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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, November 7. 2016Affordable BoatFrom over the transom- The U.S. government has just passed a new law called: "The affordable boat act" declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a new boat, by April 2014. These "affordable" boats will cost an average of $54,000-$155,000 each. This does not include taxes, trailers, towing fees, licensing and registration fees, fuel, docking and storage fees, maintenance or repair costs. This law has been passed, because until now, typically only wealthy and financially responsible people have been able to purchase boats. This new laws ensures that every American can now have a "affordable" boat of their own, because everyone is "entitled" to a new boat. If you purchase your boat before the end of the year, you will receive 4 "free" life jackets; not including monthly usage fees. In order to make sure everyone purchases an affordable boat, the costs of owning a boat will increase on average of 250-400% per year. This way, wealthy people will pay more for something that other people don't want or can't afford to maintain. But to be fair, people who cant afford to maintain their boat will be regularly fined and children (under the age of 26) can use their parents boats to party on until they turn 27; then must purchase their own boat. If you already have a boat, you can keep yours (just kidding; no you can't). If you don't want or don't need a boat, you are required to buy one anyhow. If you refuse to buy one or cant afford one, you will be regularly fined $800 until you purchase one or face imprisonment. Failure to use the boat will also result in fines. People living in the desert; ghettos; inner cities or areas with no access to lakes are not exempt. Age, motion sickness, experience, knowledge nor lack of desire are acceptable excuses for not using your boat. A government review board (that doesn't know the difference between the port, starboard or stern of a boat) will decide everything, including; when, where, how often and for what purposes you can use your boat along with how many people can ride your boat and determine if one is too old or healthy enough to be able to use their boat. They will also decide if your boat has out lived its usefulness or if you must purchase specific accessories,(like a $500 compass) or a newer and more expensive boat. Those that can afford yachts will be required to do so...its only fair. The government will also decide the name for each boat. Failure to comply with these rules will result in fines and possible imprisonment. Government officials are exempt from this new law. If they want a boat, they and their families can obtain boats free, at the expense of tax payers. Unions, bankers and mega companies with large political affiliations ($$$) are also exempt. Monday morning links
Archery Hunter Stops Bear Charge with One Arrow I think people often use the word empathy when they just mean sympathy I thought the Male Gaze was a bad thing The county actually ran a sting on an online food group, apparently having solved all other crime in the county. Our nation’s capital is too rich. Vanity Fair: Maybe the Right-Wing Media Isn't Crazy. Maybe the Media Is Biased as Sh*t. Election Day is overrated. The days just before Election Day are the worst. Doug Band Accuses Chelsea Of Using Clinton Foundation Money To Pay For Her Wedding: Sunday, November 6. 2016Two on climate alarmismIs it possible?Is it possible that Mrs. Bill Clinton just isn't too bright? Her reckless greed is no secret, her poor judgment is widely acknowledged, but what about ordinary brains? If you recall, she could not pass the DC bar exam. Today's example: She could not operate her fax, so required her maid to copy out secret memos for her to read. Just unbelievable. Smartest woman in the world? Doesn't say much for women. Related, The Stupidity of Hillary. He wonders "When has Hillary ever done anything we might reasonably consider smart?"
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Saturday, November 5. 2016Trump's closing argumentSaturday morning links
Everything you know about healthy food is a lie The war for civilization is your family. Michael Bloomberg Drops $18M for His Crusade Against Sugary Sodas He's a putz. He'll have to pull my Coke from my cold dead hands. Me, I'd like to give the world a Coke... Equine Therapy for Sex Addiction? Kinky! I suggest a good girlfriend WHY IS THE IVY LEAGUE SUCH A CESSPIT OF SEXISM? Endless Scandal: That's What a Hillary Presidency Would Look Like PIERS MORGAN: Get off your high horse, Hillary. Only ONE candidate is up to her neck in FBI probes and her name isn't Donald Is there a conservative case for voting for Hillary? Trump will invade Canada? It's Silly Season As Polls Tighten, There’s Panic in the Clinton Camp Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept Friday, November 4. 2016Crisis of racism on American campiFriday morning links
Public Sector Workers to Be Automated Away These Are the Most Liberal Colleges in the Country The Average American Melts 645 Square Feet of Arctic Ice Every Year My bad. So sorry. FSU Thanksgiving display an 'all-out assault' on Pilgrims Immigrants are bad? Reader comments "Kiss my ass and pass the gravy." Farmers are such a protected class that it's hard to take the notion of a war against them seriously. In Delaware, School Choice is Growing Funny how citizens enjoy choice An Obscured American: Eddie the Housepainter In Praise of Milo Yiannopoulos A third of NYC residents is immigrants Wall Street Prefers a Clinton Victory for the ‘Fatter Portfolio’ Wall St always prefers Dems Bill de Blasio’s path to the welfare horrors of yesteryear Dear LA Times reporter: Your lack of understanding of economics doesn’t mean that ‘price-gouging’ is a bad thing Here’s how the impending ObamaCare disaster affects you. ObamaCare’s Chickens Come Home to Roost - Democrats, anticipating rage over huge premium increases scheduled for 2017, are already trying to blame Republicans Feds Order Law Enforcement Agencies to Ignore Drug Use, Criminal Records to Hire Minorities The Case Against Democracy - If most voters are uninformed, who should make decisions about the public’s welfare? Who? Me, of course Electoral Map: Clinton 226, Trump 180 | No Toss Ups: Clinton 298, Trump 240 What Does It Take To Bring Hillary Clinton To Justice? FBI Sources: Clinton Server Hacked By 'At Least Five' Foreign Intel Agencies Steyn: Occam's Weiner Breaking news: The presidential race is stable Charles Blow hates Trump Politico Reporter Gets Caught AGAIN Sending A Story To A Clinton Staffer For Approval Incredible ..but not Clinton campaign coordinated with State Dept. official before email revelation Tentacles everywhere Fun with the Podesta emails "Why Is Hillary Clinton So Widely Beloved?" Was Tom Hayden a Foreign Agent For North Vietnam? American and Israeli Jews: Twin Portraits From Pew Research Center Surveys Twenty-Five Years of Indian Economic Reform Canada: Teachers Union Official: Call Students ‘Comrade’ Instead of Boys or Girls Thursday, November 3. 2016Have you noticed?
Also, how many people are working without benefits, for whatever reason? What, if anything, does this have to do with Obamacare? Thursday morning links
A Public University Makes Students Choose Between Their First Amendment Rights And Graduation Warmists Are Very Concerned That Their Cult Could Be Dying Out Incoming College Students Think America Invented Slavery Dear Progressives: My Path From Left To Right When You Come Here, Please Don't Vote for the Same Sh*t That Ruined the Place You Are Leaving Lots of good stuff at the Woodpile Medicare’s Next 50 Years: Preserving the Program for Future Retirees 4 Reasons Obamacare Is Also A Lemon For People With Pre-Existing Conditions Feminists: Your Failure To Submit Is An Act Of Aggression Why do liberals glorify JFK's promiscuity? Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run Insiders, power-brokers, self-serving cronies and crony capitalists. Michael Moore Calls Trump Supporters “Racists” And “Rednecks”… Who is he? What Clintonworld Thinks About the Latest Abedin-Weiner Scandal - “If Weiner hadn’t taken pictures of his weiner, we wouldn’t be in this thing.” Caddell: Hillary’s Camp Has ‘Look of Desperation,’ as ‘Every Single Issue’ Favors Trump Maybe, but I think she has already won the election Silver: Election Update: Yes, Donald Trump Has A Path To Victory - If the race tightens any further, Clinton’s electoral edge is fragile. I doubt it Has Clinton Topped Nixon? Definitely. Imagine if a Repub had her history. Laws are for the little people. And Republicans, like D’Souza. The BBC Asks - What Really Happened With The Clintons In Haiti? DOJ's Peter Kadzik Exposed Colluding With Clinton Campaign FBI deputy director whose wife took Clinton friend's cash is asked why he is still involved in email probe as Congress turn heat up on Clinton Making "Fiscal Space" for the Clinton Agenda The Democrats are in bad shape — even if Hillary wins George Will: A fitting final chapter to 2016’s sleaze sweepstakes
'We are losing control of the streets' - Merkel's Germany descends into lawlessness The Story of Obama's Ransom Payment to Iran Gets Worse Wednesday, November 2. 2016Election not important
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Wednesday morning links Microsleep: It’s Possible to Be Asleep and Awake at the Same Time Hospital patient seriously burnt after 'farting' during surgery Nobel: The Meaning of Bob Dylan’s Silence Halloween Is Now a Beat for the Bias Police Transgender Bathroom Cases the Supreme Court Won’t Hear, and Why They Matter Yale's Erika Christakis Looks Back Ruefully:
The Susan G. Komen Foundation is a racket, just like any large charity. Aliquippa's Ty Law Exposes a Wasted War on Poverty Everyone Who Disagrees with the SPLC Is Hitler The Left is ushering in “new rules of journalism” because of Donald Trump Liberal Money’s Longterm Strategy To Control Public Opinion And Secure ‘Advantageous’ Demographics What for? WHOA! It Sounds Like Chris Matthews Just Endorsed Trump Clinton Sycophants Blinded by the Light No they aren't Hillary already planning her giant victory celebration
Here’s How The Clinton’s Free Private Jet Scam Works Clinton and Nixon meet again Thornton: How Trump Happened - How the #NeverTrumpers sunk themselves. Trump Campaign Unveils New Policy: Will Ask Justice Department to Probe Anti-Israel Intimidation on US College Campuses Character flaws explain this election’s unexpected plot twists Asian dominoes in the Age of Obama Venezuela used 500 front groups to subvert today’s UN review of its rights record Tuesday, November 1. 2016Tuesday morning links
The reason why shoes have that extra shoelace hole This is what happens when NASA engineers hold a pumpkin-carving competition Archaeologists Discover New Style of Viking Combat All Cleveland Indians Fans Are Raaaaacists Academic Absurdity of the Week: Another Bank Bailout? Life is hard for low-skilled workers. Minimum-wage hikes make it a lot harder. That’s a very cruel public policy. The New York Times Does Poverty A tweak to fix any government program? VDH: The Clintons as Farce. Should we laugh or cry at the latest developments in a madcap campaign? Clinton Campaign Asks Ex-Prosecutors to Criticize FBI Director James Comey -- A Brazile Exclaims "Please God, Let This End Soon" As CNN Fires Her For "Uncomfortable Interactions" With Clinton Campaign Hillarygate Probe Is Now a Formal Federal Criminal Investigation John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails Mexico’s World Reputation Has Dropped from Developing Country to “Failed State” Gray Lady Comes Clean on Obama’s Middle East Legacy Trump Military Advisers Detail GOP Candidate's Defense Plan Israel Demands Removal of Dangerous App that Encourages Killing IDF Soldiers Ancient Muslim inscription proves Jewish ties to Temple Mount Monday, October 31. 2016Double-check your costume
University of Texas issues 29-point checklist on offensive Halloween costume.
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Monday morning linksA big thank you to Roger and Bruce for keeping the daily linkies flowing here at Maggie's. Y'all deserve some Reeses's cups tonight. Steal them from the brats when they fall asleep. Sad about Norcia, one of our favorite villages in Italy. We got an email last night from our friends, the monks of Norcia (Benedictines), that they are all ok and have moved into their mountain quarters. Grown-ups’ new schemes to ruin Halloween Pope heads to Sweden to commemorate Martin Luther Sheesh CNN Source Fed Clinton Camp Information Google Chairman Wanted To Be Clinton Campaign’s ‘Head Outside Advisor’ History Repeats: A Nixonian Cover-up in the Home Stretch of the Campaign Clinton campaign scrambles to respond to renewed FBI investigation Hillary Campaign Launching Attacks on the FBI Is this getting crazy enuf yet? The meteor that just slammed into the Clinton campaign thanks to the FBI Should Clinton step aside? Friday, October 28. 2016The World According to DerpSo, movies are important. We talked a little about one movie yesterday, and it elicited a discussion of many. What do movies mean? Movies are stories. Some people think movies and other forms of visual entertainment like TV shows are inferior to reading books. I think that's sort of true. If your mind is forced to picture something that has been transmitted to you by the written word, the gray-matter horsepower it takes to make the picture in your head improves its effect somehow. Even a story spoken to you is like that a little. Having all the visual work done for you dulls the effect. It attenuates other effects, though. It's a form of mind control. You'll see my story the way I want it seen, or you won't see it at all. It's the same for writing. Writing a word with a pencil on paper makes you understand it better than selecting it on a tablet computer. That's one of 6,176,158 reasons why is our children not learning. Movies aren't more sophisticated than text. I think movies are actually closer to the normal way our pit-scratching, mammoth-pestering ancestors communicated ideas and feelings. The parts that work are a throwback. A pantomime by the firelight. Show, not tell. Or at least, tell, not labor over commas. People are affected by movies and television. Or more to the point, people are influenced by movies and TV. There's a reason why everyone wears their hair like Laura Petrie one day and talks like Dirty Harry the next. There's a reason why the same people we used to treat like lowlifes -- because they are -- get made into griots and petty Caesars, raised on a pedestal of their residuals. There's a reason why colleges had toga parties in the early sixties, and then again in the eighties when Animal House reminded everyone of reminding everyone about sword and sandal epics like Ben-Hur. Our behavior, mores, speech, and appearance are affected by what we see on the screen. Unfortunately, right now, what we see is pandaemonium. Let's see what Pandora's up to these days: Who Wore the Most Iconic Sunglasses in Movie History? A Venice Optometrist Has a List Wow, there are actual male humans on that list. I thought it would be Audrey Hepburn 10 times. It's a little light on Clint Eastwood, though, isn't it? You had to wear Dirty Harry glasses in the '70s. It was like a law. Mel Gibson on 2006 Anti-Semitic Remarks: ‘I’ve Never Discriminated Against Anyone’ Mel Gibson must be rehabilitated because he makes money in Hollywood. He kisses their ring, and they kiss his ass. Simple, really. U.K. High Court Orders ISPs to Block 13 Additional Film, TV Sites Wait until governments start enforcing the terms of service for internet companies instead of the law. Oh, wait, that was five years ago. Sherlock Holmes 3 team gathering writers' room for new script The script is an afterthought. Remember that next time you're in a movie theater. Moviemakers have that much contempt for you. Kevin Costner sues for $3.85m over film festival 'fraud' Go figure. Kevin Costner's name in the same sentence as "fraud." Must be a day that ends in Y. Of course, he's on the receiving end for a change, instead of the audience. He always sounds like he's reading a phone book with a bite from a peanut butter and Seconal sandwich in his mouth to my ear. Every Marvel Movie To Date, Ranked Like I said yesterday, "Four Dozen Julia Roberts Legal Thrillers You May Have Missed." AFM: Independent boards Joan Collins comedy Joan Collins? Joan Collins! I'm not in to necrophilia, thanks. U.S. Senate Sets December Date For Time Warner-AT&T Merger Hearing Where is the The Crimson Permanent Assurance when you need them? Hitchcock and the Ticking Time Bomb: Are We Doing It Wrong? Actually, he was. Two-and-a-half hours of suspense, with Bernard Hermann banging away like a tinknocker, and then the bad guy trips on the stairs and dies like an actor in a kindergarten pageant. As the Internet Mourns, Vine Experiences a Revival: The 10 Best Vines (a Subjective List)
Oh, brother. That little piece of purple prose is appended to a ranking of the best 6-second video clips on a defunct service cancelled by a soon to be forgotten caterwauling service. That's Remembrance of Things Past to a Millennial. Lessons for the post-EU British film industry from the collapse of the Soviet Union I can't see a British film producer managing to take over the Crimea. They're kind of toffs. Actor who played Darth Maul 'assaulted a woman at his hotel after a comics convention' Dude, people who make money in the entertainment world can act as they like. People who earn money in the movies can't. Ask Kramer about that one. Well, that's the links for today. Vote for the best pair of sunglasses in the movies in the comments.
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Thursday, October 27. 2016It's Michael Bolton's World. We're Just Living In It I've never really understood movie lists. They're always curated under titles like, "The 40 Greatest Zombie Love Stories," or, "Four Dozen Julia Roberts Legal Thrillers You May Have Missed." The ones I really don't get begin with, "The 100 Greatest... I don't know about you, but I don't think there are 100 movies, total, worth watching twice. A list of 100 Greatest Movies wouldn't need any additional qualifiers. There are maybe a hundred great movies, period. Even a good movie is pretty rare. Office Space is a good movie. It's good because it played small ball. It used offbeat actors and looked at mundane things in a fresh way. Your job sucks and you're lonesome and your boss is just going to have to go ahead and ask you to come in on Saturday. Galaxy Quest came out the same year, and had the same fresh feeling despite the subject matter being pretty well picked over already. If I had to explain to an alien what the American cultural and business landscape looked like when the clock was about to strike the millennium, I'd show them Office Space. Since they were aliens, I'd have it dubbed in Spanish. The movie is a Swiss army knife of quotes, too. There's one for every occasion. Let's look at the business news today, and see if the little world Mike Judge invented between the lo-pile carpeting and the drop ceiling of Initech still holds up: What's More Distracting Than A Noisy Co-Worker? Turns Out, Not Much I was told that I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven, I told Bill that if Sandra is going to listen to her headphones while she's filing then I should be able to listen to the radio while I'm collating so I don't see why I should have to turn down the radio because I enjoy listening at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven. American Apparel Prepares to File for Bankruptcy, Again I'll bet I'm the first one laid off! Just the thought of having to go to the state unemployment office and stand in line with those SCUMBAGS... Twitter Shareholder Sues CEO and Board Members Over Inflated Share Price The ratio of people to cake is too big. Theranos founder: From billionaire to 'nothing' I don't know, man. I just get that feeling lookin' at her like she's the type of chick that just... [shudders] Bank watchdogs hunt for Wells Fargo fake account copycats We get caught laundering money, we're not going to white-collar resort prison. No, no, no. We're going to federal POUND ME IN THE *** prison. 25 Fastest Growing Freelance Skills So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life. Verizon Executive Says Yahoo Deal ‘Absolutely’ Still Makes Sense Good luck with your layoffs, all right? I hope your firings go really well. Sex Can Relieve Severe Headaches I'm thinking I might take that new chick from Logistics. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I'm talkin' about. "Oh!" Snapchat Seeks to Raise as Much as $4 Billion in IPO I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be. Groupon Buys LivingSocial, a Rival Once Valued at $6 Billion Milt, we're gonna need to go ahead and move you downstairs into storage B. We have some new people coming in, and we need all the space we can get. So if you could just go ahead and pack up your stuff and move it down there, that would be terrific, OK? Gun Sales Surging in Election Year That's what I'm talkin' about when I talk about America!
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Wednesday, October 26. 2016Riding the Recumbent Bunco BikeI get this weird vibe when I read the newspapers. I'm looking for things to amuse or delight this audience. Nothing seems amusing and delightful to me. Lots of things are funny, but Will Ferrell funny, not Mark Twain funny. Lots of things are delightful. They still publish the obituaries, after all, and there's always people you don't like in there. You have to take your amusements where you find them. The vibe I'm referring to doesn't really have a coherent theme I can point out. Just the opposite. I'm pointing out the lack of a theme. It reminds me of the interlude just after a trip to Chipotle. You know what's going to happen. You just don't know if that trip to Costco for toilet paper was enough to handle it. So if you're looking for a theme in today's links, you're bound to be disappointed. It's a burlecue out there, people: 6,000 freelancers talk about money, happiness, and their hopes for the future The average person in the United States in unemployable. They are unable to concentrate on anything but a cellphone. You're only hired because they can't get anyone better, and they can't wait to get rid of you. You must become freelancers because there's no other way to force you to pay attention to your work, or starve. Move over, solar: The next big renewable energy source could be at our feet
Look high. Look low. Go around back. Dig a hole and look at the underpinnings. A number of any kind never appears in that story. I wonder why that is. Wait a minute. No I don't Google Fiber division cuts staff by 9%, “pauses” fiber plans in 10 cities Google made its money completely by accident. They had a rock in their pocket that kept away tigers in Palo Alto, and they think it will work in the Punjab. Apple Pins Hopes on iPhone 7 as Profit, Revenue Decline Remember the crack "epidemic" of the 90s? Politicians said prison or midnight basketball would fix it, take your pick. Neither did, but they both took credit. The problem disappeared only after it had utterly destroyed everyone it touched. Cellphones are just like that. The tech industry is incredibly sanctimonious about imaginary slights to any aggrieved minority. Except anyone older than 35, the hell with them. I have no sympathy. Ten years ago, the aggrieved parties here were snickering in conference rooms about an adult who applied for a job at their startup. Welcome to the wonderful world of freelancing! Now put down the phone, or starve. White House urges ban on non-compete agreements for many workers Job mobility is important. Otherwise you just end up with a bunch of people over 35 at your workplace. Ewww. A killing in Paris: Why French Chinese are in uproar
There are 600,000 Chinese people in France? Who knew? Say, I was wondering. Are there any French people left in France? I hope they keep at least one around to insult Americans on vacation. It lends a certain charm to the place.
Say, isn't that about the same age as the two people currently applying for George's old job? George retired eight years ago. Ten, if you count when Pelosi took over the country. Is president listed on Old Geek Jobs? Lifting weights could make you more intelligent, study suggests Books are heavy. The people who believe "studies" should lift more of them. Curses! Cubs-Indians World Series Tickets Cost on Average $2,983 Like two elderly wrestlers leaning on each other in the ninth round.
Price slashed to $19.5M for 'world's largest log cabin' Waterfront homes are always ugly. Always. FHP: Man leaving strip club runs over own leg; truck crashes into house
That's such a wonderful formulation: He is known at the strip club. Are you known at the strip club? Out of the way, peasant! I'm known at the strip club. How do you get known at the strip club? Do you bring quarters instead of dollar bills? Well, it's Wednesday, people. You might as well swim to the far shore. You're already halfway there.
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Tuesday, October 25. 2016A Poll Is Like Digging Up the Same Turnip Every Day To See How It's Growing So, someone knocked on my door yesterday. That's rare. It was a quiet knock, I barely heard it. I spotted a car I didn't recognize in the drive. Also rare. I answered the door. There was a young, soon to be importunate young woman at the door. She was wary and pushy at the same time. On to the links! 60% of small companies that suffer a cyber attack are out of business within six months. I hate to blame the victim, so I won't. But the definition of "online retailer" should include knowing how to be online. Just sayin'. Like most things in the news, I quickly came to the conclusion that everyone in the story and everyone involved in the production of the story was an idiot. Argument preview: Court to consider copyright protection for cheerleading uniforms Is Caligula's horse on the Supreme Court yet? And which end would cast the deciding vote on this burning question? Canadian pilots no longer have to fly real aircraft to keep valid licences Yes, but were any of them virtually groped on descent? MIT is using AI to create pure horror Trust me, you'll pray for waterboarding once virtual reality headsets get going. Bonus: they make you throw up. Iceland, a land of Vikings, braces for a Pirate Party takeover It's really hard to produce a civilization. It's much easier to wreck it. There's no reverse gear in entropy. Enjoy. The World's Knowledge Is Being Buried In a Salt Mine Will my answer to the poll question be archived? I have a habit now. When I want to find out something about any news story in the United States or elsewhere, I go to the Daily Mail. It's an awful newspaper, but it publishes all the info it can get its hands on. Great pictures. An amazing find. If you want to influence people don't try to persuade them. Use ‘pre-suasion’ instead. An unmarked envelope filled with twenties also works, and saves time. Tesla plunges in Consumer Reports' rankings I'm trying to picture a Consumer Reports review of a Tesla: There's no place for my recumbent bicycle! Poor kids who do everything right don’t do better than rich kids who do everything wrong Notice what's missing? Any idea that humans should should have a multi-generational outlook on social mobility. Your grandparents did. Two-thirds of child refugees screened by officials found to be adults, Home Office figures show The other third will be marked down as "undecided" by the girl at my door. Have a loverly day, everybody!
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Monday, October 24. 2016Monday. Yikes
If you've been under a rock, you might have missed out on the news that the internet sorta crapped out on Friday. You couldn't twit, or twat, or twunt, or twisp, or whatever you call that internet grunting you guys do. You couldn't go to Reddit to visit subreddits that consist of one founder, one reader, and one moderator, adding up to one person. You couldn't binge-watch Game of Cards on Netflix. Or was it Harry of the Rings you like? I forget. Anyway, you couldn't do it. I didn't notice. You know, if you ask me, the internet is now old enough to be judged on its merits. It kinda sucks. When it doesn't work because your baby monitor and a Cuisinart in the next country don't want it to work, it demonstrates that it was set up and is being run by fools. Still, here we are. On to the links! YouTube lecture: 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed The Hittites probably didn't ban plastic grocery bags. The rest was just downstream effects. Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war They should form an army. A "Bonus Army," if you will. Did 40-year-old Viking experiment discover life on Mars? If they did, they probably raped it and burned its house. Oh, sorry, wrong Vikings. New Climate-Friendlier Coolant Has a Catch: It’s Flammable I'm pretty sure regular radiator coolant is flammable. You just have to try really, really hard. Kurt Vonnegut, The Art of Fiction No. 64 Kurt Vonnegut was one of the best writing teachers I ever heard of. Like most good ball coaches, he couldn't play very well. Bill Gates seems pleasant enough. He has no idea how he ended up with all that money, and he has no idea how to use it productively. Tech oligarchs buy real businesses with borrowed money from fake businesses. You're going to see a lot of people without swim trunks when this tide goes out. I'm not sure this guy is smart enough to buy a real business, so he really better keep a weather eye on the tide chart. At least Bezos has a paper route to fall back on. The iPod turns 15: a visual history of Apple's mobile music icon I never had one. Now no one has one. I feel some Latin coming on. Is this the best 10-Year-Old Drummer In the World? Hard to tell. He's not playing In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida New Podesta Email Exposes Dem Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" The purpose of rigging polls is not discouraging opponents and attracting money from people who want to back the winner. That's gravy. The real purpose is cover for stuffing ballot boxes. James Michael Curley could have told you that. Do they hand out Nikes and purple blankets? Oh well. No children to pull the plug on you in the hospital when the nurse isn't looking. The nurse will do it when she notices no children come to visit you. Cracking the Cranial Vault: What It Feels Like to Perform Brain Surgery What's it feel like to perform brain surgery? I'd be more interested to know what it feels like to get your brain surgery from someone who can't spell "vise." Well, it's Monday, and last time I checked, the internet still worked. You're going to have to think of another excuse for not getting anything done this week. Tell them your Samsung Galaxy phone caught on fire, ignited your car's air conditioner, and you got oversampled at Sunday's wine tasting. It's worth a shot.
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Saturday, October 22. 2016Almost Saturday NightAlmost Saturday Night is a Dave Edmunds song. I know you're going to tell me in the comments that John Fogerty wrote it. I also know that you're going to tell me in the comments that John Fogerty wrote it, but you're going to spell it Fogarty. I know you pretty good, don't I? I know you pretty well, too. It's a Dave Edmunds song to me because he did it best, or at least made it first to my ear at the appropriate time. He was the first with the most, as they say. That's how the world keeps score. Once you make a recording, it's an artifact. Artifacts don't change. They can be replayed, and judged. The music industry got really big when it began to produce artifacts that could be made on a relative shoestring and then sold on a mass scale. There's a limited amount of performances you can make money from. Records made lots of people rich for the same reason Bill Gates got rich. Once you've made your one thing, you can sell it as many times as you like. The Beatles are the first musicians I can recall who produced artifacts that were substantially more than captured noises from a performance. That turned the music business into an artifact horserace. In this race, I say Edmunds won. You're going to disagree with me in the comments, I know it. And I also know you're going to spell Edmunds, Edmonds, and Fogerty, Fogarty. All music is entirely artificial now. Nothing of it has much to do with the performer. They're just nailed to the prow of the artifact ship. There's a navy of men and robots manning the ProTools oars. People won't have it any other way at this point. They prefer the artificial over the real, because that's all they know. There's a word for people who know real from ersatz, and deliberately choose ersatz. I don't have time to call people names, though. It's almost Saturday night.
People don't buy newspapers to make money. They buy newspapers to wield power. The destruction of the revenue at the New York Times bothers the Pinchy family not one whit. The employees suffer. The people who own the paper get to decide who will get the blame for all the layoffs. Hint: it's not them. Experts believe mysterious aluminium object dating back 250,000 years 'could be part of ancient UFO' Via the Instapundit, who no doubt filed this one under "Too good to check." It's a tooth from an old excavator bucket.
I like reading the Z Man, and Zero Hedge, too. Great fun. They're like prophets standing on the corner averring that the world will end yesterday. Hackers Used New Weapons to Disrupt Major Websites Across U.S. Nothing economically productive has happened in the last ten years. Those who ended up in charge can't produce anything of value, and they can't even keep the lights on. “Most serious” Linux privilege-escalation bug ever is under active exploit In case you're thinking about chortling at tubby guys with neckbeards and trilbys over a Linux exploit, think again. Linux is the OS on lots and lots of servers. Lots. Well, Saturdays are slow around the internet, and busy around the farm, so that's all the links you get. Don't despair; it's almost Saturday Night.
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Friday, October 21. 2016Laws are for the Little People
History reminds us that Hillary was fired from the Watergate Commission staff for what? For "unethical conduct". So said her boss.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Thursday, October 20. 2016Thrown election
He can hardly form a coherent thought, period. Can not make an argument. I am sure he is a good deal-maker. He has my vote, holding nose, because he has hinted at supporting things that seem important to me. Many Clinton voters will be doing the same thing - a nose-holding election.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Mus musculus These cute, prolific little buggers have been carried around the world from their native origin in north India. They thrive in and around human habitat and, as the temperatures cool in the Fall, they are more likely to try to settle indoors. Cats and mousetraps are made for them. It's October, and we have them now.
Thursday morning links How to exit a party A biography of Diane Arbus offers a detailed portrait of an artist longing for connection Mario Batali's Italian White House menu That's the real Italian food - and no noodles either Millennial Men Rush to Restore Their Foreskins, ‘Feel Whole Again’ Sagging NFL TV ratings leave owners scrambling for answers Transgender Activists Disrupt Free Speech Rally at U. Toronto Largest Catholic University Blasts 'Unborn Lives Matter' as 'Bigotry' University of Florida offers counseling for students offended by Halloween costumes The "Muslim Hate Crimes Increase" Hoax The Slow, Painful Death of the Media's Cash Cow Obama’s Mother in Law to Get $160K Lifetime Pension for Having Babysat Her Own Granddaughters Reminder: Washington Hates America The Government Puts A Gigantic Lead Weight On The Scale Of This And Every Election The Elite "Have No Idea" - Society Is Near The Breaking Point The WSJ Warns America: "You've Been Played" BLM flag flutters over quad at ISU The Donald just not prepared for the job Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times Newt Gingrich on Veritas Videos: 'Where's the FBI?' FBI Document Dump Proves This Woman Has No Business Anywhere Near Power Judicial Watch: New Emails Show Hillary Clinton Contacts with Bryan Pagliano – Raise New Questions About Her Sworn Testimony Clinton sleaze is baked in the cake, makes no difference Lib Journalist Budowsky Called Out on Live TV Over His Podesta Emails CEO Of Google’s Parent Company Works Directly With Clinton Cam Trump Eviscerated Hillary in Debate #3. What Difference, at This Point, Does It Make? Hillary Is Not a "Soulless, Pragmatic Corporatist Who Will Preserve the Status Quo," as Pro-Hillary "Conservatives" Claim. She Sees Herself as a Messianic Joan of Arc to Deliver the Left's Revelation to the Earth. For the children... Clinton campaign manager: Avoid talk about Israel, to keep Democrats happy "America Has Lost" - Duterte Announces "Separation" From United States, Alligns With China
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Tacky, nouveau riche wedding.
Clinton Foundation Is The ‘Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud Ever’
Nobody doubts that
The Clinton Foundation’s $20 million off-the-books mystery
What plagues Clinton in the final days: The Chicago Way
Klavan: Why I'll Vote for Donald Trump
Donald Trump: America's Junkyard Dog
Douthat sounds like he'll go with Hillary
Harvard Prof: “Riot in the Streets” to Block “Sociopath” Trump
I guess he prefers the other Sociopath
Is Donald Trump a conventional thinker?
Is he any sort of thinker? Neither candidate is a thinker. One's ignorant and one is pure schemer. These are entirely normal political characteristics.
The question is why do they hate Trump and his voters so intensely?