Sunday, January 24. 2021
We're making a Clootie Pudding in advance for a Bobbie Burns party. These sorts of "puddings" can last a year in the closet.
We'll make a real brandy-flavored pudding to go with it.
Friday, December 25. 2020
That was Tiny Tim on Christmas Day. We got into a chat today at brunch with a Brit friend about Christmas Pudding.
Whether you like it or not (it's like Fruitcake), it is a necessary Brit tradition.
How to make it is below (recipe and video). Ideally served with flaming brandy, then something creamy on top. Funny thing about Christmas Pudding is that you can make it months in advance.
Even a year or two in advance. Just put it on a shelf. Even mice won't bother it.
Wednesday, December 23. 2020
One bottle vino Veronese, 1/2 cup sugar, some clove, cinnamon, nutmeg. Anise star, lemons, apples, skin, orange juice. Harvey’s Bristol Cream. Medium heat - don’t boil, for 20 mins. Slice of orange peel in glass for zest.
Not sure what Harvey's has to do with Venice, but whatever.
Thursday, December 17. 2020
A friend tells me that this was James J. Hill's signature dessert.
4 eggs 2 cups milk 1 ½ cups sugar 1 tsp ginger 1 cup molasses ½ tsp cinnamon ½ cup butter melted 1 lb loaf of stale white bread, grated
Preheat oven to 350. Butter 9” x 13” baking dish thoroughly and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs until light lemon color. Continue beating and gradually add milk, sugar, ginger, molasses, cinnamon and melted butter. Mix well. Add grated bread and stir until well mixed. Pour mixture into buttered baking dish and place dish in oven. Bake one hour, or until knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Spoon pudding into a serving dish and top with butterscotch sauce.
Butterscotch Sauce
4 tbsp. cornstarch ½ cup cold water 1 tbsp. sugar 2 ½ cups water 1 ¾ cup sugar 1 heaping tsp. powdered cocoa 5 drops vanilla extract 4 tbsp. butter
Dissolve cornstarch in cold water and set aside. In saucepan over medium heat, melt 1 tablespoon of sugar until browned to a golden color. Add water and remaining sugar. Bring to a boil and continue to boil for three minutes. Add cocoa, vanilla extract and butter. Stir to mix and simmer to a glaze. Slowly add cornstarch to boiling liquid and simmer until thickened.
Tuesday, December 1. 2020
Saturday, October 17. 2020
Tuesday, September 29. 2020
It was invented at a Pan Am airbase in Limerick in the 1940s as a treat for American travelers.
I don't think the Irish in Ireland drink it. I think of it as a rare dessert treat, but one time I had it for breakfast at a shooting meet and I have never scored as well since then.
Sunday, September 13. 2020
Britain is, rightly, not known for their cuisine. It's no wonder they prefer Indian cuisine. However, is there anything better than Roast Beast with Yorkshire Pudding?
A Brit classic: Cheese and Pickle Sandwich.
This sandwich must feature thick, almost steaklike slices of aged cheddar. Cheddar cutlets, if you will. The aging adds tangy sharpness and a more crumbly rather than creamy texture. Then, a thick layer of Branston pickle, made from sweet gherkins, cauliflower, carrots, onions and rutabaga in a thick, sweet sauce which tastes somewhat like ketchup. We definitely don’t have an equivalent stateside, but plenty of supermarkets stock the most ubiquitous British foods — malt vinegar, Cadbury’s chocolate, tea biscuits and the like — and Branston pickle can often be found. Try the Indian store as a last resort, no joke.
Thursday, September 3. 2020
Tuesday, September 1. 2020
Refrigerator Pickles
Easy, and ready in two days.
Thursday, August 13. 2020
 You have to make it yourself, foraging. Spruce Tip Ice Cream
Monday, July 13. 2020
It's one of my favorite fishes. I happen to have plenty of favorite fishes though. Halibut has been overfished in the North Atlantic, like Cod and most other things. Atlantic vs Pacific Halibut.
This old photo of a handliner is from our favorite seafood cookbook, Howard Mitcham's The Provincetown Seafood Cookbook. As is typical of P'town, lots of Portuguese recipes.
"It's a true classic, one of the most influential of my life." --Anthony Bourdain, from the new introduction
Saturday, June 20. 2020
Octopus is good food, grilled, sauteed, in a cold salad, whatever. We probably learned in high school bio that they are molluscs, same as squid. Cephalopod molluscs.
Compared to shelled molluscs, these creatures are advanced and have multiple brains. As far as eating goes, with squid we gut them and eat the rest, but with polpo we cook just the feet. I have never heard of eating an octopus head and guts as we happily do with clams and oysters (which have no heads, really. No eyes - but scallops have sort-of eyes...).
You can read about octopus anatomy here.

Friday, June 19. 2020
Choose a fish:
Pan seared Cod Grilled Swordfish Sesame Pan Seared Tuna Grilled Salmon Scallop Skewers
Then choose your sauce:
Lemon Beurre Blanc Sweet and Spicy Plum Lobster Aioli Jerk Pineapple Salsa Lime Cilantro Dill Crema
Saturday, May 16. 2020
Viruses hate rhubarb. Do not scoff. Did you ever hear of a rhubarb with a + test? That's scientific proof.
Damn is it good, with some vanilla ice cream on top. So good, it adjusts the brain to a positive outlook. Trust me.
Useful detail: 6 cups of roughly-chopped (1" or less) rhubarb stems = 2 lbs.
Thursday, April 23. 2020
Bruce and his team like this: This Protein-Packed Stew Is the Comfort Food Recipe You Need Now
It's not exactly Moroccan, but I can tell you from experience that Moroccan stews are amazing.
Tuesday, April 21. 2020
This recipe is good enough, but don't mix the beans with the rice. Make lots more of the beans, and dump them on top of the rice. The beans are the food, the rice is the vehicle.
I think I lived on this in college, and I still like it. Beans from the cans, as we always recommend. If anybody wants to spend the time to soak dried beans, God bless ya. That ain't me.
Plenty of salt, and hot sauce of your choice on the side, of course. Salad on the side if you like that stuff, but I think salad causes cancer, and maybe corona too. A Conona beer, on the other had, goes well with this supper.
Tuesday, April 7. 2020

I get the impression that people are making home-cooked meals during this so-called quarantine. This weekend, I made this: Marcella's beef braised in red wine. Not bad at all, an Italian pot roast I guess.
My photo is before the 3 hrs of cooking.
Are y'all cooking at home more now?
Thursday, April 2. 2020
Seems like the middle-eastern version of Huevos Rancheros.
Huevos Heartburn for me.
Bruce and his kids love this: Shakshuka recipe
Sunday, March 8. 2020
Readers know that I am not a pasta fan, but a little Bolognese as a primi - if it's really good - is ok. Just not too much.
Bolognese is a northern Italian meat sauce. Marinara is southern Italian tomato sauce. Spaghetti and meatballs is an American thing, marinara with meatballs.
Bolognese is not a meat sauce really - it's a meat-flavored sauce. Mrs. BD made a double recipe yesterday for friends tonite. Always better the next day.
The only recipe we endorse is Marcella Hazan's. The bit of nutmeg, and the milk, make it perfect.
Remember the rule: Toss the almost fully-cooked pasta in the hot saucepan with the sauce. Don't dump sauce on top of pasta. Some parmesan shavings on top is nice, and maybe a little parsley. Almost any sort of pasta works.
Friday, February 28. 2020
Salmon With Whole Lemon Dressing
Sounds good, but I am salmoned-out.
Sunday, February 23. 2020
It's been a few years since I made this thing, so we made some yesterday for practice before I begin to serve it to friends for supper. Planning a bunch of suppers before Spring. Tried my version out on my father-in-law. He likes food.
If you asks him what restaurant he wants to go to tonight, he says one with food. But especially one with oysters, which is for tonight.
I use Julia Child's recipe, but I modify it a bit. My modifications: 3x as much garlic, lots of thyme sprigs from the garden, 1/2 cup of Port or some sugar, and a small handful of dried porcinis. Also, to keep it simple, I just throw in a bag of frozen pearl onions for the last 30 minutes of cooking. I do brown the fresh mushrooms and throw them in the pot for the last 30 minutes. I don't use the oven at all, just 3 hrs simmering on the stove.
Traditional ways to serve this is in a shallow bowl with french bread, or on a plate with (white) rice or roasted potatoes.
(Tip for those who like rich, earthy sauces: You can buy dried porcinis online, much cheaper than at the store. I buy them by the pound, but it doesn't take many to provide the flavor. You use the water you soak them in, too.)