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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, July 10. 2018Government CheeseA Mountain Of Surplus Cheese, Brought To You By The Federal Government They can't give it away because that would undermine the price supports. Insanity. Where are all the hungry mice? Petro-masculinityA changing partyHow the Democratic Party became a party for the elites and of the dependent. The elites believe they should run my life, and the dependents want my stuff. As it is, governments take 42% of what money I make. I guess in a way I am a serf, or a tenant farmer. I don't mind paying taxes, but it never seems to be enough for them.
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Tuesday morning linksSeriously, Juice Is Not Healthy Anti-vaxxers go for horses Students criticize hiring of theoretical physicist because he defends monogamy Mormon students? Commenter at Althouse: "I don't have a bucket list. I have a f-it list." University of Wyoming profs protest ‘Cowboys’ slogan Those Poor, Helpless Indian Savages Humans are savages. We should know that by now Diversity's War on Tests The Coming Implosion After Diversity’s Victory Democrats Love Socialism Because They Want To Take Your Stuff And Enslave You Castro and his ilk showed us that under socialism, the powerful grow rich — and everyone else grows poor. The Truth About Illinois Pensions In One Stunning Chart Tied to the mast: Connecticut imposes a ‘debt brake’ CITIES AND STATES SPEND A TON TO WOO BIG COMPANIES. IS IT MONEY WELL SPENT? Is government money ever well spent? Boston Considering Giving Non-Citizens, Including DACA Recipients VOTING RIGHTS The Leftist Worldview in a Nutshell: A World of Deserving Dreamers Vs. Despicable Deplorables Americans are dreamers too People Returning To Labor Force In Droves — A Key Step For The Economy A world so crazy, The Onion must lay off satirists Weekly Standard> Trump will never be Reagan
FBI: “HURRY THE F UP PRESSURE” TO STOP TRUMP Trump: Massive US Spending on NATO 'Not Acceptable' "We Are Headed For The Status Of A Colony": Boris Johnson's Full Resignation Letter British Doc Fired for Not Acknowledging Gender Identity In Germany, the 'Immigration' Worm Has Turned Monday, July 9. 2018Biking and hiking in ItalyBackroads is a bit pricey, but they are excellent. The Dolomites—A Peak Experience in Italy & Austria. We've hiked quite a bit up there, but the bike trip sounds very cool if you're in shape for hill biking. I like these: Self-guided hiking trips in Italy. Cheap. The Francigena Way appeals to me.
The invasion of SpainI do regard mass illegal immigration as equivalent to invasion. Armies no longer needed. This is not the first time Spain was invaded by North Africans. If Germans invaded, they would be shot. Oh wait, I forgot, the Germans won after all. See EU.
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Trump!It's all the same disorder. Fill in the blank and Hate, hate, hate. Can't we have an end to all the hatred?
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Monday morning links Mercy killing. It's what I will want if and when I need it Here’s What Goodwill Actually Does With Your Donated Clothes - They’re probably not going where you think. The 3 most common languages in every New York City neighborhood A Worrisome Trend for Higher Education: Declining Enrollments “I WAS DEVASTATED”: TIM BERNERS-LEE, THE MAN WHO CREATED THE WORLD WIDE WEB, HAS SOME REGRETS. Berners-Lee has seen his creation debased by everything from fake news to mass surveillance. But he’s got a plan to fix it. The Catholic Church Is Not a Political Party Trump has made colleges truly color-blind at last Racist! Wlater Williams: College Destruction Of Black Students CAMPUS LIBERALS DENOUNCE TRUMP’S SUPREME COURT PICK Whatever he does, I'm against it! The Times really doesn’t seem to understand that the federal judiciary is not supposed to play a “crucial role in shaping this nation” JESSE JACKSON SHUTS DOWN EXPRESSWAY TO PROTEST GANG MEMBERS SHOOTING EACH OTHER How Socialism Can Ruin Your Life U.S.- Mexico Border Apprehensions Down 20% In June Fauxcahontas and the crabs of Oklahoma Here’s what Democrats are campaigning on Hey, NeverTrumps, Where Would We Be with Hillary Clinton Right Now? The Colorblind Jobs Boom Under Trump Continues Hispanic-Latino Unemployment Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record in June Journalist Stops Going to the Gym. Gets Weak. Blames Trump. The Deep State Finds Its Next Target Why it’s zeroing in on Jim Jordan. Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio After Making Misleading Statements Re Ocasio, via The Official Manhattan Contrarian Foreign Correspondent Scruton: What Trump Doesn’t Get About Conservatism Trump is not a Conservative. He's non-ideological, common-sense, dragon energy, bull in the china shop When The New York Times Loved Donald Trump Democrat Party continues to be clueless in the face of Donald Trump’s triumphs NATO Is Obsolete. "Europe is prosperous and treats America like a patsy. Let it stand on its own." THOUSANDS Protest Brutal Regime in Iran, Chant “Death to Dictator!” in 4th Day of Mass Protests Video from Germany: Muslim migrant beheads 1-year-old girl, Merkel bans media reporting The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban Sunday, July 8. 2018A good year for Chipmunks Sure, they take bites of out my tomatoes (for the water, I suspect). I don't mind much. If you have stone walls, log piles, and brushy areas, they will build their tunnels. It seems like their main enemies are house cats, Black Snakes, and weasels. Since we have no roaming house cats these days (thank goodness), our friendly little chipmunks are having a good year. At this time of year, there are plenty of young ones too. They are innocent, do not seem careful enough about life. A friend of mine sits on his front porch in the evening with a whisky and a cigar, and feeds them his walnuts from his hand. Holiday week oldies: The Weight. Take load off, Fanny"That religion stuff" and the divine sparkInteresting and non-combative discussion
Can scientists admit their errors?Scientists Rarely Admit Mistakes. A New Project Wants to Change That. What are researchers to do when they lose confidence in their previously published work? A new project seeks to offer them an outlet.
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From today's Lectionary: His hometownMark 6:1-13 6:1 He left that place and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him. 6:2 On the sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astounded. They said, "Where did this man get all this? What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done by his hands! 6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?" And they took offense at him. 6:4 Then Jesus said to them, "Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown, and among their own kin, and in their own house." 6:5 And he could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. 6:6 And he was amazed at their unbelief. Then he went about among the villages teaching. 6:7 He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. 6:8 He ordered them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; 6:9 but to wear sandals and not to put on two tunics. 6:10 He said to them, "Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave the place. 6:11 If any place will not welcome you and they refuse to hear you, as you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them." 6:12 So they went out and proclaimed that all should repent. Saturday, July 7. 2018Summertime OldiesBeef, not on charcoal. Case in point: London Broil
London Broil (nothing to do with London, it seems) is a cut of top round. Inexpensive but very tasty hunk of cow. It is often recommended that it be marinated for hours. That's fine, but not really necessary. All you need to do is to coat it heavily with salt and pepper, and maybe a steak rub, and throw it in a full-heat frying pan. Three- five minutes on each side depending on its thickness. A good black crust on it. Let it rest 5-10 minutes, then slice against the grain, on a very sloping angle, as thin as you can with a good knife. While the meat is resting, throw some thick onion slices into the grease and oil and brown them. Maybe a few mushrooms too. Toss them on top of your slices, cut up a tomato, and dinner is served. In the photo, I feel even those slices are too thick- and not on enough of an angle either. When I say thin, I mean thin. Too thick slices can be like chewing gum. Very thin slices are great. Takes a good knife and a good knife-handler. Saturday morning links
Photo: Oyster farming beds in Wellfleet MA, at low tide. Damn wonderful. A record number of folks age 85 and older are working. Here's what they're doing. Beats watching TV and napping If America Is So Bad, Why Do They Keep Coming Here? To listen to open-borders advocates, left-wing journalists and Democrats in Congress, the U.S. is a hellhole of misery and bigotry Why New Jersey Is in Trouble if One Man Moves to Florida Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike VDH: Imagine There’s No Border - A world without boundaries is a fantasy. Paul Manafort Spends 23 Hours a Day in Solitary Confinement Because of Mueller’s Thuggery What am I missing here? The men and women who went after Trump didn’t just cheat on their partners, they cheated on America WINNING AGAIN: Obama Saw WORST PAY GAINS Since Great Depression – Trump Sees GREATEST PAY GAINS Since Great Depression Dems blast jobs report Why Maxine Waters Is Going Crazy George Soros-funded NGO Citizens UK has launched a campaign demanding the Home Office extend the refugee resettlement scheme to every corner of Britain. It’s On: US, China Tariffs Take Effect In New Trade Negotiating tactics British Pub Renamed Trump Arms For Presidential Visit Friday, July 6. 2018Oldies WeekA song often considered to be a sign of maturity in a young Bob Dylan. "I realized I became my own enemy in the instant that I preached..." The discovery of humility, or something.
QQQA QQQ on religious-like faith in government to cure all ills, via Cafe Hayek. Herbert Spencer, 1853 "Though we have ceased to assume the infallibility of our theological beliefs and so ceased to enact them, we have not ceased to enact hosts of other beliefs of an equally doubtful kind. Though we no longer presume to coerce men for their spiritual good, we still think ourselves called upon to coerce them for their material good: not seeing that the one is as useless and as unwarrantable as the other. Innumerable failures seem, so far, powerless to teach this. Take up a daily paper and you will probably find a leader exposing the corruption, negligence, or mismanagement of some State department. Cast your eye down the next column, and it is not unlikely that you will read proposals for an extension of State-supervision. Yesterday came a charge of gross carelessness against the Colonial Office. Today Admiralty bunglings are burlesqued. Tomorrow brings the question, “Should there not be more coal-mine inspectors?” Now there is a complaint that the Board of Health is useless; and now an outcry for more railway regulation. While your ears are still ringing with denunciations of Chancery abuses, or your cheeks still glowing with indignation at some well-exposed iniquity of the Ecclesiastical Courts, you suddenly come upon suggestions for organizing “a priesthood of science.” Here is a vehement condemnation of the police for stupidly allowing sight-seers to crush each other to death. You look for the corollary that official regulation is not to be trusted; when, instead, à propos of a shipwreck, you read an urgent demand for government-inspectors to see that ships always have their boats ready for launching. Thus, while every day chronicles a failure, there every day reappears the belief that it needs but an Act of Parliament and a staff of officers to effect any end desired. Nowhere is the perennial faith of mankind better seen." "I'm a black lesbian in transition"Friday morning linksMIDLIFE EXERCISE SIGNIFICANTLY CUTS LATE-LIFE DEPRESSION Terroir: The Myth of Wine Geology I Gave Up AC This Summer To Live Within My Means. America Should Try That. Voxsplaining Rural America Asian Americans Are The Tipping Point For Rejecting Affirmative Action Public housing: It Just Keeps Getting Worse How Dare You Not Feel Oppressed Journalism Is Not Activism I learned there that "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" was a facetious phrase from Mr. Dooley Scams are overwhelming the US asylum system It’s a rare Washington insider who behaves the way Pruitt did. VDH: The Left Can't Come To Grips With The Loss Of Power Sheesh Trump and Britain are a good match Thursday, July 5. 2018Oldies WeekHow socio-political enthusiams ruined the liberal artsExercise: Pushing through, and hitting true limits Distance runners talk about hitting "the wall," but persisting through the wall and finding more energy on the other side. These experiences are both mental and physiological, having to do with the energy sources your muscles or your heart are using and the amount of power your body can enlist. Yesterday I did elliptical semi-HIIT, semi-long slow on the elliptical (because Wimbledon) on TV. When I do this on elliptical (always using arms too to make it full-body) I do 30-second sprints with 60-second slows, or for variety, I will keep a steady RPM pace while upping the resistance from 1 to 10, increasing every minute and then dropping back down the same way. After 35 minutes of low-resistance 30-second sprints, I was done. Or thought I was. I called myself a wimp, took a minute slow on level 1, and then got right back in the game to complete the hour going up and down the resistance levels. I have similar experiences in my calis classes. On the other hand, we all have real limits and it is amusing and educational to confront them in regular life and in physical exertion. Well, depressing too. All we have to do is to check whether it is a real limit or a mental determination speed bump. On my 5th set of deads this morning (increasing weight and decreasing reps for each set) I found I could not get 3 reps at 245. Genius trainer said "Quick, reset your grip and go again." I think I engaged all my will and force but the goddam thing felt glued to the floor. With a minute's rest, I could have done the third, but that's not the way it works. For you strong guys and gals, this would not be too difficult but I am not you. A fit, skinny, no-bulk gal I know does 3 reps of 300. She is only 35, though. I think it was a true physical limit at that point in my dead routine, because I engage everything so as not to disappoint my trainer's expectations and demands. However, for that moment, I am fairly confident that I was done. Sucks to disappoint a mentor. When I think about it, I most frequently encounter genuine limits in jump rope and in pull-ups. Also, the sprints on the combat bike. Even the f-word just doesn't help at all. I wonder how our readers feel when things go from manageable to tough to hard to painful to walls to breakthoughs to actually confronting real limitations. Thursday morning links
How Not To Be Boring San Francisco’s Appalling Street Life Repels Residents… Now It’s Driven Away A Medical Convention San Francisco is Becoming the Model Progressive City and it’s Sad Trump and the Founders' Vision No Virgins in the Gray Lady's Whorehouse The New York Times Comes Out Against Free Speech Against your free speech, not theirs AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TODAY ICE-melters should study facts on illegal immigrants Jon Stewart Urges Democrats to "Beat" Trump With Ideas-- There's Just One Problem Dems fear Trump is becoming a successful President PRESIDENT TRUMP Tops Obama in Approval Numbers at Same Point in His Presidency Sheesh. The press loved Obama Parents Furious As UK Secondary Schools Ban Skirts To "Accommodate" Trans Students
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