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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, November 8. 2009November rosesI still have some roses in bloom despite the hard frosts. The corner of the house protects these from the wind and keeps them warm. Some years I have been able to cut roses for Thanksgiving, but not in the recent years of global cooling.
Saturday, November 7. 2009Youth Music #3St Vincent with Actor Out of Work. One more from our highly-paid consultant, the Maggie's Youth of Today Czar:
Looks like the wacko Health Care bill in the House will be bipartisan - on the opposition.
PTSD Excuse For Ft. Hood Nutjob by MSM NutjobsThis from someone who actually had/has PTSD, with good reason: he lost an arm to an IED.
BTW, here's a column I wrote at Military.com a few years ago about PTSD, based on a study that even the NYTs called "authoritative." Scott Johnson, at PowerLine blog, sums up the reaction among apologists/deludists re: Hasan as "PISS", post Islamic stress syndrome. Spelling & The Human MindThis is weird, but interesting! fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! What's in the Dem bill?Betsy McCaughey: What the Pelosi Health-Care Bill Really Says. It is unbelievable. Also, "ObamaCare’s Redistribution of Health...Of course the president and Congress are after money, but they really want control over your life." And don't forget the $250,000 fine or go to jail. The major medical policy I now own and enjoy would be illegal. Project Valour - IT FundraiserThere is nothing in the world like a USMC Drill Sargeant. The three guys here are great, but the third and final guy is the most musical. I could run all day listening to that. This via Tiger, Jules, Villainous and many others who are drumming up support for Project Valour.
Saturday morning links
This Is Not Your Grandma's Humane Society. Just one more non-profit co-opted by moonbats. Pelosi: Buy a $15,000 policy or go to jail. They had better begin building more jails - maybe with stimulus money. AARP's tacit endorsement of Medicare cuts line its pockets, but shortchanges seniors The O at MIT: “We’ll just have to deal with those people.” I guess he means me. Nice approach to a fellow citizen. Related: Frustrated in Copenhagen. Good. Those people are nuts. Al Gore Himself already said that CO2 isn't the main problem. This is crazy, isn't it?
Obama cedes the center. RCP The truth leaks out on health care. Powerline. Not only do the Dems want to cover abortions - a truly elective procedure - they want to cover sex change operations. On my nickel? Of course, boob jobs would be fine with me...
Problem is, the only way to make jobs would be to cut taxes and spending. Bad: Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting. A bad week for Democrats compounded by an awful moment for Barack Obama. Via Viking: Yeah...we know - Real Clear Markets: "Why middle class tax hikes are coming" From the Krautman:
PTSD by Proxy? Plus the video of the Major in a minimart. Who wants the Gitmo terrorists and Jihadists in the USA? Besides the O? A short essay on ubermensch myth and politics. Flopping. Related and equally good: No-one saw Barack in the balloon? "In a fast-breaking development comes word that agents of the Attorney’s General office in Louisiana have raided ACORN’s offices in New Orleans. ACORN’s New Orleans was, for decades, the headquarters of the national community organizing association" Canadian students march for "good jobs for all." What's a "good job"?
Who would hire a new employee if you don't know how the Dems will screw you? How can you make a business plan?
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Saturday Verse: ShakespeareSonnet XLIV Friday, November 6. 2009Lesson of the Berlin Wall, Still Relevant November 9 marks the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, put up by the communist rulers in 1961 to stem the drain from behind the Iron Curtain of those to whom freedom meant everything. There was widespread shock throughout the West at the end of the Cold War, which seemed endless, costly and perhaps unwinnable, and the fall of the existential threat of communism and its terrible toll on mankind, which to some seemed impervious or even eventually triumphant. Roger Kimball, editor of The New Criterion, writes about “Tyranny Set In Stone: Why We Must Not Forget The Lessons Of Berlin.”
President Obama is too disinterested, and occupied accomplishing nothing, to attend the 20th anniversary celebration in Berlin.
P.S.: Here's another rumination on 1989 and another fall. Those who don't remember, or who never learned about communism, might want to read this short essay. More from our Youth Music CzarShe is a fan of the group Grizzly Bear:
"I wish that I were..."I have been thinking about the wishes we have about ourselves, and about how we deal with our disappointments in ourselves and our perceived shortcomings. Here are some of the things I have heard from people: I wish I were... taller The list could go on and on. It is not human to be too pleased with oneself unless one is delusional on some level. God, and our Moms, and Mr. Rogers might like us just as we are, but we generally do not. Why would we? Love would not be as special, as miraculous, otherwise. What would the world be like if we could all design ourselves - besides being filled with rich 6'3" guys with 3-foot johnsons and rich 5'6" skinny blondes with perfect - but generously so - boobs? All with 160 IQs and charming personalities.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Best Reason To Buy A VW
It's not a real commercial, but still... Friday morning links Photo from yesterday's protest in DC Office gossip. NYT AVI: The liberals I am most familiar with Is abortion pro-family? WSJ: The Madness of Queen Nancy Guy reinvents the Constitution Eurocourt Bans Crucifixes in Italy Related: Europe - a leviathan is born Are mammograms worthwhile? NYT Get a clue, O: Iran doesn't like you. But they enjoy toying with you. Gitmo prisoners don't like the alternative VDH on the plutocratic Left Voegli on California vs. Texas We'll miss Jungle Trader Census blocked from asking citizenship questions
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Posted by Bird Dog
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Thursday, November 5. 2009The AMAThe AMA backs the PelosiCare monstrosity? Fine. 1. The membership was never consulted.
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Let Your Voice Be HeardA fine message from Rep. Mike Pence:
Hideki and MarianoHideki had quite a game, but is this guy immortal or what?
Islamic immigrationThursday "youth" musicApparently our posting of that Taylor Swift YouTube was just too much. Our unofficial Maggie's "Youth Of Today" Czar suggested Peacebone from Animal Collective. Stick with it, says she:
Posted by Bird Dog
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CBO Score on Rep Alternative for Health Care ReformThe Congressional Budget Office’s initial analysis of the Republican alternative to Obama/PelosiCare is striking. Lowered federal deficit, lowered premiums, more freedom of choice, less government intrusion into medicine and peoples’ personal lives, support for health care and savings innovations (including cutting the huge costs of “defensive medicine” by having tort reform – which the tort lawyer funded Democrats conveniently left out), and increased and easier coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. This op-ed and the CBO Director’s transmittal letter briefly sums it up; the full CBO analysis is here. According to the CBO, less of those called uninsured, although in actuality only about a quarter are citizens truly needy, would be covered than under ObamaCare. Many of those actually needy would be covered, and others already insured would better afford keeping their coverage. This is at a savings of $1+ trillion, and our freedoms, and the ability of our world-leading health care innovations to not be stifled. Sounds like a real choice, right? Throw out the baby with the dirty water, a la ObamaCare, or provide a proper cleansing. Not with this heavily Democrat Congress. But, wait and work for 2010 to correct that. Why isn't this a national headline?Big Al Gore, noted climate scientist, former VP of the USA, Nobel Laureate, budding Green Billionaire, owner of many large homes and SUVs, eater of meat, world-class carbon-emitter, and Man-Bear-Pig, clears CO2 of most of the blame. Hmmm. What next? And blame for what? Life on earth would cease to exist without CO2. Thursday morning links, updated
In that order. And a few cold Coronas, please, with lime. Some gratitude for the masculine attention and some snappy repartee are always welcome too. Don't forget the chips with the sandwich, and please turn on ESPN.
Is this true about the O?
I hate to say it, but our friend The Englishman eats ripe arse. Thanksgiving dinner for 8 for $20. WalMart. Plus other great deals there. h/t, Carpe Diem Global income inequality is down. I guess that's a good thing. Income is good. It provides choices. We want everybody to be as rich as they want to be. Famous Prof proposes punitive taxes on meat. Health Care was a loser in Tuesday's elections. It does make me wonder why a new Pres would want to start out with hugely divisive issues and a combative style instead of with more widely popular issues, more modest steps, and the kind of conciliatory approach he brings to Putin, Chavez, and Iran. Related: Perhaps part of the problem is that the O is surrounded by partisan campaign hacks instead of by some seasoned statesman-types with perspective and governing experience. Related: Will the Left try a kamikaze rush? Eliot Spitzer - morality expert Kaus: The winners and the losers No limits: voters in two states reject government limits. Why? I've heard of Pay to Play, but this Pay to Pray is ridiculous.
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Wednesday, November 4. 2009AP Screws The Pooch On Kennedy, Vietnam & AfghanistanThe Associated Press screwed the pooch*, in multiple ways, in its reporting of the release by the JFK Presidential Library of previously classified recordings of President Kennedy's meetings in 1963 with advisors about Vietnam. The discussions involve the unauthorized cable from the State Department lending support to a coup against 1. The JFK Presidential Library, administered by the National Archives, expressly admonishes in its press release: “Members of the media are cautioned against making historical conclusions based on the sound clips and transcript alone.” The AP’s report, instead, leads with, “Newly released White House tapes from the Vietnam War era portray President John F. Kennedy wrestling over the fate of 2. The AP report concludes with a sheer ignorance by its reporter, Barry Schweid: “The battlefield situation gradually worsened for In fact, the battlefield situation, after the governing and combat chaos spawned by the US backed 1963 coup against Diem, stabilized and, indeed, markedly improved after the almost total decimation of the Viet Cong during and after Tet ’68, then under President Nixon’s turning command over to General Abrams (see here) whose direction reduced the North Vietnamese forces to barely subsisting across the borders in sanctuaries, then with US logistics and airpower backing it up the South Vietnamese Army roundly defeating the North Vietnamese invasion of 1972. It was the post-Watergate abandonment of US pledges to supply airpower and arms to 3. In between, the AP doesn’t bother to mention that JFK’s Ambassador to 4. President Kennedy, in the period in these tapes, is not in favor of the coup unleashed by his State Department. In effect, though, he at least ultimately acquiesced.
In no substantive way does the situation in Vietnam during the 1960’s parallel that in Afghanistan today, except in the muddled thinking within our White House and Congress, poor MSM reporting, and the American people’s declining confidence in and tolerance for unsuccessful half-way measures.
* http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/screw_the_pooch [edit] Verb