Thursday, January 28. 2016
Wednesday, January 27. 2016
Photo from here.
How Iowa Hijacked Our Democracy
... it turns out that if you dare to question the premise of microaggressions, you will be called names and there will be shoving and punching.
Shoveling snow in The Multi-Culti Wonderland
Turning Clutter Into Joy
Old stuff is interesting
To be happier, start thinking more about your death
Want to Avoid Another ‘Big Short’? Try Some Personal Responsibility
7 Reasons to Rethink Sending Your Child to Public School
As Population Ages, Where Are the Geriatricians?
Every Internist is mainly a geriatrician
Downton Abbey’s Dowager Countess scorches big government
Decades of Big Government Result in Massive Doubts It Fixes Anything - So why is more big government on the menu for the election?
People want big government, more "services," more "help" - but unintrusive big government with less tax. Can't have both
12 signs America is on the decline
No measures of personal freedom from government?
When Americans have more faith in the military than the political class, democracy is in trouble.
Climatism is a foreign assault on America - The aggressor is not another nation-state, but an alliance of UN agencies and environmental NGOs.
Memo To Hillary And Bernie: The Public Doesn’t Care About Your Priorities
Hillary and the Law of the Jungle
Jeb Bush's attacks on Rubio are pissing everybody off
Not being a gentleman
Police officers flee angry mob in Swedish refugee center through back door
15 Year-Old Migrant Stabs Swedish Refugee Center Worker to Death
"Gangs" Of "All-Male" Moroccan Migrant Children “Take Over” Stockholm Train Station; Steal, Grope, Beat Women
France Declares Permanent Police State - Prime Minister envisions war that will last generations
Holocaust Remembrance: Dugo Does it with Falafel
The Madness of Frau Merkel
In Europe and at home, Angela Merkel’s refugee policy is being blown away
UN Chief Calls Palestinian Terror Attacks Just 'Human Nature' Reacting to 'Occupation'
The fall of the Ottoman Empire
Tuesday, January 26. 2016
"The governments in Paris, London and Brussels have completely lost control, they are not able to maintain the rule of law and they are miserably failing to protect their citizens."
The government needs to be fired.
Related: Italy Dreads Looming Invasion of 400,000 New Immigrants ‘in Coming Weeks’
Italy? These people will never be Italians. This is invasion.
Saturday, January 23. 2016
Do animals EXERCISE to keep fit? Scientist suggest they may work out just like humans
Soldiers Continue To Guard Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier During Snowstorm…
Of course. Weenies and metrosexuals need not apply.
The coming avalanche of autistic adults
Avalanche? I wonder how these people were looked after in the past. By their families, I assume, same as Down Syndrome kids. Difficult.
McArdle: Americans don't trust the government to take over their health care.
Traditional Americans trust nothing to the government except national security
Five Ways We Know Al Gore’s Been Running A Global Warming Racket
The House Divided - On the 25th anniversary of Arthur Schlesinger’s The Disuniting of America, the liberal historian’s worst fears are coming to pass:
Trump is both a reaction to and expression of liberal delusions. Schlesinger’s fears have largely come to pass; we’ve become what he called a “quarrelsome spatter of enclaves.” Schlesinger was too much a part of the elite to imagine that the class he always thought of as representing the best of the future would come to be despised by a broad swath of Americans for its incompetence and ineffectuality. But what Schlesinger saw on the horizon seems to have arrived, with no sign of abating: we are in the midst of a soft civil war.
Democrats Stumble Toward 50 Shades of Socialism
Moody’s model gives Dem candidate advantage in 2016
Germany Admits It Lost Track of Over 600,000 Unvetted Migrants
Friday, January 22. 2016
The clean eating delusion:
... there is a tendency to believe that existing in the natural state of every person would mean their body functions perfectly. In reality the human body is a kluge, a series of evolutionary compromises that functions well enough to breed, and exists in a constant state of decay, barely staving off entropy for seven or eight decades until finally succumbing to the inevitable.
Don’t get me wrong, the human body is also a marvel of evolutionary complexity. Biology is subtle and powerful. But it is also messy and imperfect. Everything that can go wrong, does (in someone). I think most people intellectually know this, but just don’t want it to be true.
Boys Explained: If It’s Fun, Let’s Make It Dangerous
Bowra on friendship
The nun is a beggar
Sipp on home heating
Libertarians on porn
Harvard just proposed a radically new approach to college admissions in America
Many Climate Economists Reject Climate Models and Turn to Ethical Judgments
Harsanyi: America 2016: Burn It All Down!
‘13 Hours’: It’s Political
Obama Spends $10 Million Traveling To Vacations And Fundraisers In 2015 Alone…
The Right To Tell The Government To Go To Hell (In An Age Of Bullies, Censors, And Compliants)
Many Americans Don’t Seem All That Upset about Big Government
Trump vs. Sanders? Get Ready for a Populist Disaster
Conservatives against Trump
The IG Had to Get His Clearance Level Upped Just to Read Hillary's Secrets-Soaked Private Email
Kirsten Powers: Can Hillary take '13 Hours' of truth?
Hinderaker: For President, Marco Rubio
Sorry, Hillary: Women care more about their president than his (or her) agenda.
Hollande’s Socialist Wonderland
Swedish Police Banned From Describing Criminal Suspects by Race
Merkel Lectures Austria: Cap on Migrants NOT HELPFUL for European Solution
WH: “Entirely Likely”, “Even Expected” That Iran Will Use Money We Released For Terrorism
Iran's elite Guards to gain regional, economic power in post-sanctions era
Afghanistan: When Money Can’t Buy An Army
A book; Putinism: Russia and Its Future with the West
Palestinians: Western Media's Ignorance and Bias
Police Banned From Describing Criminal Suspects by Race - See more at:
Thursday, January 21. 2016
Presidential candidates always have flaws. Personal flaws, and flaws in the sense that they do not agree with me about everything. Elections are not about messiahs.
I am your basic Libertarian-ish Conservative Constitutionalist "Leave me alone" American, but I am practical.
Ted Cruz is impressive but unelectable. Keep him in the Senate to stir the pot, and thank Texas. Trump is more fun than a barrel of drunk monkeys but he is deeply incurious about anything, to put it nicely. His remarkable work is done for now. Some of the others (eg Kasich, Bush) might be fine but they do not have the pizzazz for the circus this year.
For me, Marco Rubio is at the intersection of the lines where acceptability to me meets electability. He is a serious person.
He is in error on some topics, I feel. Every person has deep flaws (pols maybe more than most), and political errors. Bill's Wife has more personal than political flaws from a general election standpoint, but she is not my candidate.
Wednesday, January 20. 2016
Middle-aged white death trends update: It’s all about women in the south.
White men are not dying in droves. The Times' Big Story had the stats wrong. There are many innumerates working at the Times.
Tuesday, January 19. 2016
Men at work: Building The Second Ave Subway
In Praise of Small Talk
Not a fan of David Bowie's music
Me neither. His music just did not click for me.
Virtually Climb Mount Everest From Your Living Room
Your Burger Is Killing the Planet
No. Your burger, not my burger.
A Rigged Game - In California, pension reform is a noble—if often losing—cause.
Government unions own the Blue States. FDR warned about that, the public servants becoming the masters.
Fallout from DC’s minimum wage law
Portland Community College to devote an entire month to 'whiteness'-shaming
In the US, the Federal state is The Borg, gobbling up the rights and responsibilities of state and local government. At the dawn of the First World War, it was possible for an American to have no interaction with the national government, outside of the Post Office. His government was the town, village or city. Even his state government was alien to him. Today, it is impossible to live as an American without rubbing against the rasp of national government.
The biggest story in America today is the roaring return of Andrew Jackson’s spirit into the political debate.
Linda Tripp: ‘Bill Had Affairs with Thousands of Women’
"Affairs"? Just another guy with no conscience
Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big
The Four Point Platform for Regaining the American Presidency and Making America Great Again
How Obama has turned back the clock on race relations
"as observers have noted, Hillary Clinton has never, not once, won a competitive race. Her career is an inside job through and through...
Migrants Pelt Hungarian Police with Rocks at Refugee Center
German Town Has to Cancel Carnival Due to Muslim “Refugees”
German Town Has to Cancel Carnival Due to Muslim “Refugees” - See more at:
Monday, January 18. 2016
From Texas:
Sunday, January 17. 2016
No, it is not smart. City-dwellers are Americans too, and need to be talked to intelligently and respectfully. Persuade them:
Eighty percent of voters live in cities, and Ted Cruz needs them.
Saturday, January 16. 2016
US Episcopalians Get Yellow Card from World Anglican Body
Eating local
People are crazy
Crony Farmers - Farm subsidies persist because of political power, not economics.
Taxes Chased GE Out of Connecticut
Killing the goose..
The Cologne Cover-up
In this article, I’m going to argue that the U.S. government, in particular, has been overrun by the wrong kind of person.
The Left’s Endgame Hits the Wall:
These are not your grandfather's Marxists'. These are not the deadly, self-sacrificing, true believers of Lenin's time. Joe Biden is not Leon Trotsky, Hillary Clinton is not Rosa Luxemburg. Time has taken its toll on their movement. It has evolved into a stinking mélange of government corruption and crony capitalism and self-interest. Their hatred of traditional America is unabated but they are old and soft and have not had a new idea in fifty years. Their entire political base is on the take and is bought and paid for with our money. Tenured, overweight, overaged, academic leftovers from the 60's and 70's. Taxpayer funded race hustlers, the professional grievance industry, and all the other assorted thugs, criminals and perverts we see on TV every night. The beer drinkers and pot smokers sitting home living on your back. The young inmates of our university system, a bunch of overeducated, overindulged, overprotected, overmedicated punks who will vanish like the morning fog at the first drop of sweat or first pang of fear. Self-aggrandizing celebrity and media air heads who equate a tight ass with intellect.
Gaming of Obamacare Poses a Fatal Threat
Xenophobia is now a disease
How the State Department Caved to Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer on Classified Emails
"Bernie Sanders and his supporters are bending the arc of history toward justice."
Z on Trump:
Trump is not tapping into anger. He’s tapping into the sensibility of the great majority. The people look up and see an endless parade of frivolous parasites who defend nothing but their own prerogatives at the expense of everyone else. What’s the point of voting for one party or the other when both sides are colluding against your interests? Why do we have these parties?
The GOP electorate doesn’t trust the establishment on spending. It doesn’t trust it on immigration. It doesn’t trust it on, well, much of anything. And Jeb is the face of that establishment.