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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, February 8. 2018Hillarygate?Peeling the onion, it begins to be clear that the Clintons, in league with Russians, created the anti-Trump dossier and manufactured the Trump-Russia brouhaha. #Hillarygate: How the Clinton machine manufactured ‘Trump-Russia’ - All roads – and all dossiers – lead back to Hillary. Had Hillary been elected, none of this would be known. However, I am tired of all this dirty Clintonian scheming - Uranium to Russians, illegal emails, and now the Clinton dossier. Top Justice Department Official Who Helped Oversee Clinton Email Probe RESIGNS It never ends. Drain the swamp.
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Thursday morning links
Hmmmm. I call it all "desire" WHY IS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION FAIR? Maryland School District Dedicates This Week To ‘Black Lives Matter’ Lessons… Re Kimmel: The lovable late night host is gone, replaced by a finger wagging scold belittling half the country. Study: New Minimum Wage Laws Will Eliminate More Than 260,000 Jobs in 2018 Including teens who want to work California and the definition of insanity: Why do Democrats love tax hikes so much? Philip Hamburger on ‘The Administrative Threat’ FBI Informant Testifies: Moscow Routed Millions To Clinton Foundation In "Russian Uranium Dominance Strategy" Clinton ‘Hatchet Man’ Shopped Trump Dirt Earlier Than Previously Believed FBI Didn’t Notice Clinton Emails MARKED Classified, Wanted To Shut Down Probe Before Others Did FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything' Reynolds: “Hypothesis: The spying-on-Trump thing is worse than we even imagine, and once it was clear Hillary had lost and it would inevitably come out, the Trump/Russia collusion talking point was created as a distraction.” VDH: The press used to uncover government wrongdoing. Today’s press is defending it.
Trump's Right: The U.K.'s Health System Is Broke And Failing Wednesday, February 7. 2018Wednesday morning links
“Emotional Support Animals” Help Explain How America Is Losing Its Mind " Ms Schaefer, who teaches performance art to those less gifted than herself, is a recipient of the Boston ICA’s 2015 Foster Prize, and has been described by the ICA’s senior curator as “amazing,” “compelling” and yet inexplicably “underfunded.”" Transgender College Student Files Complaint Against Professor for Not Using Preferred Pronouns Justin Trudeau interrupts a woman to tell her to use 'peoplekind' instead of 'mankind' because 'it's more inclusive' Guy is a putz The death of the American newspaper Why “Open Borders” is a Dangerous Idea The left’s wild fantasies about finding crimes to topple Trump Hillary’s Attempt to Steele the Election DON'T CALL IT THE STEELE DOSSIER, CALL IT THE CLINTON DOSSIER From Russia, with love Václav Havel’s politics of encounter Tuesday, February 6. 2018FBI and DOJ Officials Broke The Law And Tried To Decide The Election - an Annotated TimelineFBI and DOJ Officials Broke The Law And Tried To Decide The Election - an Annotated Timeline (h/t reader) Two points were missed there. First, the info that Carter Page was an FBI agent/spy, and, second, the fact that Loretta Lynch has no grandkids to discuss on the tarmac. Nunes: 'Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton Campaign Colluded with the Russians'
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36 Hours (of football)I’m basically a kid. Sure I’m 55 going on 56, and I am starting to feel the aches and pains which we associate with age. Herniated and bulging discs make moving difficult sometimes. I have to watch what I eat and work out regularly to keep weight off. I miss the days of eating as much as I want, and as indiscriminately as I did. Bags of chips, tubs of ice cream, a whole pizza. Those days are memories. But one thing keeps me young. Sports. I love sports of all kinds. I played soccer and beach volleyball in my youth, but really enjoyed being team statistician for basketball. I love numbers, and sports are about numbers. Sabermetrics got me back into baseball after all the scandals and negative stories of the 80's and 90's caused me to lose interest. When you get right down to it, sports are a great combination of the things I love. Physical activity, competition, and data. But one sport has always been my favorite. Football. Never played it, always loved it. Especially one team in particular, where the team is mostly religion. Continue reading "36 Hours (of football)" Tuesday morning links Fine with me Solway: The Jordan Peterson Phenomenon Stimulating psycho-spiritual speaker/preacher Yales most popular class is Happiness A+ for attendance? End the Bias in Campus Sexual-Misconduct Tribunals Watts: The Extent of Global Warming Deception and the Damage is Not Hyperbole China’s Surveillance State Should Scare Everyone How uncomprehending is David Brooks about unlimited immigration? Polls swing toward GOP, easing fears of midterm disaster Christopher Steele Wrote 2nd Dossier, Containing Rumors Fed to Him by Hillary's Hatchet-Men Klavan: The media's lies are unraveling Trump Creates 'National Vetting Center' For Immigrants, Refugees And Travelers Secret Alliance: Israel Carries Out Airstrikes in Egypt, With Cairo’s O.K. Monday, February 5. 2018More Clinton corruptionThey have gotten away with it for so long, they don't worry about it any more: Clinton associates fed information to Trump dossier author Steele, memo says The press isn't what it used to be. Maybe it never was what it used to be. Rep Peter King: More Evidence of Russia Collusion with Hillary Than with Trump Also, These Five FBI Scandal Figures May Never Get Out of the FISA Woods - A well-known rule of the intelligence court bars the knowing presentation of flawed evidence to justify a surveillance warrant
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Monday morning links
Ivy League Dinner to Celebrate Being Overweight Beer the Wheel & Politics: How it all began UK Education Giant Unveils Hard-Left, Identity Politics - Pushing LGBT Classroom Programme United Airlines Cracking Down On Emotional Support Spouses How Will #MeToo Affect the Average Guy? Postcard from the End of America: Palmyra, NJ by LINH DINH New Jersey’s Tired Tax Tricks - In the Garden State, the promise that higher income taxes will close the fiscal gap never pans out. Tech giants are the robber barons of our time Damore Suit: Google Caters to Furries, Transgenderism, and 'A Yellow-Scaled Wingless Dragonkin' Reed College to revise Western Civ class after protests call it too ‘Caucasoid’ and ‘Eurocentric’ Funny about Western Civ Kimmel: Late Night Hosts Are All Liberal Because 'It Requires A Level Of Intelligence' Think California politics is on the far-left fringe? Just wait for the next elections. How the Clinton team created Russia Russia Obama Admin’s First Request to Spy on Trump Campaign Was Rejected by FISA Court — So They Added the Fake Dossier Knowing It Was Lie TRUMP WAS RIGHT! FISA Warrant Allowed FBI to Spy on Carter Page And ALL OF TRUMP CAMPAIGN Why Did the Democrats Lie So Baldly about the Memo? Former CIA Official Threatens Trump: “You’ve Been Around for 13 Months – We’ve Been Around Since 1908. We’re Going to Win” The FISA Memo, Obama and the Election that Almost Wasn’t Contrarian: Comments On The House Intelligence Committee Memo Nunes: FISA Memo Just "Phase One," Now Targeting State Department In "Phase Two" Why Democrats are holding a losing hand against Donald Trump To the polls – Are the Dems on the wrong side of the important issues? When Democrats Wanted to Compromise on Immigration - Not long ago, liberals embraced restrictions. Sunday, February 4. 2018The Super Bowl, Brought To You By TaxpayersAt Reason: Bread and circuses
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Saturday, February 3. 2018These people are crazyIt seems that once people get these jobs in DC, they forget who they work for (ie, me). Rod Rosenstein Threatened Chairman Nunes and House Intel Members in a Meeting 3 Weeks Ago A bureaucrat threatens elected Reps? It feels like political corruption all the way down. Why? Isikoff Stunned That His Carter Page Article Was Used To Justify Spy Warrant Oh yeah, the White House is owned by Putin . MSNBC, of course.
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Saturday morning links
A Chicken Dancing to DMX Was the U.K.’s Most Offensive Ad of 2017 60,000 hidden Mayan ruins discovered by lasers in Guatemala Great art exists outside of time As we've said, styles of art, music, etc change but never progress. No art is "better" than the cave paintings. You Might Be Part of LGBTQQIAAACPPF2K Without Even Knowing It Abortion-Rights Activists Proved David Brooks Exactly Right
ICE Chief Warns Illegal Immigration ‘Not Going To Be OK Anymore’ The Night the Democratic Party Committed Political Suicide Are Trump voters white supremacists? CNN: Huge Jump In Wages Due To GOP Tax Reform… Democrats Awesome New Idea: Repeal Tax Cuts Central bankers and The Legend of the Maestro: Never Explain, Never Apologize When homeless addicts just wanna be homeless addicts A lifestyle choice? Completely Taken In By The Poverty Fraud THE ASSOCIATED PRESS STOKES RACIAL DIVISION, SMEARS TRUMP The federal civil service is the permanent government When government expands, they are happy U.S. Adds 200,000 Jobs; Wages Rise by Most Since Recession Trump the orator outlines the greatness of America to Democrats’ disgust Democrats turned a hero into a horror story Nikki Haley: Russia 'Is Not, Will Not Be Our Friend' Why not? Friday, February 2. 2018Friday morning links
First stock I ever bought Recreational sex as a new Olympic sport Facebook users are spending less time on the site Who has time for that? Chinese are becoming world tourists Lots of them in NYC Bitter Feminists Go After The Hot Cheerleaders. Here Are Their First Victims. They do not look like most Feminists Dems took 100% of donations from Williams College in 2017 MAXINE WATERS: Russia is out to get me! " Is it possible that we actually have a Russian agent running the House Intel Committee on the Republican side?” CNN’s Sally Kohn Horrified By People Chanting “USA,” Says It “Sends Chills Down Her Spine”… Chills, or tingles? Z-man: “Has there ever been another time in American history when American elites felt this comfortable expressing such open contempt and hatred for their fellow citizens?” It's been chic for elites to hate America for generations Kimball: I Wanted Ted Cruz To Be President, But Donald Trump Is Working Cruz was not electable Judge Andrew Napolitano: If the GOP memo is as advertised we’ll see the deep state at its most frightening Rep. Steve King: “EARTH-SHAKING” FISA Memo Supported By Testimonies From FBI, DOJ Officials Rosenstein Fails to Defend His Failure to Limit Mueller’s Investigation Sultan: A year of Russian collusion David French: The Obstruction Case against Trump Still Has a Way to Go Kimball: Trump restores the "we" to America Euroland plans Ministries of Truth Thursday, February 1. 2018Steyn is so darn funnyAbout Trump and everything else. Not just amusing. Deadly serious too. This from 2017
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Things Democrats do not like
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Thursday morning links
Amazon-Berkshire-JPMorgan Show How Health Care Reform Should Work Had ´News´ Media Done Its Job, Obama Would Not Have Become President Perhaps " I'd like to know who thought it was a good idea to pose a Kennedy in front of a (broken) car in a place called Fall River?" CNN’s Tapper: Trump’s ‘Americans Are Dreamers, Too’ Statement ‘Offensive’ to Dems WaPo Changes Trump’s SOTU Headline After Liberals Freak Out DEMOCRATS’ HATRED OF TRUMP IS GOING TO BRING THEM DOWN Mueller Zeros In on Story Put Together About Trump Tower Meeting If they lied about it, a mistake The extraordinary nihilism of Republican attacks on the Russia investigation Wednesday, January 31. 2018Wednesday morning links
11 servings of carbs/day? Nobody could do that. Update on Jack Ma Women find men more attractive once they find out he is desired by others, a new study suggests. Duh. Works the other way too. Proof of Yale's racism Books Cooked at DC Schools: Will Star Chancellor Answer? NYT: What he did on his summer break - exposed global security flaw Obama’s Presidential Library Ripped As ‘Ugly Waste Of Taxpayer Resources’ By Chicagoans I hate all those stupid monuments to presidents. This isn't Rome...or is it? Government Agencies Have An Almost Pathological Need To Not Admit Error, No Matter How Trivial Is LIBERALISM JUST RESENTMENT AND ENVY SANCTIFIED? Poor Chuck Schumer - The Senate Minority Leader made it to the top, but at the worst possible moment. New Book: McCabe Initiated White House Meeting That Led To Leak - This story gives a glimpse into how the original Russia narrative may have been spread around to overly compliant journalists and other members of the 'resistance.' Trump’s border wall prototypes virtually impassable, pass rigorous testing Donald Trump is teaching Republicans how to fight Repubs tend to be both stupid and fearful instead of bold and confident Sorry, skeptics, Trump’s tax plan is actually working wonders Pfizer Plans $5 Billion Boost in U.S. Manufacturing From Tax Law Changes SOTU: A TREMENDOUS PERFORMANCE BY PRESIDENT TRUMP Best line: Americans are dreamers too State Of The Union: Trump Hits It Out Of The Park Amid growing US immigration crackdown, Canada quietly enforcing own laws Saudi Arabia says it has seized over $100 billion in corruption purge Eddie Adams' iconic Vietnam War photo: What happened next The Tet Offensive Revisited: Media’s Big Lie Tuesday, January 30. 2018Hillary’s ‘Sure’ Victory Explains Most EverythingVDH: Yes, it does.
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Tuesday morning links Lack of diversity in video games akin to ‘daily racism’ Many Intellectuals Can't Stand Jordan Peterson. Why? Lib Actress Alyssa Milano Calls Proposed Ban On Abortions After 20 Weeks “Horrifying”… FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Caught Leaking After Admitting “Trump-Russia” Collusion Story Was “Bullsh*t” FISA, the NSA, and the 4th Amendment White House Perjury Panic Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ? FBI Director Wray "Shocked To His Core" By FISA Memo, McCabe 'Removed' Next Day, More Heads To Roll: Report
Israel: Warning - abductions planned In First, Council of Europe Tells Palestinians to Stop Funding Terror Trump effect Italy's Population is Sinking Faster Than the Tower of Pisa Monday, January 29. 2018The Peterson Files
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Monday morning links
As we have been saying for years California may label coffee a cancer risk Paris is not just flooding, it is flooding again, and again, and again, and again. It's not a river. It's a government-managed canal The Very Liberal LA Times Seems To Be Crushing Their Own New Union I guess they want to try to stay in business Related, in Canada the government pays the press Real Americans vs. Our Effete Elites Chelsea Clinton Says ‘Women’s Reproductive Health Rights Are Connected to Climate Change’ Democrats Expose That Immigration Is All About Politics, Not Caring Jay Z: Blacks don't want money Michael Moore assails Trump, 'unfit,' 'narcissist, 'sociopath,' 'threat to humanity' GRASSLEY PURSUES AMERICA’S BIGGEST SCANDAL The Clinton-Russia collusion FBI went to great lengths to plot against Donald Trump If Trump didn’t collude with Russia — or doesn’t have some other criminal secret to hide — it’s hard to see what his corrupt intent would be in an obstruction case. Well, then it becomes an investigation about an investigation. "I suspect that a lot of the Davos crowd secretly admires Trump, even if they personally dislike him or his policies." I like the policies but have no admiration for him
“America is open for business, and we are competitive once again.” Belgium: How Low Can A Low Country Get? Teens roam streets with rifles as crime swamps Sweden - The army may be called in to halt a gang surge in immigrant areas Saturday, January 27. 2018The Clinton-Russia schemes may be emergingClinton, Podesta And Others In Senate Crosshairs Over Dossier; Given Two Weeks To Respond Was Steele the intermediary between the Clinton campaign and Russian spies? And what about Uranium One?
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Saturday morning links
AMA was co-opted by lefties long ago Lake Michigan has become dramatically clearer in last 20 years — but at a steep cost Clear water is not necessarily a good thing Nutella 'Riots' Spread Across France Sheesh. It's basically canned frosting. Why the Academic Left Fears and Loathes Dr. Jordan Peterson Sending Waiters to Jail for Offering Plastic Straws Bill De Blasio Admits He Wants To Kill The Oil Industry With Global Warming Lawsuit Who are the Dreamers? Williamson: On Citizenship for Illegal Aliens Trump at Davos: 'America First Does Not Mean America Alone' Trump in Davos: 'The Single-Best Anti-Poverty Program Is a Very Beautiful Paycheck' IMF Increases Global Growth Rate Projections Due to US Tax Cuts Democrats are coming unhinged over the Trump economy It’s Now Likely Mueller Thinks Trump Obstructed Justice Clinton–Obama Emails: The Key to Understanding Why Hillary Wasn’t Indicted The MSM Faces the Truth About Sweden Friday, January 26. 2018What does Mueller want?
Example: “Either Answer Is A Crime. Yes Locks In Obstruction Case. No Is Lying To The FBI.” Maybe. But what about "I just didn't like the guy, and got the feeling that he didn't like me either?" Thus, even if there is no Russia story to pursue, he can try to pursue Trump and his people on their efforts and wishes to make this entire annoyance go away. Obstruction, and the like, even if there was no wrong-doing at the heart of it. Trump, as a blustery shoot-from-the-hip businessman who likes to fire disloyal people and has no legal background and minimal legal thinking, is raw meat for this sort of thing. My guess is that Trump is talking to his lawyers like any ordinary citizen: "WTF? I did nothing wrong, and these a-holes are tangling me up in this BS and getting in my way. Just fire these jerks." I just hope that there are some honorable citizens in DC. Count me skeptical. Friday morning links
The Top-Earning Hedge Fund Firms of All Time “Breaking Bad” and the Five-Act Structure Why Toys R Us Can’t Win Anymore The sex lives of conductors - Norman Lebrecht examines the sordid underbelly of conducting where sex is considered a perk of the job Get Ready for a Meat Tax Push Is the humble sandwich a climate change culprit? Half the Grads at Highly Lauded D.C. School Had Three Months of Unexcused Absences The White House asked to borrow a van Gogh. The Guggenheim offered a gold toilet instead. Kimball: Populism and its critics Conservative Heritage Foundation Rates Trump’s First Year Better Than Reagan’s America First: European CEOs Go One By One To Tell Trump They Are Investing Billions Back In The US Why Democrats Won't Get Their Way on Immigration In Immigration Debate, Senators Must Put Americans and Their Dreams First NY Dem Gov. Cuomo Proposes Giving Free tuition to illegals Mexico Enrages Moonbats by Sending Needy Refugees Home Don’t Answer His Questions, Mr. President As walls close in on FBI, the bureau lashes out at its antagonists White House gave Robert Mueller nearly 8,000 pages of documents related to James Comey Germany: Return Of The Stasi Police State? Trump to Palestinian Authority: No More Aid, No More Talking, No More Anything Until You Commit to Peace Kerry coaches Abbas: ‘Stay strong, Trump will soon be out of office’ Palestinians buy $50 million private jet for Abbas Lester Holt Missed Something in His North Korea Report The Islamization of Oslo - In Groruddalen, a large neighborhood of the Norwegian capital, heavy Muslim immigration is testing multiculturalism’s limits. Disputing China's Spurious Territorial Claims in the South China Sea Thursday, January 25. 2018Thursday morning links WATCH: Israelis Crack the Dead Sea Scrolls’ Ancient Code The salacious Middle Ages - Medieval people feared death by celibacy as much as venereal disease, and practiced complex sexual health regimens W C Fields' ping pong match San Francisco changes Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day China Breaks a Cloning Barrier: Primates - The development heralds the possibility of genetically engineered primates for drug testing, gene editing and brain research This tiny Robot Can Walk and Swim — Inside You Evergreen State DOUBLES DOWN ON CRAZY Climatistas predict another warming hiatus Because You Ate A Steak From A Moo Cow, ‘Climate Change’ Moved A 620 Ton Rock In Ireland New research from Denmark finds that motherhood and a ‘child penalty’ are responsible for the gender earnings gap Gee, maybe there is more to life than money Great Again: Disabled Rejoin Workforce In Droves As Economy Gains Steam Suddenly, not so disabled... Tax-Reform Disasters Continue: Starbucks, Disney Announce Catastrophic … Wage And Benefit Hikes? George Soros Spent Record Amount Lobbying During Trump’s First Year ‘DACA No Longer Enough:’ Soros-Funded Illegal Aliens Demand Amnesty by Protesting Schumer, Democrats ‘Dreamers’ Storm Schumer’s New York City Home, Demand Amnesty ‘Now’ These are not innocent little children Sultan: The Imaginary Hispanic The FBI Is Looking Guilty As Hell In Russia Probe The Stench at Obama's DOJ and FBI Comey ‘Friend’ Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney - Daniel Richman, the law professor who leaked classified FBI records to the media at Comey's request, refused to disclose when exactly he became Comey's attorney. Sneaky SOB, that Comey NBC: Did McCabe Sandbag Flynn Into An Obstruction Charge? Andrew McCarthy Discusses Why Clinton Email Scandal Was Protected By President Obama The invention of Russian Collusion:
Germany Introduces Women’s Pants with Safety Alarms to Thwart Off Migrant Sex Attacks Life in multicultural paradise
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