Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, February 9. 2013I did not know that this was going on under Grand Central StationWonderful eery photos: New York's newest cathedral: Inside the illuminated arches of the city's latest rail terminal as it's carved deep beneath Grand Central. How cool is it that the really smart, disciplined people know how to do these things? Civil Engineers. They build amazing, grand stuff so the rest of us can get to our cubicles and spend the day staring at monitors. Those guys are the people who make the world work for the rest of us, and I admire them immensely.
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Friday, February 8. 2013Possibly the best W. C. Fields skit everA good skit for a snow day: "'Tain't a fit night out for man nor beast." Also, "Maw, I'm going out to milk the elk." Also, "He was mighty good with mustard."
Posted by Bird Dog
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What are the idiot politicians doing with my tax dollars now?
Alleged political quotes from our bettersAre any of these real? Count me as highly skeptical, despite whatever truthiness they may contain. Amusing too.
Just one example: “…the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." — David Rockefeller, June, 1991, Bilderberg Conference, Baden, Germany Another: ”If I were reincarnated I would wish to return to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” —Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, Patron of the World Wildlife Foundation One more: ”We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination… So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts… Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.” —Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, Lead author of many IPCC reports Sheesh. Lots more in a similar vein at Synthstuff
Posted by The News Junkie
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Friday morning linksIt's nor'easter season again. They are predicting a hearty snow dump today and tomorrow, with high winds, so don't be surprised if Maggie's is down for a bit (due to winds, not the lovely snow). Storms are caused by fossil fuels, claim many experts. Since there have been storms forever, I think that's a crazy theory. Here's a more compelling explanation for wintry weather: Asian astrologers warn of stormy Year of Snake If Americans would only stop driving cars and begin riding bikes instead, we'd have less snow and less cold in the winter. I think I got that science right, didn't I? But wait a minute - we love snow. It is peaceful, quiet, and beautiful.
The Pension Fund That Ate California - CalPERS’s corruption, insider dealing, and politicized investments have overwhelmed taxpayers with debt. A fascinating, scandalous Malanga report on how CalPERS became intertwined with politics and ultimately controlled by the government unions. EXCLUSIVE: Your employer may share your salary, and Equifax might sell that data People should complain to their congresscritter Do Traditional Husband Chores Lead to More Frequent Intimacy? Are Women Who Say “Sorry” Weaker? Details Emerge on University of Toronto’s Sex Ed Week ‘Orgy’ The students get all the fun New Poll: Majority of Americans Want Illegal Immigrants to Head Back to Home Countries They were not invited More on Perils of Prosecutorial Discretion in a World Where Everyone is a Criminal Greenland: Chris Mooney’s Chartsmanship in the Service of Alarmism Debunker: Wildfires, droughts, storms, oh my! The GOP should destroy Obama. Now is the time. Just 32 months later, Obama administration tells us what ObamaCare plans must have in them CBO and small biz: Yeah, about keeping your health care plan if you like it Americans are still struggling at Obama's halfway point. Isn’t it time we discuss violent liberalism? Related, via Insty, Supporters, admirers leap to alleged murderer Christopher Dorner’s defense The end times of trust in government may well be upon us Trusting any government is infantile and naive, ignorant of human nature. That's why America was designed the way it was. '78 blizzard in CT and MAh/t, Laughing Squid. We like storms. Our mettle must be tested, and humility taught. The only people who get hysterical about snow are the retarded people on the TV news.
Thursday, February 7. 2013Frederic "The Ice King" TudorThe Stubborn American Who Brought Ice to the World. In New England, you can still see some old tumbledown icehouses around. Household refrigerators were not in common use until the late 1920s. It was iceboxes until you could afford an electric refrigerator. A properly-built icehouse could store ice for over a year.
Well-dressed fly-fisherpeople
Below the fold, for those at work. Fishing has been on my mind.
Continue reading "Well-dressed fly-fisherpeople" What is a "self"?Some psychoanalysts like Kohut and Kernberg have theoretical ideas about it. Sometimes I think that the word, and whatever idea exists behind the idea, is a sociocultural construct more than anything else. That is not to say that we are not individuals with our own personality tendencies. Here's an essay: The Self in Self-Help - We have no idea what a self is. So how can we fix it?
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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I go with monster, myself. From Henninger's Obama's Colossal Politics - His laws are so big there are parts no one has ever seen:
Who's yo daddy?
That is a stunningly immature view of the world. I don't think he was using irony.
Posted by The News Junkie
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$10K Baccalaureate Degree Movement Nears Critical Mass
Related, from Mead: When MOOCs Go Bad Things are changing quickly in the Higher Ed world. It will be interesting to see what works. Thursday morning links
For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II Postal Service to Cut Saturday Mail to Trim Costs Steyn: When the assassin calls Lars needed a gun. Obamacare makes real medical insurance illegal My own insurance will be illegal next January Krugman: We'll need death panels Young Americans Are Left Behind In Obama's Economy A generational tragedy. "Should artists have to work?” Goldberg: Education spending that isn't smart - Education is important and necessary for a host of reasons. But there's little evidence it drives growth.
In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their “Science” Heavy Snow In Russia? That’s “Climate Change” They predicted no more snow by now Henninger: Obama's Thunderdome Strategy - The president's goal is to make Republican ideas intolerable. On firearms, Obama makes no sense. His memoir, Radical Son, is a good read Karl Rove and the Cotton Conservatives - Modern Day Whigs and the rise of the Party of Lincoln and Reagan. More Thompson: "Readers may recall the comical Marxist Bea Campbell and her urge to see the population being enlisted by an egalitarian state, in which “emancipating governance” would be based, rather curiously, on greater state control." Control is freedom Waterboarding Bad, Assassination Good More from Horowitz' good essay:
The history of creeping gun control in England:
Wednesday, February 6. 2013"Sending your kids to public school is looking more and more like parental malpractice."That's a quote from Insty. Does Insty have any kids? I don't think so, but I don't know for sure. If he does not, then he does not appreciate the essential baby-sitting and child-care function of public education. Home schooling is a fine alternative to government schools (designed for the poor), private schools (designed for the upper middle classes, and for parents desiring a religious education) and home teaching and tutoring (for the wealthy). Somewhat related, I am re-posting Abolish Social Studies - Born a century ago, the pseudo-discipline has outlived its uselessness. The invention of social studies is quite a story. Government psycho-social engineering of the masses. Brave New World. Did it work? Private schools rarely had such a thing, but they have History and Geography.
Posted by The Barrister
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East Bridgeport, CTIt's not in as bad shape as Detroit, but Blue State and Blue (corrupt) local governance have driven most of the jobs away - along with vast numbers of middle- and working-class people. (The prosperous fled in the 50s and 60s.) Therefore, there is no "housing shortage." Housing is cheap, but they will kill you with the property taxes. Thus the old city has no vitality or appeal whatsoever except to urban explorers like us. Death spiral. What does a pilot do in a death spiral? The solution is not to bulldoze the city. It's to bulldoze the government. However, at this point the government is basically in the control of government unions and welfare recipients, all feeding on the dry bones of the cadaver. Thus, despite its amenities and opportunities, basically politically hopeless. It's sad. If they appointed me Dictator of Bridgeport for a few years, I could begin to fix it. Change is good! The first thing I would do is to create a citywide enterprise zone with no corporate or business taxes. Second, I would cut property taxes in half. Might be tough going for a couple of years until markets react, and bankruptcy might have to happen because sometimes you need a fresh start. Third, I would eliminate all government housing. Rents are so low there, anybody can pay them on a welfare or disability check. Fourth, I would make government unions illegal. Fifth, I would prosecute the local Mob with vengeance, no mercy. Everybody knows who they are, and people claim they are in bed with the unions. Sixth, I would eliminate all zoning regulations. Seventh, I would make all schools charter schools - no government-controlled schools. Eighth, a cop or guard on every block, with stop-and-frisk. Well, I could go on and on, but the general idea would be to return such a city to the policies which existed when it became a thriving city, before the socialists, planners, and taxers took over when they realized they could tax and plan the place to death. It would be an interesting experiment. If it failed (but how could it be worse?), I'd take the fall.
This row of old buildings appeared fully-occupied by Hispanic immigrants, neat, clean, and pleasant but nowhere to go except the abundant old churches, and no street life.
Government policies can kill cities. From Mead's New York No Longer Skyscraper King:
The northern states had wanted NYC as capitol. The compromise was reached on a swamp in Virginia. Weds. morning links
After 30 years, a GM food breakthrough finally here Do violent criminals have a brain abnormality? The South Has Risen Again THE MISSISSIPPI MEANDER - Cartophilia: a ghostly map takes Samantha Weinberg to the river, and shows her where it no longer flows Bummer: Electric Cars Heading To Trash Bin (Again) Green Movement Founder Opposes Wind Turbines in His Backyard Al Gore’s disastrous book tour: a breath of fresh air Downgrade This! Standard and Poor’s Sued By US Government The federal government’s relentless expansion has made Washington, D.C., America’s real Second City. Federal Regulations Kill Innovation Too - The complexity of the federal government frequently protects it from scrutiny Moral preening and politics The Origins of Our American Creed
Tuesday, February 5. 2013Seen this one?Feminism and related topics
He covers a lot of ground in his post, including firearms and Goldman Sachs.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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David Horowitz talks strategy
Michelle Rhee: RadicalFrom Michelle Rhee: My Break With the Democrats - As a lifelong Democrat, controversial education reformer Michelle Rhee never thought she’d support school vouchers. Until she did. In Radical, she details her transformation:
5 Ideas You Need to Rise From Poverty to the Middle Class
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Tuesday morning linksTexas Versus California: A Story Of Welfare States. Grade disparities favoring girls start in kindergarten, and they have profound, long-term effects that can last a lifetime Department of Homeland Stupidity: Huddle like Sheep and Die Dino: Life of Julia Against black history month Can Robert Menendez survive? Obama, build a lasting urban legacy - An ambitious proposal for the President’s second term: Create a new federal Department of Cities America’s Creeping New Normalcy - Sluggish growth and high unemployment are increasingly just accepted. Another Disaster… Obama’s $5 Billion Electric Car Dream Bankrupt and in Shambles Panetta Confirms Again That Waterboarding Helped Get Bid Laden; Media Still Confused They Kill Because They Like It - Turkey’s Marxist terrorists strike again—this time, against America Monday, February 4. 2013A Newtown dad you never heardAnother, h/t reader, but this is no parody Our friend Sunny demands a plan to ban massacresSunny takes it to the sanctimonious, phony and manipulative emotional appeals. h/t, reader. Like we need celebs to feel terrible about the slaughter of children by satanic persons.
Retirement?Americans Rip Up Retirement Plans - Nearly Two-Thirds of Those Between 45 and 60 Plan Delays, a Steep Rise From Two Years Ago. Long-time readers know that my experience teaches me that retirement is often a poor state of affairs for the average American male. Many deteriorate physically and mentally. I have one 92 year-old client who goes to the office every day after swimming a half-mile at the Y. Work keeps him young. He does indulge in 4 weeks of vacation travel each year, however, and has great-grandkids around the house all the time. Nice, balanced life. First wife died, now on his second but she is not doing too well now. A beautiful life, really, although he is not wealthy. He still has a mortgage, which I think is a smart thing to have. Bought his current home for $37,000, now has a $200,000 mortgage on it and it is worth around $700,000. today. I have been updating his will and trusts for over 25 years, when he first thought he was getting old.
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