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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, September 18. 2020Friday morning links
An Online Student Attended a Rooftop Party. He Was Reported to NYU and Suspended Indefinitely. Education Dept. Opens Investigation into Princeton after President Claims Racism ‘Embedded’ in University America’s Worst Mayor Delays Reopening NYC Public Schools Again, Just Days Before Classes Were Set To Start Canceling Beethoven is the latest woke madness for the classical-music world Workers With Disabilities Can Earn Just $3.34 An Hour. Agency Says Law Needs Change British MP Refuses To Take Part In Unconscious Bias Training Media Criticizes Trump For Ignoring Social Distancing Guidelines While Saving Baby From Oncoming Train San Francisco To Provide “Guaranteed Income” To Expectant Mothers… But Only Certain Ones Trump Jr. Slams Nashville Officials For Concealing Low COVID-19 Numbers Leaked 2016 Call Reveals Joe Biden Risked National Security To Sabotage Trump. Joe Biden exercised incredibly poor judgement, placing a highly classified counterintelligence operation at risk, and undermined the incoming administration. Aurora, Colorado Police Stand Down Twice To Avoid Arresting Violent Felon. Guess Why These people want you dead Chinese Organization With Communist Party Ties Funds Black Lives Matter Ventures Comments
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Guaranteed Income.
Anybody want to talk about "White Privilege"? QUOTE: These people want you dead Iran: "Death to America!!!" The American Left: "Hold my beer." Remember...the police have no legal or Constitutional requirement to protect you.
the CO stand down article - if this doesn't convince you to arm yourself, nothing will.
this is only the beginning this election is not about trump v harris-biden it is law and order v anarchy vote as if your life depends on it - because it does "vote as if your life depends on it - because it does"
Sorry, but we're not voting our way out of this. Someone wake up Awadagin Pratt And ask him what he thinks about canceling Beethoven
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cuo2c0-WqdY&list=OLAK5uy_ketuOqrlJFDd9BdRV56LxLsgf6NbmadNU “Canceling Beethoven is the latest woke madness for the classical-music world”
Leftoxenomorphs will try and separate man for anything that makes him better, uplifts him, makes him love freedom and individuality, makes man raise his head in pride, be happy with himself, understand his potential and want to strive to achieve it and, in general, anything that makes a man a man. Leftoxenomorphs want men to stop being men and become ants. Guess which side Beethoven is? Of course leftoxenomorphs want to “cancel” classical music!! Classical music is for rational, strong, brave, potent, capable, happy men. And these kind of men are anathema to leftoxenomorphs. A is A, 2 +2 = 4 and classical music if for free men. Leftoxenomorphs scurry like cockroaches at the mere mention of what makes a man a man. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “These people want you dead” Yes, they do. And they have plans to that effect. If you listen to leftoxenomorphs of any kind you can hear the echoes of the worldview of heinrich himmler, adolf eichmann and reinhard heydrich. Collectivism has a logic that triumphant collectivists have to confront, sooner or later, and that leads to genocide. Not one example of hegemonic collectivism in history refrained from genocide. nazi germany, soviet russia, communist china and the list goes on. Leftoxenomorphs in America are planning the genocide of all Americans that fail to comply with what they expect will be the triumphant march of the marxist juggernaut through every street, nook and cranny of the country. If you think they are not planning a Rwandan genocide in our country you are mistaken. If you think “this is not Rwanda” here’s a simple warning: there are enough “rwandans” in America to effect a genocide if given the chance and they have been working for such a chance for many, many decades and their anti-Trump rage is based in no small measure on the simple fact that they see Trump as a delay in a triumphant march that after barry hussein soetoro oputrid they thought had finally come and hitlary the arkancider would only perfect.. And our taxpayer funded educational system is printing more and more “rwandans”, day in and day out. It’s what they do. And if you think they are going to pass you by because you’ll play possum you are sadly mistaken. And you know nothing about ants. First Higher Education established Title IX kangaroo courts and begins its series of Kafkaesque sexual trials of young males: accused without proof, convicted without defense, smeared for life without reason. Then, when this administration re-wrote the rules to align Title IX with constitutional rights, the Universities started getting their ass righteously kicked for all the right reasons in these absurd lawsuits.
So now they're going to be obnoxiously tyrannical toward students who do something on camera somewhere else. Imagine trying to punish a paying customer for being potentially infectious when they aren't even present in person and don't plan to be. Imagine doing this while charging them the higher rate for in-person attendance, when they're not there in person. What a nice, juicy lawsuit that is. These people are not only wrongheaded and dumber than a sack full of hammers, they seem to also be incapable of learning. Why on earth are they in charge of education systems? Incidentally my two Alma Maters haven't gotten any of my money for 15 years now because of crap like this. Tax the Endowments. They make people comfortable and stupid, rather than eager to learn. How the Left Will Eliminate Meaningful Elections If Democrats Win
https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2020/09/17/how-the-left-will-eliminate-meaningful-elections-if-democrats-win/ Attorney General Says BLM Uses Black Americans As ‘Props,’ Calls Out DOJ’s ‘Permanent Bureaucracy’
QUOTE: U.S. Attorney General William Barr said the “law has broken down” in the hands of prosecutors . . . . . . Black Lives Matter Uses Americans as ‘Props’ . . . . . . COVID Lockdowns ‘Treat Free Citizens as Babies’ . . . . . . Appointed Officials Must Be Accountable to Elected Leaders Those in the Justice Department with ultimate authority are given that responsibility by elected officials. Those under him, career prosecutors, cannot have the final say in matters nor make hard decisions since they won’t face public repercussions for their decisions. Barr challenged the group to “name one successful company where the lowest members are deemed sacrosanct.” You can’t, he answered, except perhaps “in a Montessori preschool.” https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/17/attorney-general-says-blm-uses-black-americans-as-props-calls-out-dojs-permanent-bureaucracy/ If I am reading between the lines correctly. Barr recognizes the problems and knows what to do but has an uncooperative DOJ to do his bidding. It must be incredibly frustrating. Workers With Disabilities
Trump can correct this if elected again - for sure no democrat sponsored union will help the disabled Education Dept. Opens Investigation
into Princeton after President Claims Racism ‘Embedded’ in University: Calling in air strikes on your own location. OOOOOOO-RAH. Canceling Beethoven is the latest woke madness for the classical-music world: The STUPID id STRONG in these ones. Workers With Disabilities Can Earn Just $3.34 An Hour. Agency Says Law Needs Change: It surely DOES. British MP Refuses To Take Part In Unconscious Bias Training: Good On Ya! Media Criticizes Trump For Ignoring Social Distancing Guidelines While Saving Baby From Oncoming Train: The Bee's stinger stings AGAIN! "Everyone Involved Should Face Jail Time": Trump Jr. Slams Nashville Officials For Concealing Low COVID-19 Numbers Hard time! Leaked 2016 Call Reveals Joe Biden Risked National Security To Sabotage Trump: n Why am I not surprised... heh.
Virtue signaling blows up in Princeton's face. Education Department opens investigation into Princeton University after president deems racism 'embedded' in the school QUOTE: President Christopher L. Eisgruber published an open letter earlier this month claiming that "[r]acism and the damage it does to people of color persist at Princeton" and that "racist assumptions" are "embedded in structures of the University itself." . . . Now, the Education Department has sent a formal records request as they pursue their investigation. Their main point of contention is whether Princeton has lied to the public with their marketing and to the Department in their promise to not uphold racist standards in accordance with receiving federal funds. A great move by the Education Dept. (presumably Betsy DeVos) and some really good news. It should be replicated in all colleges, universities, and public schools!
Re: DeVos
Look at the difference that the right leadership makes, even in a giant moribund federal bureaucracy!! I never would have believed such a thing was possible, but as Scott Adams said on today’s podcast, Trump is great at doing the impossible. The minimum wage for people with disabilities is not $3.34 per hour. The minimum wage for people with disabilities is the same as it is for everybody else, it's zero.
Yup. If we want to get together and help the disabled, we have to supplement their income as their neighbors, not try to make it their employers' problems--or at least not if we care about their ability to find a job at all.
Re: An Online Student Attended a Rooftop Party. He Was Reported to NYU and Suspended Indefinitely.
Let's be honest: the "no assembly" rule is one way of keeping people from protesting. I don't mean the BLM crazies, I mean adults who don't like what's happening. It's illegal even to go to Church. If the Corona Virus were serious, then the government would also be testing for HIV which is a death sentence. As you may note, there has not been one word about HIV in the news. That's how you know that it's a set-up. And nobody is suggesting that we sterilize our masks. https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&bih=910&biw=1906&hl=en&sxsrf=ALeKk02gsZAfsNYHya0SvTfn5MY6sGK0uQ%3A1600491538490&ei=EpBlX6C9HZXRtQbxhaNY&q=%22mask+sterilizer+spray%22&oq=%22mask+sterilizer+spray%22&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIICAAQFhAKEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeOgQIIxAnUNk3WNhNYKVSaAFwAHgAgAHOAYgBtQSSAQUwLjMuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrAAQE&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwigjvjMt_TrAhWVaM0KHfHCCAsQ4dUDCA0&uact=5 As everybody goes bankrupt, the government will issue scrip of some kind. Rent credits, Food credits, etc. And then we will enter a long slow conflict; between the communists, and the patriots. The communists have the Army. The patriots have each other. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCKlm7iPUhk&t=7s Workers With Disabilities Can Earn Just $3.34 An Hour.
NPR has finally gone off the deep end. Everyone knows that Washington D.C. is full of unpaid interns. And that these interns gain from the experience. So let me quote Bryan Caplan at the Foundation for Economic Freedom: "What makes these anti-interning rules so stupid? Simple: Internships are vocational education. If schools can educate students in exchange for their tuition, why can’t businesses educate students in exchange for their labor? No reason, just anti-market bigotry." He is absolutely right. If you were handicapped, would you rather apprentice at a trade without any salary; or stay at home without any salary? The education that young people receive from their employers is a lot more useful than the education which they receive from a college. But if colleges were exposed for what they really are: a complete waste of money then a lot of schools would close. Colleges and Universities are the most important political organs of the State, so that must never happen. General Electric interns don't learn anything about Black Lives Matter, and Intersectionality. They only learn about the real world. https://fee.org/articles/every-unpaid-internship-is-illegal/?gclid=CjwKCAjw2Jb7BRBHEiwAXTR4jaFg6-GKsa3E6X96_CR4OHWlIYG0Qv5miKQTXku2SAlDN-abqMFLyxoC7scQAvD_BwE Back in the day there was a "special needs" program in a small town in BC. Every day, those in the program gathered together for a time together and do do work of value to the community. And the community responded: the local major employer had them producing "gifts" which could be handed out to visitors, other local businesses contracted out work to them when they could. Their big production was, however, making flowers and ribbons for weddings: rare was the car that didn't have their work on it.
Unfortunately, someone decided this was "exploiting" the "specia needs" crowd. It was shut down. The "special needs" people get to stay at home watching the tele and the locals have to buy their car decorations at the local shop which imports them from China. I may be wrong but I call the "someone" out totally for destroying the ability of those"less abled" to contribute to their community. |
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