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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, July 9. 2018Monday morning links Mercy killing. It's what I will want if and when I need it Here’s What Goodwill Actually Does With Your Donated Clothes - They’re probably not going where you think. The 3 most common languages in every New York City neighborhood A Worrisome Trend for Higher Education: Declining Enrollments “I WAS DEVASTATED”: TIM BERNERS-LEE, THE MAN WHO CREATED THE WORLD WIDE WEB, HAS SOME REGRETS. Berners-Lee has seen his creation debased by everything from fake news to mass surveillance. But he’s got a plan to fix it. The Catholic Church Is Not a Political Party Trump has made colleges truly color-blind at last Racist! Wlater Williams: College Destruction Of Black Students CAMPUS LIBERALS DENOUNCE TRUMP’S SUPREME COURT PICK Whatever he does, I'm against it! The Times really doesn’t seem to understand that the federal judiciary is not supposed to play a “crucial role in shaping this nation” JESSE JACKSON SHUTS DOWN EXPRESSWAY TO PROTEST GANG MEMBERS SHOOTING EACH OTHER How Socialism Can Ruin Your Life U.S.- Mexico Border Apprehensions Down 20% In June Fauxcahontas and the crabs of Oklahoma Here’s what Democrats are campaigning on Hey, NeverTrumps, Where Would We Be with Hillary Clinton Right Now? The Colorblind Jobs Boom Under Trump Continues Hispanic-Latino Unemployment Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record in June Journalist Stops Going to the Gym. Gets Weak. Blames Trump. The Deep State Finds Its Next Target Why it’s zeroing in on Jim Jordan. Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio After Making Misleading Statements Re Ocasio, via The Official Manhattan Contrarian Foreign Correspondent Scruton: What Trump Doesn’t Get About Conservatism Trump is not a Conservative. He's non-ideological, common-sense, dragon energy, bull in the china shop When The New York Times Loved Donald Trump Democrat Party continues to be clueless in the face of Donald Trump’s triumphs NATO Is Obsolete. "Europe is prosperous and treats America like a patsy. Let it stand on its own." THOUSANDS Protest Brutal Regime in Iran, Chant “Death to Dictator!” in 4th Day of Mass Protests Video from Germany: Muslim migrant beheads 1-year-old girl, Merkel bans media reporting The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban Trackbacks
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Ocasio-Cortez: "I believe that in a modern, moral and wealthy society, no person in America should be too poor to live."
America agrees with you. We fixed that already. What is your next idea? Give her a break Vil. Remember, she's very young, reportedly has little schooling, and probably knows very little U.S. history. She's just mouthing what she's heard from street corner socialists.
That's true, but that does not mean she can't do a lot of harm in her ignorance. IMHO the job of Patriots and constitutional lawmakers is to serve the people and make America great again. The job of the Socialist Democrats/communists is to prevent that. She intends to prevent that.
Thomas Lifson wonders, 'Who sent her?'
Who was behind Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s astonishing makeover? https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/07/who_was_behind_alexandria_ocasio_cortezs_astonishing_makeover.html QUOTE: Video from Germany: Muslim migrant beheads 1-year-old girl, Merkel bans media reporting Der Tagesspiegel (German paper): Man stabs ex-partner and child at Jungfernstieg station Would that be an example of what you like to call "whataboutism?"
Aggie: Would that be an example of what you like to call "whataboutism?"
No. That would be a case of evidence (German reporting of the crime) contradicting the claim (German chancellor banning media reporting of the crime). “German media has been allowed by the government to report on the murder of the mother, but Angela Merkel’s pro-migrant government banned German media outlets from reporting on the decapitated baby.
https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/270677/germany-muslim-migrant-beheads-baby-robert-spencer Suck it, kiddiez, you're lying by omission again. Though regrettable, the use of "Whataboutism" against leftists, whose sole aim is tyrannical power (don't use straws, grin and bear it as 6'2" serial sex offender suddenly decides he's a she and uses the same restroom as your 11-year old daughter, borders and capitalism should be abolished, etc.), is none the less essential.
For example, (Constitutional) conservatives bringing up leftists' tolerance of Bill Clinton's alleged/documented mistreatment of women when leftists for political advantage feign outrage over Trump's alleged/documented mistreatment of women, followed by their stating that they refuse to give a damn about the latter, is the only way to roll if those conservatives wish to win politically. If, on the other hand, those conservatives wish to continue to get rolled, they should by all means continue pretending that both sides are playing by Marquess of Queensberry Rules. This is the Trump vs. Never-Trump schism in a nutshell. To steal from Kurt Schlichter: There'll be one set of rules for all of us or none at all. And, hopefully, the pain leftists feel due to their being treated at least as roughly as they treat others (a happy novelty that coincided with the emergence of Donald Trump as a Presidential candidate and up to this second President) will persuade them to adhere a set of rules based on decency and symmetry. Time will tell. Until then, it's gotta be: "You didn't care about it when Clinton did it, so I refuse to care that Trump did it, because Trump is doing what I want politically. Fuck you. And the horse you rode in on." Not the most congenial state of affairs, I'll admit, but more or less where about 1/2 the population stands at the moment. Bill Carson: leftists, whose sole aim is tyrannical power (don't use straws, grin and bear it as 6'2" serial sex offender suddenly decides he's a she and uses the same restroom as your 11-year old daughter, borders and capitalism should be abolished
Faulty generalization, as well as a straw man argument. Bill Carson: the use of "Whataboutism" No. It was evidence contradictory to the claim. Bill Carson: For example, (Constitutional) conservatives bringing up leftists' tolerance of Bill Clinton's alleged/documented mistreatment of women when leftists for political advantage feign outrage over Trump's alleged/documented mistreatment of women It's a reasonable point. Though the Lewinsky affair was consensual, there was a significant power differential. Clinton was found in civil contempt for lying, and apologized. Jones had her day in court. While losing, Bill Clinton settled without apology when Jones appealed. Bill Carson: Until then, it's gotta be: "You didn't care about it when Clinton did it, so I refuse to care that Trump did it, because Trump is doing what I want politically. You draw an excellent distinction between right-wing and conservative. For a conservative, traditional values of integrity and forthrightness are valued regardless of the difficulties entailed. For the reactionary, it's burn modernity down, and return life to a better time. "Faulty generalization, as well as a straw man argument."
One person's evidence is another's "faulty generalization"/"straw man". So be it. "No. It was evidence contradictory to the claim." Understood, though Merkel may well have tried to muzzle this information and it was reported anyway. In any event, I care far more about a mother and little girl being slaughtered than I do about related reportage, and, moreover, Aggie's post gave me a convenient excuse to vent regarding Whataboutism. "Though the Lewinsky affair was consensual" A red herring. There are instances of Bill Clinton being accused of rape (with levels of veracity at least those regarding similar accusations against Trump) from which deflection should not occur. True, the Monica Lewinsky affair exposed Bill Clinton's dereliction of duty and susceptibility to blackmail (i.e., he perjured himself to "protect his family") as well as the flagrant hypocrisy of those who had the vapors over the alleged treatment of Anita Hill by Clarence Thomas, but that is not the real issue when it comes to Bill Clinton's predatory behavior towards women.
Bill Carson
2018-07-09 11:03
Bill Carson: One person's evidence is another's "faulty generalization"/"straw man". So be it.
No. It's a faulty generalization because you take unrepresentative instances to classify an entire group. Bill Carson: There are instances of Bill Clinton being accused of rape (with levels of veracity at least those regarding similar accusations against Trump) No, but your mileage may differ on the credibility of the women involved. Unlike other recent cases, the alleged behavior doesn't seem consistent. Bill Carson: True, the Monica Lewinsky affair exposed Bill Clinton's dereliction of duty and susceptibility to blackmail Clinton was famous for his ability to compartmentalize, limiting the damage to him personally. However, ever since the Gary Hart imbroglio, the press now considers affairs to be fair game. It certainly damaged his presidency. Bill Carson: (i.e., he perjured himself to "protect his family") That is incorrect. Clinton was found in civil contempt for lying. It wasn't perjury because the court determined that the testimony wasn't relevant, and the case was dismissed.
2018-07-09 11:15
ˈpərj(ə)rē/ noun LAW the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation. synonyms: lying under oath, giving false evidence/testimony, making false statements, willful falsehood
2018-07-09 12:22
Existential question: If you tell a congenitally dishonest Clattering Soros Robot(s) to STFU, does it(s) hear you?
'Cause it(s) ain't getting the argument(s), hoss.
2018-07-09 13:19
"(a happy novelty that coincided with the emergence of Donald Trump as a Presidential candidate that has - just as happily - continued up to this very second of his presidency)"
And we can all thank our lucky stars that the little girl wasn't kept in a cage, no?
Sickening. But don't dare call certain folks animals. Wouldn't be proper. Bill Carson: Sickening. But don't dare call certain folks animals. Wouldn't be proper.
The German authorities call him a murderer. "No. It's a faulty generalization because you take unrepresentative instances to classify an entire group."
Again, you are incorrect. From the governmental-scale use of the IRS to attack tea party groups to the recent interpersonal-scale harassment of Steve Bannon at a bookstore, the left is all about tyranny. That you cannot see or admit the instances as representative is your problem, not mine. "No, but your mileage may differ on the credibility of the women involved. Unlike other recent cases, the alleged behavior doesn't seem consistent." Yes, Bill Clinton has been accused of rape. Credibility is of course an issue, but only when rape accusations are made against leftists. Those made against Republicans or conservatives are to be believed unconditionally (according to leftist tyrants). "Clinton was famous for his ability to compartmentalize, limiting the damage to him personally." No. Like Hillary's "famous" ability to "power through" after karmic-ly collapsing on 9/11/2016, Bill's famed ability to compartmentalize was and is a crock of shit. Al Qaeda metastasized on his watch (i.e., dereliction of duty), and he's a smooth-talking, made-for-rent-seeking cretin of the highest order. If he did anything right it was staying out of the way while the lion's share of the baby boomers were in their peak earning years. "That is incorrect. Clinton was found in civil contempt for lying. It wasn't perjury because the court determined that the testimony wasn't relevant, and the case was dismissed." You are correct: Bill Clinton merely lied under oath. But let's not quibble over blurry stuff like this, as we both have to agree that Donald Trump is the current President of the United States, and that he will be nominating a Supreme Court Justice soon. Bill Carson: From the governmental-scale use of the IRS to attack tea party groups to the recent interpersonal-scale harassment of Steve Bannon at a bookstore, the left is all about tyranny.
The left is a disparate grouping. Most do not advocate tyranny, any more than most of those on the right advocate tyranny. You are making an overgeneralization from cherry-picked or mangled facts. Bill Carson: Bill Clinton has been accused of rape. Yes, and Broaddrick signed an affidavit denying it happened. She certainly has a right to make the accusation, but there is no way to reach any firm conclusion at this point. The FBI investigated the matter and the results were "inconclusive". Nor is it consistent with most other stories about Clinton, which tend to the boorish. As noted, your mileage may vary. Bill Carson: Al Qaeda metastasized on his watch (i.e., dereliction of duty) The Clinton Administration had a detailed proposal to dismantle al Qaeda, which they handed off to the Bush Administration. But try as they may, the Clinton team couldn't get the Bush national security principals to meet on the subject until September 4, 2001. QUOTE: 9-11 Commission Report: On the day of the meeting, Clarke sent Rice an impassioned personal note. He criticized U.S . counterterrorism efforts past and present. The “real question” before the principals, he wrote, was “are we serious about dealing with the al Qida threat? . . . Is al Qida a big deal? . . . Decision makers should imagine themselves on a future day when the CSG has not succeeded in stopping al Qida attacks and hundreds of Americans lay dead in several countries, including the US,” Clarke wrote. “What would those decision makers wish that they had done earlier? That future day could happen at any time.”
2018-07-09 13:11
"The left is a disparate grouping." Are we talking about the way they dress? The left all think alike. Just try disagreeing with them.
"Most do not advocate tyranny.." Are you trying to build a scarecrow today? I would agree though, because most lefties are way to ignorant to know where their ignorant ideas will lead. Look to Venezuela, just as recent example of where lefty policies end up. As a side note: Why do lefty societies always run out of toilet paper? The preponderance of real world evidence, indicates that the left as a whole, does advocate tyranny. It's all they know. Toe the line, or suffer the consequences. It's why the Supreme Court, and courts in general, are so important to them, the courts are where 99% of their policies are implemented. Tyranny through judicial fiat.
B. Hammer
2018-07-09 14:21
You've apparently caught the Clattering Soros (Robot(s) in a thicket of weasel words, B. I'm betting that "tyranny" is designed - as much as a program(s) can design - to deflect normal human people persons' reality-based observations that show the left to be a fundamentally intolerant, narcissistic, force-based ideology rooted in what amounts to a collective anti-social personality disorder.
To wit: YOU are defective and YOU will be brought to heel because YOU resist OUR Utopia. And WE shall deploy and employ every device at OUR disposal to cause this to occur, even if they be untruthful, illegal, or violent. This we call Resistance - without so much as even trying to venture a manifesto or platform - but we challenge YOU to go so far as to call them tyrannical. Because we've conditioned you to find only Hitler a tyrant and to believe in some part of your hindbrain that Hitler was a rightist. So naturally the Clattering Soros Robot(s) will cloak all that in the dreaded T-word, and trust - as much as a program(s) can trust - you won't touch it because it's too severe a characteristic. Except it isn't too severe a characteristic. The left is fundamentally tyrannical. Force against normal rights and liberties always is. Existential question Part Duex: If a Clattering Soros Robot(s) runs from power piped into its South China Sea data center over a wire shoved through a broken window, is it(s) sentient?
2018-07-09 14:36
B. Hammer: The left all think alike.
That is certainly not the case. Some people on the left are statists, while others on the left are anarchists, while most are somewhat in the middle. Some are liberals in the sense of balancing liberty and equality. Similarly, there are some people on the right who are statists, while there are others on the right who are anarchists, while most are somewhat in the middle. Some are conservatives in the sense of balancing traditional mores and ways with the necessity of adapting to modernity. B. Hammer: I would agree though, because most lefties are way to ignorant to know where their ignorant ideas will lead... the preponderance of real world evidence, indicates that the left as a whole, does advocate tyranny. Well, which is it? Are they ignorant or tyrannical? B. Hammer: Look to Venezuela, just as recent example of where lefty policies end up. One can always find extremes and then make a fallacious overgeneralization from the extreme. You can do the same for rightists, or hammers.
2018-07-09 14:46
Pedantic Module 2000, engage! Parsing Bullshitery Whirligig Unit escape velocity!
2018-07-09 15:28
Wordy Nonsense to Overwhelm Obvious Imminent Phenomenon, deployed!
Obvious Imminent Phenomenon: http://davidthompson.typepad.com/davidthompson/2018/07/because-random-people-must-be-punished.html
2018-07-09 15:34
Zzzz: One can always find extremes and then make a fallacious overgeneralization
Yep. Kiddiez full of shit. Again. ****** https://hotair.com/headlines/archives/2018/07/mcconnell-chased-kentucky-restaurant-protesters/ http://dailycaller.com/2018/07/09/man-harasses-kellyanne-conway-grocery/ http://dailycaller.com/2018/07/09/bartender-confronted-stephen-miller/ http://dailycaller.com/2018/07/08/reines-tweets-payback/ Courtesy: Ace
2018-07-09 15:50
I've been following the topic with some interest, puppies, and would like your opinion. Would you say that behavior indicates open-mindedness, liberalism, and tolerance or a somewhat more, say, quasi-tyrannical ideology? I can't really tell but I'm inclined to reserve a judgement that could allow for the possible option of there maybe being a trace of potential incidental, shall we call it, negatively passively-inclined societal involvement in these alleged behavioral generality stereotypes.
I just want to get my terms straight in case I encounter a fully-spun-up Hyper Pedantry Unit Module 2000 out there somewhere. Thanks in advance.
2018-07-09 15:59
I generally prefer to point out to the witless little cowards that they are full of shit, offer examples why, and then ask them how losing feels.
They never answer.
2018-07-09 17:06
Many thanks, puppies. I'll take that as a no.
2018-07-10 07:08
So that is the 'new' definition of liberal? Balancing liberty with equality? To bad that liberals don't value liberty. The preponderance of democrats are are nowhere near the middle .
Ignorant or tyrannical? It can be multiple choice. I'll take C, all of the above. Tyrants show their ignorance of people all the time. It is the number one reason they jail them, or kill them: We can't allow thooose people to think like that! To the gulags with them! Meanwhile those same people, only want to live a life of piece; leave me the hell alone. But the tyrant says, "It is not enough that you accept, you WILL approve!" To bad Venezuela is not an extreme example. See Cuba. See USSR, etc, etc. Did you read to the bottom of the article that you sent, via hammer? From CBS News: "Luc served almost a decade in prison for robbery and assault with a deadly weapon for the 1996 armed robbery of a Chinese restaurant in San Jose. He was ordered to be deported to his native Vietnam upon his release, but the Vietnamese government didn't provide the documents needed to process his removal from the U.S., federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement previously [sic] said. ICE officials released him into the community in 2006." Just another extreme example of our unenforced immigration policies? Or are their way to many illegal immigrants getting away with murder? I remember the mantra of the liberal of old, "If it only saves one life, isn't this law worth the cost to liberty?"
B. Hammer
2018-07-09 16:44
B. Hammer: So that is the 'new' definition of liberal?
No. It's the conventional definition of liberalism. B. Hammer: The preponderance of democrats are are nowhere near the middle . Um, an opinion piece is not evidence. Nor is Democrat equivalent to liberal. From 1980, Republicans have generally been more polarized than Democrats. B. Hammer: Ignorant or tyrannical? It can be multiple choice. Not in the context you gave, which was that some people didn't know the tyrannical implication of their political position.
2018-07-10 09:30
"The left is a disparate grouping. Most do not advocate tyranny"
The most important and/or visible leftists do indeed advocate for and practice tyranny, in ways big and small. "You are making an overgeneralization from cherry-picked or mangled facts." No, you are asking me to ignore the widespread and well-documented tyrannical behaviors of string-pulling leftists and their foot soldiers in order to give the benefit of the doubt to those leftists on the sidelines (the benign "silent leftist majority"). It's a pity someone like you wasn't running around Poland in 1939 to reassure folks by stressing that "most Germans" weren't attacking them. "The Clinton Administration had a detailed proposal to dismantle al Qaeda" After 8 years of playing grab-@#@ with them?!? Maybe you ought to do stand-up! 8 years in office with no ability to affect facts on the ground save for an 11th-hour, ass-covering "warning" re Al Qaeda?!? Reminds me of that cipher Obama "warning" Trump about North Korea after Trump knocked Hillary into a bottle of Maker's Mark. And Richard Clarke? C'mon, that dude is probably biting the head off a chicken at some county fair as I type this. Clarke feigned concern regarding Al Qaeda with the same sincerity his fellow travelers have done recently in regard to Donald Trumps alleged sexual improprieties. And for what it's worth, note that I emphatically call Obama, Hillary, Antifa et al leftists, as they're not worthy of the dictionary definition of "liberal".
Bill Carson
2018-07-09 16:55
Bill Carson: The most important and/or visible leftists do indeed advocate for and practice tyranny, in ways big and small.
Instead of waving in the general direction, you might want to include some specifics.
2018-07-10 09:31
"Instead of waving in the general direction, you might want to include some specifics."
You now wish me to be specific about things you waving-ly dismissed?!?
Bill Carson
2018-07-10 14:55
Bill Carson: You now wish me to be specific about things you waving-ly dismissed?!?
The only specifics that we see you provided were the IRS targeting tea party groups and Bannon being heckled at a bookstore. The former never resulted in any sort of criminal charges, even though Republicans control the Justice Department. The latter is hardly tyranny. Or are you saying people don't have the right to express their opinion in public?
2018-07-10 16:42
"The only specifics that we see you provided ..."
In other words, some specifics. Thanks, and have a good night.
Bill Carson
2018-07-10 17:09
Bill Carson: In other words, some specifics.
Bannon being subjected to ridicule is your idea of tyranny?
2018-07-11 08:28
"The German authorities call him a murderer."
The very same German authorities who allowed him into their country, no doubt. BTW, How do Merkel's "compartmentalization" skills stack up? Bill Carson: The very same German authorities who allowed him into their country, no doubt.
Domestic violence is not confined to immigrants. You can find many examples of people who kill their ex-spouses along with their children.
2018-07-09 13:13
Yep, one can find many examples of honor killings of ex-spouses and beheadings of children.
Happens all the time... in the muslim world. Back to your sandbox, kiddiez, you're losing this one too.
2018-07-09 13:39
Domestic violence, as it turns out however, may indeed be limited to tyrannical leftists. Because they're tyrannical, the tyrants.
The tyranny of the tyrannical tyrant acting tyrannically: https://twitter.com/pgothman/status/1016125337648943104 "So you learn to do what we want because: right-thought. And because force is a virtue. And intolerance. From us onto you strangers." But according to the CSR(s) the left isn't, you know, tyrannical.
2018-07-09 15:51
Palliative care, let's not dress it up. I can't see the article as the Post-Gazette doesn't like ad block...
but, having been in the room with my bro-in-law as he expired from palliative care, its gruesome. Basically doped up and not turned over in bed, so, eventually, death by asphyxiation as the lungs slowly fill with fluid. He was in tremendous pain so it's a way out, though I'd prefer a quick injection. But then hospice's couldn't make as much money. Mercy killing. It's what I will want if and when I need it. Just so I'm the one who calls for it. If I'm too far out of it to make the call, just let nature take its course. No help wanted making that decision.
PALLIATIVE CARE & HOSPICE (often one and the same)
The phrase "caveat emptor" truly applies. While most (but certainly not all) hospice facilities and practitioners try to act in the best interest of the patient, this is NOT always the case. Ideally, the hospice folks will have a neutral approach, i.e. they don't have a set agenda that the patient "needs to die - the sooner the better" nor do they feel that every patient needs aggressive resuscitation measures. Rather, they take time to get input from the primary care doctor, the patient's family and the patent in the context of the ongoing situation. Unfortunately, some hospice providers feel that it is their mission to "put the patient out of their misery" even if (1) the patient isn't miserable, and (2) the patient isn't in a hurry to leave. For background, I am a physician and my mom was admitted to hospice last year when it looked like she was imminently dying of pneumonia (she didn't want IV antibiotics and was at peace with dying, but was ambulatory, conversant and enjoyed being with her family). Upon admission to the hospice facility, one of the hospice nurses insisted that my mom was in pain and that she be given a narcotic and benzodiazepine (like Valium). Even though my mom insisted that she was not in pain, the nurse persisted after I had left and falsified the exam (our private duty care giver verified this) and gave her a dose of narcotic that was high even for the falsified exam. My mom was essentially unresponsive for the next 24 hours - and I knew it wasn't the pneumonia. Long story short, I addressed the hospice doc that NO meds be given without my direct permission. My mom woke up the next day, said she wanted a cup of coffee and wanted to go home. As an aside, mom's family doc said he knew a nurse that had resigned from this hospice after 2 months because he felt they had a "Dr Kervorkian" attitude. Addendum: Nursing homes like to keep mom and dad medicated also as it makes them easier to handle (less work for an already overworked staff) even if it's not always in the patient's best interest. But that's a topic for another day. Like I said, Caveat Emptor. Here and there your description matches my observations above. Thank you for commenting. We just haven't figured out how to handle that part of life well as yet. Or, we once knew and have forgotten.
That's a horrible story. I've seen the flip side, when a patient is in deep physical distress--intractable pain or suffocation--and death truly is imminent. In that case the only real question is, shall he be conscious for the next few days or weeks before he dies? Or shall he be knocked out, even if that means the next few days or weeks are likely shortened dramatically?
Of course it's still not easy, because people will fuzz the issue up in order to avoid trouble, expense, delay, and their own emotional distress over the death. You sure can't trust a hospital staff to make the decision without the patient or his family, and often you can't trust the family, either. But it helps if we can at least agree that it's not wrong to sedate someone into unconsciousness rather than force him to be conscious during the last few days of horrible pain and suffocation. That's a place to start. I've been through this experience with a relative suffering from COPD. Typically this affliction is a cycle of respiratory difficulty, illness, hospitalization, limited recovery, and return to home. It can take years to play out. Each time the 'recovered' condition is incrementally diminished. At the end in my experience), a morphine drip was put into place for the final couple of days to ease suffering and provide some comfort. I found this to be more than a small mercy. When one sees this time approaching, it is best to consult with the medical staff in a clear and pre-thought-out way to establish the patient's wishes. Don't wait until the moment is upon you - clear the path ahead of time so that you can engage these precious moments to their fullest. It is shocking how few people manage their end of life wishes proactively, and doing it in real time is the worst possible outcome.
Nothing new here. When Regan was president, Tip O'Neal, democrat speaker of the house, said that whatever Regan was for, he was against. Palliative care. Who decides? For many old, ill people by the time it becomes necessary they can no longer make that decision. I know, they can write a statement asking for it when it becomes necessary but that's the point. Once you write that statement someone else decides when to kill you. I am reminded of a woman who was taken to the hospital and the doctors declared she was dying. Her daughter decided to raid her bank account and sell her property in anticipation of her death and the reading of the will. But the woman lived and came home to here ransacked home and empty bank accounts. The daughter was charged and jailed for her crimes. But the point is had the daughter been the deciding individual she would have killed her mother unnecessarily. The doctors were wrong. So who decides?
Why does the Republican Party think my views line up with theirs 100% of the time? About social issues, mostly yes. About other things? I've learned so much from Trump about how our country betrayed its citizens. Immigration was usually my focus, but now I can see other things like trade, were not about our citizens at all.
I also will no longer stand for a candidate who doesn't follow through on his promises. This is was led to me Trump. Betrayal. Shut down an expressway to protest murders? How many murders are committed on expressways?
NATO: It's time for the Euro countries to put on their Big-Boy pants and prepare to defend themselves. I read this morning that the Luftwaffe has 12 operational jets, but not FULLY operational. Sam L: I read this morning that the Luftwaffe has 12 operational jets, but not FULLY operational.
The German air force has nearly a hundred Panavia Tornadoes and over a hundred Eurofighter Typhoons, along with many other aircraft that fill various roles. Once again the kiddiez are full of shit.
http://www.businessinsider.com/german-military-fighters-jets-not-ready-for-combat-2018-5 The CSR(s) makes a lot more sense when you read it(s) meanderings in Jordan Schlansky's voice. MF is the CSR(s) Conan O'Brien...
Sam L. That's about right.
Per a Der Spiegel report from May, "Due to a technical problem with the defense system of the combat aircraft only 10 of the Luftwaffe's 128 Eurofighters are mission ready." "Der Spiegel said that the military appeared to count any Eurofighter that can fly as ready, even if they are only available for training or maneuvers without missiles or defense systems." Sam L.
Don't you realize that automobile violence kills about 40,000 people a year? Seriously, I live in Fairfax, VA, and some maroons are always protesting in front of the NRA building. They actually believe that guns cause violence and if you get rid of guns there wouldn't be any violence. |