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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, April 13. 2016Wednesday morning links
Adult dorms are no joke — they’re something we need Like the YMCA usta be. Hope it catches on for young city folk. Loneliness sucks and shared spaces are cheap. Why Corporations Oppose Religious Liberty New look at ancient shards suggests Bible even older than thought 2 UGA players face felony gun charges for shooting BB gun in dorm. A BB gun? Come on, people. BB guns are like totally fun toys. Also, a good way to prepare kids for real firearms. Black-only dorms: UConn’s Civil Rights Failure Under Obama, race relations at all-time low Should Yale Hire The “Most Diverse”? Charm School - I don’t want to have a civil discussion. I want to call you assholes. Blue State blues: Surging deficits threaten Providence The Fight for the Future of NPR - A slow-moving bureaucracy. An antiquated business model. A horde of upstart competitors Don’t Let the Opt-Out of Common Core Testing Movement Fool You Climate Change Hits the Snooze Button Climate-change deniers deserve punishment "Interest Rates - 'The Great Game'" NOW President: Abortion Is Necessary´; First Amendment Should Be Repealed OK. Repeal it for her first. We're funnier and redder than The Boston Globe! Wrong, from a libertarian standpoint. Heather has five Mommies. We're funnier and redder than The Boston Globe! Obama Admin Advised Against Calling Iranian Missile Tests Deal Violation… Colorado Senator Rips Into Trump: How Can You Beat ISIS If You Can't Figure Out Convention? Trump Whines About Being Cheated. He Was Only Cheated By His Very Good Brain And The Very Best People. Hillary Confirms Trillion Dollar Tax Hike Plan Bill Clinton can’t stop talking about himself Book: The Encyclopedia of Militant Islam A HISTORY LESSON ON CUBA FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA - Did the U.S. really "exploit" pre-Castro Cuba? Cuba is of zero importance to the world. Dominicans make better smokes and ball players, today. Obama Foreign Policy Under Fire from His Former Defense Secretaries Turkey's Circus in Washington Palestinians: Erasing Christian History The Assad Files - Capturing the top-secret documents that tie the Syrian regime to mass torture and killings. Weeks after ‘pullout’ from Syria, Russian military is as busy as ever Fine with me. It's another tar baby. Time to take aim at Iranian missiles Trackbacks
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Yes, I am an OWG and I abhor political correctness--can't call a shovel a shovel any more. What good is the 1st Amendment if you can't use it? What is it with these pusses?
Bill Clinton. He's an old guy now. He looks frail and withered. Vegetarian. Married to Hillary--how great that must be. He sold military technology to the Red Chinese so how much worse than that is Hillary's e-mail problem. Two of a kind. Money lechers. V8 tractor in a 4-cylinder frame. It is cute for a parade tractor. My Farmall Model H has no ROPS and a tricycle gear. Very dangerous. My Kubota has a roll-bar and seat belt, wide front and 4-wheel drive. Much safer. The roll-bar makes it difficult to get into narrow spaces with overhanging branches--seems you almost get whipped off of the tractor if you are not careful. I always wear a seat belt if one is available. The UGA BB gun thing--you used to see it a lot in public housing. Get a nice place with everything one needs free of charge compliments of the gov't and then trash it to make it feel more like home. Ghetto mentality. It runs rife. Climate change? I'm a denier so sue me, lock me up. Fark You! Iran is going to do what they want until somebody stops them. Death to America. Meanwhile, it is another beautiful spring day and adventures are to be had. Shalom That machine needs a roll bar. Absolutely. My Dad's younger brother was an up-and-coming young farmer, fine wife, four boys, when his tractor rolled over him and nearly killed him. He was never the same again. Within a few years he had lost his farm, his wife divorced him, and he ended up living out his life a couple of states away working as an itinerant (and indigent) farm hand.
ROP (Roll Over Protection) should be a matter of personal choice. Only the incompetent or careless upset tractors. The exception being getting assholed on the highway by a truck going full speed.
a guy relates a personal family tragedy and you immediately call the victim -- his uncle -- incompetent or careless?
wtf is this? A friend in HS rolled his tractor at the start of his senior year. Saw him Friday. Dead on Saturday. Many years ago.
Re: Black-only dorms
First Democrats keep blacks out of white society society with Jim Crow, then they force whites and blacks together with forced busing and integration, now they keep whites out of black dorms. It's all always about force and never about individuals. Re: Hillary's $1T of tax increases to pay for her good ideas
The left has no grasp on the first thing you need to know about economics: demand is infinite and supply is finite. There's always another "good idea" that needs the proper funding. But that's only the first thing they don't understand. Trump is running a lean campaign. He knew he didn't have the $$ to spend on securing Colorado, and Cruz had lots of $$ to spend from GOP types and lobbyists. So of course Cruz was able to overwhelm the system in CO and 'win.'
Did you watch the video of one delegate race in CO posted by Drudge? Each one of 600 people had 10 seconds to make their case to be selected as a delegate. Pretty ridiculous. It is conceivable to me that Cruz with his big donor dollars was able to flood these races with tons of choices, diluting the Trump candidates and 'winning' through this kind of shenanigans. Not exactly 'fair' if you look at how it was run, is it? So, really, this has nothing to do with Trump's competence and everything to do with someone spending a lot of money to grab delegates in a crazy free-for-all. So, you can say Cruz 'won' because he has a LOT more money to hire people/bribe people to overwhelm the process. Playing by 'the rules'? I suppose. But anyone with half a brain can see that this definitely falls under 'rigged.' Rigged for the person with the most money and the most support from the CO GOP to play along. Trump may be running a lower-funded campaign, but that is a result of a specific choice he made.
The rules for the Colorado delegate selection process were published over a year ago, and a serious candidate would have known that they almost uniquely required a ground organization that was extremely broad geographically, but shallow as to the number of people who needed to be contacted. Trump's strategy of stirring up controversy to provide free media coverage, while well suited to open primary states, failed miserably under this system. Correct, it was a choice...not a poorly managed campaign, which is what Cruz and the press are implying. Colorado is not the end-all be-all of the 2016 primary race. It is only a handful of delegates that will not help Cruz get to 1237. You know it. I know it. Cruz will NOT get there. No matter how much he has convinced you otherwise. Instead, Cruz is running a contested convention campaign. He is the knew Kasich, a spoiler, hoping and praying that somehow Trump won't get the 1237 and by some miracle Cruz can get the 2nd vote at a contested convention to go his way. It is a pathetic and sad game.
When we get to the end of April and Cruz has lost state after state (in most cases coming in 3rd) he will look very weak. With this kind of record, Cruz has to realize he cannot win a national campaign. There are at least a couple of different concepts of fairness, an equality of opportunity and an equality of outcomes. For me, fairness involves everybody playing by the same rules. A fair game of basketball between me and Michael Jordan would be both of us playing by the same rules and nevermind the fact that he's going to stomp me, he's a much better basketball player than I am and it's fair that I should be stomped. The alternative is to play a game rigged in such a way that both he and I have an equal chance of winning - perhaps he should be required to wear boxing gloves and high heels and a welder's mask - but the problem with that is that you then can't know beforehand what is fair. If we play a handicapped game and he still stomps me he wasn't handicapped enough, if I stomp him he was handicapped too much. We're just going to have to keep playing game after game after game until we tie and then we'll know it was a fair game? Judging fairness by outcomes rather than blindly applied rules makes for an impossibly cumbersome scheme of judging fairness.
You as a leftist may be comfortable with the idea that fairness dictates equal outcomes (and equal outcomes are the standard for judging fairness) but dealing with merely retrospective fairness where nobody has any way of knowing beforehand what the rules might be that would result in this fairness is no way to run a society. How can you plan ahead for anything when you have no way of knowing what the rules might be after you've carried out your plans? Are you comfortable eating a meal in a restaurant where you're not told the price of the meal until after you've eaten? Trump and Cruz both faced the same set of rules, Cruz is smarter and worked harder and is a better deal-maker than Trump so Cruz won the contest. You now want a do-over until you get a fair result, but what would be a fair result under your way of thinking if not a 50/50 split on the delegates? How many times would we have to re-vote this until we get a tie? Is that any way to operate an election? I understand what you're saying, and I'm all for state's rights, but the truth is the elites in both parties seem to think they can manipulate the rules to favor their candidate.
Why don't they just admit up front: the election system is just a way of distracting you peons from the great job we are doing running this Constitution Republic, AND we don't need you messing around with our plans to consolidate our power worldwide and make money off the taxes we extract from your efforts. Take a walk. preach it, bro!
I am impressed by a man so adept at political infighting that he can win an election without any votes. Our foreign enemies everywhere are shockedly in awe. Russia will quake at these skills and admire them as well. China and ISIS will rue the day when Cruz outmaneuvers them on a procedural debate point. America needs and the world fears professional politicians like Cruz, Clinton, et al. Fifty years of senator ted weren't nearly enough. Dorms for adults. Didn't they used to call those boarding houses or rooming houses and didn't most places legislate those out of existence through zoning laws and single-room occupancy laws aimed at keeping "those people" out of the "good" neighborhoods? And isn't this new old idea similar to the mini-home movement that runs into those same zoning laws regarding minimum lot sizes and minimum square-footage requirements that, again, were designed to keep "those people" out of the "good" neighborhoods? Everybody wants affordable housing but the easiest answer to that is to get rid of the laws that keep people from building and buying what they can afford - and nobody wants what "those people" can afford anywhere near their neighborhood. You can be as poor as you wanna be but you're going to have to go be poor somewhere else.
My Grandmother ran a boarding house in the 1920's 30's. By all counts, she ran a taught ship, and could get away with it as she was a good Scottish woman, was a good cook and liked things clean, neat and tidy. There was always someone that wanted a room at her place. Church on Sunday. No excuses.
When someone misbehaved, they were summarily tossed out - by one of her sons, mostly my Dad or his brother. There will be no such ability to keep these places safe, tidy and clean. There will be no 'enforcers' on the premises. They will be in Washington. There will be binders full government regulations to 'fix' all problems, or paper over them. So much for wishful thinking. (Those hostels in Europe? Wonder how they are working out these days... I'm sure they are perfectly safe, clean and just wunnerful! Wunnerful!) As they say, the world has moved on. Adult dorms are no joke
When I was single, in all of my moves following opportunities to new cities/countries, I found a shared-living-accommodation of some sort: Commune, shared apartment, renting from a widow with extra bedrooms. They all came with one or more people acting in the role of concierge to tell me the best place to do laundry, the best brand of detergent in that country, how to find an emergency dentist, which supermarket had better prices on what etc. And in some of the cases they came with built-in social calendar, and friends of the other residents who became my friends also. Subsequent moves as a family have not had these advantages. I've found it useful to create excuses to borrow something from neighbors in the first several days, just to jump-start the local relationships. I never have ice for mixed drinks on the first night... Although I know people are different in their wants and desires, I've always felt a bit sorry for single people who are set on living alone. It's expensive, they don't know what they are missing-out on, and they end up developing eccentric personal habits that hinder future romances. QUOTE: ... and they end up developing eccentric personal habits that hinder future romances. surely you know yourself best. I hated living with roommates in college and law school. nearly as much as I hated doing my own car repairs in the dorm parking structure by flashlight at midnight. one of my main motivations for a career was that I'd never have to do either again. BillH: That is very sad that your uncle was saddled with a no good woman who could not and/or would not live up to her wedding vows.
RE Climate Change Hits the Snooze Button
Oh Climate change! Climate change! Climate change! Climate change!... Climate change, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do? "Trump and Cruz both faced the same set of rules"
Maybe not. http://americandigest.org/mt-archives/american_studies/world_war_trump_the_truth.php Also I understand that some pro-Trump delegates were removed from the ballot. I don't think we yet know the depth of the dirty tricks in Colorado. It doesn't seem to be simply that although the rules were changed to hurt Trump he should have been smart enough to deal with it. Rather it seems to me that the fix was in and as an afterthought everyone is claiming plausible deniability. What I find disconcerting is not that the GOP did this to deny Trump delegates but that the GOP talking heads seem so jocular in their denial of any wrong doing. It's as though they think we backward hicks in flyover country are too stupid to see what they did (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). QUOTE: Why Corporations Oppose Religious Liberty: The New York Times, a former newspaper, has scurrilously and dishonestly labeled these "Anti-Gay Laws," because they would prevent priests and pastors from being forced to perform gay marriages against their faiths and consciences. Um, no. No law in the U.S. forces priests or pastors to perform marriages for anyone. They can discrimination against adulterers and Jews. However, a justice of the peace, as a state actor, must perform marriages regardless of race or religion or perceived state of sin. Furthermore, public accommodations, such as bakers, must treat customers the same regardless of race, religion, or perceived state of sin. QUOTE: Under Obama, race relations at all-time low It's not untypical after a step forward for there to be some reaction. A black Muslim Kenyan Socialist president has made many people feel unsettled. QUOTE: Climate-change deniers deserve punishment Only if it can be shown they have lied to their customers and shareholders (as did the Tobacco industry). just like you lied about the comin' ice age, and the numerous end of the world predictions you made.