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Friday, April 8. 2016Friday morning links
You might almost think this is the most important issue facing America The Left’s New Battleground: Co-ed Bathrooms Sorority Cancels Kentucky Derby Party Because Theme Is Offensive I don't get it Why does @PayPal hate women? No Statistically Significant Satellite Warming For 23 Years (Now Includes February Data) Climate-change models wrong on predicting rain, drought extremes Don’t be fooled – Elon Musk’s electric cars aren’t about to save the planet. The Minimum Wage Makes No Sense — Let’s Do It Anyway! McDonalds Responds To Minimum Wage Hikes, Launches McCafe Coffee Kiosk Court Rules Arizona MUST Grant Driver’s Licenses To Illegals In which the word illegal begins to lose all meaning Giuliani: I'm voting for Trump BILL CLINTON: World is ‘coming apart’ right now Krauthammer: The Inevitable GOP Train Wreck GE CEO: Bernie Sanders says we’re ‘destroying the moral fabric’ of America. He’s wrong. The internet in China Norwegian Politician Is Raped by Somalian Migrant – Begs for Him Not to be Deported Stockholm Syndrome in Norway Molenbeek Hit And Run: How The Mainstream Media Spread Another False ‘Islamophobia’ Story Comments
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Krauthammer: The Inevitable GOP Train Wreck
If by "GOP" you mean the slightly-less liberal, C of C side of the Great National Uni-Party, I say bring it on! If the Dems can go full "socialist" (power to the State), time for a truly new party to go full "classic liberal" (power to the individual)! FYI . The Minimum Wage Makes No Sense — Let’s Do It Anyway!
link does not seem to work . "Norwegian Politician Is Raped by Somalian Migrant"
I am beginning to wonder if the push for the importation of Islamic and African men is not a response to the apparent utter useless weakness of European sitz pinklers. because screwing these people just figuratively is not enough.
Don't quite understand your reply, but my point, to clarify, was that European women many be sick to death of their wimpish 'men', and seeking to replace them with actual males.
And who could blame them. Better to be ravished by a male than schnattered at by a Euro-Shemale. "ravished by an actual male" - you have to be kidding. As one whose man is an "actual male", let me tell you being forcibly ravished is not part of the bargain. Added to which, these women aren't being "ravished" - the term implies visions of semi-consensual sex - but being gang-raped by nasty and vicious animals.
Yep. I can get pretty tired of the "women love to be ravished by real men" theme.
2016-04-11 11:50
RE Thinking about Transgenderism
QUOTE: After all, it [the cross-dressing fetish] will be an excellent excuse to forget about poverty, war, infrastructure collapse, porn addiction, universal governmental surveillance right on the mark The problem I have with any attempt at discussing things like transgenderism is that I just can't help thinking we are dealing with one particular demographic here: the mentally ill.
[Looks both ways to make sure that none of my fellow liberals are listening...]
The analogy that I keep coming back to is this: would we give people with anorexia diet pills and liposuction? Because that is what they would like. Someone in the throes of anorexia will earnestly explain to you that all they need to do is just "lose ten more pounds" and then everything will be okay. But we don't give them diet pills and liposuction; we give them psychotherapy, because they have body dysmorphia and they need help. However, when it comes to another type of body dysmorphia, we have physically healthy people requesting sex hormones and the amputation of functioning body parts. They explain quite earnestly that if they can just become their "true sex" (which they only know from their imagination) everything will be okay and they will no longer be troubled. Why is accommodation being seen as helping these people? Wouldn't it be better if we helped people to learn how to feel more comfortable in their own skin, rather than slicing off people's sex organs and putting them on a lifetime of hormone replacement therapy? I fail to see how mutilating people can be seen as progress. Also, the 1950's called and they'd like their gender roles back. Wanting to wear nail polish and high heeled shoes doesn't mean you are 'really' female...it just means that you are a person who likes wearing nail polish and high heeled shoes. Go shopping and have fun, but for God's sake stay away from the needles and scalpels and pills. but the point is worrying about the miniscule percentage of cross-dressing losers is a way of deflecting attention from actual issues.
we'll never get substantive reform as long as reform is defined as, and debate surrounds, whether to allow cross-dressing perverts to k00kgasm piss themselves in front of your daughters. just to be sure, I'm not defining all liberals as cross-dressing perverts. RE Climate-change models wrong
(aka Sun Rises In East! aka Kollege Kids Offended Again!) I've always thought this was a great challenge for warmal coldists. which of the 35,205 predictions since the 1970s accurately predicted the current state of the climate? the whole field has been such a complete and total failure, yet we'll soon have another round of bought-and-paid-for, ethically compromised weather loons predicting doomsday. sometime within the next four hours, I predict one of these mouthpieces will appear on his thread and vomit the latest weather study which sure as shi'ite he will not have read.. I've always thought that if you're having to take the raw data and continually 'adjust' it, year after year - there's something really wrong with your methodology.
And if your conclusions consistently don't match reality, it's not REALITY's fault. Reality isn't suddenly going to go "Oh, wait - I should be a degree warmer worldwide at this point!" - it's going to look at the projections and just ignore them. Arizona must issue drivers license to illegals
What states should do is make the drivers license for illegals dramatically different from the standard license. Perhaps two red diagonal bars across the front. Then make the crime of being illegally in the state a must arrest crime. Just as they must arrest someone in a alleged domestic violence incident when the police stop an illegal driving arrest them and jail them and call ICE. Use this opportunity to check their work status as in are they employed legally with payroll taxes being withheld. Check their IDs used to work and get other benefits of citizenship. Every problem is also an opportunity, use it. Ky Derby party cancelled because it's racist
Because the brown horse doesn't always win? It's Kentucky, which starts with a K just like KKK, so it logically follows...
They politically corrected the lyrics to "My Old Kentucky Home" many years ago.
I've been invited to a Ky. Derby party by some lefty friends. I guess they didn't get the memo!
For my part, any excuse for a mint julep! GE CEO: Bernie Sanders says we’re ‘destroying the moral fabric’ of America. He’s wrong.
Right. Immelt the philosopher. As wrong as Sanders is, Immelt on human character is high irony. Just a note on the ignorance of people and the minimum wage. I live in a state where the min. wage is still the actual federal min. wage of $7.35/hour. Just yesterday I drove past a fast food place looking for workers and advertising a starting wage of $8.50.
If you live in a place where minimum wage workers are hard to come by (apparently where I am!), see what happens when you need to find steady employees? Wages go up. Anyway, thought that would be of interest to some. I remember the late 90s when some fast food places were so hard up for people, they were offering $9 and $10/hour. Wish people would remember that. Wages are not going up because there are too many unemployed/underemployed people in most parts of the country. Either because of immigration (too many workers, not enough jobs) or a poor economy or both. Take care of one or both of these problems, and wages will go up. Re: The Minimum Wage Makes No Sense
Gov. Brown is right. it doesn't make sense economically, but it does politically and that's the important thing. Entry level jobs will dry up and prices will go up - things that disproportionately hurt the people the minimum wage hike is supposed to help. The people it will help are those who don't 'need' it - the public sector unions and those who are making slightly more than $15/hr now since their position is less likely to be merged with another or eliminated all together and their salary will have to be pushed up. Not only does it make no sense, it will increase unemployment among those who are already making above the minimum wage. If the minimum wage rises to $15, then those who are currently making $15 - $24 will expect their wages to rise as well. Forget if the business can't afford it: the employees will now think they are entitled. And this isn't just a fast food industry. Think a lot of small businesses - accountants, chiropractors, massage therapists, veterinarians, dentist, etc. etc. And some not so small businesses, either. What is the basic wage a tax preparation firm such as H&R Block paying?
Molenbeek story: Meets our beliefs in all particulars = PUBLISH.
Dear Barrister:
Can you recommend a labor/employment attorney that will assertively pursue white men's workplace rights? Thank you, The internet in China
Any discussion about this can be neatly encapsulated in what I would have presumed were six blindingly obvious words: China is not a free country. Kentucky Derby themed party...
Remember the story of the Princess and the Pea? "I can detect this racism through six mattresses." "Oh yeah, well I'm more of a true princess than you are because I can detect racism through sixteen mattresses." See also Economics, Positional Good. Last year it was hoop skirts.
After a meeting with school administrators on Monday, University of Georgia sororities and fraternities have decided to ban hoop skirts from their events over concerns they might look racist. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/415598/university-georgia-greeks-ban-hoop-skirts-because-they-look-racist-katherine-timpf. I understand their concern.
#OpenTheThoroughbredStudBookNowMatters Put myself through college while working at McDonald's in the early '80's. Best job experience ever and some of the best times I've ever had - great people and great fun. Upper management would promote the kids from the local University to shift managers (me) and the local teens filled the grill and cashier positions. Met my significant other of 30 years (and plus...) at that job and am still in touch with 2 of the locals who became lifetime friends. Made sure my kids had at least the minimum type of experience when they were teens.
The progressives are doing irreparable damage to the underclass... but we all know that's a feature, not a bug. I vote this is the best response I've seen all week.
Agree. Number one offspring returned from a Rotary exchange year to find was expected to now contribute to own upkeep. Found a job at a fast food outlet (not McD's) for several months, which really contributed to "I have to get a marketable degree" outlook. Other offspring had similar work experiences, which is why we are fortunate to have three offsprings all working as got marketable degrees. Actually, end of high school, got "I want to be an actor", to which my response was "and how to you propose to feed yourselrf". No professional actors, though one offspring is involved in amateur theatre, at which occasions the sibs are known to come and jeer. it's all good fun.
Had a roommate in law school who said his best life experience was working for McDonalds when he was in high school.
QUOTE: No Statistically Significant Satellite Warming For 23 Years (Now Includes February Data) Even with the cherry-picked starting date, there is a 92% probability that the trend is positive. Surface temperature data is unambiguous. |
Tracked: Apr 10, 09:01