That is Fred and Jeri. We would post her alone, if she had just had a thong on and were posing at a beach. Jeri for First Lady, and forget about Fred! (photo via Viking)
Islamberg, NY. I do not like their practicing with Port Authority uniforms. Does that make me Islamophobic? Wizbang
"Are you now or have you ever been an AGWOCS Denialist?" Classical Values
Where's the outrage? 12 year-old beheads kafr (kaffir). LGF. No outrage because of multicultural tolerance, I suppose - same as taking scissors to clitori: those cute Moslems have their quaint habits.
The Tiananmen Massacre was 18 years ago today. Seems like yesterday. Needs to be remembered.
A naive Bush was wrong about Putin. Putin is a normal paranoid Russian. I say paranoid because nobody harbors ill will towards Russia - nor does anybody think very much about Russia at all. And paranoids always imagine that people are thinking about them.