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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, September 23. 2020Bloomberg vote-buying in FloridaMatt Gaetz Calls On Florida AG To Investigate Mike Bloomberg "For Potentially Engaging In Bribery And Vote Buying" As you recall, Bloomberg is putting $100 million into Florida
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Wednesday morning links
US Existing Home Sales Jump To Highest Since 2006 As Million-Dollar-Plus Sales Explode A letter from the CEO of Black Rock End the War on Drugs. Drug prohibition turns police officers into enemies to be feared rather than allies to be welcomed. An oldie: Hear The Lamentations Of Unstable Leftist Women GOP Report Claims China Tried To Cover Up Scope Of COVID-19, Could Have Prevented Pandemic The 1619 Project is a fraud Black Lives Matter and the Mechanics of Conformity Academic Implications of the Black Lives Matter Cultural Revolution America Can’t Breathe Insanity Wrap #55: Joe Biden Is America's Favorite Poor Little Rich Man Joe Biden is so Exhausted From his Trip to Wisconsin Yesterday That He Started Off the Morning by Shutting Down For the Day “Needs To Be Quashed Immediately”: Michigan Clerk Files Criminal Complaint Against Resident Who Mocks Mail-In Voting Can Trump Win Minnesota? Replacing Justice Ginsburg: Politics, Not Precedent, By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY CNN’s Don Lemon Unhinged: ‘We’re Going to Have to Blow Up the Entire System’ Tuesday, September 22. 2020Trump addresses the UNMoral grandiosity and moral posturingFrom Dalrymple:
Vitamin D status and COVID
I get plenty of sunshine but take 1-2000 iu of D regularly but not daily. By the way, excess Vit D can be toxic. Tuesday morning links
The Nemeses of Cities - Urban flourishing requires overcoming perennial threats, from pandemics to economic barriers to public disorder. DIRTY MONEY POURS INTO THE WORLD’S MOST POWERFUL BANKS. 10 most extreme 'Critical Race Theory' classes & trainings at US colleges Down The Memory Hole: Black Lives Matter Deletes “What We Believe” Page "End School To Prison Pipeline" - New Kim Klacik Ad Highlights How Liberals Destroyed Baltimore Orchestrated Election Chaos in Pennsylvania Clinton Adviser: Any Trump Supreme Court Pick Will Be “Fundamentally Illegitimate” It’s basically unconstitutional to wait until after the election to try to fill a vacancy. Obama In 2016: The Constitution Says That I Nominate Candidates For SCOTUS When There’s a Vacancy… Democrats Endorsing Election-Year SCOTUS Confirmation … In 2016, Natch Reynolds: Ginsburg flap shows Supreme Court, justices are too important. SCOTUS fight reveals something is wrong with our judicial system and the state of our nation. Joe Biden Promises To Make US Taxpayers Pay For Gender Reassignment Surgery Under His Healthcare Plan Amateur Jared Kushner vs. Pro John Kerry Monday, September 21. 2020Barnes discusses SCOTUSh/t reader. The first part is mostr relevant
Lockdown SkepticsA longish but not too technical read: Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives Final quote:
Monday morning links
Why Are the High Holy Day Services so Long? A book: The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers This CIA spy game reveals the secrets of successful teams Rowling's Books Burned Or Banned Around The World Over Her Personal Views Of Gender 9 Years Into Common Core, Test Scores Are Down, Indoctrination Up. Common Core sucked all the energy, money, and motivation right out of desperately needed potential reforms to U.S. public schools for a decade, and for nothing. Book Review: Obsession – Inside the Washington Establishment’s Never-Ending War on Trump Black Lives Matter Activist Wearing ‘Justice for Breonna Taylor’ Shirt Walked into a Louisville Bar and Murdered Three People Portland Antifa Rioters Break Into Starbucks and Chipotle, Calling It a ‘Big Sale' Vermont grocery store worker fired after apprehending purse snatcher Democrats Threaten To Pack The Court, Schumer Reportedly Said ‘Nothing Off The Table’ If GOP Confirms Nominee I was raped by whoever Trump picks to replace Ginsburg on the Supreme Court Cuban Woman Barbara Lagoa May Be Trump’s Pick For SCOTUS… Flashback: In 2016, Ginsburg said Senate should hold SCOTUS confirmation hearing during election year Sunday, September 20. 2020BeautySeen in Stonington CT this weekend. More pics of scenic and charming Stonington later.
How to do itRuth Bader Ginsberg and her replacementFrom Manhattan Contrarian Also this: Trump's Supreme Court frontrunners: A mother of seven who adopted two children from Haiti and belongs to a Christian sect that inspired The Handmaid's Tale-and a Cuban American whose father was stopped from becoming a lawyer by Castro
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From today's Lectionary: The Vineyard Parable
Matthew 20 20:1 "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 20:2 After agreeing with the laborers for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his vineyard. 20:3 When he went out about nine o'clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace; 20:4 and he said to them, 'You also go into the vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.' So they went. 20:5 When he went out again about noon and about three o'clock, he did the same. 20:6 And about five o'clock he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, 'Why are you standing here idle all day?' 20:7 They said to him, 'Because no one has hired us.' He said to them, 'You also go into the vineyard.' 20:8 When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, 'Call the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and then going to the first.' 20:9 When those hired about five o'clock came, each of them received the usual daily wage. 20:10 Now when the first came, they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received the usual daily wage. 20:11 And when they received it, they grumbled against the landowner, 20:12 saying, 'These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.' 20:13 But he replied to one of them, 'Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? 20:14 Take what belongs to you and go; I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you. 20:15 Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?' 20:16 So the last will be first, and the first will be last." Saturday, September 19. 2020Trans-Atlantic SuperboatSaturday morning links
Folks, do not watch this movie if you want to be happy the rest of the day or get some sleep. The US Constitution and the Importance of Writing It Down Betsy DeVos Calls Princeton's Bluff: If You Really Are Racist, No More Federal Funding Trump Administration Banning TikTok Downloads in US Climate Change Apocalypse: "Permanently Immunized From Falsification" Connecticut strives for highest electricity rates in the USA Oxford Museum Removes Displays to Advance Decolonization Another Mary Statue Toppled and Destroyed — This Time in Brooklyn, New York MacDonald: Fearless Thinking in an Age of Conformity - 10 Blocks podcast Minneapolis is beginning to reckon with its disastrous Marxist policies Poll: Support For Black Lives Matter Drops, More Voters Now Consider Unrest ‘Riots’ Not ‘Protests’ Who's Really Looting America? Liberal warnings about Trump's Middle East policy have proven embarrassingly wrong Friday, September 18. 2020A view of American politics from EnglandHuxley's Utopian DystopiaThe story of Brave New World preceded 1984 and other dystopian totalitarian/collective novels. It also provides a counterpoint - the idea that there might be a way to accomplish the collective through positive interaction and genuine agreement. Huxley realized this was a seductive approach, but one fraught with problems, all of which eventually bubble up over time. Collectives require some form of force, or provision to derive agreement, to survive over longer periods of time. Widespread collective agreement, even on a small scale, can only be temporary. Huxley saw the value of propaganda, drugs, and psychological manipulation...as well as genetic engineering...to help achieve that "provision to derive agreement" and achieve a means to a presumed end. There is, of course, no end that is always utopian and happy. That's the farce of our 'science-based' leaders and protesters out there - believing society can be, somehow, manipulated (or forced) into happiness and perfection. Huxley knew that. The critical flaw in Brave New World is the technological advancement and wealth this 'collective' creates. As we know, that is literally impossible. None has ever achieved it, none ever will. Despite that, Brave New World provides a cautionary tale on falling for seductive ideas that run against human nature. And, oddly enough, it aligns very well with the 'science' of the current covid political management...the willingness of people to fall in line to 'save' society.
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Friday morning links
An Online Student Attended a Rooftop Party. He Was Reported to NYU and Suspended Indefinitely. Education Dept. Opens Investigation into Princeton after President Claims Racism ‘Embedded’ in University America’s Worst Mayor Delays Reopening NYC Public Schools Again, Just Days Before Classes Were Set To Start Canceling Beethoven is the latest woke madness for the classical-music world Workers With Disabilities Can Earn Just $3.34 An Hour. Agency Says Law Needs Change British MP Refuses To Take Part In Unconscious Bias Training Media Criticizes Trump For Ignoring Social Distancing Guidelines While Saving Baby From Oncoming Train San Francisco To Provide “Guaranteed Income” To Expectant Mothers… But Only Certain Ones Trump Jr. Slams Nashville Officials For Concealing Low COVID-19 Numbers Leaked 2016 Call Reveals Joe Biden Risked National Security To Sabotage Trump. Joe Biden exercised incredibly poor judgement, placing a highly classified counterintelligence operation at risk, and undermined the incoming administration. Aurora, Colorado Police Stand Down Twice To Avoid Arresting Violent Felon. Guess Why These people want you dead Chinese Organization With Communist Party Ties Funds Black Lives Matter Ventures Thursday, September 17. 2020Democracy in AmericaHave you ever had hip tendonitis?
Thursday morning links The Scramble to Defuse the 'Feral Swine Bomb' Boeing Put Profits Before People's Lives By Hiding 737 MAX Design Flaws, Congress Finds That makes no sense. Yelp Data Shows 60% Of Business Closures Due To COVID-19 Are Now Permanent Stanford Journalism Prof Rejects Objectivity in Journalism Fake News BUSTED Again: CBS Uses TRUMP Latino Crowd Pic, Pretends It Was a BIDEN Rally Almost two-thirds of millennials, Gen Z don't know that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, survey finds Race-counting by The NYT Columbia marching band, ‘founded on the basis of racism,' votes to ‘dissolve’ itself Columbia University Distributes Microaggression Whistles To Student Body Northwestern law faculty refuse to explain why they introduced themselves as racists Dem Hack Chuck Todd ‘Uncomfortable’ With Historic Middle East Peace Deal… Trump has his unique version of ‘here, hold my beer’ – and it’s a good thing Trump does the impossible, often, by thinking outside the box Kamala Harris’s Husband’s Firm Reps Chinese Communist Party-Owned Corporates, Employs Ex-CCP Officials Pennsylvania Will Accept Mail-in Ballots Whose Signatures Don't Match Atlantic: If Trump Wins, Democrats Will Respond With ‘Mass Unrest’ Wednesday, September 16. 2020Feeling fragileFrom The NYT, via Townhall
Program RecommendationReally two recommendations. Having completed Yellowstone, I'd recommend it if you have the time and inclination. I doubt some of the mafioso tactics employed actually take place, but in today's world, who knows? That said, if you enjoy westerns, the great outdoors, and some intrigue it's worth your time. If you want a bit of nostalgia, mixed with some humor and good common sense, I'll toss Cobra Kai out there. Anyone who enjoyed The Karate Kid will get a kick out of this update. It makes fun of itself while teaching some worthwhile lessons about perspective and life. Johnny Lawrence, the antagonist in the original, is the star. His life hasn't quite gone the way he'd expected. So he returns to his roots, and once again Daniel LaRusso is his competition. An updated story, relying heavily on the original for perspective on how Johnny became who he was, and how Daniel seems to have dogged him the rest of his life. Johnny provides good real-world advice to his new students in his dojo, a bit over the top for comic relief, but his students understand how he is lifting them up. It's a rough approach, not 'acceptable' commentary in modern society, but focuses not on how we want the world to be, but how it really is. Even Daniel, with his 'perfect' life, has to face some of his own failings. At its heart, it is a comedic look at the original. It's got real world lessons in it, too. Some that would be worth having kids learn today.
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Wednesday morning links Wildfire Hype, and Hope - Apocalyptic rhetoric about climate change is undermining the fight for pragmatic solutions to the West’s fire crisis. Professor who questioned Black Lives Matter statement survives attempted removal from literary group Biden v. the Courts on Title IX - Appellate rulings have shredded colleges for denying due-process protections—the same protections that the Democratic nominee promises to revoke. An Update on the "Failing at Fairness" Gender Myth US poverty rate fell to 10.5 percent in 2019, marking fifth straight annual decline Rep. Collins presses Apple for information on wiping iPhone data amid Mueller team controversy. DOJ records show dozens of phones belonging to Mueller's team were wiped of information Do Democrats Really Care About Meaningful Police Reform Minneapolis City Council Panics Over Surge In Violence After Demonizing Police: ‘Where Are The Police?’ Trump Campaign Floored by Reporter's Question for Biden Regarding Hispanic Voters The art of the peace deal, Trump’s masterful détente: Goodwin Arab Unity in the Middle East Can Be a Barrier to Iran’s Regional Goals The Abraham Accords Peace Deal - How Trump Made It Happen The Adverse Effects of Obama’s Executive Order 13583 and the Purge of Generals and Admirals Are Now Obvious 235 military leaders endorse Trump Everyone Wants to Crack Down on China—Except Silicon Valley Tuesday, September 15. 2020Claudia Apolinar
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