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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, June 7. 2007Germans fleeing Germany
This does not bode well for them. No Pasaran
QQQ"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Theodore Roosevelt, 1907 Wednesday, June 6. 2007Weds. Night Links
Is this Hell? 1,680 guitarists play Smoke on the Water. LGF Which Repubs voted in favor of illegal immigrant felons becoming citizens? Daily Pundit Keep an eye on this guy Gupta. Powerline. He knows how to hire people. Web censorship. The latest fad. All of the cool countries are doing it now.
God, evolution, and politics. Can you find the ten dumb assertions/statements in this piece in the usually-good New English Review? Better off illegal? Immigrants take heed, and get on board. It's much better to be illegal than legal. Gets it wrong. Edwards claims gun ownership is a privilege. Huh? Given by whom, John? (h/t, Viking). I thought it was all about "endowed by our Creator..." White Lit Prof takes a niggardly look at tar babies. Protein Wisdom. You would have to be a total ignoramus - and a paranoid - to construe such things as racial slurs. He discusses "intentionalism." A fun letter to the editor rant from Brit Barry Beelzebub, who has had it up to here.
Moslems really do not trust their women. Moderate Voice. Why not? Harry Reid claims that illegals are Americans. Wait just a minute, Harry. When I am in Japan, am I Japanese? Or am I Japanese only if I am in Japan illegally? What happened to passports and all that stuff? Fark's Drew Curtis on news, etc. from an interview at Right Wing News:
Brit nose art defeated by political correctness. Don't want to offend Moslems. Maybe the missiles will contain buttered popcorn and the bombs will be filled with goody bags.
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"In Preparing For Battle, I Have Always Found That Plans Are Useless But Planning Is Indispensable.""Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based on the best information available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt, it is mine alone." (Text of note found in the pocket of General Dwight David Eisenhower long after the D-Day landings succeeded.) Rick MoranRick, the esteemed, amiable, and often-provocative proprietor of the Right Wing Nut House, is indeed nutty enough to try to make a living blogging. Who's gonna throw that minstrel boy a coin? We'd hate to lose him because he is one of those guys who has the time to dig into things rather than going off half-cocked, as we sometimes (some would say often) do here. 63 years ago today“...a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization.” The FDR audio here. D-Day was an excellent trick.
St. John's in the MountainsIf you know wonderful Stowe, VT, you know St. John's in the Mountains church, on Mountain Road in full view of Mt. Mansfield. The old building, for some reason, now sits forlornly in the parking lot in the photo below. I'd buy the building if they included delivery. The parish's brand new digs, on the same spot as the previous, here. It looks like a happy little church. (h/t Chris, a Stowe native who took the photo)
Individual Liberty erodes, one little trans-fat molecule at a time
When freedom is removed from the political equation, and replaced by benevolence, the result is tyranny. Don't all tyrants say they want what is good for some or most of "their people"? I love the C.S. Lewis observation, which we often quote:
I will trust free markets over government any day of the week. The problem with all of the "minor" issues - trans-fats, smoking, motorcycle helmets, seatbelts, gun control, etc - is that they eventually add up to an oppressive, dispiriting burden, as in the UK. A quote from the Union Leader article:
That's right. But you can feel like a nut and a crank standing up and opposing each tiny, seemingly well-intentioned step that government takes, even though the imposition of most of these issues is really driven by controlling do-gooder cranks with too much time on their hands. The problem, as I see it, is that these are laws, not advice. Heck - I usually use my seatbelt - especially when I am driving my pick-up, drinking Coors Lite, reading the paper, shooting various animals and shooting various annoying people out the car window, listening to the radio, eating a bagel, talking on my cell, and blogging on my Blackberry - all at the same time, like every normal busy red-blooded American does. If America doesn't still stand for individual liberty from state power, then what good are we? If we, and our politicians, remove individual liberty from the equations they apply to law-making, what are we? If laws have to have "Environmental Impact Statements," how come they don't have to have "Freedom Impact Statements"? (I don't think I am the first to say that, but if I stole it, I don't remember from whom.) Addendum: I should also have re-linked the Cafe Hayek piece on the subject of trans-fats (which government experts insisted upon, just a few years ago, as an improvement over lard) and the food Nazis. A nanny with cops and guns backing her up is worth calling a Nazi, in the sarcastic Seinfeld sense of the term, if you ask me. (See our Mayor Bloomberg satire, which some readers thought might be real.) Appalling examples delivered fresh, daily, at Moonbattery Iranians catch three fishing Finns
Finns? As one commenter on the story at Free Republic notes, "My question is- why don’t we hire the Iranian border guards? Those suckers don’t miss anybody."
Fred Thompson last night
While the Repubs duked it out (Rudy was excellent), Fred went solo on Hannity. Video
Weds. Morning Links
Rip Van Winkleski wakes up, finds world changed. Attack Machine Freeman Dyson on video, on warming hysteria, via Classical Values Bush rocks Prague. Quotes from his speech on freedom. Gateway Do not read this book, says the New York Times Hillary talks about "her faith." Tammy Bruce. Meanwhile, Obama catches up with her in polls. Remember the kid who shot that monster pig? It might have been a farm pig. (h/t, Reader) New Hampshire rejects a seat belt law, and No Looking Backwards explains, in no uncertain terms, why that's a good thing. Similar issue re trans-fats, at Cafe Hayek. A quote:
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Tuesday, June 5. 2007Romanticizing Cuba
Thomas feels that the US embargo has been a major factor in keeping Castro in power. A quote:
Deer Camp TruckThanks for the photos, John - but this is not what I would call roughin' it.
More photos of the vehicle on continuation page below - Continue reading "Deer Camp Truck" Far out, dude.
Candidates for the Darwin Awards? As they say, There is no cure for stupid.
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The "Voluntarily Poor" and bad choicesLike the Barrister in his fine piece on the subject of poverty, I am interested in understanding who the poor are in the US, and why. What lies behind the census data and stats? In medicine, we of course deal with many people who are poor due to various physical and mental dysfunctions and disabilities, and our charities and government programs offer them a great deal of help and support. In fact, the poor in general are beneficiaries of a huge safety net in the USA thanks to the generosity of our citizens. But what I found most interesting in The Barrister's piece was this notion of the "voluntarily poor." In America, we are too quick to assume that everybody wants to be rich. Indeed, I think no sane person would refuse a $160,000,000 check from Powerball, but the word "voluntary" refers to behavior, not to idle thoughts and dreams. If you aren't willing to move from Podunk, Maine to Charlotte, NC to get a good job, you are indeed voluntarily poor. And if you would rather drop out of high school and have four kids as a single Mom in St. Johnsbury, VT, you are also voluntarily poor. If you are an uneducated, illiterate immigrant, you are voluntarily poor - but presumably better-off than at home. I would like to be able to look behind the poverty stats to try to understand what choices in life the poor have made, with the understanding that these choices probably reflect a part of what they want in life. Not everyone is materially-driven, and most people are only partially materially-driven. Some people are driven to nothing at all, including basic self-respect. Some are, in fact, motivated by dependency. There are only two facts that I know for certain: Single moms are often poor, and people who do not work full-time are often poor. Gals who get knocked up without "a ring and a date" are deeply foolish. Government support (if it were included as income) would bring them out of the poverty stats, however - but that support from their neighbors rewards bad decisions made by folks who have not been taught better, or who simply haven't made any life plan. Life lived recklessly sometimes - but very rarely - works out. I'd like every kid to be taught, by example and by words, that they have something of value to add to their families, their country, and to other people, but that none of that will be be realized without making smart choices and without making a plan. Freedom demands a lot of maturity from people because it offers so many choices. LaShawn has a piece on the subject: Why Mothers Need to be Married. The recent, widely-quoted piece in The Economist makes it clear that getting and staying married correlates highly with good kids and correlates highly with a secure life. Apparently, if you graduate from high school, get married before having kids, and if at least one of the couple has a job, and if you have no more kids than you can afford, things tend to work out fairly peachy in the USA. However, the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy implied is not addressed. In the end, do the data say anything more circular than "People who run their lives well do well in life"?
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Tuesday Morning Links
Global cooling anticipated in next 20 years due to solar cycle. A few challenges to the AGW True Believers. Tangled Olympics logo, improved. It you can believe it, the logo which appears to represent something collapsing cost $800,000. But it is slightly improved, at An Englishman's Castle The Brits are "a people." DNA confirms it. They are not a "nation of immigrants." Is it possible for a nation to retain its identity and its sense of family-like connection with massive immigration? Doubtful. Discussion at Brussels Journal Even Nat Hentoff has had it with the UN. Close it down. As we have said many times before, nations can, and do, talk to each other anytime they want without the UN getting in the way. Just one more failed utopian dream. Moonbattery. It is painful to think that any of my money is going to support them. More at Viking.
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Man-caused bird mortality in the US
Domestic cats: 100s of millions a year If one must have an outdoor cat, the least you can do is to put a bell on the animal. Immigration bill flunks testCBO says immigration bill will not accomplish its stated purposes. Captain Ed. But when has that kind of conclusion ever deterred politicians? Catch and release
I would think that the suggestions would apply to trout. Monday, June 4. 2007Playground rulesRe forceful intervention in the world. Barone, as quoted in a piece at Betsy:
It is so basic that one would not think that this needed to be said - but it does. Monday late-day linksInteresting lawsuit. Ouch. TigerHawk Vermont secession movement advances. What would Lincoln do? Can the media admit that anything is good? Conspiracy What was the Number 1 song on your birthdate, wedding date, etc? (h/t, Never Yet Melted) Have you seen Panoramio? Map your photos. Google is buying the company.
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Monday mid-day links
Islamberg, NY. I do not like their practicing with Port Authority uniforms. Does that make me Islamophobic? Wizbang "Are you now or have you ever been an AGWOCS Denialist?" Classical Values Where's the outrage? 12 year-old beheads kafr (kaffir). LGF. No outrage because of multicultural tolerance, I suppose - same as taking scissors to clitori: those cute Moslems have their quaint habits. The Tiananmen Massacre was 18 years ago today. Seems like yesterday. Needs to be remembered. A naive Bush was wrong about Putin. Putin is a normal paranoid Russian. I say paranoid because nobody harbors ill will towards Russia - nor does anybody think very much about Russia at all. And paranoids always imagine that people are thinking about them.
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Domestication of Deviance
How is this quote, from a piece at Right Wing nation on Green sex toys, to illustrate the concept?
Is it legal to marry an inflatable sheep in Denmark yet?
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Annoyed with the DemsA quote from a good rant from the New Media Journal, posted at Synthstuff:
Totalitarianism, defined
Definition via Samizdata. This is why we are suspicous of all government "benevolent" action.
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