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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, August 13. 2018QQQ
Mrs. Bird Dog No links this morning
Mrs. BD was always a water rat - lifeguard, swimmer, Sunfish sailer, very cool water skiier - but I think teaching her to body surf in the icy Wellfleet ocean is what sealed the marital deal. OK, now she likes to use a half- wetsuit which I disdain, but whatever. Thrills and chills. Body surfing is for low tide when the big rollers come. This pic is some of my family at high tide, basking. We all go out there in August. It's a family thing. Physical recreation dawn to dusk: run,kayak, body surf, races in the ponds, maybe go fishing or clamming. Some relatives like to read on the beach but I have no patience for that. Midday, I don't mind a half hour in the art galleries and then a couple of beers at The Lighthouse with the lobstermen and the ageing prepsters.
Sunday, August 12. 2018Worms for your gardens
Serious commercial farms don't have many earthworms: The Coming Worm Apocalypse Should Terrify You. Gee, I am not terrified. People with serious, large compost piles often throw in a pile of Red Worms, but I like Nightcrawlers for my vegetable garden and flower borders. Of course, they spread into turf and shrub areas too if the soil is nice. If your turf is lousy, with clay and no food (ie no lawn clippings or shredded leaves), they will not go there to do your aeration for you. You can buy them here, and other places. They will work hard for you, and reproduce quickly. Release them at night, preferable on recently weeded or tilled soil.
Summer Drinks: Dark 'n Stormy
2 oz Gosling's Black Seal rum Best consumed on a Bermuda beach or the veranda of the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club after sailing down from Newport. Bermuda is a delightful place, and a quick trip from the East Coast. My Dad was kind enough to pay for our honeymoon there, and we have been back many times since then to refresh our honeymoon whenever needed. My parents had their honeymoon there too. We have each done our time in the Caribbean. We don't really care for it much. Decadent, uncivilized. How many hours do you want to sit on a beach like an idiot? Well, renting a bareboat for a week might be ok, visiting de islands, mon. Boat drinks. Re Female Sexuality
Women have a much wider range of variation in sexual responsiveness than men. Men are, just, you know, always ready for some fun. Thousands of articles have been written about female sexuality, but, simply, people are different. I have spoken to women who feel hot and who lubricate when husband or boyfriend just say "Let's get together tonight." On the other end of the spectrum, women who take forever to get warmed up in bed whether with a hot new lover or with somebody they love and are used to. I'll leave out the relationship (or no relationship) aspect because, although that is a factor (see Marital Sex), women vary a great deal in their erotic responsiveness. Some combination of physiological and psychological. Years ago I spoke with a 40 year-old with three kids who had felt alienated from her husband for a few years, "but the sex is still great." This lady would have her first orgasm within 20 seconds of penetration, and go on to have 6 more in a 30-60 minute sex session. She told me she had been like that with pre-marriage boyfriends too. Told me she got noisy too, which could be awkward. I think I told her she had been blessed. As I recall, she said she was capable of having an orgasm just fantasizing about a guy she saw on the street - no hands. There's a lot of space between her and women with "arousal disorders" (a real term, but I use it sarcastically). Probably a Bell Curve in female animal nature. Men, obviously, get a kick out of women who get tingles when they see them and are multi-orgasmic. Makes the guy feel good and inclined to come back for more. Apple Confidential Steve Jobs on 'Think Different'Apple Confidential Steve Jobs on 'Think Different' Internal Meeting Sept 23, 1997
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From today's Lectionary: Be imitators of GodEphesians 4:25-5:2 4:25 So then, putting away falsehood, let all of us speak the truth to our neighbors, for we are members of one another. 4:26 Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 4:27 and do not make room for the devil. 4:28 Thieves must give up stealing; rather let them labor and work honestly with their own hands, so as to have something to share with the needy. 4:29 Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear. 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you were marked with a seal for the day of redemption. 4:31 Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, 4:32 and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you. 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, 5:2 and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Saturday, August 11. 2018Why does tech have so many political problems?
Tyler Cowen wonders why
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"Get your head back in the car!"It's not the Manhattan I know, but it's a hilarious slice of a Manhattan neighborhood/subculture which is largely Jewish, but culturally, not seriously. I had to look up what "Birthright" was. I like the way he walks around with his posse. "We've got more JAPS than all of Tokyo!" Murray Hill is kind of middle class and nondescript.
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Dough Nuts
In the US, they were probably derived from the Dutch "oily cakes" as discussed by Washington Irving in 1809. Because I do not work in law-enforcement, I am not a fan of jelly donuts. The only kind I like are "plain" donuts, not too sweet, deep fried and crusty, with or without a dusting of confectioner's sugar or sprinkled with sugar crystals. If the bag doesn't show grease, they are no good. Donuts and coffee. Good ones are hard to find these days. What do readers like in doughnuts? Saturday Verse: ShakespeareSonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Friday, August 10. 2018"I was thinkin about Alicia Keys..."From 2008. Lyrics here I got the pork chops, she got the pie
Looking presentable at the beach It's a bit late in the year up here for this post, but beach wear is basically underwear. It exposes a person's condition. We've pointed out that it would take about 2-3 hours moving speedily on a treadmill, elliptical, or stair machine to burn the calories in your breakfast bagel. But it doesn't work like that. Our bodies preferentially burn glycogen (stored sugar, from carbs) for exertion. It takes over 40 minutes of higher intensity (eg running and the like) exertion to begin meaningful fat-burning. It's true than a daily hour of some exercise (other than walking or slow pool laps) ups your metabolism for a while, but it's not really significant. It's a downer for people, but the truth is that exercise is about fitness, while fat loss is nutritional unless you have 3 hrs.day to work out hard (probably not a good idea for people over age 35). The reason doctors and everybody else talks about nutrition and exercise for fat loss is sort-of to fool people into getting moving and less sedentary because sedentary, regardless of body fat, isn't healthy. In fact, it correlates highly with early cardiac morbidity regardless of body fat %. Sedentary can be defined, roughly, as less than an hour/day of sweat-producing exertion. Let's face reality: other than walks, most Western people prefer a sedentary, no-heavy-lifting comfortable life, and most do not wish to feel deprived of their appetites in these places where delicious things are in abundance. I get that, to each his/her own. We all have people we care about, though, who we'd like to stick around for a while. With proper nutrition, anybody can lose 8-12 lbs/month easily, with or without exercise. In fact, with difficult exercise (ie heavy weights) it can be a bit harder to lose weight due to the nutritional requirements for muscle repair. The youth have it easy. It can be difficult for the young (under 30 or 35) to gain weight even if they want to. To gain good athletic weight, the youth have to eat big and work out hard with weights. My Birthday Post: Do I want another dog? Mrs. BD and I have rarely had a dog-free home, nor did her parents and my parents. And my grandparents, who were partial to Shepherds. I've had English Springers, Labs and (hunting? sort-of) standard poodles. Some of the most glorious times of my life have been grouse hunting in the Maine woods and in Manitoba woods and prairies (Sharptails there). Will a hunt-bred Standard Poodle point on a grouse or woodcock? Yes it can. It will chew up the darn Woodcock, tho. I'll bet you never saw a Poodle on a hard point. Well, trust Bird Dog on that. To me, a dog and a fireplace make a house a home. As I write that, it does sound primeval. Maybe I am a primitive male. Here are my pros and cons, altho who ever made a decision based on such things? Pros: - I love having a dog around. A dog also loves me the way no human could or should. - A well-trained dog is an incomparable companion, and a well-trained hunting dog is a precious thing to you (and your hunting pals) Cons: - Huge commitment. When I get a dog, I train the heck out of it. I know how. 40-minutes/day of training for at least 2 years. I want a dog that will heel to my knee without leash through a city street, a 5-mile suburban jog, or a woodland swamp. Chase a squirrel or a deer? No chance unless I give a release signal. I want a dog who will respond to whistle, voice, and hand commands. I want a dog who will Sit-Stay in front of Dunkin Donuts when I go inside. My past dogs learned those things. Any dog will - it's up to the owner. A dog's behavior is a reflection of the Master. Never ever blame the dog. I've heard people say "My dog is difficult to train", as if their dog were special and wild somehow. Pure bullshit. It's on them. Training is work, and no dog yummies. Just "Good dog." - Re Basic Training. Do I use a shock collar outdoors? You betcha. It's not cruel. It gives you a dog you can live with. After two or three little shocks, the 3-second tone before the buzz is all it takes to remind them that you are God. "Come" or the "Come" whistle means hustle back to the Boss's knee. Dogs do like to be well-trained. Like children, training gives them Purpose and it is all relational. - Hunt-training. Fairly costly. I can handle basic to semi-advanced obedience training, but not hunt training. You have to send them to camp for that. Then you have to go to camp with them to learn it yourself. Hand signals are the best. My last dog Paco was quite good with them, but not so good with some other things. - I do not do much of the sort of hunting that I love best anymore. I don't know why, because I can bust brush and alder swamps all day better than I ever could. My favorite is grouse hunting in the Great North Woods, with the Moose etc. I rarely refuse a chance to hunt pheasants etc. at a hunting club, but the wilderness hunts are my favorites. In 6 hours in grouse habitat, you might fire zero to twice with your 20 ga., but you and the dog will have a great outing anyway. Hey - you're pointing on a White-Footed Mouse, silly dog!
Friday morning links
Painting by John Grillo. We have met him on many occasions and have some of his pictures. Always wanted one of his big oils but too much $. No wall space anyway.Yes, Wellfleet had a secret ocean nude beach for the free-love bohemians, artists, architects, and Harvard intellectuals. Not easy to find. Not much nude there now. What Is War Good for? Ask a Chimpanzee. What apes and monkeys can teach us about the roots of human aggression. Now another poet gets in trouble with the Red Guard Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition. Where are the grown-ups? The troubled 29-year-old helped to die by Dutch doctors Canada To Chronically Ill Man: How About A Little Euthanasia Instead Of Home Care? Apple Vows iPhones Do Not Listen In On Users... But Its Apps Are Another Story Ethanol Is Destroying the Environment We had corn on the cob with steak last nite. Corn is good food. And ethanol is for cocktails. How Do You Tell If The Earth's Climate System "Is Warming"? Steyn: MS-13 are nice kids Why California Cities Are Becoming Unlivable. California has the highest poverty rate in the U.S. and is rated dead last in quality of life. A tale of 3 ctiies: In 1960, Detroit had the US's highest average income Sarah Jeong Is a Boring, Typical Product of the American Academy She is predictable: Hates the US, hates whites including Jews, loves Palis. illegals, and loves all self-anointed victims, hates the New York Times (yeah). I doubt she ever met a roofer or a hunt dog trainer. Twitter Explodes After Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Shapiro In Response To Debate Offer U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy: Big Tech ‘Must Do More Than Take Down’ InfoWars Who next? Is Maggie on his little list? We feel he is a deplorable punk. Court denies preliminary injunction in U. Michigan Bias Response Team lawsuit The Red Guards win one Watch Ivy League Students Try To Explain First Amendment Berkeley: In addition to higher wages, the union workers are demanding that the school guarantee them free tuition and childcare, subsidize their housing costs, disarm the campus police, and provide financial support to illegal immigrants. No free lollipops? With the possible exception of Baltimore, there is no city where the consequences of leftist policies in terms of law and order are more dire than Chicago. Democratic Socialism Threatens Minorities. Nothing better protects victims of bigotry than a system where they can pursue their needs and wants outside the realm of popular control. Dear LeBron: Democrats, Not Trump, Ran Cities Like Akron Into The Ground NAACP's own poll reveals surge in black support for Trump – and they react badly Blacks' approval of Trump reaches a high of 21% and NAACP charges 'racism' Here We Go… Far Left Actress Alyssa Milano Blames Russia for Republican Win in Ohio Special Election I blame climate change Michael Moore: ‘F—k Hope, Seriously, F---k Hope;’ Trump Will Be ‘Last President of the U.S.’ VDH: How can Americans now trust the intelligence agencies shown to be corrupt in the very recent past? Dianne Feinstein was an easy mark for China’s spy Byron York: What Was Hillary Clinton's Cut-Out Christopher Steele Doing Pallin' Around With a Putin-Linked Russian Oligarch Who Wasn't Allowed in the United States But Really Wanted that Prohibition Lifted? Is there any doubt about a spy-FBI- Russia-Clinton nexus? "The Outlook Has Become Grim": Trump Trade War Causing "Rare Cracks" Within China's Communist Party Why the EU Won't Comply with Trump There has never been free speech in China Who Really Stands Up for America? Trump Wins: Germany’s Central Bank Stops $400 Million Cash Delivery To Iran There's a sailboatThe Herreshoff Fishers Island 31 Sloop, KESTREL, via Salt Water New England, where everything and everybody always look perfect, Yankee-style.
Thursday, August 9. 2018I Don't Believe YouA Dylan 1964 outtake recording at 1 am, with plenty of wine Why the Left Is So Afraid of Jordan Peterson
Most people have many more important interests than politics. For example, constructing a good productive and fulfilling life in the brief span allotted us. If anybody expects politics to deliver them a good life, they must dream on.
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Why should we be good?Other than to stay out of trouble, that is. From Quillette. It begins:
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QQQ"The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old... They literally know nothing... We created an echo chamber... They were saying things that validated whatever we had given them to say." Obama White House aide Ben Rhodes, describing how the Obama admin clowned willing journalists for 8 years. Armillary Spheres and Astrolabes Astrolabes were rendered obsolete by sextants, telescopes, and timepieces but are still used for instructional purposes. The armillary sphere was the predecessor of the astrolabe. The Armillary Sphere Brief history of the Astrolabe
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Thursday morning links
CAL POLY TO REQUIRE PROFS TO SUBMIT ‘DIVERSITY STATEMENT’ AMID CRACKDOWN ON WHITE STUDENTS Surprise: Warmists Admit Carbon Taxes Are Jobs Killers Poetry: The progressive heretic-hunters turn their eyes to The Nation, and the nation. American Jews: oppressed minority or privileged ? Rabbi Sacks: On not being a victim Meet America's Elite Farm Subsidy Club Hall of Famer Jim Brown says he'd never kneel during anthem Why Chicago can’t get a handle on deadly shootings Drug gangs killing eachother. Maybe Chicago doesn't care about that "Heavily Armed" Muslim Extremists Arrested In NM; Trained 11 Children To Commit School Shootings The Great White Culture War Never will you hear the Progressive say “this is good enough, we can stop now.” The Elite Freaks Out When Trump Puts Americans First Trump May Lose Star on Walk of Fame, But Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey Won't Americans Give Trump An 'A' For Economy STEELE, SIMPSON, AND OHR LINKED WITH RUSSIAN OLIGARCH Via Ace:
Beijing demands Christians infuse faith with 'Chinese characteristics' amid crackdown on religion Saudi Arabia crucified a man in Mecca while aggressively calling out Canada over human rights China has had a strategy to supplant the United States as the dominant military and economic power since 1949. How to Combat the Left’s ‘Alternative’ Israel Brainwashing - My time among the propagandists Wednesday, August 8. 2018Well-done podcast about Bob Dylan's work (Part 1 of 3)From a bunch of articulate Dylan-appreciators at NR. "Following our trip through the music of The Beatles, we decide to tackle an artist who is just as important and influential, but with a discography roughly four times as long. What could go wrong? In this part one of three, we tackle Dylan’s career from Bob Dylan (1961) through John Wesley Harding (1967), one of the most prolific and successful periods of any artist in history." Well, pop artists. Let's not overdo it. Two good finishers: Farmer's Walks and Kettlebell Swings
- Since we aren't musclemen, we use kettlebells for Farmer's Walks, as heavy as possible. Chest up, shoulders set back, and walk around with them. Squeeze the handles hard. Grip is the weak link with this so they are forearm exercises - but everything else too. Often, a quick reset permits going further. I am up to 28 kilo kettlebells now, which is nothing great but better than a year ago for one-minute walks.
- Around 3 sets of Kettlebell Swings are on our list of biweekly calisthenics. Correct form is essential for benefit. The swing is exerted by a hip thrust of your "power zone." Arms should do no lifting - they are just hooks for the weight. After one or beginning swings, get the bell up to near eye level, with the weight trying to pull you forward a bit. Never lean back - let the weight try to pull you forward. High-rep, light-weight swings (one-minute sets like in a cardio class) are aerobic cardio/calis. Medium-weight, lower-rep kettlebells (like 20 reps/set) are more for power and tend to go anaerobic. High-weight, lower-rep (eg 10) kettlebell swings are pure power-builders. Do them all, mix and match. About Kettlebell Swings. Wednesday morning links UCLA students forced to pay for ‘Toxic Masculinity Committee’ THE LEFT’S WAR ON WHITENESS Should Christians Vote for Muslim Candidates? Why not? It depends The Latest “Trump The Tyrant” Article From The WaPo Is A Real Gem HOW THE MEDIA EMBRACED EN MASSE FAKE NEWS ABOUT TRUMP TOWER MEETING CNN’S OWN LEGAL ANALYST DASHES PANEL’S COLLUSION NARRATIVE Obviously. And unlike Clinton, there was no payment for Russian dirt The Big Tech censorship storm has landed Socialist ‘Future of the Democrat Party’ Just Had a VERY Bad Night Beyond family separation: Trump’s ongoing war on asylum, explained But if you get arrested, you can't be with your kids How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case Why Doesn’t President Trump Get More Credit? German Spy Chief Warns, Islamist Children "Pose Real Threat" To Nation Asylum seeker who raped 17-year-old student in a cemetery replies ´Yes, I did that. Why not?´ as he is jailed for 16 years for attacking her and another woman five months apart We have to be more multiculturally understanding, right? China may have to resume U.S. soybean purchases in weeks Trump drives tough deals
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