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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, May 31. 2018The story of a foolish sociopathAnna had a good run, but ended up in Riker's. I say "foolish," but many clever sociopaths have poor long-term planning.
Why live under a volcano?Latest: Hotter And Faster" Lava Spreading Across Hawaii, Dramatic Footage Shows Evacuation, Devastation I blame global warming.
A good story
Posted by The Barrister
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College entry, test scores, and college donationsThursday morning links
15 Netflix Alternatives: Free & Paid Services Like Netflix (But Better!) Walmart unveils a new employee perk: College tuition Colorado Sheriff’s Office Waging Costly War On Black Market Marijuana Famous Evangelist Wants Donations For A $54 Million Jet: God Told Me So Singapore Airlines to launch world's longest commercial flight in October Why It’s Very Difficult For Men And Women To Just Be Friends It's actually easy and pleasant if there is no sexual chemistry Diversity sensitivity training doesn't work Duh Pretend recycling makes liberals feel better about themselves and their community Why cops are standing down all across America Morgan Freeman’s Lawyer Demands CNN Retract Story Accusing Actor of Sexual Harassment What's wrong with flirting? Jordan Peterson And The Left-Wing Smear Machine Obama Says ‘I Didn’t Have Scandals.’ So What Are All These? Democrats and media revisionists try to make eight years of abuse disappear. POTUS Trump RIPS Disney CEO Bob Iger For Special Treatment of Valerie Jarrett If ONLY Roseanne had hit the appearance of Sarah Palin or Sarah Sanders instead of Valerie Jarret LIBERAL HYPOCRISY: Roseanne Fired, But These Radical Leftists Are Still at ABC Why Roseanne Barr Is a Thought Criminal but Not Bill Maher GLOBAL ESTABLISHMENT CLOSES RANKS AGAINST TOMMY ROBINSON Watchdog Group Discovers Secret Iranian Missile Site Hidden in Remote Desert Location The Safest Country for European Jews? Try Hungary Wednesday, May 30. 2018La MerBy Mahlon Berv
Pull-ups and Chin-ups, with a comment on American vigorThe two "ups" are the classic back exercises. The other basic upper back exercise is bent-over rows. (Arms, pecs, and shoulders are secondary for both.) You can consider pull ups calisthenics because they are body-weight, but, approached right, they are strength-builders. Like push-ups can be. I do them on calisthenics days, once or twice/week. Few fitness beginners can do many, or even one, pull up, and having excess weight makes it even harder. That's why gyms have assist machines, and bands for the pull up bars. Check your ego at the door, because we all suck. You begin with assists, and gradually reduce the amount of assist. (Pull-down cables are ok for upper back maintenance, but pull ups are the gold standard for fitness.) If an ordinary guy over 35 can do 10 unassisted pull-ups, that's pretty good. Most gals need to use the assists, due to less upper-body muscle development. Some fit guys strap on weights to make their pull ups more challenging, but that ain't me. I see guys in their 70s doing a few sets of 10 as part of their strength rotations. That's cool. Some people will not give up on vigor and strength because they are part of the basic American values. In Euroland, people do not work out like Americans, but my pal in Switzerland tells me gyms are growing like weeds in Zurich where everybody has a desk job. Funny thing about those 5 a.m. guys in their 70s is that after their workouts they shower and dress and leave for work in their suits and ties at 6:15 am, looking magnificent and powerful. It's a positive attitude towards life and I intend it for me. Not quitters. Quitting is not the Yankee way, not the Yankee ethic for men or women. Mentally, the way to think about these ups is thrusting your elbows down rather than focusing on your arms. Best way to work on pull-ups (or chin-ups) for strength? Determine the amount of assist you need to do 5 - not quite 6 - good reps. With rests, do 5 sets each session. Over time, reduce the assist, still doing 5 sets of 5. When you can get to 5 sets of 5 with minimal assist (say, 20-40 lbs), work up to 8-10 reps. Then quit the assists and work up to whatever you can do. Nobody wants to be a twink. If you're doing something like the Maggie's general fitness program, you will not have time to work on this more than once or twice/wk. A good challenge, though. We all need challenges or we decay. This below is a bit technical. For me, sometimes pullups and sometimes chin ups. Doesn;t matter to me. Trigger warning: these two guys have damn little body fat so they might make you feel bad about yourself. Too skinny, in my opinion, but clearly strong and healthy. What makes them useful specimens is that you can see the anatomy.
The College ScamTo what extent are degrees little more than credentialing?
QQQ"I found out that it's not good to talk about my troubles. Eighty percent of the people who hear them don't care and the other twenty percent are glad you're having them." Tommy LaSorda, LA Dodgers manager Wednesday morning links
Meat: Those ignorant hicks ruin everything The New Yorker: Seven Signs That Your Man’s Masculinity Is Nontoxic I don't think that that is tongue-in-cheek. So a non-toxic male is a twink. Trouble is, no woman wants a twink. U.S. Leapfrogs Singapore, Hong Kong to Win World’s Most Competitive Economy Still low on the freedom scale, though A Reminder: Why the US Rail System Is At Least as Good As the European System if You Care About Energy Use American rail is all about freight. Fixing the charitable deduction Douthat: Free Speech Will Not Save Us Quote from Wretchard The Cat:
Wife of Deported Immigrant: ‘I Can’t Be Mad at Trump for Doing His Job’ Republicans’ Millennial Problem Isn’t What You Think - The party has trouble attracting support from minorities, not the young. DEMOCRATS CAN’T CONTROL THEIR EXTREMISM - The party car has no brakes. RNC Torches Democrats in New Midterm Ad: 'MS-13 Killers...They Aren't So Bad' The Trump Schadenfreude List, to date How Democrats should tackle Trump in the midterms Combining Trump-hate with freebies McCarthy: The Obama Administration’s Hypocritical Pretext for Spying on the Trump Campaign "Russia": Bona Fide Basis For Investigation Or Preposterous Cover Story? Postmodern Theory Returns to Continental Europe Saving Tommy Robinson (and English civilization) Tuesday, May 29. 2018The damage the 60s did to culture and politicsFrom Roger Kimball's The Long March: Reckoning With 1968's 'Cultural Revolution,' 50 Years On
Posted by The Barrister
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How the Obama Presidency Destroyed Today's Democratic PartyA talk from October. Still good VDH. What a great talker.
Tuesday morning links Image above stolen from American Digest, who also has a sensitivity-training video How to Fail Today's Starbucks Racial Sensitivity Training Photos: The Fading Battlefields of World War I Colorado: Maggie's Farm "medical" marijuana Doom and gloom in the USA: "It is impossible for any doomed population to grasp how fragile the decayed financial, social and political system is on the eve of implosion." The Clinton Foundation Is Back! Win Chardonnay With Hillary Or A Caribbean Trip With Bill! Media, Former Obama Officials Use Pictures From 2014, 2016 to Attack Trump on Immigration REVEALED: Joseph Mifsud – The Man Who Set Up Papadopoulos – Is Member of Soros-Funded European Council on Foreign Relations The crisis of Assault Knives in the UK Tommy Robinson will be the UK’s tipping point Britons Rage Over Robinson Arrest As Mass Protests Break Out Worldwide Monday, May 28. 2018Victor D. Hanson: Why Germany Engaged in an Unwinnable WWIIThe Chicxulub asteroid and the evolution of birdsArboreal Birds Died Alongside Dinosaurs And Trees In Chicxulub Asteroid Strike’s Aftermath:
Memorial Day or Memorial MomentsI saw a poster that spoke to me: We do not remember days, we remember moments. On Memorial Day, just take a moment to remember that special moment with a loved one, that kid down the block, that young soldier or Marine you saw in an airport or on a train, and either give thanks that any one of them might not have survived but did or respect that he didn't in a good cause and brotherhood with comrades. The other night I went to a high school Seniors Award Ceremony. In honor of classmates lost in Vietnam a group from the class of 1966 handed out awards to some of the 18-year olds in the senior graduating class. Heck, I thought, most of their parents weren't even alive or much out of diapers during the Vietnam War, and probably have absorbed the defeatist excuses pushed by leftist academics. Heck with that, I thought again, maybe the awardees will take some time to learn something about the cause, the facts, in the deceased's name they received an award for the promise of their future, a future gained by others' loss. Monday morning links
191 thoughts on “Illegal Immigration? Coyotes Move North, East, and South” Gardening: How to start a commercial (pot) grow operation in Connecticut Can a Pill Help Autistic Kids Conquer Social Anxiety? A podcast interview with Gianandrea Noseda A Plague on Cities, and the Poor - Brutalism’s enduring influence There’s A Growing Movement To Ban Plastic Straws Defending the Freedom to Be Awful Is True Tolerance President Trump Brings The Hammer Down On Federal Employee Unions Trump Makes It Easier to Fire Federal Workers for Misconduct Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests Imitating Jesse Jackson, David Hogg Mau-Maus Publix Supermarket Chain No, I Won’t Check My Privilege - The left's latest pejorative is racist, sexist, and stifling of honest debate. "In Portland, Ore., organizers of the 'Reparations Happy Hour' invited black, brown and indigenous people to a bar and handed them $10 bills as they arrived..." New Jersey Democrats Abandon Tax Hike California may offer free medical care to illegals Chelsea Clinton is exactly right about Trump Daily News also dislikes Trump: Trump’s land of delusion: Disregard the sycophants; the wheels are coming off, if they were ever on Guardian also: Trump's assault on the department of justice is an attack on the rule of law Why a President Clinton Would Have Made Things Much Worse Reynolds: Trump is the most conservative, and most libertarian, president of my lifetime. Campaign contributor helped Obamas score Netflix deal MR. MUELLER GOES TO JERUSALEM - Unhinged Russia collusion investigation spreads to Israel. WHY DOES THE ISLAMIC WORLD LAG BEHIND? Sunday, May 27. 2018Worrying about freedom in the UKJudge says Tommy Robinson case can not be reported in the news. Robinson is heading to jail for reporting on the Muslim child-sex grooming cases. Now, blocking reporting on his arrest. 1984. Related, UK Protesters Flood the Streets to Demand the Release of Imprisoned Journalist Tommy Robinson Here's the world of Muslim rape gangs:
Sunday Gravy
On the other hand, I do get a kick out of the New Yorker below (via American Digest's Summer’s Here. Let’s Eat! Fortunately Everything In This Dish Is On My Diet
Driving directions: The big picture One time, in Sicily, we were directed through miles of dirt roads in lemon groves because the Euroland thing was set for "most direct route". Yeah, it was an "as the crow flies" route to some obscure place we wanted to hike with the Christian tombs carved into the cliffs. I like maps for the big picture, and the driving tech for the details. Just last weekend, driving home from a fishing trip, I kept wondering "What town are we in?" I felt like "Where the heck are we, on a map? Where are we, on the planet?" We didn't have a clue, but WAZE got us home. I think a combination of a map and a GPS voice are a handy combination - one for the practical and one for curiosity.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Bob's birthday
My lad claims Clothes Line Rag was a parody of Ode to Billy Joe. That is astute. Lay Down Your Weary Tune is a lovely hymn. Listen to that cover. How many masterpieces has Dylan produced? Bonus below: Lou Reed covering Foot of Pride. It's about pride and Jesus. Pride is the greatest sin, is it not? The foot of pride will getcha sooner or later and, once it comes down, your life is screwed without proper repentence and rebirth.
From today's Lectionary: How can anyone be born after having grown old?John 3:1-17 3:1 Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. 3:2 He came to Jesus by night and said to him, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do apart from the presence of God." 3:3 Jesus answered him, "Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above." 3:4 Nicodemus said to him, "How can anyone be born after having grown old? Can one enter a second time into the mother's womb and be born?" 3:5 Jesus answered, "Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. 3:6 What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. 3:7 Do not be astonished that I said to you, 'You must be born from above.' 3:8 The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit." 3:9 Nicodemus said to him, "How can these things be?" 3:10 Jesus answered him, "Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things? 3:11 "Very truly, I tell you, we speak of what we know and testify to what we have seen; yet you do not receive our testimony. 3:12 If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. Saturday, May 26. 2018Bouldering Friends and family. No ropes required but a positive, can-do attitude is required. I am planning the routes and want to make it as fatiguing and stressful as possible. To keep the wives happy, we'll throw in a brunch at Mohonk. One hour, only, is what we guys will permit because we want to move, not sit and eat oysters, filet, halibut, Kobe beef, Nantucket scallops, fine wines, and a hundred other decadent delights. Why get in shape if you don't use it to the max? Rock scrambling is great fun, and sometimes scary and that is what builds character. Or so my Dad said. "Face all of your fears. That's how you become a man." Like his beloved Shakespeare, he viewed fearfulness as a kind of death. He was in two wars but he never spoke of it. Never once. US Army. Trump as a force of nature“His advantage is he’s unencumbered by values and unencumbered by a conscience. It’s an enormous advantage when you’re willing to make the end justify the means always. He’s willing to do anything as we know including lie repeatedly. It’s very disarming literally If you’re up against that- it’s very hard for people because they’re scared of his emotion. They’re frightened by his emotion. They don’t recognize that he’s throwing them off their game. They don’t necessarily recognize that he’s pushing them into their own emotion as opposed to the capacity to think more reflectively and as a result they’re not coming forward with their best.” Tony Schwartz, co-author of “Art of the Deal”. "Back when Trump came down the escalator and started talking like Pat Buchanan, I recall thinking, “I can’t imagine a scenario where I vote for him, but I never imagined anyone saying these things again either.” Trump is turning out to be the most consequential president in our lifetime, which is not something any sane person could have imagined two years ago. I think we have to withhold judgement on him until these great events of this age unfold." Trump is the Honey Badger. That's why he was elected. He was not elected to be a role model:
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Saturday morning links
Mussels test positive for opioids in Seattle's Puget Sound Happy mussels? Inside JFK’s door-to-door search for a French call girl — and why she had to look like Jackie All the ways marijuana can hurt your health Five Ways to Know if You Can Talk to Someone about Climate Academia: ‘Indigenous Ways of Knowing’: Magical Thinking and Spirituality by Any One Name Academia: "It has come to my attention..." That guy is the author of The Welfare Trait: How State Benefits Affect Personality Jordan Peterson Plays in the Left’s Cultural Sandbox They demonize him because is is radical - radically-normal College course explores ‘feminist critique of masculinity’ Any wife is an expert on that Political Correctness at Stanford Law Can you say anything that is not racist? 'End Capitalism, Don’t Enable It,' And Other Crazy CA Candidate Statements Clinton Bashes ‘Troubling’ Electoral College as ‘Odd System’ Three FBI Agents Set to Testify: Including Lead Investigator in Clinton Email Probe If Trump’s Team Was Colluding With Russia, Why Did It Keep Asking Wikileaks For Things? Sharyl Atkisson on Spygate: Sure looks like FBI's operation against Trump was political France: Macron Buries Plan to Rehabilitate 'No-Go Zones' They have already tried everything UK Police State: Activist Tommy Robinson to Serve 13 Months in Prison for Livestreaming Report on Child Grooming Gang The Israel-Palestine Standoff
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