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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, February 22. 2016BrexitA dramatic and impressive argument against Brexit by PM Cameron. Watch it. Good arguments, but count me a skeptic. Why vote for serfdom to Brussels? I do like the Parliamentary system though, compared with ours. Much more fun.
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How the EU might implode
It should be no surprise that the colonies are feeling restless as all forms of local sovereignty are slipping away. If Britain Leaves, the EU Will Implode. I am with the rebels.
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Monday morning linksThe Most Common Misunderstandings About Evolution Harper Lee: a secret New Yorker The UK's war on knives Are we finally moving beyond the hook-up culture? Guys: Never Talk to a College Girl Manchester, NH: How a 19th-Century Town Became a New Millennium Marvel World Trade Center’s $4B transit hub is a lemon Liberal Activism Is Giving Students Panic Attacks, Depression, Failing Grades Brown Students Whine: My Homework Is Interfering With My Social-Justice Activism Black Democrat Student is Called ‘Uncle Tom’ for Defending Free Speech Not From The Onion: Women Make Less Money Than Men Selling Things On Ebay… Border Patrol Leaving Security Gates Wide Open Would you like the government to “fix” air travel for you? Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes The GOP Presidential Field and The Narcissism of Small Differences Jeb, the Unluckiest Bush Advice for Ted Cruz Trump: The Low Risk Option Re immigration, Let’s Be Like France—Seriously Boris Johnson Backs Campaign To Leave EU Brexit: Left and Right Unite to Eject the Green EU from Britain Busted for Wearing a Pig Hat in the Netherlands George Shultz: In a world awash in change, follow the Reagan playbook Busted for Wearing a Pig Hat in the Netherlands
Sunday, February 21. 2016Political quote du jour"So I said to myself, wow, this is a tough business. These people are worse than Manhattan real estate developers. This is rough stuff, politics. " Donald Trump, here
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From today's Lectionary
Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)
9:28 Now about eight days after these sayings Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. 9:29 And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. 9:30 Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. 9:31 They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. 9:32 Now Peter and his companions were weighed down with sleep; but since they had stayed awake, they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him. 9:33 Just as they were leaving him, Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah" -- not knowing what he said. 9:34 While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were terrified as they entered the cloud. 9:35 Then from the cloud came a voice that said, "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!" 9:36 When the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. And they kept silent and in those days told no one any of the things they had seen. 9:37 On the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, a great crowd met him. 9:38 Just then a man from the crowd shouted, "Teacher, I beg you to look at my son; he is my only child. 9:39 Suddenly a spirit seizes him, and all at once he shrieks. It convulses him until he foams at the mouth; it mauls him and will scarcely leave him. 9:40 I begged your disciples to cast it out, but they could not." 9:41 Jesus answered, "You faithless and perverse generation, how much longer must I be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here." 9:42 While he was coming, the demon dashed him to the ground in convulsions. But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. 9:43a And all were astounded at the greatness of God. Saturday, February 20. 2016Saturday morning links Many Americans feel helpless in the face of government invasions into private life, all in the name of safety. We have police video cameras at every intersection. Cops are using fake cell towers to listen in on calls. They want to eliminate cash so private transactions can't be private. The EPA wants to police your land use. Etc, etc. Government agencies are militarizing. Why is all of this happening now? Why our minds can be led astray about the tastes of wines. 5 Ways To Build Pride When You’ve Lost Your Cashflow Why Aren't We Discussing Fatherlessness? Hearing the Lost Sounds of Antiquity An Athenian for Our Time - Why we read Thucydides Global Warming and the Irrelevance of Science Congressman Warns Chinese Takeover Of Chicago Stock Exchange May Lead To Economic Warfare FIRE’S 10 WORST UNIVERSITIES FOR FREE SPEECH "Last night a disturbing racist post that was made to social media was brought to my attention." Good grief. Those gals were getting a facial. Some Thoughts On Justice Scalia How Obama Denied Conservative Judges a Vote - Conservative nominees were blocked from 4 to 6 years With the candidates flinging insults as Saturday’s South Carolina primary approaches, can anybody hope to win? J. Last: Why I turned against Trumpism Charles Koch: This is the one issue where Bernie Sanders is right Friday, February 19. 2016Friday morning links Eiffel Tower “copyright” Hating Israel at Vassar Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit Good grief The Environmental Progection Agency is perched to become the nation’s zoning board The Justice Department’s Shakedown Of Morgan Stanley Believe it or Not, The Republican Obamacare Replacement Plan Might Come Together OUR INABILITY TO CONFRONT OUR IMMIGRATION CRISIS - What America’s immigration infrastructure lacks – with a dire cost. Z Man: Buckley conservatism is dead Fox News poll has Sanders ahead of Clinton nationally, and both ahead of Trump New York Times Editorial Board Urges Hillary to Back $15 Minimum Wage, Leaves Economic Reality Behind Clinton’s Secret Tax Plan Emerges in Debate With a 69% Top Rate Trump: Fishtown’s Champion Against Belmont Trump Responds To Pope: “You’ll Wish I Was President When ISIS Attacks The Vatican” Pope’s call for immigration leniency unlikely to change debate - Vatican has most restrictive immigration policy And a high wall Marine: New U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Threw Us Under the Bus It is hard to believe that in thirty years the United States has managed to go from top dog to a country whose military might is weakening. Russia has just deployed its most advanced spyplane to Syria The War of Western Failures: Hopes for Syria Fall with Aleppo Between Alliance and Rivalry: Egyptian-Israeli Relations Remain Solid, If Not Particularly Warm The Arab Attitude toward Israel’s 2005 Unilateral Disengagement: - A First-Hand Account from an Israeli Insider South African Students Loot University Buildings, Torch Portraits Of White People Crunch Time for Washington and Beijing in the South China Sea Thursday, February 18. 2016A scathing old documentary about Donald Trump
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Thursday morning linksIncreased carbon dioxide is greening deserts globally Higher Ed: Let’s Keep the Feds From Messing Up This Free Market Development White students undergo weekly ‘deconstructing whiteness’ program at Northwestern University 33 schools ignore Congressional request to change restrictive speech codes Science says Bible more bloodthirsty than Koran The Ban On Cash Is Coming, Soon Americans will not accept that New Yorkers pay about $60,000 per inmate per year. While Rubio and Cruz shine, Trump continues his clown show Hillary: America Not Ready For A Woman Yet… Hookers 4 Hillary Offer ‘30 Extra Minutes’ to Nevada Customers Who Will Vote for Clinton Bernie Sanders: Socialist, Progressive, Jew Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders Are Burning the GOP & Democratic Party To The Ground, Thank God. Leftist Young Woman Apologizes To Migrants On Facebook After Being Raped By Migrant Scot Arrested for Complaining About Islamic Invasion on Facebook Scot Arrested for Complaining About Islamic Invasion on Facebook - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=68912#sthash.YAs4tP3n.dpuf Moscow on the Tigris: Russia Joins the Terror Nexus Strategic Stability Vs Arms Control Follies U.S. knew of ISIS plot days before Paris attacks: CIA chief Palestinian Leaders: Who Are They Fooling? What Hezbollah stands to gain from Iran's nuclear deal Wednesday, February 17. 2016The Fed combines hubris with Keynsian foolishnessFortunately, central bankers can not control the world's economies. Unfortunately, they often seem to imagine that they can. Simple Janet——The Monetary Android With A Broken Flash Drive Related: WSJ's Fed Whisperer Confirms - Fed Is Confused Why do central bankers care about market moves? Does that have anything to do with their job? For whose benefit do they work? Do central bankers do any good at all?
Wednesday morning links
Photo: Westminster winner 1950s car quiz Turning Anthropology from Science into Political Activism The Best Of Antonin Scalia: The Justice's 10 Most Insightful Quotes Black History Month: The real George Jefferson Is This The Edgiest Magazine Cover Of All Time? News: Print’s dead — but so is digital Climate Models Botch Another Prediction Snake Hunt - Stalking Pythons In Florida With A Team Of Cold-Blooded Killers Why she changed her mind on abortion Larry Summers Launches The War On Paper Money: "It's Time To Kill The $100 Bill" Pope Francis Puts Responsibility for Immigration Problem Back on Mexicans "in a recent analysis it was determined that the United States now ranks 12th among the nations of the world in economic freedom (6th in 2008) but a dismal 31st in personal freedom (17th in 2008). Is there any way Obama can fill Supreme Court vacancy? The Right Kind of Class Warfare: Workers vs. Looters Can Congress Keep Its Hands off Anything? Sally Pipes' 'The Way Out of Obamacare' The 'White Privilege' Lie, And why it does great harm to blacks. Obama's Final Budget to Nowhere
Bernie Supporters React to Hillary's Astronomical Delegate Count Is America already back in Clinton Scandal Fatigue? ‘Ma Lips Ah Sealed!’ Hillary Uses Black Accent In Chat With Sharpton The Clintons really don’t get it: False attacks and failed strategies as Hillary repeats 2008 Trump, Lies, and Bankruptcy Anti-migrant force builds in Europe, hurting Merkel's quest Turkey seeks allies' support for ground operation as Syria war nears border The little-understood connection between Islamic terror and drug profits Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the Politicized UN Lessons From Al Capone On Countering Islamist Violence ISIS relying on child soldiers, drugged fighters as grip on Mosul slips Wall Street Journal Columnist Says Israel ‘Diversifying Partnerships,’ Joining Sunni States in ‘Disenchanted With America’ Alliance Tuesday, February 16. 2016Tuesday morning links
University tells students to report ‘incidents of discomfort’ to campus police Pussies, or cry-bullies? The accusation of “verbal harassment” is the authoritarian censor’s primary weapon against our constitutional rights What passes for microaggressions at Columbia: White male professors, ‘stressful situations’ Vassar Feminist Prof under student fire for allegedly using improper Transgender pronouns Zero Tolerance: 2 Teens Face Expulsion, Jail for Fishing Knives, Advil in Their Cars Brutal Dictatorship Seeks Climate Cash to Fund Continued Atrocities Families to Be “Equal Partners” to Big Government Regarding Parenting Families to Be “Equal Partners” to Big Government Regarding Parenting - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=68821#sthash.WwcvQBSb.dpuf Kotkin: We Now Join the U.S. Class War Already in Progress In 2007, Chuckie Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations What If Vladimir Putin Has Hillary Clinton’s Emails? Guaranteed he does
TRUMP: “I Was With Marco When He Had His Meltdown. He Was Soaking Wet. I Thought He Came Out of Pool” Stay classy, Donald Goodbye to Leading from behind Monday, February 15. 2016In the brave new world
Well, freedom and utopian equality will only be possible when every citizen is lobotomized, including the benevolent, altruistic bureaucracy (there will be no politicians, because equality of power and influence). Drudge will have to distribute some percent of his website visits to olde Maggie's Farm. I can't wait! But which unequal person will force that to happen? Will they not need to win elections or win wars? Joke going around DC today: "The Bernie Sanders drinking game: Each time he mentions getting something for free, you have to drink some other guy's beer." Quite related: The Character of Modern Liberalism in One Paragraph and on the freedom part of the equation, Quotation of the day on the relationship between free men in a free society and their government….
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Monday morning links Beyonce and the Black Panthers (video) Einstein’s gravitational waves rest on a genuinely radical idea. What Scalia Taught Us Kimball: RIP Antonin Scalia Louisiana governor: College football in jeopardy in midst of budget crisis I thought football was a profit center for schools Will: The 'progressive' itch to regulate speech "Brave New World is one of my favorite books for the simple reason it got so much right." Ditto You’re not imagining things, the economy really is rigged against you Even Democrats' Rigged Superdelegate System May Not Be Enough for Hillary to Prevail Trump Was Half-Crazed, but Does Anyone Care? To Understand Trump, You Have to Understand New York Interesting: Hillary - house in NYC burbs. Bernie - from Brooklyn. Trump - from Queens. Bloomberg? - NYC. DEMANDS ON THE MARINE CORPS ARE SLOWLY BREAKING MARINE AVIATION The Marines' new Iraq mission - IT'S NOT A DOOR-TO-DOOR FIGHT, BUT THE WAR ON ISIS IS HEATING UP "Treason" In Turkey: Asking for Peace Sunday, February 14. 2016Sunday linksSheesh. Climate change hits New England. 6 below zero F around here, frozen pipes. Amazing what global warming can do to us. A few years ago, Mrs. BD and I skiied at 10 below. That was zippy, and we had the whole place to ourselves, almost. Wonderful. I remember putting anti-freeze in the toilets. Women considered better coders – but only if they hide their gender Blame an Ivory Ban for China’s Vanishing Giant Clams Chef removes foie gras from Valentine's Day menu after getting death threats from vegans NYPD used stingrays over 1,000 times without warrants since 2008 "The Politics of life are easy. It's the Poetics that are tough."
The mess that is Fannie and Freddie Steyn having fun: Notes After New Hampshire Trump was out of control in South Carolina debate Something wrong with him? Acting like a complete a-hole ISIS extremists stone four women to death on charges of ‘committing adultery’ Raped them, then accused them of adultery for it. Multicultural morals. Geography and Economic Growth
Saturday, February 13. 2016Who Hates America More?Grandma or Grandpa? After 7 years of a Dem president, the Dem candidates say they feel like the US has gone to hell. Go figure.
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Saturday morning links Ancient hook-ups with Neanderthals left lasting effects on our health Tattoo takeover: Three in ten Americans have tattoos, and most don’t stop at just one How the progressive left intends to use the courts to harass those who don’t agree with them on the climate ADVICE FOR PARENTS OF SMALL CHILDREN: Don’t Be Afraid Of Dirt. Flint’s Not the Only City with a Water Problem Soon, West Virginians will have the right to work Gary Kaltbaum: Janet Yellen ‘Just Doesn’t Have a Clue’ People Over 50 Carrying More Debt Than in the Past Welcome To Obama's Recovery: Carrier Moving 1400 Jobs To Mexico Progressive Rutgers Students Protest Milo Yiannopoulos by Smearing Themselves With Fake Blood Campus Lefties: Bullies With a Cause Liberal intolerance is on the rise on America’s college campuses Obama: Muslims are more equal than Christians in America Had someone like Darrell Issa run a hedge fund out of the Cayman DNC rolls back Obama ban on contributions from federal lobbyists Bruised Marco Rubio Gets Personal and Aggressive The Unexpected Breadth of Donald Trump's Appeal - In New Hampshire, he won working class men without college diplomas—and most every other demographic group. Apparently we should get on a boat and leave America ASAP Why the Western Sahara Matters Russia keeps bombing despite Syria truce; Assad vows to fight on Friday, February 12. 2016Corrupt and sleazyHow bad is this? Huma Abedin and the Tangled Clinton Web It is all almost unbelievable, except that it is the Clintons so nothing should be surprising. Normal people do not do life this way, even fantastically rich people like the Clintons.
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Why Trump?
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Friday morning links Slam-dunk Nobel If You See A Quarter On A Fallen Soldier's Grave, This Is What It Means University Of Texas Police Give Preacher Citation For ‘Offending’ Students Liberal intolerance is on the rise on America’s college campuses Where is the bold free speech movement? Why The Sugar-Tax is So Bitter. Government subsidizes the growers, then taxes the buyers. What? *The American Slave Coast* Climate Alarmists Invent New Excuse: The Satellites Are Lying New Bill Introduced in U.S. Congress to Block State-Level Efforts to Weaken Smartphone Encryption ACLU Identifies 'Critical Civil Liberties Challenges Facing Our Country.' Does Not Include First Amendment - Is the ACLU going soft on the First Amendment? The great money-in-politics myth Bloomberg claimed that 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: male, minority and between the ages of 15 and 25. “Sexism has nothing to do with it”: Camille Paglia on Hillary Who Influences Hillary Clinton on Israel?
Past Time for the GOP to Go Hard for the Black Vote Top Republican: ‘Political Ineptitude' Caused Crash of Puerto Rico North Korean Leader Kim Has His Military Chief Executed The executions will continue until morale improves Syrian Archbishop to West: “Why Are Your Bishops Silent?” Christians, Gays And Women Fleeing Asylum Centres In Germany Over Growing Violence By Muslim Men… Pentagon Kills Its Killer Drone Fleet Ozzies solve migrant problem – for a while Iran Infiltrates the West Bank The Shift in Saudi Foreign Policy Thursday, February 11. 2016Trump's AppealDonald Trump is post-ideological. Why is Trump, the Honey Badger, such a pheenom? Trump and the Culture of Political Correctnes (h/t Reader)
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Thursday morning links Out of slavery, really. My rules on tipping in the US: Always tip restaurant staff, hotel cleaners daily, bartenders, bell boy, Dunkin Donuts people, garbage man and postman at Christmas, Stanley Steemer guys, outdoor helpers for special projects, barber, etc. In Europe, always tip hotel cleaners daily. They will be much more attentive. Here's How That Pro Cyclist Probably Hid a Motor in Her Bike Students at Duke Condemn Racial Protestors and Call for Free Speech The Holocaust as ‘white on white crime’ and other signs of intellectual decay Free Speech or Hate Speech? I’ll Take Both, Thanks Sorry, we can't ban everything that offends you – video REFLECTIONS ON THE PANTHERS - A look back at what the Black Panthers did to deserve Beyoncé's rousing tribute at the Super Bow Sultan on Traditionalist Rebels:
Maggie's Farm is sort of a Traditionalist Rebel site Psychiatrist Dalrymple on Psychology:
Study proves urban heat islands exist, even in the Arctic The EPA is out of control – now they want to ban hobby race cars 5 Huge Problems with David Brooks' 'I Miss Obama' Puff Piece Sanders may have won 22% more votes than Hillary, but Hillary gets more delegates Hillary Has A Big Problem With "Everyday Americans" Hillary’s National Security Crime Needs a Special Prosecutor Republican Candidates Fall in Line with Social-Justice Warriors on Selective Service New Hampshire: Carnage In The Establishment Lane
The U.S. Cyber Vulnerability Goes On 100,000 say NO to the EU: Poll says Britons wants Brexit vote - SUPPORT for Britain to quit the EU is gaining unstoppable momentum among British voters. Go Rebels! THE NEW EUROPE: “Refugees” Given Priority at Hospitals, Free Train Tickets, Free Museum Visits Winning an unconventional war - Disadvantage goes to the side that abides by the Geneva Conventions Obama/Trump Back Russian Invasion of Syria I don't give a darn about Syria What Vladimir Putin is really up to in Syria The US military’s malaise - Defense policy run by the White House is faulty U.S. Intelligence Assessment of Iran Africa's Third Term Power Grabs: Prelude to War Wednesday, February 10. 2016Trump and SandersHeard Trump via radio today. "We're gonna kick the crap out of Isis." "We're gonna close the border and eliminate the drugs." The guy knows nothing and does not want to bother to. Why should he? He's The Donald. Heard a black guy endorsing Sanders too. Guy said "Bernie has been consistent with his views since he was a teenager." That's a compliment?
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Wednesday morning links
This Is Why You Can’t Afford a House Teddy Roosevelt: "The light has gone out of my life" "[E]qually fit men and women demonstrate their fitness differently." Why Food Trucks Locate Where They Do - Five big takeaways from a unique new study. I love food trucks. Nobody has time to sit down for lunch anymore. Rumor Says Scientists Have Finally Detected Elusive "Gravitational Waves" Those waves make my dead lifts too difficult When Addiction Has a White Face The government just admitted it will use smart home devices for spying Paranoid yet? Former Yale admissions officer reveals secrets of who gets in Panel discussion prompts UCLA professors to admit truths about diversity courses Do College Students Hate Free Speech? Let's Ask Them. Arizona considering bill to ban 'free speech zones' on college campuses AVI recommended this to me: Donald Trump supporters think about morality differently than other voters. Here’s how. Moral Foundations Theory was invented to compare different human cultures. But it can also explain our political landscape. I read the article a couple of times and decided that I am not persuaded by that whole construct of moral foundations because the dimensions themselves seem so socio-culturally specific. Furthermore, politics is not about morality. Obviously. Maine Required Childless Adults to Work to Get Food Stamps. Here’s What Happened. Hmmm. So that means people like free stuff? Government employee union president: “God help us all” if the GOP wins "I have written here before that all the free time I used to invest thinking about how to improve my business has been spent over the last 4-5 years solely on figuring out how to comply with new government regulations." I believe it. Only very big biz can afford the lawyers and compliance staff Bernie Sanders is the future of the Democratic Party Left not happy with NH David Brooks' man-crush New Hampshire will go down as the place where Hillary Clinton's campaign lost its way Bill O'Reilly: Bernie Knows He Won't Win, Playing Political Theater HuffPo Furious: “Racist, Sexist, Xenophobe” Won After a devastating defeat, Hillary! campaign hopes to rebound with a sharp focus on African Americans. "I ain't no ways tarred." France to Shut Down Up to 160 Mosques Used as Terror Centers What North Korea’s Latest Missile Test Means for theUS and Its Allies Hamas, ISIL Said To Be Close Tuesday, February 9. 2016How primaries became important
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