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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, March 26. 2016Saturday morning links
Easter Touches You No Matter What Your Faith Why education is productive — a parable of men and beasts Psychology is in crisis. This scientist's striking confession explains how we got here. Professor Ordered To Apologize For Conservative Blog Post, Or Lose His Job Residents Abandoning Chicago: Is It Following in Detroit’s Footsteps? Free Markets Aren't Free. Who Pays the Price? DHS Head Jeh Johnson: Illegal Aliens Are ‘In Effect’ US Citizens You belong to the Government, and it really really loves you Thousands Pledge to Get Arrested in D.C. Protests Next Month Obama’s Initial Reaction to Brussels Bombings: Right Decision, Poor Optics Solway is on board with Trump, and why New ISIS video: “Holy War Against Infidels Is An integral Part Of Islam”… Europol Official: 5,000 European Suspects Radicalized By ISIS Note that this quote would be considered hate speech in Britain today. Belgium, My Country, Is in Denial (h/t Insty) ISIS Supporters Release Video with Exploding Eiffel Tower Pope slams Europe over migrants
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Solway got a little carried away, himself.
We ought to be forever grateful at how Trump pulled back the curtain and held up a mirror, whether he meant to or not. I'm not a Trump voter myself, but I am sympathetic to Trump supporters, who do seem to cross a lot of demographic lines: Indies, working Dems, middle class minorities, small business owners and tradesmen. Many have been left out of whatever passes for a recovery despite all the Happy Talk about how much better off they are. They aren't, and they know it, despite their betters trotting out all their statistics. There is no political figure, on the horizon, that doesn't offer more of the same. It's understandable that Conservatives are indignant that Trumpsters aren’t endlessly nattering on about the Constitution. But, these abstractions don't mean much without stable, grow the pie, meaningful employment and a FUTURE for their children. They want to work and contribute; they aren’t interested in subsidies and handouts or they would be voting for Bernie. I can't explain how Trump became their champion; I suspect that there is a lot of projection involved, like there was with Obama. Whatever comes of the Trump candidacy, I can't unsee the casual bigotry and malice expressed toward regular working people and the deliberate misrepresentation of their motives. You know, obama and his companion doing the tango (he was REALLY horrible, by the way)implies that Argentina AND the USA really have no input on the war on terrorism or leading the world. Their places in history will be dancing the night away while the rest of the world gasps in horror.
Chicago: "And note that the Chicago Teachers Union has responded to this financial crisis by voting for a one-day strike to demand more money for themselves. " The jackals are only for themselves. They are saying, as I see it, "Don't nobody mess with my food trough."
I think that is the predictable result when unions came into the education field. Even Bob Chanin, General Counsel to the National Education Association, admitted the power of the NEA and "rights" of the teachers was more important than the quality of the schools. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7f5_1285637004
Is free trade free?
Not the way we implement it it isn't. You could write an appropriate and complete free trade agreement on a single sheet of paper and have space left over for a shopping list. But instead we write 2000 page agreements that give away the country, our rights and open our borders to abuse by those seeking free stuff. Everyone, every politician, special interest and bureaucrat who touches these agreements write into them something for themselves. The only person who doesn't and doesn't even get to read them are the citizens. Our government leaders and shakers considers these things as an opportunity to enrich themselves at our expense. Not only do these agreements move our jobs offshore they reward those who move our jobs offshore. If you think our trade agreements are bad just wait until congress crafts a "comprehensive" immigration bill. There is a reason why these things are called 'bills' and there is a constituency that must pay these 'bills'. Years ago I honestly and naively believed American's would wake up one day and throw the bums out. I truly thought we would 'wake up' and realize our leaders are stealing our assets and infringing on our constitutional rights. I don't believe that anymore. It seems each generation becomes less involved and aware and prefers free stuff to freedom. Now, GWTW, you have just answered the query by Exasperated, see above, as to why Trump is the leading candidate over all the GOPelitists who manage to re-elect themselves so they can ignore the wishes of those who voted for them.
And they ARE nattering on about The Constitution in that they do NOT want to be part of the Globalist NWO under the control of the U.N., World Bank, IMF, NATO, etc. banksters. Their forefathers knocked themselves out to remove America from European Empire's endless warfare and the taxation to pay for it. Let the banksters figure out another way of making a living vs. printing money on which we peons pay usury interest rates. Here is another angle from a poster on the Althouse blog:
https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6329595&postID=9094767760969249922 mccullough said... "The Dems ideas are bad as well but there is an audience for them. They have no problem with trade and environmental regulations killing jobs. The GOP has no problem with trade killing jobs and did nothing to stop all the regulations that killed off logging and other industries. They draw the line at banning fracking. So the GOP plan is to cut taxes on the rich to stimulate job growth in China and expand lower paying service sector jobs while trying to maintain manufacturing and construction at their current levels and add some jobs to the 1 million workers in oil and gas. For those left behind by the growth in trade and technology, the GOP position is that they should start their own business, join the military that the GOP hopes to expand, or work 7 part time jobs in the vibrant service sector in which Americans will continue to compete with the 10 million illegals the GOP wants to amnesty plus whatever more illegals come walking over the open Southern border. For those in tech, the GOP also plans to issue more H1-B visas so that foreign nationals from India and China drive down your wages or take your jobs. The GOP plans to continue running 500 trillion deficits because tax cuts will eventually pay for themselves sometime starting in 75 years from now. The Dems plan is to keep adding to the 22 million government jobs (except not adding more jobs to the military) to maintain some semblance of a middle class killed off by trade regulation and environmental regulation and to just distribute more food stamps, housing vouchers, Medicaid, EITC for low wage workers and welfare payments for those who can't find a job in our 21st Century economy. They also will add $1.50 to the minimum wage so that the peasants are placated. They, like their GOP counterparts,will also amnesty the 10 million illegals so that it's even harder for Americans to find low paying service sector jobs. They will pay for part of this increased government spending by taxing more from those who benefit economically from our trade policies. Half of all those who made over $200,000 a year voted for Obama. The rest will be borrowed with deficit spending. These are the visions of the two major parties. Id say the Dems hold the slightly better hand among the electorate. The GOP can win local and state elections by tweaking some school reforms and cracking down on rising violent crime. But they are done at the national level with their proposals. People realize that with so many low paying service sector jobs that the government has to supplement the low income with food stamps, housing vouchers, and Medicaid. And that government jobs are better paying than no jobs and service sector jobs. The GOP's policies don't produce a vibrant private sector that produces enough good paying jobs in the US. And people aren't going to work 5 jobs and compete with illegals for those jobs." That article on the Ventner company created microbe was fascinating.
Probably the most important work being done in science today. |
Tracked: Mar 27, 09:41