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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, March 30. 2016Wednesday morning links
Photo is cat looking for new mouse. Do Teenage Girl Scouts Really Require Adult Supervision While Selling Cookies? In Germany, yes. How Does A Penis Transplant Work? Here's what the first American recipient will undergo "Penis donors"? University Cancels ‘Vagina Monologues’ Because a White Lady Wrote It Transgender Man Sues Barbershop for Discrimination Penis donors again? College student warns: ‘Zootopia’ movie is ‘call to arms for white people’ Supreme Court: Non-Union Employees Must Now Pay Union Dues to Public-Employee Unions Forced union membership is wrong Marines across the Corps will be challenged on their unconscious Millennials bolt from socialism once they become employed and start making money FBI Investigating Reports Of 17 Men Chanting, Firing Off Shots In Apple Valley Obviously racists called the cops
Trump: He's Mean, but Is He at Least Bright? To be as kind as I can, I think I'd term him "incurious" I think so Paranoid politicians, sensational journalists – the Isis recruiting Fidel Castro Just Dumped Obama Frog, scorpion Sometimes Jihad Is Just Jihad - Examining the West’s habit of blaming itself for the terrorism directed against it Trackbacks
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Marines across the Corps are going to roll their eyes, bite their tongues, sit back and watch the mess unfold. If they are smart they will take just a dash of the nonsense to heart - don't lift a finger to help the ladies through training. The faster they fail and are reassigned to an appropriate MOS, the better.
Re: Fidel Castro Just Dumped Obama
First it's Fidel & Raoul, then this morning I learn that the great peacemaker, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said, "Those who say the future is in negotiations, not in missiles, are either ignorant or traitors." (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-missiles-khamenei-idUSKCN0WW0PT). One wonders if maybe they might actually not care to get along with us! Why, whoda thunk! The Supreme Court result on the unions was predictable. Lets be honest about this. The left has been bought and sold by the unions. They do their bidding for money. The unions have a monopoly in the workplace and the leftist politicians have given them everything they asked for. This case should have been decided on individual rights and not on the graft and payola of the unions. The fact that the four justices rolled over on this tells you all you need to know about appointing leftist ideologues to the court. We are becoming a banana republic where political leaders are bought by the rich and socialist groups. These four far left judges are throwing out the constitution and it will get far worse.
Union dealing are and always have been conducted by coercion, intimidation and extortion. They are like a legalized Mafia. Now the Supremes have kissed their ring. "To be as kind as I can, I think I'd term him "incurious" "
Well, Trump did matriculate at "elite" schools that inculcate incuriousness since about 1960. On the other hand, he is curious enough to question the continuation of NATO. Something which the alleged betters in DC politics refuse to do. And I don't think Trump's necessarily wrong to question NATO. For all intents and purposes, the organization is a relic of pre-Soviet disintegration circa 1989. With so many of the former Warsaw Pact nations being brought in as members I think it has outlived its mission. Even Eisenhower himself expressed the opinion that it would need to be reconsidered after ten years.
I'd like to see the NATO nations (excluding the US) recognize that they must now be in charge of their own futures; perhaps the US could take on Emeritus status? The organization's focus needs to adapt to the current post-cold war challenges, namely recognizing the effects of Islamic terrorism, whether imported or home grown, and preserving their Western European culture. While he's at it, Trump should reconsider the corrupt UN, which is simply a tool for skimming influence and wealth by nefarious means more suited to a mafia -- and the U.S. is paying them to do it! Meanwhile, with all the beheadings, mutilations, murders and continuing slavery of women, children and the underclasses, the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women condemns ONE country across the world for violating women's rights: Israel. Ahhhh?
https://sovereigntyproject.com/2016/03/30/u-n-says-country-violate-womens-rights-israel/ Well, of course ISIS is having recruitment success of the Belgium attack. As Gen. Hayden remarks in [url=http://www.aei.org/publication/gen-michael-hayden-on-the-terrorist-threat-today-vs-911/[/url] this interview, successful attacks is the best way for Islamic recruitment. As opposed to the media/elite screaming about non-existent poor treatment of Muslims, etc.
That is why we need to get better in this war. Most successful interdictions of terrorists is hidden or gets a small blurb in the police blotter column. We need some very good bloody put downs of terrorists. Run them to ground, bloody them up if they resist then photos like they used to do with Mob killings in NYC, that's the ticket. The story a couple months back of the ISIS trainer before a group of recruits in Syria when his head was blown off by an SAD sniper. Most of the recruits deserted that night. As a former Marine (Sgt. B/1/6 2MarDiv) I don't think "sensitivity training" would have helped on the islands of Betio, Saipan, Iwo Jima, et alii. Or any of the "Small Wars" that we fought throughout history.
And considering women in combat: Young Women and men together, away from home and lonely (there's another word that ends in 'y' that applies also) doesn't seem compatible to a battlefield situation. Vag.Monolgues cancelled! Ensler's WHITE!!!!1111!!!!!
I've always read that they're all pink inside. I am personally unable to verify or disprove that statement. "Emergency call to my IT consultant yesterday - "One of my machines is totally screwed. Nothing will open." Guy arrives, sits down, and in 20 seconds says "You just need a new mouse." And leaves. Sheesh. Talk about feeling stupid."
You'd be surprised at how many- or maybe not- no starts we go out on and it turns out the machine was not in park. Or was out of fuel. instead of looking for zebras, check for horses, first. Re: Barbershop discrimination.
Obviously the man/woman needs a crewcut as a constitutional right of first Amendment hair expression, so should sue the mustache off this barber. Also, the North Carolina churches and wedding cakemakers should sue "mideastern" restaurants which won't serve them ham and bacon, or let bikini-clad or transgendered women into their male-footwashing-restrooms. "I demand a bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich in this restaurant or Mosque as my constitutional right!" Gays and transgenders need to demand marriage ceremonies be performed in Mosques and by Imams, or the NFL will cancel the superbowl. jaybird: Also, the North Carolina churches and wedding cakemakers should sue "mideastern" restaurants which won't serve them ham and bacon
You are confused. A Kosher deli can offer only Kosher food, but must sell it to anyone who wants to buy it. A barber can offer only certain types of haircuts that are usual in men, but have to provide those haircuts for anyone who wants to buy it. A baker has to sell cakes to anyone who wants to buy one. jaybird: Gays and transgenders need to demand marriage ceremonies be performed in Mosques and by Imams Purely religious institutions can discriminate on most any basis. My understanding is that non-discrimination laws apply to public accommodations.
Also as far as I know, no bakers refused to serve gay people. They refused to participate in a gay wedding by providing baked goods. The only reason a gay couple sues a bakery for not selling them a cake is intimidation. Funny how no gays go to Muslim bakers and ask for a cake for their wedding and then sue them for refusing. mudbug: My understanding is that non-discrimination laws apply to public accommodations.
Which includes bakeries. Please note, per jaybird's comment, this does not mean a Kosher deli has to sell ham. It means a Kosher deli has to sell whatever it is they sell without regard to race or religion. mudbug: They refused to participate in a gay wedding by providing baked goods. QUOTE: "I'd like to buy the wedding cake in the window." "You're marrying her? Sorry, we don't sell to mixed race couples." If they sell wedding cakes, they have to sell regardless of their race, religion, or other protected class. mudbug: Funny how no gays go to Muslim bakers and ask for a cake for their wedding and then sue them for refusing. Muslims running bakeries are under the same anti-discrimination laws as everyone else concerning public accommodations. RE FBI Investigating Reports Of 17 Men Chanting, Firing Off Shots In Apple Valley
QUOTE: A county sheriff’s helicopter located the men walking near a creek with backpacks “and other items” holy shi'ite!!! "other items"!!! about five legal weapons! over a hundred shots! seventeen men not not on the run for crimes they did not commit! we're screwed! run for the hills! call out the True American Patriot UnDisorganized Militia! So it's Obama's turn to get thrown under a bus.
A 1957 BlueBird most likely. RE: Vagina Monologues cancelled due to a white woman wrote it.
I'd prefer it was cancelled because it is sexist, middle school twaddle but the reason given is as good as any. "Do Girl Scouts really require adult supervision..."? Back in the day, when I was a Girl Guide (this is Canada), once we were Guides (age 11) we were deemed responsible enough to escort the Brownies around while selling cookies. No adult supervision deemed necessary.
Further along in the day, Cookie Day coincided with a provincial election, and our meeting place was taken over by one of the parties. Promptly sold a case of cookies to one of their organizers, and then proceeded to marshal cookie selling stations at both exits of the local school which was our polling station. As I remember, we did really, really well that day. |