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Thursday, April 7. 2016Thursday morning links
How a tampon destroyed Sippican's house It's like "For the loss of a nail..." Aeneid Book VI, Virgil translated by Seamus Heaney Good news: KFC is fixing a mistake it has been making for years Aeneid Book VI, Virgil translated by Seamus Heaney The Long-term Variability of Floods and Droughts in California Making Salt Water Drinkable Just Got 99 Percent Easier Do sex robots offer competition to women? Don't most women want a sex machine too? Transgender Woman Now Transitioning into a Dragon Students begging for class cancellations after championship game University official praises Black Lives Matter activists for crashing ‘microaggression’ meeting A Panic Sweeps Across Indiana University as Ghostly Klansman Carrying a Whip Glides Across the Campus Grounds ‘In Canada Alone, There Are 66 Gender and Women’s Studies Departments’ A guy told me that he spent most of college studying women Washington Post Writer Resolves to Raise Her Cats Gender Neutral Animal abuse Ten Ways Men Oppress Women with Their Everyday Behavior Americans spend more on taxes than food, clothing, housing combined The Reality-Denying Politicization of the English Language Business Bears the Weight of New York's Benefits Government is a parasite Paul Krugman Blames Over-Regulation for Urban Unaffordability - Progressive economist gets supply-and-demand, to a point. When government interferes in a market, results are predictable Raising the Cost of Hiring Unskilled Workers by 50% is A Bad Way to Fight Poverty Anchor Fired for Calling Out Black Thugs and the Broken Black Family
The Incredible Cluelessness of Donald Trump - Trump has demonstrated over and over again Douthat: Trump’s Very Predictable Problems Cuba After Obama's Departure: What Is the Castro Brothers' Real Agenda? An Evening With the “Rape Me First, Kill Me Last” Crowd Trackbacks
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Re: Washington Post Writer Resolves to Raise Her Cats Gender Neutral
The kicker is that the cats self-identify as dogs. "A Canadian man who was married, with seven kids, has left his family in order to fulfill his true identity - as a six-year-old girl."
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3356084/I-ve-gone-child-Husband-father-seven-52-leaves-wife-kids-live-transgender-SIX-YEAR-OLD-girl-named-Stefonknee.html?printingPage=true Re: Transgender Woman Now Transitioning into a Dragon
What's the big deal? If you can choose your sex, why not your species? Why not? Just like the thirtysomething who thinks she's a cat.
Many a boy has longed to run off to join the circus. Just, not the freak show.
"The Incredible Cluelessness of Donald Trump"????
We have 8 years of W's so-called policy measures and 7+ of Obama's to show us they similarly had "no clue"! Or maybe they did have a clue, since their policies are so unconstitutional or wrong-headed that they can be presumed to have acted willfully against the best interests of American citizens? Patriot Act and Obamacare anyone? So because Bush and Obama were clueless, you think we should be forbidden from pointing out Trump is clueless? Or what is your point, exactly? It's a free country and nobody is above criticism.
I guess I just don't see this supposed Trump "cluelessness." I find it interesting that everyone was trouncing on Trump for his comments about NATO, and then I read a news article this week where Republicans in Congress behind closed doors were pretty much agreeing with what he said.
Look, D.C. has stuck by the same crap for decades. They are afraid to piss anyone off, so they don't use the tools they have to benefit the U.S. I am 100% behind Trump's idea to use tariffs or the threat of tariffs to rein in unfair trading practices. I also am 100% behind Trump's idea to use remittance payments or taxes on remittance payments to Mexico to build a wall. Both of these ideas, to me, are common sense ideas. Maybe Trump doesn't know EVERYTHING, but what candidate does??? Most of these guys are memorizing lines given to them by speechwriters. At least Trump is speaking his mind...and about trade deals, immigration and the military, he is speaking common sense solutions. QUOTE: The Long-term Variability of Floods and Droughts in California: "Don’t worry about climate change; California’s natural climate variability will probably “get us” first." California is at its current water limits. That means any disruption to the water supply will have serious ramifications. Natural variability is more than sufficient to cause a crisis, however, the length and frequency of droughts will likely increase due to climate change, meaning such crises will become more likely over time. Regardless, California needs to engage in long-term planning for drought. See Woodhouse et al., A 1,200-year perspective of 21st century drought in southwestern North America, PNAS 2010:"Warming may also directly and indirectly increase the propensity for droughts in the Southwest." you watched Chinatown twice and now you're a water expert.
(1) California's main import, illegals, continue to flood in (get it? "flood in") and already outnumber normal Americans moving into the state and will inevitably constitute the majority. (2) said illegals aren't indoctrinated greeny libtards. their prior water supply was the town sewer, they lived in a desert and here is clean water in (relative) abundance; in a realistic way, this is pig heaven for them. this is a fact: there is no word in epanglish for "conservation". (3) California's main cash crop is marihuana. growing reefers is water intensive. with legalization on the horizon, the demand will surely rocket. Thats what you get when you build and densely populate in areas of natural drought cycles. The geographical area we call "California" has had regular droughts that have lasted 30-50 years on a 1000 year cycle and droughts that have lasted several hundred years on a 10,000 year cycle.
There is nothing odd or "man made" about the pittance of a drought going on now. If you think there is, you may be brainwashed. I read an old history of CA water projects, and the most interesting part to me as a modern reader was the projection of future needs and what would be required to meet them.
In hindsight, the projections were dead-on correct, and the required infrastructure was planned and funded, but then cancelled because of environmental concerns. I would hazard a guess that the overextraction of water from the existing sources has caused more environmental damage and species loss than the new dams and aquaducts ever would have. Absolutely correct. As soon as LA was settled they recognized that water was an issue. The big water projects pushed by Mulholland at the beginning of the 20th century benefited LA at the expense of the rest of CA and specifically those in the Owens Valley. Could never be accomplished now because of the Greens. Mark Twain was right...Whiskey is for drinkin', water is for fightin' over.
California has been Too Smart and Too Ecologically Minded to have foreseen the need for more reservoir volume and done something about it when there was still time (now being too late).
When I clicked on the link for KFC, I was hoping the mistake they are fixing was switching back to fat hens instead of tiny song birds. Their drum sticks look more like wings. Still tastes good, though. If they want to re-brand they should change their name back to Kentucky Fried Chicken. KFC was a stupid move to appease the health minders. Nobody eats fried chicken because they are on a diet.
Re: Klansman When I read that article yesterday I wasn't sure which part to be confused about. Who's afraid of a Klansman? I consider them a joke. And who thinks a priest looks like a Klansman? Good thing it wasn't one of those Spanish penitents. They do look like the klan. And damn scary. QUOTE: Business Bears the Weight of New York's Benefits: 12 weeks of paid family leave. Nandi et al., Increased Duration of Paid Maternity Leave Lowers Infant Mortality, PLOS Medicine 2016. QUOTE: When government interferes in a market, results are predictable: And by most projections, it’s only going to get worse — the U.S. could lose as many as 1 million doctors by 2025, according to a Association of American Medical Colleges report. The correct figure is 100,000. That is within the capability of the U.S. to manage, but more prospective primary care physicians have to begin training now. ObamaCare has a strong focus on primary care and health outcomes, rather than pay for service, including incentives for primary care providers, and those who serve in underserved areas. Now, you say. Are there sufficient incentives to get into medicine now? How many doctors will retire by 2025, and how many people will die, be born, and immigrate (legally or illegally) by then?
Sam L: Are there sufficient incentives to get into medicine now?
There are plenty of incentives to get into medicine, but highly skewed towards specializations other than primary care. Most of the projected increase in demand is due to the aging population, not ObamaCare. California is a huge agricultural state using huge amounts of water to grow our food. California is also the most populous state with maybe 40 million counting all the illegals that have flooded into it since the last census. They naturally use a lot of water. Yet... today, even with all the news about the drought and how serious it is and farmers having to destroy entire orchards of much needed and valuable food California allows far more fresh water to run into the ocean then it captures and uses for human consumption. California does not have a water shortage they have a intentional politically motivated misuse of water resources. But wait! It's getting worse and it is intentionally getting worse. Right now a number of the lakes in Northern California are over full so the water resource board is spilling off this excess water into the rivers and downstream into the ocean. Right this second as farmers are being denied water California is wasting water by the billions of gallons. In fact it would appear that at some of these lakes that are not overly full yet the spill of water is an intentional effort to make sure there is a continued drought (or at least apparent visible proof of drought) for political reasons. Oh, did I mention that California and Oregon have conspired to remove 5 dams on the Klamath river by a ploy that bypasses congress? Why? Well of course for all the far lefty reasons but also for a craftily worded statement about allowing the Indians their water rights. If you were to read between the lines what that means is the Indians (or at least those who create Indian policy) want to flush all this water to the ocean in some crazy attempt to make it all like it was in 1491 or something. That's right we are tearing down 5 electricity producing and irrigation producing dams so that the Indians can be granted water rights which they will use to flush all that water to the ocean. But no worries the Indians on the reservation are fed, taught, medically cared for and even given walking around money by we the tax payers so why would they want those water rights to grow food???
GoneWithTheWind: Right now a number of the lakes in Northern California are over full so the water resource board is spilling off this excess water into the rivers and downstream into the ocean. Right this second as farmers are being denied water California is wasting water by the billions of gallons.
You do realize that California is about 800 miles long, about the same distance as Vermont to Virginia? GoneWithTheWind: If you were to read between the lines what that means is the Indians It's your water by right of conquest and broken treaties? 800 miles long. Does that mean they could not move the water from the North part of the state to the central valley? It would cost maybe 1/1000th of what the high speed rail is supposed to cost and 1/2000th of what the actual cost of the high speed rail will be. No one will use the high speed rail because even with heavy subsidies it will be too expensive for 99% of the people and the 1% don't travel by train.
Broken treaties were common, that is commonly broken by both sides. It is way past time to stop treating Indians like zoo exhibits. Place their lands into a corporate structure to be used/managed for the benefit of all the tribal members equally. End all discrimination/special treatment and tax exemptions and allow them to just be normal citizens. Let them create a tax structure for their cites/villages just like the rest of us do to pay for their schools and local infrastructure. Free the Indians from the last vestiges of the left wing racism/domination of them. No doubt this is a politically motivated outcome.
Proper pricing of water would lead to conservation and help lead to development of new water resources. Political cronyism has, to this point, delayed and driven up potential costs of desalinization. The company which is currently building a plant in San Diego has failed pretty badly in Tampa - which says boatloads about the cronyism, kickbacks and special treatment that adds costs to water development. We'll see how they do in San Diego (my bet is not much better, but always happy to be pleasantly surprised). Were water managed like the commodity it is, there would be plenty for all, that's for sure. But it's a political tool - and it's being used and managed like one. Water issues and rational policy are terms rarely used in the same sentence.
We could and should make huge improvements in our farming irrigation methods. Look to Israel who has made the deserts bloom with very limited water. Necessity was the mother for their invention(s). There is so much more that could be done not just in California but in every state.
Desalination is expensive but I read just today about a new filter that allows pure water to pass freely from a saltwater source. Time will tell but desalination may become economically practical soon. One of the regular themes in Western /cowboy movies was water rights and access to water.
Unformatted; didn't read. As important as the vast opinion contained therein certainly was, this is a tragedy.
QUOTE: Anchor Fired for Calling Out Black Thugs and the Broken Black Family: "You needn't be a criminal profiler to draw a mental sketch of the killers who broke so many hearts two weeks ago Wednesday. They are young black men, likely teens or in their early 20s. They have multiple siblings from multiple fathers and their mothers work multiple jobs. These boys have been in the system before. They've grown up there. They know the police. They've been arrested.” Calling Out White Thugs and the Broken White Family "You needn't be a criminal profiler to draw a mental sketch of the killer who broke so many hearts on a Wednesday." http://www.click2houston.com/news/violent-past-of-alleged-mass-shooting-gunman-ronald-lee-haskell Victims were black. Given the number of killed, likely not in a white neighborhood, where the white punks and gang-bangers live. We've learned to read like the Russians learned to read Tass, Pravda, and Izvestia--what they won't tell us, what gets left out, we can figure out. Sure, it's not PC. Too bad.
The victims of the Haskell killing:
http://www.chron.com/neighborhood/spring/news/article/FedEx-disguise-divorce-among-emerging-details-in-5611869.php My cat is gender neutral.
But though I trapped him and took him to the vet lest he get pregnant, the vet identified him as a former male right off. RE Do sex robots offer competition to women?
QUOTE: Dr Kathleen Richardson, who is leading the fight, wants the development of robots that can be used for sex top be stopped. She says that such a use of the technology is unnecessary and undesirable this explains prostitutes: you don't pay them for sex, you pay them to go away after sex. this explains sex robots: you don't buy them for sex, you buy the on-off switch. nothing explains Kathleen I would bet, and probably win that bet, that the largest factor contributing to the outrageous increase in tuition costs is not climbing walls, and new dorm buildings, it is a billion dollar student loan scam.
The national network of campus financial aid offices that have been encouraged to process the student loan paperwork in such a way that the student loans for people of color "fall through the cracks". That is to say hundreds of thousands of African/American and Mexican/American student loans are never processed because the paper work gets "lost". it is intentional, it is organized, and I believe close to being universally acceptable in a certain quarter of academia. Yes indeed, I really want to see that new dragon "it person" in my public ladies' restroom!
Re: microaggressions
I'm beginning to understand this microaggression business where lots of little things eventually weigh on you and the weight becomes significant. I am being lectured that I am a hater if I believe All Lives Matter (which is racist) rather than Black Lives Matter (which is not). I am being lectured that I am a hater if I believe gender is really not biological but an idea so men has a right to be in women's dressing room, locker room, or bathroom (as long as they say they feel like a woman - that day.) I'm being lectured that I am a hater if I believe what the science 'is settled' that biology defines gender and don't believe the science 'is settled' about climate change/global warming. I'm being lectured that I am a hater if I want to form an organization for white people or males but not if I want to form another one for blacks, hispanics, or females. I am being lectured that I hate women and accept a rape culture because I am a Western Christian but Muslims are not even though many practice genital mutilation of women and women who claim they are raped must produce four male witnesses. I'm being lectured that I am a hater if I don't celebrate gays but I must also celebrate Muslims who believe gays should be killed. I'm being lectured that I am a hater if I don't believe that wedding cakes are a public accommodation if the baker is Christian. I am being lectured that I am a hater if I believe people should voluntarily donate to causes to relieve people's suffering, but not if I want the government to take that money by force. I am being lectured that I am a hater if I don't think that we can end poverty by giving people other people's (my) money (and telling them they can't make it) but not by encouraging them to do what the other people did to earn their money. I am being lectured that I am a hater if I disagree with a black president's policies. Being called a hater is a micro aggression and all those aggressions against me are wearing me down. I demand a safe space - like my own country! TRIGGER WARNING
early models of the Turkish Khan line of over-under shotguns will double if the the barrel selector switch is not completely set to "O" or "U". the trigger is not reliable. Soooo, a Macroaggression to stop microaggressions. Riiiiiight.
Paullie "The Beard" Krugman gets something right. He'll write something different in a while.