Monday, December 24. 2018
Saturday, December 22. 2018
Stolen from Insty
Photo is our Christmas card from Uberhof Duer in Bulla, Italy. Dolomites' Val Gardena. Nice place to stay, classic hiking of course and great high skiing. Yes, the food up there is mainly German/Austrian. There is no single Italy.
New discoveries about the genetic history of corn (maize)
Prince Harry WILL join friends at Boxing Day pheasant shoot after rumours animal rights supporter wife Meghan had ´banned him´ from going
Glad to hear it
Hey guys! Does your dick hang down into the toilet water?
Psychological research shows that the harder we strive to be happy, the less likely we are to achieve that goal
Organic farming is 'much worse' for the climate than conventional food production, researchers say
How I Quit Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon
GE Powered the American Century—Then It Burned Out
A book from Austin Bay: Cocktails from Hell: Five Complex Wars
#MeToo In A Star Is Born
The end of Lean In: How Sheryl Sandberg’s message of empowerment fully unraveled
Church Of England’s Transgender Baptisms Blaze Trail For 3 More Blasphemous Rites
Betrothed gays looking for wedding cakes and floral arrangements are not just carelessly stumbling into homophobic bakeries and florists. It's an organized campaign consciously targeting particular establishments. That's why no gay couples have wandered into a Muslim patisserie in Dearborn... and, if they did, they'd be the ones in hiding. Tim Cook, the Apple CEO who'll have no truck with hoosier homophobes, is happy to enrich Iran's mullahs so they can build fancier gay gallows on which to hang the sodomites. Muscle respects muscle.
Jerry Brown Thinks Democrats Want Too Much Spending And Regulation. Wait… What?
Yesterday DHS Secretary Nielsen announced an administrative reform of the enraging asylum scam that is aided and abetted by the Democrats
Heed Emanuel - Illinois is facing a fiscal nightmare, Chicago’s outgoing mayor warns.
‘The Walls Are Closing In’: Cable Journalists Chant Dems' New Mantra Five Times a Day
Let me suggest that Trump’s behavior is perfectly understandable if viewed in the context of his business background.
If Trump does it, it becomes wrong
Soros Spent $1.35 Million Funding Organization That is Flooding President Donald Trump With Lawsuits
Russians Funding U.S. Anti-Fracking Groups?
Is UK Heading for a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit?
Bringing Troops Home From Syria and Afghanistan Also Brings Fits of Bipartisan Rage
Friday, December 21. 2018
Old, but I wish my kids were this creative...
DNA tests: The Christmas present that could tear your family apart
Who's yo daddy?
As Chick-fil-A surges, McDonald’s and Wendy’s are under threat
What Makes Chickens Happy? Nobody Is Quite Sure
Who cares?
Decades of data suggest parenthood makes people unhappy
Happiness is a momentary thing
Loony Lefty Churches Sing Rewritten Christmas Songs About ‘Climate Change’
Break Up Google For the Sake of National Security
Greenpeace Business Report
When Will It Be OK To Laugh At The Climate Campaigners?
Who Gets to Look Out to the Edge of the Universe? For years, more men than women were allowed to use the world's most powerful telescope—until the system changed.
Feminism"s dependency trap:
We hear a lot about “male privilege” but historically it has been the “privilege” of men to make their way in the hard world in order to first win a woman’s affections, and then support the family structure financially. We might call this “patriarchy,” but this term isn’t the synonym for misogyny that contemporary progressive political culture seems to think it is. (One has to appreciate the misplaced sincerity of many of my university students who roundly condemn The Patriarchy, while driving their father’s Toyota to campus every day, and using his savings to pay for their tuition. Not infrequently it occurs to me that the people who are most vocal against The Patriarchy are those who have benefited from it the most.)
Gallup: Top Problems Are Government, Immigration
U.S. Cites Sovereignty as One of 5 Countries to Vote Against UN Migration Compact
Good. Still waiting for China and japan to accept immigration.
Even CNBC’s Jim Cramer Agrees! – Fed Chair Powell “Trump’s Worst Nightmare” — Who the Hell Raises Rates w/Dow Down 12% in 3 Mos.?
Wrong. Strong economy needs rate hikes. Dow doesn't matter
WikiLeaks, Julian Assange’s Official Account and Legal Team All LOCKED OUT of Twitter
Influencing Foreigners Is What Intelligence Agencies Do
Is that news to the New York Times?
The Art Of The Deal: Mexico Agrees To House Asylum Applicants
Mattis Always Understood Trump’s Severe Defects - And his resignation means he knows that the president will never change.
Trump has great strengths and great flaws
Why Trump Is Right to Withdraw Troops. Withdrawal from Syria will be Trump’s first practical application of a true “America First” foreign policy. It has been long overdue.
President Xi Jinping opened the 40th Anniversary of China’s reform by warning of “unimaginable” perils that only his leadership of the Communist Party can control.
China goes full out against labor unions
Thursday, December 20. 2018
It's getting closer to the time to begin Christmas shopping. Whether you like Bezos or not, Amazon Prime is your friend. A daughter says Macy's is her friend now, too (the big store in Manhattan).
A book: Scouting and Scoring: How We Know What We Know about Baseball
Not out til March though. Looks cool.
‘Equal Pay Day’ this year was April 10 — the next ‘Equal Occupational Fatality Day’ will be on May 3, 2029
I do not like seeing pilots so high on the list. Those are not commercial pilots, though. GA pilots.
This year in museums - On movements within, and reactions against, art museums in 2018.
The secret of Apple's success in selling premium tech as an affordable luxury
Democrats Promise “Dawn Of New Era” On ‘Climate Change’ Or Something
Appeals court rules colleges must censor and block online services if they offend someone
Everything offends somebody, but grievance-collectors are the worst
5 most outrageous professor statements of 2018
University offers students contradictory instructions on sexual consent : “One should never assume by the way a person…acts, that they [want] to have sex with you.”
What? It's pretty obvious when men want sex (most of the time).
Radicals, left or right, are high in dogma, more resistant to evidence
Lefties more so than conservatives
Get Ready for the Coming War Against Merit
I am not convinced that the SAT is a measure of merit. It's really just an IQ test. Achievements tests are better merit measures but lots of schools do not have AP courses. Grades are not very reliable measures these days. If I ran a school, I'd use an IQ test, a Curiosity test, a Talent test, and an Energy test. No straight-A drones please.
CNN's "Journalist Of The Year" Committed Journalistic Fraud "On A Grand Scale" At Der Spiegel
US Government Announces $10.6 Billion in Aid to Mexico and Central America — But ZERO DOLLARS for Border Wall
Mexico is not a poor nation. Lots of oil This payment is a deal to make them stop the caravans, probably.
Trump Wanted Out of Syria. It’s Finally Happening. The announcement is in stark contrast to recent remarks by senior U.S. officials on the presence of troops.
I'm with Trump on this. Not my problem, not essential to US security.
Trump’s Syrian Retreat: A Disaster in the Making
Maybe their disaster, but not mine. Disasters are normal all over the world, due to human nature.
Looking for China’s spies
Of course they have tons of them. No surprise.
Russia Russia Russia. They elected Trump?
Some feckless Russians spent $4000 in Facebooks ads about masturbation. How much did Hillary spend on her Russian info?
Wednesday, December 19. 2018
Who Were the 1st Americans? 11,000-Year-Old DNA Reveals Clues
This 87-Year-Old Woman Donated Her Body So Doctors Could Slice It into 27,000 Pieces
The Pitfalls of Too Much Security
The Babysitter's Lament
I disagree with our friend. This is simply what happens when young males and females spend a lot of time together. Biology happens.
Harvard Zealots Abuse Title IX to Nail the Accused
Is Michael Savage the latest victim of TDS and the left's 'pacification effort'?
Big corporations hate conservatives
Liberal Media Loves Immigrants, Except for Melania Trump
Correction: Media loves illegal immigrants
Advertisers flee Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s show as controversy grows over immigration remarks
Officials baffled by large migrant groups at remote crossing
Two-Tiered Justice: Mike Flynn and Tony Podesta Did Same Work for Turkey, Both Filed Retroactively. Flynn’s Life Is in Tatters As Podesta Walks Free
KLAVAN: James Comey, Sanctimonious Crapweasel
Former FBI chief lashes out at Trump, Republicans
Christians 'Standing in the Way' of China's Xi Jinping's Totalitarian Rule
Brexit: How Europe does second referendums
Make the peasants vote until they vote right
Venezuela update
A lesson in how to destroy a wonderful country
Tuesday, December 18. 2018
At Watts Up:
The 30,000 alarmists gathered in Katowice, Poland expected to slam-dunk their report proclaiming a planet-threatening climate crisis, finalize rules for implementing the Paris accords, redistribute infinite billions of dollars from industrialized nations to “climate victim” countries, and solidify their control over people’s energy, jobs, living standards and liberties. It didn’t work out quite that way.
Monday, December 17. 2018
More Evidence Organic Farming is Bad
Schools Ordered to Teach Eight-Year- Olds That ‘Boys Can Have Periods Too’
Is practicing yoga cultural appropriation? Students react.
Baltimore County Spends $147 Million On School Laptops; Four Years Later Test Scores Still Terrible
Good Riddance to Obamacare
Mueller's ‘Enterprise’ Witch Hunt
Mueller Destroyed Messages From Peter Strzok's iPhone; OIG Recovers 19,000 New "FBI Lovebird" Texts
Europe: "Nothing Scares The Identity Politics Left Like An Actual Working-Class Uprising"
VDH: The Globalist Mindset: They Hate You
The common target of all these populist pushbacks is an administrative and cultural elite that shares a set of transnational and globalist values and harbors mostly contempt for the majority of their own Neanderthal citizens who are deemed hopelessly unwoken to environmental, racial, gender, and cultural inevitabilities.
In a word, the Ivy League, Oxbridge, and the Sorbonne masters of the universe assume that the world is on a predetermined trajectory. We are to follow an arc of history bending toward state-managed social justice if you will—to end up as a sort of global Menlo Park, Malibu, Upper West Side, Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Schwabing, or Kensington. No wonder, it is their ethical duty of transnationals to goad the fated, but sometimes stalled, process along...
Saturday, December 15. 2018
Via Insty, It’s Not A Carry Gun If You Don’t Carry It
Daughter of India's wealthiest family marries. Video
The Clintons were there, of course
Organic food worse for the climate
"You, Too, Are in Denial of Climate Change."
Professor hired mercenaries to rescue student from ISIS in Iraq after he said he wouldn't finish his thesis
The Left Attacked A White College Student For Saying He Loves White People. That's Wildly Hypocritical. Here's Why.
Former FEC Chief: Actually, Those 'Hush Money' Payoffs Were Not Campaign Finance Crimes
Mueller releases Flynn files showing FBI doubts over ‘lying,’ tensions over interview
Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Testify: "It Operated As An Unregistered Foreign Agent"
New York Times photographer posted support for terrorism on Instagram
Jerry Brown Says Dems Are Becoming Too Extreme
Trump sprang three traps on Pelosi and Schumer yesterday
Surber on Trump: Those who complain about his style are superficial people. The real test is substance, not style.
Deportations under Trump are on the rise, but still lower than Obama's, ICE report shows
Trump Releases Video Showing Hypocrites Schumer, Obama and Hillary Pushing Border Security
Dems Voted For Border Fencing In 2006, Now Claim Oppose Wall Because ‘You Can’t See Thru It’
Brexit falters over a faux border problem
South African Political Leader Defends Comments to “Kill Whites” – “Kill Their Children and Women”
Friday, December 14. 2018
How does screen time affect kids’ brains? The first results of a landmark study are alarming.
Watch the brief video at the bottom. Your brain is being hacked.
Thursday, December 13. 2018
Christmas Image: Looks like she's going postal with her gift. Annoyed with her brats, or pissed there were not enough carats in her diamond necklace?
The Central Dogma of Mitochondrial Genetics Needs Rewriting
Pope Francis Enacting Change to Lord’s Prayer: ‘Lead Us Not Into Temptation’
I never imagined that God would lead me into temptation. Always knew that life would/does. Daily.
Our Nation’s Health: Obesity Rate at All-Time High
It's become normal to be overweight in the US.
6 slices of bread daily?
Are you kidding? I view bread and crackers, etc., mainly as food delivery vehicles. Other than the rare sandwich, in an Italian restaurant I like hard-crust white bread soaked in olive oil with roasted garlic schmeared on top. I dislike other than white bread because other breads interfere with the flavors of the real food. Exception: Pastrami on rye.
Boy Scouts of America may declare bankruptcy
Me Too: Remember, they don’t actually care. This all just manipulative bullshit.
Sports Illustrated’s Choice To Present Its Inspiration Of The Year Award: Christine Blasey Ford
Students oppose new multicultural space because it’s too welcoming
Not from The Onion : US colleges handing out colouring books to students to reduce stress - A growing number of student welfare bodies are picking up on the adult colouring trend as a form of therapy for stressed students
YGBKM: TIL California Wants To Tax … Text Messages
Yes. There is a rebellion against the elites who claim to know what is best for us peons
Why Dems Changed on Mass Immigration
Flynn says FBI pushed him not to have lawyer present during interview
When they want a friendly conversation, stay away.
New York AG Announces Plans to Weaponize Office to Target Political Opposition….
Incoming New York AG Plans Political Witch Hunt Against Trump, Family, And Associates
In the Image of Joseph Stalin — Incoming NY AG Promises to Target and Destroy Trump and Family — Will Find a Crime Later!
Oh, they will find them. You can find them in anybody if you look hard enuf.
Robert Mueller’s case against Michael Cohen has very little to do with Trump or campaign finance violations
Wednesday, December 12. 2018
Sad Radicals
A recovering Lefty claims that his ex-brethren consist mostly of malcontents who are sad or angry that reality is not as they wish it to be.
Instead of developing a relationship to God and a recognition of one’s own imperfection, we wanted our non-anarchist families and friends to develop their “analysis” and recognize their complicity in the evil of capitalism. These non-anarchist friends grew increasingly sparse the longer I was an anarchist. They didn’t see how terrible the world was, and they used problematic language that revealed hopelessly bad politics. Frustrated with them, I retreated further and further into the grey echo-chamber of my “chosen family.”
On top of the world: Incredible new shots show 'free solo' climber on top of El Capitan as he became the first to climb it WITHOUT ropes, as National Geographic documentary about his exploits is released
VICTORY: Radio Station Lifts Ban On 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' After Overwhelmingly Positive Poll
9 Secret Costco Tips From Frequent Shoppers
Researchers find promise in new treatment for peanut allergy
Mike Bloomberg Flew Ice From Greenland For Art Project About Global Warming From Carbon Emissions
The Hoax of 'Climate Change'
NAS: Comments On The Proposed Title IX Regulations
‘Gender gap in STEM’? Women are majority of STEM grad students and they earn a majority of STEM bachelor’s degrees
Four Reasons Deplatforming Controversial Figures Is a Terrible Idea
WALSH: Republicans Didn't Defund Planned Parenthood And Never Will. Here's Why.
NPR Was Taken To The Woodshed For Peddling Straight Fake News About Donald Trump Jr.
Stormy Daniels ordered to pay Trump $293,052.33 in attorneys’ fees, costs, and sanctions
Stormy Weather for Campaign-Finance Laws
House Dem Unity Falling Apart Already Over Medicare For All?
China Moves to Address U.S. Economic Concerns - Beijing agrees to reduce auto tariffs and buy more American products, but key differences remain
Trump: Let's Debate the Wall in Public, Now - Pelosi and Schumer: No Let's Hide the Debate and Stage-Manage It - Leftwing Media: This is Terrible, Why Won't Trump Agree to Stage-Manage the Democratic Process?
The Gilets Jaunes Have Cowed Macron. But For Them, That’s Just The Start.
Iran significantly expands missile testing
Tuesday, December 11. 2018
People are talking about this piece by Haas in Foreign Affairs.
I am not impressed.
Photo : 4 faiths celebrate in Haifa: Bahai, Christian, Jewish Muslim
Despite the devastation all around him, Camp fire dog waited for his owners to return home
Amount of deep life on Earth quantified
As FDA Contemplates Strict Vaping Regulations, Lives Hang In the Balance
How to Stop Apps From Tracking Your Location
Princeton’s new polyamory group advocates ‘ethical non-monogamy’
Let the kids have their fun
I Was Kicked Off Stage by College Students. Did I Deserve It?
UMass Amherst students, faculty rally for ‘more to be done’ about campus racism
UMass is a hotbed of racism
The Counterrevolution on Campus - The backlash to the backlash.
Anti-Semitism A Part Of The Women’s March Almost From The Start
Harvard Study: Gender Pay Gap Explained Entirely by Work Choices of Men and Women
Are they allowed to say that?
Study exposes political bias in shaping ‘newsworthiness’
Duh. Too obvious
Trump Is Right — Subsidies For Electric Cars, Renewable Energy Must End
Judge rules Trump administration justified in ending Obama-era immigration program
Asylum claims soar 67 percent at U.S. border
It's the new scam
Questions Of Massive Regulatory And Taxation Schemes Are Burning Up At UN Climate Meeting
Ocasio-Cortes is Jewish
Conservatives and urban dwellers
Naked partisan: James Comey's mask comes off
James Comey's hubris has done irreparable damage to the FBI he claims to love
A college kid running for 13th Ward alderman gets a lesson in the Chicago Way
South African MP: “Your Time Is Up, White People”
Meanwhile In Brexit... Total Chaos
The Latest: EU official: Bloc won’t renegotiate Brexit deal
European Court of Human Rights Blasphemy Laws: Where a Word out of Place Can Cost Your Life
Vive La French Revolution 2.0 – And Our Own!
Schlicter points out that Trump is the American riot
Monday, December 10. 2018
Image: That was me.
Progressive scolds are obsessed with destroying our holiday classics
MN Prof: Mary 'did not consent' to God impregnating her with Jesus
She most certainly did. See The Magnificat, idiot.
How the Principal Stole Christmas: 'I MUST Stop this Christmas from Coming! But HOW?'
NJ Doesn’t Say How It Will Enforce Magazine Confiscation After Court Upholds Law
Confiscate my Field and Stream?
What Happened When We Tried to Debate Immigration
It's not allowed
Higher Ed: The Diversity Mania Forges Ahead
Jordan Peterson update: The more they hate him, the more popular he becomes
Strand Bookstore: Wife of a Liberal Senator Gets ‘Mugged by Reality’
Definitely the most fun store in NYC
Student government demands NYU divest from any company ‘involved’ in violating human rights
Does that leave out any countries?
Political correctness itself can be politically incorrect.
From a Liberal: Ten Signs Your Movement Is Evil
Dominique Sharpton Gets $95,000 for Spraining Her Ankle
Unions bosses fight losing battle to protect dues
Bill and Hillary Clinton Using Groupon to Boost Sagging Ticket Sales
What is Groupon?
Feds Discover Largest Oil, Natural-Gas Reserve in History
Change! U.S. transforms into net oil exporter for first time in 75 years
Incoming House Judiciary Chair Planning To End Probe Into FBI, DOJ
'Presidential harassment': Trump under unprecedented attack on multiple fronts
Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant
Just an excuse to spy on Americans
Andrew C. McCarthy: Why Trump is likely to be indicted by Manhattan US Attorney
FREXIT? French protesters call for EU EXIT as Macron fails to control DEADLY Paris riots
New Cuba law that artists say amounts to state censorship will be implemented gradually
Palestine: Social justice activist tortured and punished for going on hunger strike
Jamaica resorts covered up sexual assaults, silenced victims for years
They paid them off
Anti-Semitism: The Fast Track in Turkey to a Government Career?
Survey: 38 percent of Jews in Europe may leave
In Latin America, Awash in Crime, Citizens Impose Their Own Brutal Justice. Mobs routinely kill suspected lawbreakers in Latin America, home of the world’s highest murder rate
Sunday, December 9. 2018
GLOBALIST ARMY: Armored Vehicles with EU FLAG Storm Paris to Quash Protests
No doubt in my mind that the EU aspires to recreate the Holy Roman Empire, with force of economics or military if necessary. German Empire.
Saturday, December 8. 2018