koch Brothers' Addiction—in Two Charts A Tale of Two Letters: Why the UN food program inflated amount of oversight it gave to ensuring food really went to the starving in North Korea Hoping for Asylum, Migrants Strain U.S. Border The slaves who live and die on Thailand’s fishing boats What now for European defence spending? Saturday, April 12. 2014Saturday morning links
Why Libs Love Dead Commies - It's cause they're cool, man. Want the youth vote? Be cool. Deep thinkers. Why Munich Went Ahead and Set Up 6 Official 'Urban Naked Zones' Not for Vit D? Is America Still a Fun Country? Bummer: Your TV Is Bad For Climate Change If Bundy Trespass Cows Were Illegal Aliens They’d Get EBT Cards & Obama Phones Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch NYT: Illegal Immigrants Crossing Into South Texas 'in Droves' Massachusetts wants more legal immigrants The incurious media when it comes to Obama admin scandals Blodget: Here's Why I'm Not Selling My Stocks Even Though I Think The Market Might Crash Rethinking Tax Benefits for Home Owners I am opposed to homeowner tax benefits. In the end, all they do is to distort the market and raise the price. Krauthammer: Left Turns Those Who Dare To Disagree Into Pariahs Steyn: "The First Amendment is Not an Area" Well, the area is called America Roots of totalitarian liberalism If you think the sky is falling, check out the prophecies of the 1970s Family Structure and Inequality Common Core Continues Teaching Kids the Most Important Lesson of All: Life is a Fog of Confusion and Every Choice is Wrong Scandinavians have always had a suicidal tendency Friday, April 11. 2014Friday morning links
More update on gravity waves Capt. Capitalism's photos of the Needles District His PhD: Successful and Unemployed Why Physics Teachers Preach Fiction COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS OF PASSOVER Re Mike Adams: Judge Awards Embattled Christian, Conservative Prof $50K – and a Promotion You Can’t Say That! This Is a University! Climate Alarmism? Of Course! The IPCC Was Designed To Create and Promote It. Puerto Rico May Be the Next Big Bailout for U.S. Taxpayers Why won’t you answer my questions about whether your false reporting on Keystone is coordinated with the Democratic Party? Scientists Seek A Burp-less ‘Cow Of The Future’ Eating beans also bad for Gaia Steyn: Only in Canada? Pity. Liberal Media Silent on NBC CEO - Support for Santorum ignored. Where is Tina Fey? Federal Jane Fonda To Be Honored As Example Of Using Fame To Do Good In The As it tallies votes from Wednesday’s election, Indonesia’s economic outlook is Thursday, April 10. 2014Coase's Theorem, Coase's Tortoise, and Range WarCoase’s Tortoise - Federal bureaucracy gets in the way of complex ongoing relationships that serve civil society. Most people have heard of Coase's famous theorem, but don't really know it. A quote:
If the Desert Tortoise (a fine critter, for sure, and one the Indians liked to cook for supper) survived the buffalo, why not the cattle? Thursday morning linksScientists Seek A Burp-less ‘Cow Of The Future’
Why the Gender Gap Won’t Go Away. Ever. Women prefer the mommy track. THE WORLD'S LARGEST FLYING MACHINE Remind me……never, never, never to appear at a function wearing the same dress as Kate Middleton. Would Legalizing Prostitution Free Men’s Sexuality From Female Control? Windows XP support officially ends today, still used by over 25 percent of PCs A Sickness in the Soul - It is time to recognize that academia—including the University of North Carolina—has lost its moral compass. Craven Cowards at Brandeis Cancel Ayaan Hirsi Ali Honor, Cave to Muslim Thugs’ Demands Attacking Jews is fine, but attacking Muslims is not, apparently Hirsi Ali responds. One quote:
Jacobson notes: The silence of Western feminists is still deafening Report: That new $1.6 billion loan-guaranteed solar farm is basically a “mega-trap” for flying wildlife The Amorality of Overregulation Guardian: Call climate change what it is: violence - Social unrest and famine, superstorms and droughts. Places, species and human beings – none will be spared. NY Times: Global Warming Scare Tactics The Obama Administration Lies About Hurricanes The Democrats’ Fake Problems - Democrats, flopping on the economy and health care, try to create new issues. The Democrats Have a Marriage Problem Taranto: Krugman is complaining that conservatives have "monolithic . . . media organizations"--on the website of the New York Times. U.S. Navy to test Avraham Krispin of Tel Aviv still remembers Craven
Cowards at Brandeis Cancel Ayaan Hirsi Ali Honor, Cave to Muslim Thugs’ Demands - See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/04/craven-cowards-brandeis-cancel-ayaan-hirsi-ali-honor-cave-muslim-thugs-demands.html/#sthash.pEZ9pI5a.dpuf Wednesday, April 9. 2014NYC real estateNice pied a terre: 92nd floor of 432 Park Ave. I can pretty much guarantee that this will not be bought by an American, but it will be snapped up fast by some Arab prince, Russian oligarch, South American crony capitalist, or some such international low-life. Nice commission for the realtor. I don't really like the layout (no gun room, no servants' quarters, slave quarters, or space for multiple wives/concubines), but the view sounds good. Related, 50% Taxes When Alive, 50% Taxes When You Die
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Wednesday morning links Organic Food Does Not Reduce Cancer Risk 4 Manly Lessons from the Minor Leagues The Lost Sisterhood and the Case for Libertarian Novels - A best-selling writer explains the power of historical fiction. The mathematical world - Some philosophers think mathematics exists in a mysterious other realm. They’re wrong. Look around: you can see it We May Never Pass This Way Again. GM at a Crossroads. Americans Spend More on Taxes Than Food, Clothing, and Housing Combined Why Obama’s Presidency Has to Be All About Race Now VDH: What is America's foreign strategy? The '77 Cents on the Dollar' Myth About Women's Pay - Once education, marital status and occupations are considered, the 'gender wage gap' all but disappears. Updated list of things caused by global warming The game is up for climate change believers - Charles Moore reviews The Age of Global Warming by Rupert Darwall (Quartet) Via Watts: Isle of Light: A Look Back at the Boat People and the European Left Chinese descendants of Jews return to How do Muslims settle religious arguments with each other? The same way Government as political entrepreneur: Thomas Piketty Is A Darwinian Shill:
Tuesday, April 8. 2014Dartmouth insanity updateTuesday morning links
Extended families are like gold for working moms The mainstreaming of mindfulness meditation Richard Dawkins is so wrong it hurts: What the science-vs.-religion debate ignores Why Do So Many Leftists Want Sex Work to Be the New Normal? Rape Culture Update: Women who rape boys 13-year old boy suspended for twirling pencil in “gun motion” manner Coming out as cisgendered White Privilege explained Millennials and the false 'gospel of nice' Peer-Reviewed Paper Encourages Lying to Promote Global Warming Hoax Second Climate Thoughts - The latest U.N. report tones down the alarmism but ramps up the bad economics. Univision Staffer Rejects RNC Press Release ‘Because I am a Democrat’ Arnold Kling on political ignorance How much do Americans know about Ukraine? How much do Americans know about Ukraine? Goldberg: What is Social Justice? ACLU Liberal Floyd Abrams: "Liberal" Justices' Embrace of "Collective" Right to Free Expression is "Disturbing" What Does the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Need with 96 Armed Agents? Americans on Medicaid Exceed Population of UK An excerpt from Michael Lewis' new book Ideology, technology, and – coming up a poor third – common sense Portraits of Valor: Tibor Rubin(video) Watch it Americans on Medicaid Exceed Population of UK
Monday, April 7. 2014Vox.com
It's a fun read, if you're up for it. Because Ezra Klein spends quite a bit of time discussing how we willingly delude ourselves into wanting to win battles we can't win. The problem, of course, is that Ezra only spends time using examples of topics that are contentious and don't have clear-cut answers. Ezra deludes himself with politics, becoming increasingly stupid through the course of the article, without even noticing it, and using it to create a stance of moral superiority built upon...well, not much. Strong start with the title. Pretty pathetic follow through. Ezra doesn't spend a moment questioning himself or his beliefs, or how he could have fallen victim to the accusations he lays against others. Furthermore, he doesn't take the time to analyze some critical philosophical points which are more meaningful than the numbers he claims support his view. Choice, to me, outweighs all the perceived (and I'd say non-existent, though I know the math says otherwise) benefits of forced behaviors. I should have the choice to get a vaccine. I should have the choice to own a gun. I should have the choice to own a Hummer. Even if Ezra feels the benefits of forcing me to believe what he believes, and behave as he behaves makes him feel better about society as a whole, I should still have that choic It's not about the math he employs, it's about the choices I should be permitted to be able to make.
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Monday morning links The Black Death: Isn’t it bubonic… don’t you think Americans Feel More Violated by Government Data Collection Than Private Data Collection Should Americans be allowed to buy and sell raw milk? Why Doctors Still Use Pen and Paper Common Core: Peter Wood Replies to Sol Stern Chart of the day: US prison construction 1810-2005 Common Core: Peter Wood Replies to Sol Stern Mr. Obama, maybe folks are mad because you’re a liar Trial Lawyers Mobilize for Democrats - A dust-up in Iowa reveals just how worried the tort bar is about a Senate setback in the fall. With Friends Like These - Preaching to the converted, a staunch defender of public-sector unions does them no favors. Christopher Booker provides a succinct narrative of the rise and fall of global warming alarmism Muslim problems: Britain’s Free Speech Dilemma Muslim Brotherhood Launches US Political Network to Promote Sharia Law That pesky 1st Amendment: Liberals’ gripe with free speech ARMS RACE AMONG THE BUREAUCRATS: Why has every government agency become militarized? “Climate Change” Might Possibly Damage Baseball Chicago Safer After Gun Control Laws Loosened Pope Puts Luxury Spending On Notice Why are so many people still out of work?: the roots of structural unemployment THE JORDAN VALLEY: ISRAEL'S SECURITY BELT Kerry Throws In the Towel Why
are so many people still out of work?: the roots of structural unemployment - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2014/04/why-are-so-many-people-still-out-of-work-the-roots-of-structural-unemployment.html#sthash.zcP03Frm.dpuf Sunday, April 6. 2014Bat-sh*t crazy at DartmouthExpulsion is the correct response to threats, not "conversation." Oppressed by the Ivy League - What Dartmouth's president should have told bullying students.
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Saturday, April 5. 2014Saturday morning links
Some Companies Give Workers Unlimited Vacation Workaholic Americans aren’t taking all their vacation time Updike: Literary Genius or Horny Dilettante? Adam Begley’s Bio Makes the Case for John Updike as a Major Artist Bob Costas Bets Athletes Can't Be Trusted with Guns Study Finds That Vegetarians Are Less Healthy Good site I recently discovered: Manhattan Contrarian. And here's his Should Everything That Is Bad Be Illegal? Welcome to the Collective - Justice Breyer turns the First Amendment on its head. Sullivan: The hounding of a heretic Uh oh: 60% of Intel employees who donated in Prop 8 debate supported banning gay marriage Anti-Semitism Comes to American Campuses IPCC Insider Rejects Global-Warming Report Al Gore: The Gift That Keeps on Giving Consensus Busting Team of Scientists: ‘World doing just fine; Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend’ Aussie PM Abbott Won’t Buy into Global Warming Junk Science My unpleasant evening with ‘Breaking the Silence’ Friday, April 4. 2014Nick Clegg vs Nigel Farage, Europe debateIntolerance of Intolerance is Tolerance
It's worth noting his donation has been known about since 2008. It's also worth noting Eich penned a blog post about his donation and how it did not conflict with his position, that his role as CEO was to pursue Mozilla's goals regardless of whether employees agreed with his personal views or not. This is not enough anymore. As this author notes, your views are meaningful and can play a role in what happens to you. Should they? If I disagree with much of what Donna Shalala supports, should I prevent my child from attending her university even if it's the best place for him to go? I don't agree with most of Zuckerberg or Gates' political views. I still use their products. I fail to see what led to Eich's ouster. They hired him knowing his views, they may have expected a backlash, but felt they could deal with it. They should have. I opposed gay marriage legislation, too. Admittedly, for wholly different reasons, since I think gay people have the right to be as miserable as the rest of us married folk. I opposed it because I just don't think government is the proper guarantor of contract, or grantor of right, of marriage. Were Martha and George Washington married? As far as I can tell they were, though not necessarily, because the US government didn't exist when they got married. In fact, government involvement in marriage was originally designed as an exclusionary tool, not an inclusive one. The earliest laws were designed to prevent miscegenation. The easiest way to avoid the discussion is to simply say government shouldn't have passed any laws preventing people who consent to marriage from entering that contract. Since I opposed gay marriage legislation, could I suffer the same fate as Eich? Quite possibly, in our intolerant society, I could, because I don't support laws giving special exceptions to existing laws, I just want to do away with those laws altogether. Personal views are personal views, and as long as Eich was cognizant of his long-term goals as CEO, and didn't let his personal views impact his treatment or management of people within the organization, then he should have been kept on. Otherwise, his removal is an act of cowardice and shame.
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Completely Surreal Photos Of America’s Abandoned MallsGood riddance. I hate malls. I hate Disneyworld too, and lots of other tacky things. Virtual realities.
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Friday morning links
Chart above via Carpe Diem Circumcision rates declining in U.S., study says No, It’s Not Safe to Pee in the Pool, Says Science Spam makes a comeback Michael Lewis’ high-frequency bull Millionaire Farmers Need Your Help Discipline Disparities - Fourteen-year-old Kahton Anderson illustrates what’s wrong with the racism meme. Amazing Graphic Shows Chicago’s Middle Class Disappear Before Your Eyes The Chinese Are Buying Large Chunks Of Land Across America Diverse Sweden Rushes to Embrace (and Become) a Third World Culture Under attack: Depth of federal arms race should surprise, shock citizenry Combat Has Little Or No Influence On Suicide Rates Among U.S. Troops And Veterans CAIR-MI Fails to Silence TMLC President Thursday, April 3. 2014Dangerous thinking from the Supreme Court
Freedom is not utilitarian, and not meant to be. Freedom is, by nature, messy, difficult, and contentious. Furthermore, freedom is not meant to help government, or to help anything in particular other than the human spirit. If anything, freedom is meant to be against government power. Where is Breyer coming from? America is not a government. America is a bunch of individual people. Who bankrolled Tom Paine's writings? The wealthy Tom Jefferson did, as I recall, out of his own fat pocketbook. As Ace comments, the masks are now all coming off now. Yes, the 1st Amendment lives to fight another day. Maybe New York was right to insist on the Bill of Rights. Should never have been necessary, though. The fascists and statists hate it. More on the topic from Ann Althouse.
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Fort Hood againEvery comment I have read or heard about this terrible incident is ignorant beyond belief. In fact, all too ignorant and stupid for me to respond to. This time, I have neither the time nor the inclination. It's tragic, unavoidable. There is no perfect safety from either nature or from human nature, and any perfect safety would be a living death.
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Thursday morning links
Father Hires Escort Who Turns Out to Be Someone He Knows Far Too Well Introducing The Jesus-Free Speech Zone Crucify him Vogue Gives Up - Kim Kardashian on the cover of the April issue is the latest sign of the magazine’s decline Backlash Grows As US Universities Cancel or Postpone 'Honor Diaries' Film Air Force removes Bible from POW-MIA display Official Policy: Male Federal Workers Can Use Women's Restrooms, Locker Rooms That is sick and uncivilized Koch: I'm Fighting to Restore a Free Society - Instead of welcoming free debate, collectivists engage in character assassination. The Kochs are needed to counterbalance Soros. If you want to do character assassination, Soros is a Jewish Nazi collaborator, a market manipulator, and a convicted felon. How's that for starters? Official Policy: Male Federal Workers Can Use Women's Restrooms, Locker Rooms - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/commentary/terence-p-jeffrey/official-policy-male-federal-workers-can-use-womens-restrooms-locker#sthash.FjcOgjgH.dpufKoch: I'm Fighting to Restore a Free Society - Instead of welcoming free debate, collectivists engage in character assassination.The Kochs are needed to counterbalance Soros Rich Suburbs Can’t Save Democrats This November The Gray Lady Falls For the Malthus Trap What the IPCC left out: the benefits of global warming It's the wrong narrative Wednesday, April 2. 2014Wednesday morning links The Massive Soviet Sub That Inspired 'Hunt For Red October' Time to Lower Our Expectations on Love Girl Scout cookies: " I've really had it up to my neck with the Concern Pageant this whole f***ing country has become." DOJ Rolls Out Transgender Sensitivity Training for Police LAWSUIT: Student Talking About Jesus Told To Shut Up Speak plainly: are we losing the war against jargon? Gay by Genes or by Choice? Even asking the question in public stirs up a hornets’ nest. What Has Atheism Done for You Lately? Great Moments in Prohibition and the Drug War 'File-and-suspend': A Social Security strategy under fire Stalin's barber “Rights” of Obamacare ? Half Of Uninsured Not Planning On Getting Coverage, Poll Finds The Modern View of the Stock Market - The great insights of the 1960s, half a century later. Global warming dials up our risks, UN report says Independent Peer-Reviewed NIPCC Report Finds No Link Between Man and Climate Change Growing crops to make “green” biofuels like ethanol harms the environment and drives up food prices? Missing: Up To 4 Million Workers Clinton vs. Bush Again, Really? No thanks. 60 Minutes details what everyone in the financial industry knew...except the SEC ABC/WaPo poll: Democratic support for ObamaCare surges, plurality of public now supports the law CIA officer confirmed no protests before misleading Benghazi account given Salon: The despicable rise of conservative pranksters: Race-baiting & Tuesday, April 1. 2014Tuesday morning links Who's been getting rich in the US? It's not the 1%, it's not even the 0.1% - it's the 0.01% Do we all really hate and envy those star athletes, pop stars, movie stars, TV stars, inventors, successful entrepreneurs, and captains of industry? I sometimes envy their talents, skills, and money, but I sure don't hate them. My family is driving me crazy, and I am growing to hate them 4 reasons RadioShack is massively failing Black culture and the culture of poverty are not the same thing. I agree with that. (I also believe that not all poverty is via 'culture of poverty.' There are a thousand sorts of poverty, including genteel poverty.) Dr. X summarizes that debate:
Here comes the sun - The price of a product is a function of the demand for it — or should be.
The French Implosion - Tax-and-spend politics has driven Paris to the brink Congress Should Phase Out the Mortgage Interest Deduction I agree that it is unfair and market-distorting - just like 1000 other government "favors." My view is that I want the Feds to have less money, less power, and less control. In Westbury, Long Island, you can't rent out a room Meet the Famous British Liberals Who Support Government Control of the Media USDA to Grandparents: Read Government Bedtime Stories to Encourage Healthy Eating The Feds don't want Granny baking cookies and pies anymore Israel-Palestine — enough already! Monday, March 31. 2014The government's New, New Math
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