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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, March 6. 2018Tuesday morning links
Photo - another pic from a pal in Killington. To be up on a mountain in the cold and snow is a great joy. At what age can kids do weight-training? Sports and calisthenics are best for growing kids You didn't need to kill the Porkie Dogs leave them alone after their first encounter. Mine did, anyway. Flippy the Burger Flipping Robot Is Now Cooking at the CaliBurger Fast Food Chain The Navy's most advanced submarines will soon be using Xbox controllers John Adams and the Jewish State How James Fenimore Cooper Redefined “Pioneer” NCAA: The World's Last Bastion of British Aristocratic Privilege Harvard backtracks, yanks ‘bridge’ program, forces female groups to go co-ed Smart people can be deeply foolish Georgetown student calls for Ben Shapiro to be disinvited from speaking — on free speech College physics course requires 'Decolonization' project What's the equation for that? Snowflake protesters hold sing-along to shut down factual feminist Christina Sommers
SCHOOL MASS SHOOTINGS A NON-ISSUE SAY... GUN CONTROL ADVOCATES Jimmy Kimmel Urges Oscar’s Viewers to March for Gun Control as Academy Awards Is Protected by Armed Guards Disarm the peasants Victimhood Culture Only Getting Worse, Professor Warns Feeling like a victim is a cool but cowardly way to avoid confronting one's shortcomings Professor Tim Wu Should Get Down On His Knees To Thank Creators of Convenience "There is nothing biological about biological sex, it is all “perilous colonial lenses”." Colonel House: The man you don't know who ruined your life The latest medical malpractice: blaming “climate change” for heart attacks "Private Sector Stasi" - Should Facebook, Google, And Twitter Be Public Utilities? How Silicon Valley went from ‘don’t be evil’ to doing evil Uncle Sam must rein in retirement benefits or we’re headed for economic disaster Just gradually increase the government retirement benefits age to 70 or 72. Klavan: Two Op-Eds Draw a Stark Portrait of Left vs. Right With Levin, NIGHT THOUGHTS WITH NUNES Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department For Documents On Bruce and Nellie Ohr Related To Steele Dossier Mueller’s Leaked “Hit List” May Indicate He’s Treating Trump’s Team Like A “Criminal Enterprise” "Don’t look now but Donald K. Trump has won his war with the traditional media, the Hollywood luminaries – and left the Democrats gasping for breath [and a missing program for action]." London Mayor caught faking celebrity endorsements in anti-knife campaign First they came for my guns... Haley to AIPAC: Our push to end UN anti-Israel bias is really a demand for peace Trackbacks
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Anent the porcupine...
Actually, while most dogs do indeed leave porcupines alone after the first time, my vet was entertaining me (while pulling quills out of my puppy) with other stories. Some dogs go out and seek vengeance on the next porcupine they meet (unsuccessfully) -- I had one of those once. My vet told me about one hound who made 13 attempts (so far) to revenge himself upon the entire species (getting a mouthful of quills each time). So, alas, he had to go. QUOTE: Uncle Sam must rein in retirement benefits or we’re headed for economic disaster Nothing like giving people a $1000 tax break, then cutting their mother's Medicare by multiple times that amount, all the while siphoning off billions more for billionaires. QUOTE: CBO projects that, over the next 30 years, the national debt will grow from $20 trillion to $92 trillion ($52 trillion after inflation) Or about 150% of the projected annual GDP at that time. Accumulated U.S. GDP over the next 30 years will be about $786 trillion (assuming moderate 2% growth), so addressing the impending deficits is well within the means of the U.S. Some small changes to entitlements, along with some prudence on the revenue side, would be more than sufficient to address the problem. However, cutting long-term taxes now and allowing deficits to balloon during a mature economic expansion not only exacerbates the problem, but threatens to create market instabilities. Real human: Wow, what business does the government have being in the retirement sector anyway?
Clattering Site Robot(s): [Bzzzzt!] We'll(s) noted that we'll(s) note that we(s) note that a tax break does not equal a Medicare reduction does not equal Wall Street. Real human: Sure enough, CSR(s) them things different all right. You suppose that corporate corruption of markets isn't justified cause socialism isn't justified? Hmmm? Clattering Site Robot(s): Infinite debt is good because GDP and we'll(s) noted that we'll(s) note that we(s) note that debt infinity and beyond is like QE infinity and beyond. And a partridge in a coal mine. [Bzzzzt!] Real human: What, are yo- Clattering Site Robot(s): Handwaving! We(s) called it, no tap backs. GDP indicates reality without any other correlation with reality. Velocity of red ink! See? Real human: Clattering Site Robot(s): TROLL! Real human: Clattering Site Robot(s): Real human: You'd(s) think with all that programming the damn thing would have at least some notion of fallacy... Nothing like giving people a $1000 tax break
For the last, GD time: It is not the government's money. jimg: It is not the government's money.
As the U.S. was already running deficits before the tax cuts, that means the money was borrowed by the federal government on your behalf. Enjoy! In my experience, canine intelligence (and commitment) varies a lot. I once had a Brittany get a porcupine quill in the eye, which I had to pull out with my fingers. The injuries to dogs from porcupines are often horrifying and sometimes fatal. Porcupines are perfectly welcome to eat bark out in the deeper wooded portions of my 300 acres, but if I ever see one anywhere near the house, he is going to get shot.
Fix the SS system.
First take it out of the general budget and out of the hands of congress. Then end benefits to those who did not earn them. Did you know that immigrants who never contributed to SS are signed up for benefits? Change the payout to one that complies with standard accounting procedures. For example if you contribute $100,000 to the SS system over your work lifetime than your benefit will be about double that of someone who contributed $50,000. Recognize that the federal government borrowed about $4 trillion or so from the SS trust fund and they need to begin paying that back as the system needs more funding. Finally adjust the payments such that it cannot exceed the revenues. Use a system similar to Parimutuel betting where the payouts cannot exceed the income. If they did this the SS would never go broke and never go into a deficit. The SS system is NOT the problem. Welfare IS the problem. End all welfare and replace it with workfare. Problem fixed. GoneWithTheWind: First take it out of the general budget and out of the hands of congress.
Social Security has its own accounting and administration. GoneWithTheWind: Did you know that immigrants who never contributed to SS are signed up for benefits? Most non-citizens who do not pay into Social Security are not eligible for benefits. Exceptions include the blind, disabled, and refugees. GoneWithTheWind: Change the payout to one that complies with standard accounting procedures. For example if you contribute $100,000 to the SS system over your work lifetime than your benefit will be about double that of someone who contributed $50,000. While not a one-for-one system, those who pay in more do receive more in monthly benefits. GoneWithTheWind: Recognize that the federal government borrowed about $4 trillion or so from the SS trust fund and they need to begin paying that back as the system needs more funding. The federal treasury is already scheduled to have paid back the entire Social Security Trust Fund by 2034 (apparently by borrowing the money elsewhere). GoneWithTheWind: Finally adjust the payments such that it cannot exceed the revenues. That's the current system. In 2034, when the Trust Fund is depleted, Social Security will pay about 79% of benefits (unless changes are made to the program). GoneWithTheWind: Welfare IS the problem. End all welfare and replace it with workfare. Problem fixed. The numbers are considerable. Traditional welfare costs about $400 billion per year. If you include Medicaid, the costs are about $750 billion per year. However, most able-bodied welfare and Medicaid recipients already work. You are incorrect about how many immigrants get SS. Far more than the examples you cited. All of the DACA kids will bring in the parents and grandparents and if they are over 65 they will get SS. This is by intent, your government wants to crash SS.
“those who pay in more do receive more in monthly benefits” You missed the point (shocked face). By paying out benefits in excess of standard accounting practices the system is going bankrupt. What did you think we were discussing here??? “welfare costs about… $750 billion per year.” Actually about $1.2 trillion a year when you count all of welfare. But the system is intentionally opaque so that the real costs can be hidden from the public. GoneWithTheWind: You are incorrect about how many immigrants get SS.
We cited the Social Security Administration. GoneWithTheWind: By paying out benefits in excess of standard accounting practices the system is going bankrupt. The system can't go bankrupt. Once the Trust Fund is expended, benefits will be cut to 79% of current levels, unless changes are made to the program. ^ Watching Gone Windy and The Clattering Site Robot(s) trade utter BS is completely worth the price of admission. This may be a solution to both wastes of time: Have them engage just one another for eternity.
Gee Meh,seems like you might be a little stretched out on the robot stuff,,maybe not,I don't know,whatever floats your boat I quess.
Mueller’s Leaked “Hit List” May Indicate He’s Treating Trump’s Team Like A “Criminal Enterprise”
Fake patriot and dishonorable Mueller IS the 'criminal enterprise!" But not to worry! TRUMP holds a YUGE sword over him, with regards to Mueller's traitorous role in allowing the Clinton Crime Family Foundation to achieve the sale of Uranium One to the Russians! Nice $10 million sinecure/ kabuki ya got there, Mueller! Be a real shame if it got tripped up by yer treason in handling U-1 for Felonia Von Pantsuit !!! Why, you could be the first EX-Marine, EVAH! Rosenstein told us a LONG time ago...I think it was June 2017...that people shouldn't pay attention to 'leaks' with regards to Mueller investigation as you don't know where they are coming from.
Just because something is touted as a 'leak' by a very untrustworthy (and frequently wrong) press doesn't mean it's true. I choose to wait for indictments before I 'worry' about anyone in the Trump circle. Remember when we were told months ago that the Veselnitskaya meeting in Trump Tower was going to put Don Jr. in jail? Where is he today? Living his life. Running his family's business. No indictment anywhere to be found. Remember when we were told that Farage was a 'target' of Mueller's investigation? That disappeared within a matter of weeks. Remember when we were told that Trump's finances with respect to Deutsche Bank were being investigated...? And then Reuter's had to print a correction? I just don't pay attention to leaks anymore. More than likely they are fake news or distractions to make us THINK Trump's in trouble. Meanwhile, we just keep finding out more and more about the dossier, the connections to the Clintons, the sleaze and corruption within the DOJ/FBI itself...I don't see how this is 'bad' for Trump at all. More on porcupines: I have had them chew on my truck tires and the rubber hoses and lines on my snowblower and snowmobile. That wears on a man's patience....
Harvard: Fair's fair; women and men are equal. (That's gonna SMART.)
Free speech IST VERBOTEN!! Pomona College is NOT teaching Physics, for REASONS. Thugs, not GUNS, in schools. Who is this Donald K. Trump of whom Old Crabb speaks? That photo looks like a great place to ski right into a telephone pole.
Hey, it worked for Sonny Bono. Let's invite DiFi! |