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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, May 21. 2018Monday morning links Cougar kills 1 mountain biker, injures 2nd in Washington state Uber Drivers Just Killed All the Parts of the Job They Supposedly Liked the Most Dumb dumb dumb The character imperfections of journalists YOU CAN ONLY BE AVANT-GARDE FOR SO LONG BEFORE YOU BECOME GARDE Michigan Governor's Race: 'I Love Muslims,' Says Republican; 'Muslims Hate You,' Says Dem NYT: Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think The Hill: Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all Ted Olsen: Mueller v. Trump Strzok Text on FBI Investigation of Trump/Russia: “The White House Is Running This” PRESIDENT TRUMP TAKES CHARGE [UPDATED] - An hour or two ago, President Trump announced that he is ordering the Department of Justice to investigate the FBI/CIA cabal against him: PANIC time? John Brennan demands GOP leadership STOP TRUMP before his admin looks into this So ex-CIA threatens Congress? Nice move Europe May Be Realizing America Isn’t Their Sugar Daddy Or Punching Bag Nothing against Europe, but it's time for them to stand on their own feet. WW2 is history. Part of our beatA section of our beat on ye olde trout stream yesterday. Roll casting. You just have to imagine the Maytime bird song. Idyllic.
Sunday, May 20. 2018Porcupines Not only are they slow and short-sighted, they also often fall out of trees. They are mostly nocturnal, and I rarely see them. One nailed one of our dogs (lightly) years ago in the Berkshires. We pulled the quills out of his face. As with skunks, a dog only has to be taught once. Porkies are rodents. About the North American Porcupine. There are also Old World and African Porcupines. Seen one lately? (Not my photo) A plank session
Contrary to common belief, core exercises do not give you 6-pack abs. 6-pack abs are mainly a product of low body fat. The key to effective planks is to make them isometrically-active. That means pulling your tummy in and tightening your glutes during the time of the plank. That's a rigid plank, not a relaxed plank.
The government spy is revealed
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From today's Lectionary: Pentecost
2:1 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2:2 And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 2:3 Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 2:4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. 2:5 Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. 2:6 And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. 2:7 Amazed and astonished, they asked, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 2:8 And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? 2:9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 2:10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 2:11 Cretans and Arabs--in our own languages we hear them speaking about God's deeds of power." 2:12 All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, "What does this mean?" 2:13 But others sneered and said, "They are filled with new wine." 2:14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, "Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. 2:15 Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o'clock in the morning. 2:16 No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: 2:17 'In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. 2:18 Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. 2:19 And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist. 2:20 The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the Lord's great and glorious day. 2:21 Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.' Saturday, May 19. 2018ERICKSON: The Media's Bias Is Showing
Also, Anatomy of a Smear: How the Media Created a Malicious Lie About Trump's 'Animals' Comment
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The IQ problem in modern societies
I'll admit that IQ below 80 is a handicap, but I see far more life difficulties produced by character flaws, maladaptive traits, and annoying or unsettling eccentricities than by IQ shortages.
Saturday morning links
Trans fats: At Pravda, Touching Faith In The Perfection Of Government Bureaucrats There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about Abraham Maslow and self-actualisation – a new paper puts the record straight Surprise! NY Times Publishes A Jordan Peterson Hit Piece The gal was determined not to understand Peterson. Of course there are dragons and witches in the world. Fairy princesses too, as in England today. This professor is beloved for making his students intellectually uncomfortable. Duke just dumped him. Senator Murphy Demonstrates Why Gun-Control Advocates Are Mistrusted Liberals Blame AR-15 For Santa Fe School Shooting, But Shooter Had Shotgun And Revolver US Senate confirms Gina Haspel to be first woman CIA director California Lurches Left As Jerry Brown Heads Into the Sunset How Labor Unions Finance Their Political Agenda: 2010-2017 Massachusetts Judge Has Novel Excuse for Letting Off Dominican Heroin Dealer Am I Tuning in at the Wrong Times, or Does CNN Really Have Trump Derangement Syndrome? The hate is palpable "Obama’s Legacy Has Already Been Destroyed." Trump Is Going Full Alinsky – and His Opponents Are Flummoxed Listening skills: How a simple reporter beat the experts in 2016 THE TRUMP TOWER MEETING CUT DOWN TO SIZE Grassley Sends Letter to DOJ Demanding Unredacted Rosenstein Memo Detailing Mueller’s Scope EU wants to criminalize fake news China ‘Dream’ Is Global Hegemony - U.S. urged to counter Beijing's military, economic expansion Minister: ‘UN aid agency is part of the problem in the Middle East’ Friday, May 18. 2018Good intro to fly castingEach year around this time I need to refresh my (poor) fly-fishing skills. I get out in the yard and renew some muscle memory. It's a beautiful, silent form of outdoor recreation. This guy is a good, articulate teacher of this delightful sport which is far more challenging - more sporting and more aesthetic - than trolling, lure-casting, or Southern-style bass fishing with a big outboard engine. As we always say here about fishing and hunting, if you really need the food to feed the kids, go to the supermarket....or put a worm on a line with a lead sinker and a barbed hook. Fly-fishing is a good sport for gals, too, although some of my pals' clubs do not allow females on the grounds. Guys need their own places to act like kids, free of female judgement.
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If a Republican administration sicced the CIA and FBI on a political opponentTom Wolfe: Intellectual Counter-IntellectualTom Wolfe was brilliant in lampooning the fashionably America-hating intelligentsia, among other things. He was much more than that, of course. A Wolfe quote from Continetti's excellent Jonathan Swift in a White Suit: Tom Wolfe's campaign against intellectual idiocy
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Friday morning links
Marginalizing Much-Maligned Melania Jordan Peterson is anti-semitic? The United States just hit a 40-year low in its fertility rate, according to numbers just released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Declining U.S. Labor Force Participation Rates Stand Out Push back against the culture war bullies Gallup: This Good Polling News Could Be Bad News For Democrats PAUL JOSEPH WATSON VIDEO: THE TRUTH ABOUT VIRTUE SIGNALLING Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation Ace, yesterday:
John Kerry: Reporting for Duty… From Vietnam to Iran On Another Willful Lie from the Press Thursday, May 17. 2018Pilots having fun
Indirectly inspired by Am. Digest's Let’s Review 78
Spying on TrumpTrump Slams Obama FBI 'Spying' Report As "Bigger Than Watergate" It certainly seems so. In retrospect, Watergate was not a big deal because political spying and oppo research is always done. The cover-up was the thing that got them. It wasn't worth covering up, really. In this case, it was the government itself, not a campaign. NYT Report Confirms Obama Administration’s FBI Spied on Trump Campaign If this isn't criminal, it should be. Not to mention the cover-up. 10 Key Takeaways From The New York Times’ Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign Yes, makes Watergate look like child's play. Related, IG Horowitz Found “Reasonable Grounds” FBI Violated FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAW in Bureau’s Handling of Hillary Investigation
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The birth and death of the caboose
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Thursday morning links
Stephen Hawking's Memorial Might Have Time Travelers in Attendance LA: Why Factor’s Famous Deli's 70th Anniversary Means So Much More parents smoking pot around kids, study finds Atlanta’s Building Boom Is Destroying Its Famous Forests - After the recession, Georgia’s capital bounced back with a population surge and a housing boom—at the risk of the unique trees of the area. Crazy Democrat Promises 100% Clean Energy By 2035 By Government Law If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive? Don´t Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling The Sea Is Rising, but Not Because of Climate Change Students At Taxpayer-Funded College Hold No-Whites Allowed “Day of Absence” Event… UNIVERSITY SUICIDE WATCH, PART 3 University of Michigan pours almost $7 million per year into diversity payroll, benefits Number of emotional support animals at Yale increased by 1400% in last year Do Millennials Really Love Socialism? No. They just want free stuff Devin Nunes Is a Badass Government Informant Spied On Two Trump Campaign Aides Joe Digenova: Former CIA Chief John Brennan Was Leading the Counter Intelligence Operation Against Trump Attacking Israel for $100, Defending it for $13 HAMAS: “WHEN WE TALK ABOUT ‘PEACEFUL RESISTANCE, WE ARE DECEIVING THE PUBLIC." Hamas official: 50 of the 62 Gazans killed in border violence were our members Questions the Press Hasn’t Asked about Violence in Gaza - A conspicuous lack of curiosity. Machine gun fire from Gaza hits nearby Israeli homes in Sderot, no injuries Wednesday, May 16. 2018The Maggie's Farm detailed advice for committed fitness newbies: Getting Started I don't blame anybody who refuses to do that, because it is unpleasant and requires discipline and effort well-beyond comfort. Effort means effort, pushing every mental and physical limit. I have learned more about the meaning of that word in the gym than I ever learned in regular life. If pleasure and comfort is what your life is about, fine. We reject those decadent values because Friends have asked me for advice on how to get started, so I wrote down a program, in stages, for ordinary mostly-sedentary (ie less than 5-6 hrs/wk of challenging exertion) people. Non-athletes. There is plenty of exercise advice available, and everybody has an opinion so I expect debate, but I believe my advice is rational, non-faddish, well-balanced, efficient, and practical. Don't rush it - if over 30, it takes time to adapt to demand so it's best to go step by step instead of rushing in and either get injured or burning out. Slow and steady. Four stages for beginners, below the fold - Continue reading "The Maggie's Farm detailed advice for committed fitness newbies: Getting Started" Attitudes vs. Opinions
Opinions, I suppose, require rational arguments whereas attitudes do not. Attitudes, it seems to me, come from temperamental predispositions, personal experiences, social environment, and the like. Nobody asks you to support a general attitude with data. What's your view? Is it a meaningful distinction or not? I think it is.
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Wednesday morning links 20 Things No Wife Ever Wants to Hear - UTTER THESE PHRASES AND YOU'VE GOT YOURSELF A ONE-WAY TICKET TO THE DOG HOUSE. The Crazy Hours Americans Need to Work to Pay Their Mortgage Louisiana Is Determined to Keep You Safe from Rogue Florists - Louisiana keeps its status as the only state that licenses flower arranging. Cops Have No Idea If Hate Crime Laws Stop Hate Crimes..and other things I learned when I spoke at a U.S. Commission on Civil Rights briefing. More On The "Science" Behind The Global Warming Scare Seattle’s new ‘head tax’ blasted by city’s mega-corporations Conservative activists launch effort to combat social-media political bias - Coalition calls for tech firms to provide clarity, transparency, equal treatment Two Sentences that Capture the Essential Difference Between Libertarians and Statists Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska Visited by Three FBI Agents Pitching ‘Trump-Russia Collusion’ Weeks Before 2016 Election John Brennan’s ‘Exceptionally Sensitive’ Issue Two Colleagues Contradict Onetime Communist Party Voter John Brennan's Claims About His Non-Use of the Dossier TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, JOHN BRENNAN EDITION: Have you ever see an ex-CIA director attack the United States and its allies, and express sympathy with America’s enemies? Trump's Wins Turn Democrats' World Upside Down VDH: Why Trump Is a President Like No Other US Marine Corps announces sweeping changes to ground-combat forces Daycare For Terrorists? $100 Million In Cash Flies Out Of Minneapolis A Year — And It’s Your Money Iranian Ayatollah: ‘We Will Turn Tel Aviv And Haifa To Rubble’ Ambassador Nikki Haley SHREDS The Security Council Over Gaza 'Demonstrations' - Haley lectured the U.N. on its tolerance for anti-Israel violence before walking out on the Palestinian delegation. Hamas’ use of people as human shields continues, and the incurious journalists moving stories like this are either really lazy or really biased, or both. John Oliver Explains Venezuela: Things Are Terrible But Don’t Blame Socialism Tuesday, May 15. 2018I am sad tooTom Wolfe, dead at 87 A hundred details of Bonfire remain in my mind. Here's Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny's from 1970. One snippet from the 19-page article: The whole thing is hilarious. A socio-cultural history of American cosmopolitan wealth.
The cost of medicines in the USIn the US, high-volume off-patent medicines are inexpensive whether generics or not. On-patent, less-popular drugs can be ridiculously expensive. Warbler du Jour: Northern Parula
A factoid about these birds is that they breed in southern forests (in Spanish moss nests) and in northern forests (where conifers have Old Man's Beard lichen), but pass over a band across the middle of the US where there are neither of those tree parasites. In warbler migration season (right now, in the US) you will quite likely hear one in the woods in the morning. With sound, Parula Warbler I wish my memory for warbler songs were better. I forget them every time May comes along. In the US and Canada during these weeks, go outside in the morning where there are brush areas and some tall Oak trees, and listen to the migrating warblers singing. Experts don't bother with binoculars. Warblers do not really warble, but they do sing. Tuesday morning links The Ultimate Order At The World’s Oldest Deli Karenna Gore: Religious Leaders Should Urge Climate Activism on 'Moral and Spiritual Level' It’s Now 1984 at the University of Michigan Thought police and inquisitions. Nice. How identity politics is harming the sciences…. Reporters Cash In White House Access for Lucrative Cable News Deals Of Course America’s Too Big to Govern I agree TRUMP IS STARTING TO SPOOK THE LEFT Donald Trump and Sean Hannity Like to Talk Before Bedtime Tough times for the resistance? JORDAN PETERSON DOESN'T ENABLE JEW-HATRED, THE FORWARD DOES Illegal Alien Moms Demand That Their Kids Be Deported With Them How Obama loyalists conspired to undermine the Trump transition Want To Talk About Watergate? Talk About Obama, Not Trump. PUT UP OR SHUT UP ON THE TRUMP THREATENS DEMOCRACY CLAIM EU statement opposing U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem blocked by “New Europe” Coalition Sultan: Liberating Our Jerusalem UNRWA reportedly closes schools and offices so students and employees can attack Israel Smoke & Mirrors: Six Weeks of Violence on the Gaza Border The Palestinian Authority Loses Its Authority - The last remnant of Oslo crumbles As Jerusalem Embassy Opens, Is Trump Fixing Middle East Too? Making Mongolia Great Again: A 21st-Century Economy In The Heart Of Asia Macron Eyes a French “Transformation” - Will the French president succeed where his predecessors Sarkozy and Hollande failed? Monday, May 14. 2018Race in AmericaAt Quillette: Why can’t progressives admit that we’ve made progress? Good discussion. The racism theme seems mainly to be applied to native black Americans, but not to other races and not to the Africa-born either. Is it mostly just politics at this point?
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