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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, August 29. 2021Life in America: Peaches and Porgies Last night I made a bowl of Peach salsa from our peaches to accompany Indian take-out, and Mrs. BD made a peach pie (yeah, she always makes her own crust - rolls them out with her grandma's rolling pin). Thing about peaches is, for cooking, best if they are firm and far from ripe. For salsa, not ripe but slightly softer and crunchy like an apple. A skewer of hard peach chunks on a grill makes them perfect. For fresh peach chutney that you don't want to bother canning (I am done with canning - it's a pain), you want to use unripe fruit. Just cook it up and put it in the fridge. Peach salsa and peach chutney go with everything, but especially shrimp and fish. And Porgies. Wednesday, August 18. 2021A good day for a Root Beer Float![]() Saturday, August 7. 2021Great sandwich: Grilled Cheese
I like ketchup on the side. Thursday, July 8. 2021A Sicilian Classic: Spaghetti alla Norma, reposted for Eggplant season Truth is, the cuisine of the Mezzogiorno is not exactly wonderful. Sicily, unlike southern Italy, is not big on pasta (more couscous and rice), but they make a few pasta Primis that are not bad: alla Norma, con le Sarde, and con Vongole (in order, with eggplant, with fresh Sardines, and with Little clams or cockles. (The northern Italian pasta Primis I have liked have been Pappardelle con Funghi (only Porcinis) and alla Bolognese. Given a choice, I'd often prefer a gorgonzola risotto sprinkled with a red wine reduction instead. Or a small bowl of steamed mussels with wine and herbs.) Reminder: In Italian cooking, Pasta and tons of other things serve as Primi, meant to be small amounts of tasty first courses before the meat or fish Secondi. When I think of Sicilian food I think first of eggplants, lemons, grilled pork and seafood, and couscous. Sicily grows lots of eggplant and it is used in lots of their poverty cooking. Many people think alla Norma is wonderful but I think it is just OK, in small amounts. Here's a recipe. Try it for yourself. Monday, May 31. 2021Far Northern Italian food, etc.Over the years, we have tried to inform our readers about regional Italian food. I guess we usually refer to "northern Italian" as north of Rome, but that covers plenty of cultural diversity. This episode is from the most northern part, where there has been plenty of milk, butter, potatoes, cabbage, and beef during the good times. Also, maize. I've never had anything made with chestnut flour, but chestnuts are found all over Italy. The amazing roasted chestnuts on the streets of New York are all from Italy, and they are darn good.
Saturday, May 22. 2021Soft-shelled Crabs
When they moult (to grow) they are soft-shelled. Much as I love real Maryland crab cakes (all crab, no bread crumbs etc), my favorite is a sauteed soft-shell. You eat the entire juicy thing, feathers and all. The are alive and kicking at the fish market, but Mrs. BD has them kill them by cutting off their faces before she takes them home. A New England (and Maryland) classic is a soft-shelled crab sandwich. Way better than any Lobster Roll. Monday, May 17. 2021Shad Season, re-re-posted
Many of us in Yankeeland welcome this brief season - mainly April-May, when the Shad migrate from the ocean up the rivers to lay and fertilize the eggs, with the females filled with their delicious egg sacs we call Shad roe. If you drive over the Hudson River, the Connecticut, or Housatonic bridges, you will see the shad fishermen's nets spread out right now. The roe, cooked with bacon, is as good as food gets. Do not overcook it - it is Shad caviar. But the meat of the Atlantic Shad (a large type of herring, I believe) is underestimated. It requires an expert boner which makes it expensive, but it's as tasty a fish as exists. The Shad is full of crazy bones. It's a brief season for Shad, and there are Shad Festivals all over the Northeast. Photo above is Shad roe. My Mom loved it, and so do I.
Sunday, May 16. 2021La Bella FiguraLooking good is an Italian thing. It doesn't have much to do with food, but these guys visit Liguria looking for food. Yes, mashed potatoes in nothern Italy. Towards the end, how to make make and serve basil pesto.
Saturday, May 8. 2021Sicilian food: Don't forget the cannolisOn our two trips to Sicily we saw very little pasta, except al vongole. Which was delicious, of course. We never hung around Palermo but only because of our scheduling. We missed the cathedral bcause it was closed to visitors on Sundays. Are Sicilian women beautiful? Like the food, a mix of Arab, Spanish, French, and Greek. Some Italian too. Brits love Sicily. Last time, we landed in Palermo and drove around the entire coast, and up into the mountains too. Ended leaving from our lemon farm B&B to the airport in Catania at 3 AM, arrived with the sun rising over Etna. Just an amazing place.
Thursday, May 6. 2021Stay for a light lunch, repostedFrom Peter Robb's Midnight in Sicily: On Art, Food, History, Travel and la Cosa Nostra:
That is an Italian luncheon. Until halfway through the book when I decided to google her, I had thought that Marta was fictional. Nope. She befriended the author. While married to Count Umberto Marzotto, she managed a long affair with Sicilian artist, movie-maker and famous Communist Renato Guttoso who figures prominently in the book. A close pal of Picasso. Colorful people, adding a lot of life to life. La dolce vita, so different from life in Yankeeland.
Posted by Bird Dog
in Food and Drink, The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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Tuesday, May 4. 2021Garum, and other food cultural appropriationsWhat was Garum? They needed something tangy. Italian, and European food in general, was bland stuff before Columbus' followers brought good plants from the New World. It is funny to me to imagine Asian food without peppers, especially chiles, but that's the history. My list of some the imports to the Old World and Asia from Central and South America: Maize (corn), potato, all squash (summer and winter squash, including pumpkin), all peppers, peanut, avocado, every kind of bean (except Fava), Sunflower, Cocoa (chocolate), Tomato, Pineapple, Papaya, Vanilla, Sweet Potato. Also, turkeys. Of course, the New World brought plenty of good foodstuffs from the Old World: Most grains, cattle, sheep and goats, pigs, Strawberries, apples, Honey Bees, etc etc.
Real ItalianThursday, April 29. 2021Fresh pasta Not a big fan of pasta, really, because it feels like filling, empty calories to me. Sure, rare exceptions like when in Italy. Come to think of it, though, I do eat Thai noodles about monthly in noodle soup or Pad Thai, so there's that. The point remains, though, that pastas were invented for food storage, carb storage like dried beans. They are made to be dried. Sheesh, years ago Mrs. BD and I made fresh homemade lasagna with a pasta machine. Worth doing it once to see what it's like, but after that a waste of time.
Tuesday, April 27. 2021Cucina PoveraTwo greedy guys reviist the poverty food of the Campagna region of southern Italy. Their enjoyment of food and life is delightful. Eating fresh lemons from the tree? It's great. I do that, but not from the tree. Slice up a lemon and eat the slices, peel and all.
Sunday, April 18. 2021Goodbye to the old boss..The Castros are gone, but I still see no hope for the Cubans. I see lots of hope for the Cuban Sandwich.
Saturday, April 3. 2021Elderflower Cordial
Easy to order online. Sunday, March 21. 2021Springtime Beverage: Shandy
A light, refreshing drink. Sunday, February 21. 2021"Milk"Just back from the market. We needed Coconut milk (Mrs. B is cooking Indian lately). I saw Soy Milk, Almond Milk, Coconut Milk, and Oat Milk. I just hope parents are not giving this to their kids instead of Cow Milk.
Saturday, February 20. 2021A brief education in Italian food for college credit, reposted When I grew up, "Italian food" meant various forms of wheat (no egg) pasta with red glop on top, and maybe meatballs or eggplant. That, plus pizza and Italian grinders. Also, Lasagna I guess, made from an American cookbook. They don't make grinders in Italy, and their pizzas aren't any good in my view. (I gave up on them. American wood-cooked pizzas can be pretty good, though. Crust has to be half-burnt.) This was because most of the Italian immigrants to America were from a poor southern Italy with Neapolitan food traditions. To tell the truth, I do not care too much for that stuff but I am willing to eat it if I am starving. I do like a good Pasta Fagiole but I can make the best one you have ever had, and I will have a Bolognese on Tagliatelle. Call me a food snob. Our best Italian meals have been in Umbria, which is where Romans take dining expeditions by the busload - so they can drink and gorge on wild pig, and get a ride home. No good Italian food tastes wonderful without wine. If you're on the wagon, it's not so wonderful unless it includes truffles or Balsamic. They do not use much wine in their cooking because you are supposed to be sipping it as you eat. Wine is expected to be an accompaniment, blending in your mouth. I had a fine Lasagna in Verona for lunch, in a sidewalk cafe near the Arena. No red sauce, heavy on the nutmeg which makes sense, given the history of being part of the Venetian Empire for a while. One Italian dish I really wanted to try in Italy was Vitello Tonnato - Veal with Tuna Sauce. Mrs. BD makes an excellent version, but somehow we missed it on our last trip. Also wanted to try their Chicken Liver with Balsamic, but missed that too. That's OK - food isn't everything - and we know some great Italian restaurants in NYC. Italian Food Regional Cooking: Southern Italy Italian Food Regional Cooking: Central Italy Italian Food Regional Cooking: NorthWest Italy Italian Food Regional Cooking: NorthEast Italy Italian Food Regional Cooking: Sicily and Sardinia Northern Italians eat very well, but are mostly skinny. It's the walking and the minimal pasta that does it. Low carbs.
Posted by Bird Dog
in Food and Drink, Travelogues and Travel Ideas
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Friday, February 19. 2021The "Chef's Knife"
I guess the high-carbon, high-maintenance ones are the best, but whatever. I like the ones with a curved blade so you can rock it when chopping garlic, parsley, etc. Maybe you only need two knives: a bread knife and a chef's knife. You can sometimes find used high-carbon chef's knives on eBay.
Sunday, February 14. 2021Cooking toolsA semi-retired buddy has gotten big into cooking as a hobby. He is especially into old coooking tools on eBay. - Carbon steel chef knives, for example. They need a little maintenance but supposedly are best. Here's an old one from LL Bean he likes:
Cast iron deep fryers.
Sunday, January 31. 2021Why fruit makes you fat Fructose is metabolized in a different way than is Glucose. The very short story is this: All sugars are not created equal. Fructose is metabolized into fat. Glucose in moderate amounts is turned into glycogen for energy. Table sugar is Sucrose, which is metabolized first into its components of Glucose and Fructose. Corn syrup, the most common commercial sweetener, contains Glucose and Fructose. Thus eating a fruit, or drinking fruit juice, is equivalent to drinking a Coke other than the virtue signaling. No common sweeteners contain pure Glucose. Children are best off drinking milk or water. Friday, January 29. 2021What is "Olivier Salad"?
It just has to have pickles.
Wednesday, January 27. 2021This is not a meal. It's a Primo.It's a Primo. A platter like that is to serve at least 2 people, maybe 4. I can be an annoying stickler about Italian food but there is a tradition to it and a logic to it too. A big bowl of pasta is not a meal and, in fact, it would be a terribly unwholesome meal. A small plate of pasta, like the Bolognese recipe (the correct recipe) featured today is an excellent Primo preceding a meat and vegetable course (the Secondo). Bolognese is a beef-flavored sauce. Some tomato sauce flavor. Typically, less sauce than shown in the photo. Italians seem to reserve their 4-course meals (Antipasto, Primo, Secondo, Dessert - sliced fruit usually) for special occasions. It's just too much food and puts you to sleep. However, when we are in a food paradise like Norcia, Mrs. BD and I do their 4-course dinner (around 1 pm is dinner there) we just order one plate per course and share so we get all the tastes. Restaurants don't mind that at all. Main rule for pasta? Dump the wet undrained pasta into the pan with the sauce with the heat on, and swirl around. Add some pasta water if a sauce is too dry or not creamy enough.
Tuesday, January 26. 2021Toasted Fluffernutter, re-posted The use of peanuts dates to the Aztecs and Incas. They supposedly made a paste out of them too. Wow. Another New World food that I missed on my list of European appropriations of native New World foods: Squash, corn (maize), all peppers, tomato, potato, sweet potato, beans, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, avocado, cashew, walnut, etc. A twist on the venerable New England classic. Here's a food question for the day: Where do Fluffernut Trees grow?
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