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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, August 7. 2018Big bearGame cam pic of bear scavenging remnants of a lion kill not far from Gynnie's sister's cabin in the Sierras last week.
Mary Ellis delivered the adjacent Spitfire 75 years before this rideShe took this Spitfire ride on her 100th birthday. She died last month. By seeming chance, today was my Mom's b'day, and she could fly single-engine airplanes. She quit flying when she had us kids, same way I quit motorcycles when I had kids.
Guys who do real workWho do we have working on ye olde Maggie's HQ these weeks? it will take 6-8 weeks total, I think, depending on rain. 1 Project Manager - The Boss. Made the Plan, designed the solutions to problems, coordinates everything, pays everybody, checks their work. It is a high-end job. Everybody kowtows to him, because he will be the source of their next job if they please him. It's how the world works. Somebody has to keep the Trump economy booming. Why not us? Ya know, I love seeing how they do their jobs and how meticulous they are. Also, their apprenticeship system. The journeymen carpenters are obviously experts, but they keep learning new tricks from the Master. And trust me, this place has some tricky things to deal with. Political paternalism towards black AmericansFrom The Infantilization of Black America by Tosin Akintola:
Tuesday morning links
Trump Insults Anybody Who Angers Him, Regardless of Color Elderly Men Escape Nursing Home To Attend World's Biggest Heavy Metal Festival Amish man starts "Uber" ride service with his horse and buggy Air Force silent after 2-kiloton meteor hits Earth near base I blame climate change EPA: Maybe adding ethanol to gasoline wasn’t smart after all! Kudos to Netflix For Dropping Farrakhan ‘Documentary’ Apple’s Stock Market Scam - The tech giant just became America's first trillion-dollar company, but it wasn't thanks to the iPhone. Free the carmakers from government regs We’ve Got To Stop Letting ‘Outrage Mobs’ Get People Fired CHINA Murdered or Imprisoned 20 CIA Operatives and Sources While Feinstein Had a Chinese Spy as Office Manager Mayor Blames Trump For Black Doll Hung In Playground. Reverend: Here's Who Actually Did It. California government official: “Unfortunately, common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.” Unfunded US state and local government pensions totals $5 trillion FAR LEFT MOBS RIOT In 3 Major US Cities — NOT ONE Mainstream Outlet Reports on the Widespread Leftist Violence The New Underground Railroad… To Canada
Monday, August 6. 2018QQQThe idea behind giving professors lifetime tenure is that this will enable them to speak out freely. But it would be hard to name any other occupation with a more cowardly record than academics, who have been giving in to politically correct campus bullies ever since the 1960s. Thomas Sowell, via Mark Perry Dust Mites Apparently every home has them, and there is no known way to get rid of them.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Monday morning links An extensive report from the Environmental Protection Agency found that including ethanol into the U.S. gas supply is wreaking havoc on the atmosphere and soil New York Bill Mandates Three Months Paid Bereavement Leave That is crazy on so many levels California fires and sprawl into fire zones NRA Sues New York Officials Over 'Blacklisting' Campaign Scott Adams discusses his visit with Trump A delightful report CBS News Tries To Blame Portland Violence On Trump Supporters This will not stand: Judge orders DACA fully reinstated Fact Check: Trump Says 3.5 Million People Have Been Lifted off Food Stamps The Fate of the Atlantic Alliance South Africa Moves Forward with Expropriation of White Land Without Compensation Sunday, August 5. 2018My Trump theme song
This is not Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. This is something heartbreakingly better: Tom Petty playing with Jeff Lynne, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr
The Leatherman Tool, and how nerds make great lives
Really, a Leatherman is an extra-sturdy Swiss Army deal with pliers. Vanderleun found this, the story of the Leatherman.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Lemon Ice Cream
Here's your recipe for Lemon Ice Cream. Ice cream was invented in Italy. By the way, what's the difference between gelato and ice cream? My favorite gelato is hazelnut. My favorite ice cream has always been coffee, but I do like that caramel-sea salt flavor too. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream or gelato?
From today's Lectionary
Psalm 51:1-12 51:1 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. 5:2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. 51:3 For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. 51:4 Against you, you alone, have I sinned, and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are justified in your sentence and blameless when you pass judgment. 51:5 Indeed, I was born guilty, a sinner when my mother conceived me. 51:6 You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart. 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 51:8 Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that you have crushed rejoice. 51:9 Hide your face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. 51:11 Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me. 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit. Wellfleet OystersWouldn't you rather be in Wellfleet right now? I would. "Impeach Trump" bumper stickers don't bother me much, because I figger all the cars without rageful bumper stickers are probably people like me. Saturday, August 4. 2018VDH explains Trump brilliantlyThis guy must be an amazing teacher. It's an education. From last Fall:
Does the American professoriate hate America?
Those elites do not know real people. Prof. Mark Perry loves Venn diagrams
Posted by The Barrister
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Saturday morning links
San Francisco Bans Everything Except pooping on sidewalks Thugs in Portlandia On Liberal Numerology Why The Left Wants to Control Ohio Elections Sarah Jeong Was Just Talking The Way Most People On The Left Talk About White People Is there really that much hate? Sarah Jeong Is A Warning Sign Of Something Wrong With The Left Funny: Trump will surely read her tweets at his next rally Why does she hate the utterly limp and innocuous David Brooks? ‘Why Do The Press Hate The American People?’ Cory Booker Bashes America: Things Are “Savagely Wrong” The Clinton campaign sought dirt on Trump from Russian officials. Where’s the outrage? Trump’s foreign policy rooted in Nixon, Reagan principles Independent voters a major headache for the GOP as midterm elections loom The idea that Trump et al are ignorant about trade These guys still get it wrong. They are just doing hardball negotiating Trump Creates 830,000 Manufacturing Jobs in 19 Mos. — 804,000 More than Obama in Previous 19 Mos. Mike Pence scolds mainstream media outlets that did not cover ceremony honoring return of Korean War remains FBI CONTINUED TO GET INFO FROM STEELE AFTER TERMINATING FORMAL RELATIONSHIP Steele was on a mission to destroy Trump Denmark Bans the Niqab, and Media Reacts Exactly as Expected Friday, August 3. 2018Stunning photos of natureMost of these 60 photos are stunning. I am posting the only fake one to demonstrate that politics is marketing.
Training your neuromuscular system
Since our physical fitness posts here are oriented towards building and maintaining general functional fitness and athleticism, we tend not to get into the weeds of strength-building. For general conditioning, we view strength (weights) as about a third of the program. 2 days/week, with heavy powerlifts etc. However, the strength component is crucial even if 2 hrs/week will not produce an Arnold physique. Speaking of physiques, we are genetically programmed for a body type (even if we cover that up with layers of fat). Certain body types were built for running, some for lifting up dead mastodons and elephants, etc. One aspect of that is our muscle cells. We are born with a life-long number of them, and a predetermined distribution of Type 1 And Type ll muscle cells which in part determine where our athletic potentials might be. Strength-building can build up the fibers inside those cells when subjected to serious demand. At the same time, a significant part of muscle bulk is blood supply. But getting to the point, the rapid improvement in strength during the first 6-10 months of lifting is attributable to neuromuscular development and efficiency. That's the first step in strength conditioning, and when progress is most gratifying. After that initial phase, progress slows and that is when the real slogging begins. A reader sent in this technical essay on neuromuscular training: Neuromuscular Efficiency (NME). A little basic Bio helps. More in praise of apprenticeshipsI am always promoting apprenticeship learning, at least partly because that is how lawyers learn their skills. Jobs are going begging in the US now: Closing the Skills Gap - America must get serious about worker training—and retraining—to stay competitive.
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Friday morning links
Scientists reverse aging-associated skin wrinkles and hair loss in a mouse model Omega-3 fatty acids do your heart no good - waste of money Aborigines: Reclaiming Work as a Virtue WALSH: Diversity Is Not Our Strength Whenever I get around to running a most punchable face contest on Power Line, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal will be one of the contestants. NYTIMES’ NEWEST HIRE SENT TONS OF ANTI-WHITE RACIST TWEETS Times has to keep up with radical chic IRONY: Social Media Mob Comes For Sarah Jeong, Who Cheered Social Media Mobbing Of Others This isn't culture war. It's worse. College hangs up on student asking about free speech policy Proposed Changes to CAFE Standards are Good News for Consumers "Start with a politics cleanse: For two weeks — maybe over your August vacation — resolve not to read, watch or listen to anything about politics." Africa: Poor Countries Need Economic Freedom, Not Handouts Socialist Venezuela Falling Apart As President Maduro Shockingly Blames Party Venezuelan Dictator Nicolás Maduro Now Admits Socialism Sucks 'Force field' technology could make US tanks unstoppable Thursday, August 2. 2018Rodney
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Political Science
Swimming with “Leviathan” - Reconsidering Hobbes’s magnum opus with the release of a new edition. Generally, I find it much easier to read about Hobbes than to read Hobbes.Deep thinkers are difficult to read. QQQArthur Laffer wrote the Republican tax policy on a cloth napkin in D.C. restaurant on September 13, 1974. It read, "If you tax a product less results/ If you subsidize a product more results./ We've been taxing work, output and income and subsidizing non-work, leisure and unemployment./ The consequences are obvious!" with an image of the Laffer Curve in the middle." Via Surber An American story
Every kid who has read it, or hashad it read to them, finds inspiration in it.
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