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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, July 13. 2010An old Wellfleet farmsteadThis humble old farmstead across the bay from Plymouth Colony was established in the 1650s, and is now within the Cape Cod National Seashore, up one of my secret Wellfleet sand road walking routes in the general vicinity of Duck Harbor. Many regular visitors to Wellfleet do not know that Duck Harbor used to be a harbor, so this old place was a harborside farm. When currents and sand closed the opening to Cape Cod Bay long ago, most people moved to the big harbor in town (often with their whole houses, too. Lumber was in short supply.) The original cabins from 1650 are long gone, but I cannot date these structures. Maybe some readers can. This is the main farmhouse, the chimney of which ought to provide a dating clue: More pics of the farm below the fold - Continue reading "An old Wellfleet farmstead" Monday, July 12. 2010Two worthy sitesThanks to Hell In A Handbasket for alerting us to a worthy site, Women's Outdoor News. And thanks to our buddy for this fine aviation site which we have seen before, Flight Level 390. I want that guy flying my airplane. With the machine on auto 99% of the time, what is there to do but sleep or blog?
Posted by Bird Dog
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The Dunning-Kruger EffectIt's about the difficulty in knowing what you don't know, and the limits of self-observation. From this site (h/t, Coyote's Arrogant Ignorance):
What's a "metacognitive skill"? It's about "the ability to reflect and assess ones' own thinking and understanding." If I did not suffer from a mild case of Dunning-Kruger, I would not be able to post anything on Maggie's Farm because "I don't know anything, I never did know anything, but now I know that I don't know...":
Sunday, July 11. 2010Another day in the Keys You have your backyard scenery, I have mine.
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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Friday, July 9. 2010Drowning doesn't look like drowning
Thanks to Mario Vittone for this excellent post that everybody ought to read (h/t, reader). Another good one from Mario: Going Fishing? No You’re Not. Every time you leave shore, you leave safety and, however relaxing and fun it may be, you are entering a dangerous environment on a contraption which is floating at the moment, but wants to sink. If there were no bit of adventure to boating, nobody would do it without getting paid. It's not that the water wants to kill you but, as a reader commented elsewhere, "Nature doesn't care." Last I heard, commercial fishing is the most dangerous occupation in America, and unwatched swimming pools are death traps for little kids. I know a couple whose 3 year-old drowned during their poolside cocktail party. Fifty people there, and nobody noticed the little kid slip under.
Posted by Bird Dog
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A new Twin Otter
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Thursday, July 8. 2010There are always a few of these cranks. "Every Turtle a Wanted Turtle."When you go to places like Cape Cod or the Berkshires (as I do), you have to put up with this sort of stuff. I maintain my sense of humor, but these sorts of things bug Mrs. BD because she is intolerant of idiotic females who make her gender look retarded, and rightly assumes such vehicles belong to women. If they really loved Gaia, would they be driving? No. They would be walking to volunteer at the Turtle Abortion Clinic. "Every Turtle A Wanted Turtle." Sheesh. If you ask me, we cannot have too many turtles. Maggie's loves turtles of all varieties, races, species, and religions. Truth is, I brake for turtles too:
Posted by Bird Dog
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Somebody's stashRoman Coin Hoard Found in Somerset. What fun to find something like that. I found a Massachusetts Pine Tree coin (1700s) on a Wellfleet Harbor beach a few years ago, with a hole through it (for stringing one's money, I suppose), and thought I had found something wonderful. I don't know where I put it.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Angels from an angle
Some terrific camera work in this Blue Angels video:
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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Wednesday, July 7. 2010It's new. It's cool. It's hip. It's revolutionary.
Posted by The Barrister
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Tuesday, July 6. 2010Cape Cod BayLow tide, Cape Cod Bay, way out on the western shore of Great Island this weekend. Heaven. You can even bring your doggie. No people there, either, except me and the Mrs. and the rare beachcomber. A dune knitted together by a clump of Bayberry overlooking Cape Cod Bay, near Duck Harbor: Triple vid splash
Winner's Circle This is a comedian by the name of Louis C.K. To note here is the big difference between laughter and applause. Laughter is always nice, but when the audience actually breaks into spontaneous applause because a clever remark has touched a deeper truth, that says something.
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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These Cape Cod pics are for SippI know many readers may tire of my New England travelogue photos, but I am the Editor so, if you don't like them, don't look at them. It will take a while to complete this photo dump. Meanwhile, catch up on our holiday weekend posts which were rich with stuff. Your Editor and Mrs. Editor have been on lower Cape Cod ("lower" means upper on the Cape. You go "up" when you go down to Hyannis. Figure that out. Less confusing to call it the "outer" Cape, but that's too easy) for an extra-long soul-feeding weekend, as we require an annual immersion in the smell of hot Pitch Pine, hot sand, salt air, chilly baptismal salt water, beach grass, and the endless clams and oysters and raw Atlantic Bluefin tuna on which we feed. Our goal is eternity as a Great Black-Backed Gull, sitting on sand bars, staring at the horizon, and feeding on whatever gets washed up by the sea. However, these first pics are for our pal Sipp. Newcomb Hollow, sunrise this past weekend, and ye olde Beachcomber in the early morning light. The local Cumby opens at 5, and I am always there by 5 with the fishermen - and I mean the pros, not the amateurs. The rough gnarly guys in boots who ain't askeered of drowning and who shamelessly hit on the gals at the counter with promises like "We could have lotsa fun tonight when I get back if you would just give me a nice smile." I like to make my early morning rounds to see what is going on. If you squint and stare straight east, on a clear day you might see the coast of Portugal in the far distance, just over the horizon.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Monday, July 5. 2010Eyewitness Travel Guides for travel season
Eyewitness Travel Guides If you haven't used them, please given them a try. They give you the history, the climate, the local culture, the local foods to try, shopping ideas, good advice on how to get around, plenty of ideas off the beaten track - in short, a great introduction to a place you haven't visited before - with tons of photos for all of us ADD survivors.
Posted by Bird Dog
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The Newport Flower ShowI'll wrap up my Newport photo dump with a few pics from the Flower Show, which is the main reason Mrs. BD dragged me to Rhode Island last weekend. The Newport Flower Show is what the gardening and arranging ladies term an "important" show. It attracts garden club competitors from as far as Texas, and it raises lots of money for the Preservation Society of Newport County. Mrs. BD did not have an entry in the show this year, but she likes to keep a finger on the pulse of things. Last weekend's show was held at Rosecliff, one of the loveliest Newport cottages. Guy who built it was a Comstock Lode heir. My photos do not capture how crowded the place was with flower people and their tolerant husbands, mostly, like me, feigning deep interest and appreciation while furtively glancing at one's watch. More pics of the show below the fold - Continue reading "The Newport Flower Show" Sunday, July 4. 2010And to you, Rube Continuing in this spirit, here's an entire Honda taken apart and converted into one huge Rube Goldberg device. More info here. Happy birthday, Rube!
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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Saturday, July 3. 2010A re-post. Cities for Living: A righteous attack on Le CorbusierQuote from an essay of the above title by Roger Scruton in City Journal:
Read the whole thing. Photo below: The charming, friendly, safe, and human-scale Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, which was a crime-ridden "slum" one generation ago, part of Hell's Kitchen. Ripe for massive demolition and "urban planning" and "urban renewal." The social engineers are almost always wrong because they are oblivious to human nature. This one-time slum is a very pleasant place to live in, provided that your neighbors behave themselves. Don't blame the old buildings.
The Amazing Color Changing Card Trick
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Friday, July 2. 2010My second Newport photo dump, with fairly good picsNewport, RI has the largest number of pre-Revolutionary houses and buildings in the USA. This one is odd. A saltbox with a ? gambrel roof. WTH? Name the year it was built:
I'll take you for an architectural stroll from around Kay St down Bellevue, with structures of all eras, beginning with this Victorian: More pics (from last weekend) below the fold - Continue reading "My second Newport photo dump, with fairly good pics" Almost Famous
Have any of our readers seen this 2000 film? Is it worth my time?
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Doc atones for his sin
I'm told that in order to avoid any legal repercussions, I must "even the score" and say something specifically nice about vegetarians. No problem.
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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Free ad for the Second AmendmentIn fact, fine amendments in general. h/t, Theo Women today are more macho than the metro men. They always were, too.
Posted by The Barrister
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Thursday, July 1. 2010Fun with cheerleaders and Title lX
Posted by The Barrister
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Another Maggie's Farm Summer Questionnaire: What's in your car?
I keep a small shovel, an ice-scraper, a bag of sand, one of those giant Cabela's flashlights with a car charger, a bunch of accumulated maps - I like maps despite my GPS thing, my shotgun shell mini-humidor with a few smokes, a plastic baggie full of spare change, a random assortment of CDs, my car cell charger, a pair of sunglasses, and a loaded handgun in the glove compartment just so as to be "always prepared." Plus there is always stuff from my last few errands or outings (eg dry cleaning, ammo, fertilizer, dog food, boots, can of gas, a hat or two, containers of 2-cycle oil, etc), but that stuff rotates, slowly. What lives in your car? Tell us in the comments. Boys want money
Sipp: One Quarter Rich
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