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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, March 28. 2016Monday morning links
Any college president who adopts the rhetoric of “safe spaces” is already lost. Related, “MY THERAPIST JUST LAUGHED AT ME" Professor Ordered To Apologize For Conservative Blog Post, Or Lose His Job American College Of Pediatricians Warns: Youth Transgenderism Is Child Abuse Blue Civil War Escalates - Connecticut Democrats are going after Yale Why the poor in the US are not poor America’s Ethanol Industry Shows Why it Needs Subsidies Obama Administration’s ‘Equity’ Ideology in Public Schools Breeding Violence Hillary: Consequences Are for Schmucks Secrecy is the root of the Clinton email scandal Trump Aide: People Are Angrier Over Trump’s RTs Than Illegal Immigrants Murdering Americans Hey! Don't Overreact to That Issue, Overreact to My Issue Organisers cancel Sunday's Brussels attacks 'March Against Fear' - for security reasons How to deal with Islam? I repeat, take it at its word. Europe Has 'Battered Spouse Syndrome' When It Comes To Islam Russia is no threat, and NATO is obsolete
iU.S. leadership matters today, just as it did after World War II Pope Francis Says Defeat ISIS with “Message of Love” – ISIS Says New Attacks on the Way Loving your enemy is not about being effective. However, discernment is also called for. As SDA notes, "Frog, meet Scorpion"" Liberal Teacher Takes In Muslim Refugee, His Colleague Finds What’s Left Of Him
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I can think of much better uses for corn than ethanol. And I can think of better uses for ethanol than fuel.
...and I can think of better uses for fuel than making ethanol out of corn.
Ethanol...more energy to produce than what you get out. Anyone check their mileage from using ethanol-additive gas vs regular gas? to paraphrase Mark Twain...ethanol is for drinkin', gasoline is for drivin'.
I agree with a friend who refuses to fuel her car with someone else's food. The price of corn - a staple in Latin America - rose sharply following these mandates.
Re: Blue Civil War Escalates
I think this is the inevitable result of the left's thirst for power - the people who previously supported them become their target. As their radicalism increases, their radicalizers no longer measure up and are discarded. The same thing will happen with their rich supporters. Their inequality mantra will lead them to eat the rich. When they are gone, the new rich will be what's left of the middle class. Fortunately for George Soros, he's probably old enough not to have to worry about it. Thank you American College of Pediatricians. It's very refreshing to see an establishment institution take a sane position without hedging to placate the crazies. And yes, it is child abuse to encourage gender confusion, hormone therapy or traumatic cosmetic surgery on children who we don't consider old enough to consent to sexual activity, drink alcohol, vote or watch an R-rated film.
I don't think socialists, feminists, or democrats should pay the slightest attention to the pediatricians. Why shouldn't they raise their children as they see fit?
Re: the poor in the US
The "poor" in the US are not poor because the rest of us are their slaves. We work to pay the taxes that pay their benefits that they get because they don't work. It's not all their fault, though. The welfare system disincentives getting off the dole because any job they are likely to get will decrease their income. mudbug: The "poor" in the US are not poor because the rest of us are their slaves. We work to pay the taxes that pay their benefits that they get because they don't work.
Half the federal budget goes for Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. That's money to pay for your parents' and grandparents' retirement. "Get a job Grammy!" http://media.al.com/businessnews/photo/11187285-large.jpg Z: Half the federal budget goes for Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. That's money to pay for your parents' and grandparents' retirement.
So? mudbug: So?
Talk to your mother about how you would like to cut off her Medicare coverage. My wife is on Medicare and I will be soon. We both paid into it and Social Security. The "poor" referenced in the article did not pay into the housing, food stamps, WIC, and the slew of other programs that benefit they benefit from.
2016-03-28 16:26
mudbug: My wife is on Medicare and I will be soon.
Just to be clear, your taxes paid for the previous generation. Your benefits will be paid by the next generation. It's an income transfer from young to old. mudbug: The "poor" referenced in the article did not pay into the housing, food stamps, WIC, and the slew of other programs that benefit they benefit from. These programs represent only a small share of federal spending. WIC is for children and woman who are pregnant or breast-feeding. No, the children haven't paid into the system. Many people on food stamps work.
2016-03-28 16:42
Z: Just to be clear, your taxes paid for the previous generation. Your benefits will be paid by the next generation. It's an income transfer from young to old.
Wait! What about the lock box? Actually, theoretically, my benefits come out of the trust fund. The fact that there is nothing in the trust fund but IOUs is because politicians spent that money on other things and left us with the tab. That is the reason the next generation is going to pay for my SS. Z: These programs represent only a small share of federal spending. WIC is for children and woman who are pregnant or breast-feeding. No, the children haven't paid into the system. Many people on food stamps work. All of this is beside the point. The issue is about the poor and their benefits not the proportion to the entire budget. The fact that some on food stamps get food stamps is also beside the point.
2016-03-28 23:21
mudbug: Wait! What about the lock box?
The lockbox concerned excess receipts that were to be set aside to account for the demographic bubble of the baby boomers. However, if you remember, most voters voted for the guy with the lockbox, but he didn't win. mudbug: Actually, theoretically, my benefits come out of the trust fund. No. Social Security is a pay-as-you-go systems. However, because of the demographic bulge, some excess receipts were to be set-aside to account for the expected excess expenditures. mudbug: The issue is about the poor and their benefits not the proportion to the entire budget. You said, "We work to pay the taxes that pay their benefits that they get because they don't work." Yet, as pointed out, most of the people who receive benefits are retired (have worked), or children (too young to work), or disabled (can't work), or who actually work (like at a job).
2016-03-29 09:04
Medicare and Medicaid are two different things. No retired person get Medicaid because they are covered under Medicare. Medicaid is for the poor below 65.
JK Brown: Medicare and Medicaid are two different things.
That is correct. JK Brown: No retired person get Medicaid because they are covered under Medicare. That is incorrect. For instance, Medicare doesn't cover long-term care. JK Brown: Medicaid is for the poor below 65. About a fifth of Medicare spending is for the aged, a fifth for children, and two fifths for the disabled, and a fifth covered due to cancer. Get a job hippie! https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/Childlabourcoal.jpg Never fails, the ones who are repeatedly wrong always turn to snark.
DrTorch: Never fails, the ones who are repeatedly wrong always turn to snark.
Pointing out the portion of the federal budget due to Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid is called fact. It isn't half, not even close. But the important difference is that SS is paid for it is a self supporting system. It should have never been rolled into the general budget. If they removed those from the SS roles who never legally qualified the system would not be facing a deficit.
As for Medicare, it to is designed to be self supporting but has ended up being subsidized by tax payers. If this is a problem then fix it. Increase the Medicare payroll tax withholdings, increase the co-pay and the monthly premium that retirees pay. But in all fairness do the same with welfare and all the 'free programs. Make the recipients pay for them. Isn't it interesting that the radical liberals always want to bring up SS and Medicare whenever the discussion goes to cutting the budget but never mention the $1.2 trillion a year the federal government spends on outright free stuff/welfare in about 2400 federal programs managed by 5 cabinet level departments. It is no accident that many of these welfare programs are buried in cabinet level departments that don't sound like they should be doling out welfare. Like the Department of Energy or the Department of Agriculture. The left buries these welfare giveaways exactly so trolls like Zach can convince you that SS is the biggest expense in the federal government. Not to mention that in addition to the $1.2 trillion that the federal government pays for all the welfare the 50 states pay out an almost equal amount in state and local welfare programs. GoneWithTheWind: It isn't half, not even close.
47% http://object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/wp-content/uploads/tax_day_chart_2.png GoneWithTheWind: Isn't it interesting that the radical liberals always want to bring up SS and Medicare whenever the discussion goes to cutting the budget Huh? Generally those on the political left prioritize maintaining Social Security and Medicare benefits. Conflating medicare with medicaid is intentional to hide and confuse understanding of federal spending. A similar thing is done with SS which incudes not just the retirement we think of but SSI which is welfare not SS and other payments for disabilities not covered under SSI. The total SS payments for 2015 were $930 billion but less than 2/3rds ws spent on retirees so that number is closer to $600 billion. The total spent on Medicare in 2015 was $535 billion. Together this is $1.135 trillion from a $3.8 trillion budget which bring SS and Medicare to 35% of the federal budget.
But again as I pointed out the beneficiaries of SS and Medicare pay/paid for it in payroll taxes. Something we cannot say about welfare recipients. SS should be severed from the federal budget and managed separately. GoneWithTheWind: The total SS payments for 2015 were $930 billion but less than 2/3rds ws spent on retirees so that number is closer to $600 billion.
Only 15% of Social Security spending was for the disabled. The rest was for retirees, survivors, and dependents. By the way, when you pay your Social Security payroll tax, you are paying for disability insurance — in case you yourself become disabled.
2016-03-29 09:12
There is a difference between SSI and disability. Two different programs. SSI may well be the most abused government program in history. Not by outright dollars, welfare holds that dubious prize, but by percentage of recipients whose claims are fraudulent. If we want to save SS create a clean SS retirement only system and fund it only from the payroll taxes and remove congress control of the money.
2016-03-29 09:43
Closer inspection of the "about us" page for the American College of Pediatricians reveals that they are not really an objective medical institution but rather a conservative, pro-family values institution promoting life at conception, sexual abstinence and so on. They should change their name to make it more obvious what their agenda is.
Personally I agree with many of their core values. I'm just disappointed that what I thought was finally a ray of common sense from the scientific establishment turns out to come from a political institution. Takes a lot of the bite out of their statement and the folks who really need to hear the message will all now ignore it. stinkfoot: They should change their name to make it more obvious what their agenda is.
The conflation is intentional. Sam L: Like Planned Parenthood, perhaps?
As Planned Parenthood is a major provider of reproductive education and birth control in poor neighborhoods, yes. Check out the history of the AMA, turned into an extortion racket by Morris Fishbein who sold his "seal of approval" for drugs and other treatments that were never tested, much less proved useful, and credentialing of doctors, a scam to reduce the supply so prices could be driven higher.
Millennial men are wimps: I blame millennial women and Big Education.
I'm unsympathetic for those growing corn for diluting gasoline. What? Take Islam at its word? H8tr. I was wondering that as well Sam. Are the millennial wimps the products of our educational system come to fruition? Or is it the video games sucking up their interest? Perhaps it's because so many come from single parent households and not knowing how to act like men?
I don't have much contact with young people, but others have told me pretty much what the article opines. Or will they mature and this is just the latest version of "Today's kids aren't worth a sh!t and the country will go to hell under their stewardship."? Old geezers have been saying that about the young since time immemorial. Is this time truly different? Maybe it is. I just don't know. Re safe spaces.
Years ago I read a book on the psychological origins of political correctness and the author pointed out that the PC believe that they are victims of oppression, they are being persecuted. This is commonly called paranoia. Those students at Emory are paranoid. Re safe spaces.
I encourage Emory to increase the number of feckless, immature libtarded students who will go through life as feckless, immature libtarded failures. to the normal, conservative American Emory students who chalked up trump's name: congrats. Why Are Millennial Men Such Wimps?
Wait. So let me get this straight. Destruction of the family in the name of "feminism" because being a housewife and mother is "slavery", leading to the state being the daddy and no actual father figure in I don't know how many familes-- Because even in my kid's circles, we are one of the rare ones that are a first marriage, intact family. Leads to wimpish males? Wow. Males being raised without father figures and DISCIPLINE. Because everybody knows, "wait til your mother gets home" does NOT have the same implication that Father does. Both males and females being raised by female teachers and guidance counselors who insist you can't work out your own differences, that you need a "professional" or at least an adult to help you in that... (leading to NO school yard fights to work out that whole pecking order/bullying thing) No actual fighting, play fighting, competitive sports, or cowboys and Indians imaginative play because that would be "aggressive" leads to wimpy boys. Wimpy boys who can't only not relate to one another but to females. My teenage daughters tell me that quite a few high school age boys are not only mentally abusive, but physically. Both males and females being raised by social media, where words and comments and being "unfriended" leads to suicidal tendencies or deep depression, because we can't just talk to one another anymore and everything is all about... ME! Complete and absolute focus on self, self gratification, Immediate gratification and superficial subjects leads to wimpy boys and sometimes hyper aggressive girls from media, education, no discipline (because if you actually attempt to discipline your kids, you get CPS called on you-- sometimes by the kids themselves) because females are constantly being told they are "equal" yet demand special treatment. and now women are lamenting there's no testosterone anywhere? This is what happens when common sense is thrown out the door and you let social engineers who "know better" dictate everything. Something else I forgot:
in some places, sending a love note, touching a girl or giving a girl a compliment will lead to sexual harassment charges. Is it any wonder why boys are going to retreat into fantasy land? also forgot the absolute horror show of hoops to jump through in order for a youth to BECOME EMPLOYED leads to NO work ethic being ingrained.
Sloth and Pride are now the norm. Go to any youth/kids baseball game or practice. The boys who do not know how to throw a ball are the ones with no father/uncle/male figure in the picture. Those of you who are father's...teach your son(s) how to throw, and while you are at it teach your daughter too.
RE: "Organisers cancel Sunday's Brussels attacks 'March Against Fear'"
Just as well. Fear isn't the problem and maintaining "solidarity" in denial will do more harm than good. No more self-stroking marches and other selfish, empty gestures. I'm not interested in hearing from anyone who isn't honest enough to admit what the problem really is. RE: "Russia is no threat, and NATO is obsolete
I agree:" I think Russia is less a world threat than they posture themselves to be. They're bark seems worse than their bite, they don't have kids, and their society is still weaker than I thought it would be by now. Still, I don't blame Poland for being wary of them. Regarding the "millennial males are wimps" thing, I wonder if Princess Perfect complaining about guys nowadays can competently do the following:
- Quickly and simply make curtains from sheets - Make a pie from scratch without a recipe, crust included - Raise the hem on a dress or the cuffs on a pair of pants - Wash a batch of dirty clothes using a manual washing machine, no running water, and no dryer If the author can't do those tasks easily and well, then she has no right to complain about today's men not knowing how to change a tire and various other "manly" things. The traditional sexual division of labor had requirements for both men and women. Responsibility works both ways, sister. What's a manual washing machine? I've had seasons where a setup like this would have been a luxury:
http://birminghampoint.co/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/AgitatorAndJets.png When the landlord insisted that the "curtains on all windows" provision of the lease would be enforced from the first weekend, I was really happy to find a Sears sewing-machine at the Salvation Army Thrift store for $10. I still use it, although those original fast curtains are long ago given to others. The pie is where I break down -- I was well into adulthood before managing to consistently make good pastry. You know who else can't perform these menial tasks?
The managerial class. They hire someone to do them. And why is the managerial class growing? Because they push everyone to go to college. Changing lightbulbs and doing laundry and washing cereal bowls is beneath their pay grade. |