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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, October 2. 2013What the heck is cloud computing?
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Weds. morning links Good grief. I can imagine Animal House 2.0, but I do not want to. Five Eye-Popping Naked-Student Traditions at American Colleges Republicans made me lose my car keys How to nap 14 Embarrassing Sex Questions – Answered! Here Comes the Spoils Society Should hairbraiders have to build a barber college, become barbering instructors to teach hairbraiding? In the future, most people will live in a total surveillance state – and some of us might even like it Escaping 'Government' Schools The current crisis, at its heart, is about greed and the human lust for authority over other humans. Indian baby farms AVI thought we might like this quote Indian baby farms Indian baby farms
Tuesday, October 1. 2013Is Gladwell worth reading?Is this pasta gay enough?
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Tuesday morning links Why The Federal Government Wants To Redefine The Word 'Cancer' Bed-Stuy’s (Unfinished) Revival - Wine bars on one block, midnight shootings on the next ObamaCare and the “let it burn” theory of socialist collapse Sanders: Medicare should be expanded to cover all Americans. ObamaCare Arrives - Higher costs and fewer choices mean Republicans will have a chance to replace it. A New Cry in Socialist France: 'Let us Work Sundays!' Top MIT scientist: Newest UN climate report is ‘hilariously’ flawed As Obamacare exchanges open, Hollywood campaigns to enroll younger people New Lessons from the “Rescue” and the Failed Stimulus Mao Tse-tung's controversial 'Little Red Book' will be reprinted in China David Kris Publishes the Best Defense (By Far) of the Lawfulness of the NSA’s Driscoll: The Emptiness of a Politicized Life Government Shuts Down, Nation Descends into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism Monday, September 30. 2013Monday morning links Film review: Rush Universities - Once upon a time, students’ political leaders kicked against authoritarianism; now they enforce it. How Many People Is Too Many People? Take the Food Out of Food Stamps - Poor people need money, not groceries Rebel Without A Caste - Why Ted Cruz Drives Them Crazy Senator Obama Calls President Obama A Failed Leader The Dangers of a De Blasio Victory in New York City’s Mayoral Race Bomber Bill Ayers’ College Tour IPCC Hedges Bets On Warming Pause For Lifetimes I just broke down in tears in boarding area at SFO while on phone with Manbearpig Lives! Environmentalists Claim Global Warming Unleashes Plague of Hybrid Animals John Boehner is a Genius Has McDonald’s Declared War on the Middle Class? - Only if you define war as consensual trade in a free market. Big Labor: In a showdown with Gov. Scott Walker, democracy is the big winner. Worse Is the New Normal - Mid-20th-century assumptions of generational progress no longer obtain Urban Heat Island - could it account for much of the century scale warming attributed to AGW? China's 'love hunters' seek brides for picky billionaires Government Is Largely Responsible for Soaring Inequality:
Sunday, September 29. 2013News from NYC
Upper Manhattan Residents Say Skunks Are Stinking Up Neighborhood Skunks are cute, adaptable little critters (weasel family), but their only real predator is the Great Horned Owl. My family never had a dog who didn't get skunked once, or a dog who never got slapped by a Porkie. The hard but non-fatal lessons of life. As a country bumpkin from Minnesota, I wanted to be a tough New Yorker, but people told me I was just "too nice" Shall We Call Bill de Blasio a Socialist? Bill de Blasio and the Jews of New York A movie to see if you haven't: Margin Call. It's on Netflix. It's a New York movie.
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Saturday, September 28. 2013Saturday morning links Bulldog reminded me of the Mississippi Bubble Is fashion "art"? Commerce, fantasy, fetishism Huge mess for CT commuters Kimball: Racism Inc. More harm from "disparate impact" Unions: Delay of employer mandate ‘troubling’ Via Insty, Barney Frank Fesses Up: Gov't Shares Blame For Financial Crisis The truth comes out when he's retired University Of North Dakota Says They’re Shrinking Enrollment With Tougher Admissions Standards Obamacare: Destined to flop? Paul Krugman on Plutocracy Chu, Salazar: Everybody can just calm down already with the fracking hysteria Me wishes we had some good shale beneath the farm Green Energy is Hazardous to Birds. Should We Care? The Bad Old Days: Returning Soon to a Gotham City Near You Save a Forest: Print Your Emails Trayvon Martin Case Proved It’s ‘Legal to Hunt’ Children, Univ. Official Says Not edible, too many chemicals in 'em Nairobi Hero: When Westgate Went Down, Civilian Grabbed His Gun and Rescued People Sony Pictures TV Sets Space Travel Series As Space Heats Up As Reality Frontier Friday, September 27. 2013Still looking for a crisis
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Friday morning links
Schools Are Not Parents - Children in Virginia Beach are suspended from school for playing with an airsoft gun at home. VDH: The Late, Great Middle Class - It’s never been harder to find a decent job making something real. 25 Reasons College Is Not At All Like Real Life What Happens When Stores Let Customers Return Whatever They Want? Daniel Henninger: Let ObamaCare Collapse - Congress can't kill the entitlement state. Only the American people can. Detroit Spent Billions Extra on Pensions Now Revealed by Stripper: Booker’s Twitter Messages A Deep Look Into The Shady World Of The Private Prison Industry Are you ready for some “ObamaCare”!? Campus Feminism. Is it forever? Verbal SAT Scores Plunge To Fresh Record Low Walsh: A political turning point?
At One Cosmos' Socialism Would Be Easy If Not for F*cking Creativity (h/t Am. Digest, which has lots of diverting material):
Harsanyi: The Bogus Case for “Compromise” - Conviction is not a political liability Look at the picture of this new trash can. It really is funny... So is this: Brown University to sponsor Naked Week: "The Facebook event page, also indicates that the six-day program will include a clothed event called “Stripping Privilege: Undressing the Isms” on Wednesday which will include discussion on “power, privilege, race, class, gender, ability, and other isms how they intersect with nudity, body image, nudity in relation to (de)sexuality, etc.”" Rigid Campus Feminism: Is It Forever? Thursday, September 26. 2013Thursday morning links Lost cities of the Amazon Basin FDA should regulate e-cigarettes, 40 state attorneys general say No communion for Nancy Pelosi: Vatican court head Yes, Obamacare's Exchanges Will Narrow Your Choice Of Doctors -- And That's A Good Thing After Comeback for the Ages, a Last Dash for America’s Cup A Fantastically Clear, Concise Explanation of Why Traffic Happens with a video from Tom Vanderbilt Dear Hollywood, It’s Time to Stop Obsessing About Race How Jeffrey Sachs failed to save Africa Global warming believers are feeling the heat The husband of US Senator Dianne Feinstein has been selling post offices to his friends, cheap. Rubio: ‘You lose the American Dream, you lose the country.’ Why the empty planes from Venezuela? K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: NYC Charter Schools Plan Showdown With Future Mayor. Climate campaigner David Suzuki doesn’t know what the climate temperature data sets are Full-Time to Food Stamps: Obamacare Hits The College Student Wednesday, September 25. 2013Statistics
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Weds. morning links The botched execution of the Tsar's family Are Robots Killing The Middle Class? 5 Surprising Things That Have Cow Parts in Them Why the Poor Don't Work, According to the Poor The Affordable Bike Act Was A Complete Disaster - The inevitable consequences of mandates Who is handling your mortgage? Venezuelan Socialists Seize No hurricanes? Well, climate change causes thunderstorms It’s a paradox: voters prefer Republicans on the issues, but still lean toward voting for Democrats. Tuesday, September 24. 2013NCIS: Tonight's the night
For those of you who missed the breaking story a few months ago, you can get caught up to date here. My full series of NCIS posts is here. We shall continue below the fold. Continue reading "NCIS: Tonight's the night"
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Tuesday morning links That’s not autism: It’s simply a brainy, introverted boy Trust me, Wall Street bankers are not Tea Party Republicans. Let’s end the drug war by declaring amnesty on all drug war prisoners currently incarcerated for non-violent drug charges What does the OECD do? The central planning solution to evil Egypt bans the Muslim Brotherhood Six Principles Of Propaganda Lenin Politico: Obamacare: One blow after another Via Insty, Student May Be Expelled for Rest of the Year for Playing With Toy Gun…in His Own Yard Is Ted Cruz’s promised Obamacare filibuster the equivalent of King Leonidas’s stand at Thermopylae? Americans' Belief That Gov't Is Too Powerful at Record Level Monday, September 23. 2013A few Monday morning links America suffering ills Obamacare was promised to fix Caroline Kennedy sells out Camelot Left Logic: Earth Not Getting Warmer So It’s ‘Time To Act On Climate Change’ Teachers: The Other Dropout Problem in Urban Schools Rahm Emanuel can’t (or won’t) fix Chicago Gruesome Mall Attack Highlights Growing al-Qaeda in Africa Threat Three of the terrorists came from the US Shoot some cruise missiles into Minneapolis-St. Paul? Saturday, September 21. 2013Saturday morning links
I believe Bird Dog and the missus have taken off for the famous Annual Two-Seed-In-The-Spirit Predestinarian Baptist Revival And Used Gun Sale in Woostah, Mass (only true New Englanders will know where that is), so I'm doing today's morning links. Interesting News First off, here's an official 'scoop' for ya. Sites like PJ Media and Hot Air are always linking to the latest Solyndra-type 'green' company going belly-up, with the most recent one being Ecotality, a maker of electric car charging stations. Here's a fresh one hot off the press: Going Green: EPA Puts Brakes on Chevy Volt's Battery Manufacturer
That 'do nothing' link contains this gem:
So, if I'm reading the gist of the article correctly, it's better to be civic-minded than sit around playing video games. I think we can all agree with that sentiment. Speaking of religions, here's a great article demolishing the whole 'sea levels rising' meme: Sea Level Rise: Climate Change and an Ocean of Natural Variability And two articles on the EPA's war on coal: EPA’s New Rules for Coal Accelerate Obama’s Agenda on Climate Change Will Coal Survive the EPA’s New Carbon Rules?
Pope Francis Assures Atheists: You Don’t Have to Believe in God to Go to Heaven Stay tuned next week when the headline reads, "Pope Francis Assures Abortionists: Don't Worry, I've Got Your Back!" No, wait, I got that backwards. The Pope is asking Catholics not to get all worked up about such trivialities as abortion, gay marriage and contraception. Pope Says Church Should Stop Obsessing Over Gays, Abortion
Since atheists are now included in the congregation, I presume he's talking about fringe groups like disenchanted Two-Seed-In-The-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists. Look out, Mr. & Mrs. Bird Dog — the Pope is gunning for you! Speaking of religions, you might have read how the professional grievance-mongers want to do away with the Washington 'Redskins' name, because of its obvious horrific racist overtones. You know, along with the Kansas City Chiefs, the Atlanta Braves and, especially, the Cleveland Indians, because there's no more horrid and racist word for an American Indian to be called than 'Indian'. Here's the best article I've read yet on the subject.
The last line of the article is one for the books. Speaking of religions, the professional racemongers at CNN are still hard at work. After the Zimmerman trial, I noted CNN's top headline a few days later here. Well, an India-Indian woman won the Miss America pageant last weekend and a couple of lunatics came out of the woodwork making racist comments. Blaring from the CNN headlines the next morning:
What's to note is that not one other news agency mentioned racism in their own articles that day. I'd be willing to bet even money that CNN staffers wrote a bunch of them in order to fit the preordained headline.
The Worst Thing About Hawaii’s Molasses Spill Isn’t Even the Thousands of Dead Fish
Arizona Highways Magazine Accidentally Describes Mushroom as Edible As I write in Of The Moon And Mushrooms, the mushroom in the above article, 'fly agaric', aka Amanita Muscaria, in conjunction with other natural phenomena, might have been the first building blocks of religion. Imagine all those Arizonans eating the things and inventing 225 new religions! On the galactic scene, I mentioned this bad boy about six months ago and here's an update: If The Sun Doesn’t Blast It, Comet ISON Will Soon Light Up The Sky
Stay tuned. Political News Think you have good eyes? Think you can spot a photoshopped picture when you see one? The following image of Putin and Obama is obviously photoshopped, but the question is, what obvious telltale sign gives it away?
President Obama rides sidesaddle. Friday, September 20. 2013Friday afternoon link dump PHOTOS: The Great New England Hurricane of 1938 Men give up on their appearance at the age of 46 - while women care about their looks for 13 years longer Via Insty, Death of an adjunct - Margaret Mary Vojtko, an adjunct professor of French for 25 years, died underpaid and underappreciated at age 83 Peter Schiff On The Taper That Wasn't Atheists: "Whatever happened to the good old bacchanalian infidels? Why are they now spending all their time doing the equivalent of filing complaints with HR?" "Education": Government Programs Blowing Air into Debt Bubble Tunisian girls return home pregnant after ‘sexual jihad’ in Syria Sheesh. The Moslem kids these days "Lovingly crafted"? Not likely Review of the new Jeep Wrangler
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A matter of comparison I have an intro to him here. Carry on, Stilty! Friday morning links Smith student in trouble for liking boys P.G. WODEHOUSE'S ART OF THE COMMA Eating Dirt: The Benefits of Being (Relatively) Filthy Today’s young Americans: luckiest generation in history Granite Countertops, Flat-Screen TVs, Fire Pits: The Surprising Story of How College Dorms Got Luxe Prohibition: Twin Sister of Women’s Suffrage Creepy Obamacare ad hits college campuses and your nightmares A science-based rebuttal to global warming alarmism The 1% are again getting richer. Should the 99% really care? Home Depot sends 20,000 employees into Obamacare Welfare Pays More than Minimum Wage in 35 States: Q&A with Cato's Michael Tanner Obama: 'Raising the Debt Ceiling...Does Not Increase Our Debt,' Though It Has 'Over 100 Times' IRS Surveilled Tea Parties Until Two Weeks Ago Zuckerberg Lobbies Congress on Immigration IRS wins fight to cancel bonuses — for now FPPC approves new rules for political bloggers Thursday, September 19. 2013Thursday morning links What are Maxwell's Equations? How a Scottish physicist formulated the equations that showed us how to electrify the world A visit with the very ill but recovering Jim Hoft Gun Free Zones And The Disregard For Human Life A Visit With Jim Hoft Today Federal Reserve sketches a gloomier outlook for US economic growth for this year and next What Economic Recovery? What John Adams Foretold Has Come TrueJust Tommy from Hyde Park - Boston’s Thomas Menino shows how to be a mayor for life. High School AP History Book Rewrites 2nd Amendment Can Republicans become the party of the people? Hollande Turns Against His Own Tax Plan Where's the Coverage? And the Flotillas? Egypt Cracks Down on Gaza Wednesday, September 18. 2013Law Stopped Aaron Alexis From Purchasing Scary Looking Rifle, Instead Bought “Law Enforcement Syle Shotgun”
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Weds. morning links New York Times gets it wrong, media obsessed with linking AR-15 with Navy Yard shooter Friends says Navy yard shooter was an Obama supporter Costa Concordia salvage nears final phase Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Lead to 23,000 Deaths a Year, C.D.C. Finds The Myth of Live-and-Let-Live Liberalism Operation Compliance: Detroit's War on Small Business This biofuels boondoggle is yet more evidence that greens aren’t very good policy wonks. Clean up the IRS: Column Congress’s Exemption from Obamacare - Make Congress get insurance the same way the little people do? Hill denizens howl in fury. Sultan: Obama's Youtube wars Franchise owners come to Washington to plead for ObamaCare relief Young conservatives and hipsters, more friends than foes
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