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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, February 21. 2021"Milk"Just back from the market. We needed Coconut milk (Mrs. B is cooking Indian lately). I saw Soy Milk, Almond Milk, Coconut Milk, and Oat Milk. I just hope parents are not giving this to their kids instead of Cow Milk.
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Come to Texas. The post-Freeze-still-COVID shopping frenzy is on. Just came from the local H.E.B., mob scene, absolutely no milk on the shelves but we have almond, coconut, oat, and every other non-milk milk you can imagine, sitting there in the empty case looking lonely. No paper towels, water, cheese, or cold cuts either. We have a 'Boil Water' notice in effect, which is my signal to stick to beer.
Good call on the beer. It passes the boil test.
We didn't have the troubles in OK that you did in TX. I hope you made it though okay. But we did go 10 straight days below freezing. I don't ever want to do that again. I don't know how people live like that. "Milk": I have heard that folks are not only feeding pseudo-milk to their kids, but to their vegan-curious cats and dogs as well. Obligatory carnivore? What's that?
My better half has not been able to drink real milk since contracting C-diff after a hospital stay, now substitutes almond milk and enjoys it. I stick with lactose-free milk these days, would never give a child anything other than dairy whole milk. We can get raw milk locally, but I'm a little wary of it given my digestive issues, and uncertain refrigeration on the part of some of the producers.
So what is a parent to do if a child has a life threatening allergy to dairy?
Sometimes the child can still eat cheese or goat milk. No doctor would say that "nut juice" is an adequate substitution for real milk. The nutrition profiles do not match. The parent would have to get them their vitamins and fats through alternate, yet adequate sources.
If a child is allergic to dairy, that's not a problem at all. Humans don't need to rely on cow products. There's a multitude of nourishing food sources available that supply all of the protein and vitamins they need.
The American contemporary diet is based so much on the cow! There's no reason for that except that the dairy industry is so dominant. Humans aren't baby cows, and we don't need to drink cow milk. If you look at a typical restaurant menu it's dominated by milk products, especially cheese, and most of the meat is beef. Yes, it's delicious, but only because we're used to it. If you stop drinking milk for a while, and then go back to it, it doesn't really taste all that great. But why? Milk is good, cheese is good. Why give them up for questionable reasons. If the menu didn't have cheese and other dairy products on it than it would be some pretty sad choices. If it didn't have beef on it than people would go where beef was featured. Why give something up for political or social reasons?
goat milk is a good substitute for those with lactose intolerance, even in severe cases.
My sister for example gets severely sick from even trace amounts of cow's milk (and yes, even if she didn't know the traces were there) but goat milk is fine. And no, she'd never dream of denying her family cow's milk or other dairy. They've just set up a system where one shelf in the fridge and some areas of the rest of the kitchen are taboo for any dairy products so she can be sure to not be affected by it (even a trace of butter left on a baking tray or knife that wasn't properly cleaned after use can trigger her allergic reactions, so has to be extremely careful). Had a job as a yung'n milking cocoanuts... cows seemed to enjoy it more...
None of those things are really MILK. Milk comes from cows and goats, not fruits, nuts, and berries.
As they say, why call it Milk, if milk is Sooo bad? Why try to pretend it's Meat, if meat is so bad? Why are sex toys circumcised, if Uncircumcised is to be every lovers dream?
I read that camels milk does not go bad or require refrigeration. Wait a minute! Did you just stick a penis into this discussion?
I'm completely against circumcision. I curse the doctor who did it to me. But it never would have occured to me that a vibrator should have a foreskin.
I use lots of coconut milk for Thai curries and I don't mind using the brands that are picked by monkeys. What better job a young ambitious monkey before he moves into management?
A local dairy just completed all the bureaucratic hoops to be able to sell raw milk and I've been drinking at least a glass a day. The industrial dairy product I had been using was starting to affect me so I was using less and less, but the raw seems closer to what I drank as a growing farm kid. Been drinking Kuii coconut milk for a bit. Delicious, and seems to ease digestion.
Of course, I'd never give up whole cow's milk. Almond Milking...
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2262609177302080 "Soy Milk, Almond Milk, Coconut Milk, and Oat Milk"
Milk is something that comes from lactating mammals. It's one of the defining characteristic of mammals. The Chinese name for what we call Soy Milk is "bean broth". It's a byproduct of tofu manufacture. Oat slurry is made by soaking oats and straining off the liquid. |