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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, October 23. 2009Friday morning linksGolden Eagle attacks reindeer calf What's holding back nuclear power? Regulating the internet. Is this a slippery slope? However,
Dem: Repubs are the real enemies of America. Things are getting strange. Hey, here's a reason to do it! Cap & trade could be a boon to NYC trading firms Coyote on free speech and the UN:
By what Constitutional authority could the Federal government force me to buy medical insurance? India: We’re Not Hurting Our Economy For “Climate Change” A Lefty has a Moore-gasm "Sending" more kids to college? Why? We "send" too many already who just waste time and their parents' money.
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A repost - Take a minute today to send a few emails to let your servants in government know what you think.It's not too late. Or you can do it again. It's even worth it if your Congresscritter or Senator is a far Lefty: it's important for these people to know what you think. So take a minute today to email your Congressman and Senators to let them know your views of the Dem healthcare plan. Their email and fax addresses are here. It helps to be calm, polite, reasonable, direct - and brief. A fax is probably better than an email. If you oppose further government involvement in our medical care, you can also sign the Free Our Health Care Now petition. Over 1 million have signed it, I am told. For me, it's an issue of how much I want my life controlled by Federal bureaucrats and politicians. I am with Jefferson: the less, the better. Let's take care of the poor, the unfortunate, and the feckless, and let the others make their free way in life as Americans are born and raised to do. Keep the government's hands off my body! Thursday, October 22. 2009La-Z-Boy Nascar Next?Almost 20 years ago I bought my expensive recliner-from-heaven. I’m almost always in it to watch the 19-inch 30-year old TV in my office. (I only go into the other room to watch thunderous soundtrack action movies on the 60-inch TV hooked up to speakers that rock the house. The house actually vibrated when I cranked up Godzilla stomping through NYC.) Now I’ve got a new hero, and possible hobby. The
This is the motorized La-Z-Boy chair that Dennis Anderson of Proctor was operating when he hit a parked vehicle in 2008. Here’s another photo I found of this hobby.
Just think of the pit groupies to co-enjoy this sport!
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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"National Sovereignty, Climate Mysticism, and You"
Roger Kimball tells it like it is.
Love and Theft
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Central Ohio #3: Kenyon CollegeI like my kids to get out of the Northeast for at least some part of their education, and they all have done so. I am delighted to have a pup at Kenyon College. She loves it, and I am pleased and relieved about that because through secondary school she spent every free moment banging around NYC, going to theater, museums, concerts, street fairs, theater internships, pubs, etc. I had come to think of her as a city girl. My overall impression of the Kenyon kids is clean-cut, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, cheerful, studious, not overly Maoist, and very engaged in all of the activities of the school. For one example, the pup tells me that she does not know one kid who is not involved in some musical activity, and that the intro Theater course is the most heavily subscribed, with four large sections. Small liberal arts colleges in the countryside tend to feel like Prep Schools to me, and Kenyon does have that feeling. If a kid went to school in the relatively isolated countryside or to a place like Exeter, Andover, Hotchkiss, Choate or Deerfield, I don't think they would find Kenyon to be an exciting change of pace. (With around 1600 kids, Kenyon is half the size of the BD pup's high school.) Kenyon was founded as an Episcopalian seminary and college by Dartmouth grad Philander Chase in 1824 when Ohio was pioneer country. It remains, technically anyway, an Episcopalian school. Kenyon grad Paul Newman built them a wonderful new athletic center with pool, gyms and work-out rooms (which are shared with people in the town). He didn't need to build them a theater, because they already have three: a black box, a small theater, and a high tech large theater - plus a large music performance auditorium in Rosse Hall. That's enough for 1600 kids. I took some snaps of the cozy campus, of course. The pup's favorite classroom, in Ascension Hall: Lots more snaps of the Kenyon campus below the fold - Continue reading "Central Ohio #3: Kenyon College"
Posted by Bird Dog
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Congress is all messed upHealth care: They tried to do too much, over-reached, went too far Left, tried to grab too much control, and now they are in a pickle. It's their own darn fault. Hubris. Even the Blue Dogs are facing spending fatigue. Meanwhile, the "Great Uniter" remains on the attack. Please, O, bring us together!!!
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Snipe hunting and Bird du jour: Wilson's SnipeAs a nod to huntin' season, our current image on top is from Currier and Ives' American Field Sports series. I do not see Snipe too often anymore, but I do not know why. Last time I saw them in any numbers was in a Manitoba marsh.
What reader BL wants, BL gets
About Dick Cheney's speech yesterday, at NRO. Always liked and admired Cheney. Still do. Like and admire BL also.
Thurs. morning linksO'Reilly: “Obama is fighting harder against FOX News than he is the Taliban.” Like we said yesterday Copenhagen and national sovereignty. No Pasaran It takes a governor to be an effective Pres Re ACORN, at Powerline: The last shoe drops 49 of 50 states have lost jobs since stimulus It's quite simple: price-fixing masks costs All the Commies in Obama's admin. Am Thinker Urbanism update: The white city and white flight
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Airport Dunkin'Wednesday, October 21. 2009Let's attack the Chamber of CommerceWhy not? White House Targets Chamber of Commerce Over Opposition to Reform Plans. They are looking to make enemies, and that is a poor strategy. I think it's like Nixon's Enemies List. Tree du jour: White AshWe posted on the sad story of the Ash Tree diseases recently, but I didn't have a good photo of a White Ash, the fine northern hardwood and pleasant shade tree from which the Louisville Slugger happens to be made. I took a photo of one - a young one - on the Kenyon campus in its orange and yellow autumn splendor.
Limits? What limits?Via Shaw at PJ:
Anti-Repub attack adWeds morning links
Hurricanes? Global warming. No hurricanes? Global warming. DOJ: Blacks will only vote for party labels. Unbelievably insulting. The No Insurance Club. One annual fee to your doc. Basically, the doc takes the risk of his time. Is it paranoid to imagine that Obamacare is about the government owning your body? Have fun. It's 1502 pages of bureaucratese. The Pope welcomes Anglicans back home Protesting Geert Wilders at Temple:
Related: Minuteman's Jim Gilchrist banned from speaking at Harvard. Modern academia is afraid of ideas. Related: Amherst wants Gitmo detainees. I guess it's some weird version of Radical Chic. Polarizing America the Alinsky way. Related: ACORN vote fraud in NYS
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Tuesday, October 20. 2009Tuesday late-day links
Last week we had Anita Dunn praising Mao. Now we have another Mao-praising Czar in the WH. See Dr Sanity's If it walks like a Marxist... From a Carville poll report on my half of America:
With two Mao-lovers in the WH, it's no surprise some people wonder what's going on. The Maldives are running a slick scam. Govt control of insurance will lead to greater denial of care. Fro sure. In fact, Massachusetts now faces government rationing. Afghanistan: Deciding not to decide is a decision I want to go into the not raising pigs business Founder of Human Rights Watch denounces Human Rights Watch. Same thing happened with Greenpeace. Non-profits commonly get taken over by Lefties. Brit NHS pays its staff to get private medical care
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Desperate times in DC?From the Sun Times:
Democrat ObamaCare Strong-Arm Tactics Are A DisgraceA Republican legislation-watcher emails this update on Democrats' arm-twisting:
Jimmy Carter Vs. Barack ObamaIt’s time for Jimmy Carter to take on Barack Obama on the issue of human rights. I don’t expect that to happen but it is clearly called for. Even Jimmy Carter doesn’t deserve for Barack Obama to be called the most incompetent president since Jimmy Carter. Barack Obama is worse. I often surprise critics of Jimmy Carter’s presidency by reminding them he returned US foreign policy to an emphasis on human rights, and that laid a foundation for Ronald Reagan’s successes in reaffirming American dedication and actions to support those who fought to stay freer and to ultimately dismantle the Soviet Union and its Iron Curtain. Skipping Carter’s own excesses of idealism and grave mistakes in executing foreign policy, which led to many considering his presidency a disaster and voters rejecting him in 1980, and his descent into outright extremism since, read Jimmy Carter’s commencement speech at Notre Dame in 1977, for example.
Compare that to Barack Obama’s virtual abandonment of human rights and to any pride in a generation of costly and brave resistance to the Brett Stephens summarizes Barack Obama’s abandonments, in
In the early days of the Cold War it was the moral courage of stout liberals, indeed many being former allies of socialism or communism, who defined the stark difference between the West’s essential core virtue and worth against those who continued to defend or kowtow to its enemies. These men and women of integrity and grit were my early mentors, and led the free world's resistance to tyranny and repression. Again, it is time for those with a sincere belief in their primary humanist motivations to stand and dispute the wayward Obama and those who are misled. An example is the founder and former 20-year president of Human Rights Watch, critical of HRW’s one-sided myopia regarding the
Obama isn’t about to listen to conservative critics, indeed he seeks to stifle them. Perhaps he and his acolytes inexperienced in the great moral battles and sacrifices of the Cold War might listen to allies who know better. These former liberal leaders owe that to their own integrity and legacy, or else cooperate in its demise.
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Ohio's Central Highlands #2: On the road
Plenty of Amish on the roads with their lively, quick-trotting rigs.
Lots more road snaps and scenic vistas below the fold, including cornfields by the mile (why no pheasants?) - Continue reading "Ohio's Central Highlands #2: On the road"
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The Stealth BillIt's a Health Bill. No, it's a Tax Bill. See Surber for the depressing details including the retroactive taxes. Related from Barone, who wonders who's going to pay for all this? Two on higher edThe moral bankruptcy of academia: NYM On college admissions, via No Left Turns:
A Cherry-picker's guide to temperature trendsMonday, October 19. 2009Monday evening/Tues morning links
World's largest duct tape factory When firing your greedy money manager is a mistake. Harvard, in this case. Remaking the system for 5% of the population. It does seem stupid, doesn't it? But it's part of a plan. Related: Only 42% favor health care reform./ Related: Health Bill or Stealth Bill? What's in those 1500 pages? Why some utilities like cap and trade. They can make money on it. "the actual climatological outlook is: morally cloudy, with a hyper-political chance of poor discernment." Kathryn Lopez Via Powerline: Seriously, what can be done to stop this insidious invasion of our public space by left wing propagandists spouting costly nonsense? The New Left Gospel. Am Digest PM: Only 50 days left to save the world. Yikes. Via Insty: H1N1 is Obama’s Katrina. The US Gov’s response to H1N1 has been subpar at best. David Thompson: I sense a malign presence SISU on human nature. An email we received today:
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