I will be away for a few days fishing, boating and beaching around Rhode Island and "The Islands." Heading off to Watch Hill tonight, and will pick up the boat in the morning in Newport. We are planning on touching down on Block Island of course, Cuttyhunk, the Vineyard, Yuppie Nantucket where we will be the smallest craft in the harbor, and probably Chatham - living on fish, beer, and clams on our leased new Whaler 345 (photo below), which has no wifi. We might stop at Monomoy for some birding, and maybe hit the rips at Montauk for some fishing if we have time. I'd rather sail, but we need to cover plenty of miles to do what we plan. When you are an employee, they might not pay you too well, but they give you paid vacation days. Why they do that is beyond me, but they do it. (Photo is one of Theo's girlfriends who I would like to meet on the beach, but she would not give me the time of day. "Hey, babe. Nice bathing suit. Are you lonely? Whatcha doin' tonight?"). Where's my tackle box?
Is this Hell? 1,680 guitarists play Smoke on the Water. LGF
Which Repubs voted in favor of illegal immigrant felons becoming citizens? Daily Pundit
Keep an eye on this guy Gupta. Powerline. He knows how to hire people.
Web censorship. The latest fad. All of the cool countries are doing it now.
Younger wives in the White House. Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. I think Frances Cleveland was a great looking lady - maybe not babelicious, but very fine.
God, evolution, and politics. Can you find the ten dumb assertions/statements in this piece in the usually-good New English Review?
Better off illegal? Immigrants take heed, and get on board. It's much better to be illegal than legal.
Gets it wrong. Edwards claims gun ownership is a privilege. Huh? Given by whom, John? (h/t, Viking). I thought it was all about "endowed by our Creator..."
White Lit Prof takes a niggardly look at tar babies. Protein Wisdom. You would have to be a total ignoramus - and a paranoid - to construe such things as racial slurs. He discusses "intentionalism."
A fun letter to the editor rant from Brit Barry Beelzebub, who has had it up to here.
Hillary's plastic surgery? I guess she can afford it. From Granny to Soccer Mom. Before and after photos to the left. Can Botox alone do that? And can they get Fred Thompson to get the same treatment? He looks older than he is.
Moslems really do not trust their women. Moderate Voice. Why not?
Harry Reid claims that illegals are Americans. Wait just a minute, Harry. When I am in Japan, am I Japanese? Or am I Japanese only if I am in Japan illegally? What happened to passports and all that stuff?
Fark's Drew Curtis on news, etc. from an interview at Right Wing News:
I think news is kinda like church: we all say we go, but most people don't and it's one of those deals where the...numbers don't bear out (what people say).
Brit nose art defeated by political correctness. Don't want to offend Moslems. Maybe the missiles will contain buttered popcorn and the bombs will be filled with goody bags.