Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, May 21. 2009How many kids?
What is the gap, across countries, between what people feel their ideal number of kids is, compared to the number they actually have? Gene Expressions
Posted by Bird Dog
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Suddenly silent in the morningExcept for the twitterings of some migrating warblers and thrushes, the morning bird chorus here has suddenly gone silent. That's because the local breeders have now laid their eggs, and no longer want to draw attention to their presence with their territorial calls. 21 days for a bird egg to hatch, and then comes the long hassle of feeding, protecting, worrying over, and keeping track of the bird babies. All parents know what that is like. Thursday morning linksWhy is everybody always shooting at Joe Biden? Krauthammer is Obama's most effective critic Good news: gun control on shelf Car crazy. A quote:
Would somebody please explain to me how electric cars reduce fossil fuel use? Since, thanks to the enviro-nazis who block nuclear power, our electricity comes mostly from coal...
Related: Dems seek rescue of minority newspapers Via Theo:
"Ban carbon dioxide"? Via Mr. Free market: Why I drink. Rush resigns leadership of GOP; hands reins to Colin Powell The report on the Irish Catholic gulag. This is beyond shameful. MIT: We're all gonna die. Despite 10 years of global cooling, computers insist on apocalypse. Doesn't direct observation trump computer modeling? I guess not. How come nobody is paranoid about Hal living in those MIT computers?
Posted by The News Junkie
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Wednesday, May 20. 2009RevolutionI entirely agree with this. A quote from Herbert Meyer at Am Thinker:
Spoiled childrenFrom Nyquist's The Post-American Apocalypse:
Spoiled kids hate reality. QQQPerhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure freedom. Friedrich Hayek (h/t, Samiz) (Related, via Politico: "a recent CBS News poll show(ed) 72% of Republicans worried over the growth of government as opposed to 58% of Democrats who want more of it." What sort of red-blooded American would want "more government"?) Weds. morning linksPay your credit card on time - and suffer anyway. John at Powerline asks Who is subsidizing whom? Since when is a credit card a right? It's a loan. The people spoke: California must cut budget. Schwartzenegger went to DC to say "We need help." Help yourself, tough guy. Don't be a pussy-man. From the link:
The Gaia Dogma coming to a school near you. Grammar, math and chem are so annoying anyway. The NYT-ACORN story is still untold. More from Kaus on the game-changer question Gummint to hand GM to the unions. Brilliant. That means the gummint forced me to buy GM debt - something I never would have done. Thanks, geniuses. And yes, I do know that it's a political union pay-off. Chevy, I hardly knew ye. Chevy - and GM - is DOA. Happiness is being old, male, and Republican. Sorry, gals. h/t, Neptunus What does Russia want? It wants its own interests. Duh. Hudson Inst Should the unemployed go back to school? No. It's a dumb idea. Signaling and conspicuous consumption. Overcoming Bias Biden needs just two things - a speech-writer, and somebody to deliver the speeches. Sheesh Via Protein:
Yep, that pretty much sums me up. How did he know me that well?
Posted by The News Junkie
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Our new garden pathThe new garden path that I mentioned on the Spring to-do list. Besides looking nice, it solved the problem of the previously muddy route that the dog always takes on his routine patrols for enemies and intruders. Fortunately, he likes the new path. No, I did not build it myself but I could have, given the time. The Mrs. did a nice job with her new semi-shade border, but it will take a year or three to mature. As you can see, I pruned the heck out of that young Crepe Myrtle behind the hybrid Rhodies. Maybe too much. That's a small Kousa Dogwood on the corner.
Tuesday, May 19. 2009The joke that Venezuela is becomingIt is truly a conspiracy to keep them poor and stupid. There are a number of sites to visit to keep up with the totalitarian joke of a tin-pot dictatorship that Venezuela is turning into, but we still rely mainly on Venezuela News and Views. He retains some sense of humor about it all, despite the unfolding tragedy of a once-fine and hopeful nation. It's a damn shame to watch them head down the Zimbabwean path to disaster while Fidel, Hollywood, and Ahmadinejad cheer Chavez on. DebtSamuelson via Attack:
Via Commentary:
God Talk, Part 2From Stanley Fish's God Talk, Part 2, in the NYT, a quote:
Posted by The Barrister
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John HowardWhat a reasonable, calm, crusty, humble, practical guy he is. Reminds me of an old-time Yankee. Good interview:
One giant slush fund
Tuesday mid-day linksVia Mr. Free Market, Why kids yell: How they sell Buicks in China The UK wants to monitor your energy use. As we always say, 1984 was not a government handbook. Related: Brit schools to ban regular neckties. Too dangerous. Missing link: A lemur-monkey. Cool. Related, at Insty:
Did you read about that "green house" in Michigan that froze? They should have tried an igloo. When violence works. AVI Allstate refuses to take the bait. Race in Jamaica. Strange. How come the Dems never run real men for national office? Am Thinker How ya gonna pay those grad school debts? Especially for medical school, if the gummint wants to control your income... "Well-heeled class warriors." Thompson Blaming the banks for helping him? Megan McA Notre Dame is unofficially in the pro-abortion camp
Posted by The News Junkie
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The Warrior Legacy FoundationThere’s a new gang in town. They’re not trying to act tough. They don’t have to. They’ve already proven they are. They’re not trying to look tough. They look like your neighbors. They’re not teenagers. They have become worthy adults by passing difficult hurdles. But, they do have colors. They’re red, white and blue. The new gang is called the Warrior Legacy Foundation. The warriors are not just military veterans but anyone who reveres the contributions and sacrifices of veterans, and wants to see their commitment honored and passed on to coming generations, whether serving in the military or not. The binding commitment is to the military code of conduct: “I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free.” As one of the founders remarks, “Veterans make the community in which they live a better place.” That community ranges from their block to the world. Think for a moment about how your community would be lacking if not for veterans. To me, what makes a warrior, in any walk of life, is the willingness to give 110%, more than they themselves thought they were capable of, donating comforts not for glory but for being the best and furthering the betterment of others. Those are the traits that distinguish a worthy life and neighbor and citizen. The Warrior Legacy Foundation is not out to make claims for government benefits. It is focused on raising the profile of the warrior class as a guide to what we all need to be and raise our children to be. Go to the above link and sign up to be part of this important mission. Be a neighbor and not just a bystander. Some more info here. The words for the Mauldin toon are "...forever, Amen. Hit the dirt."
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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The Goode FamilyQQQ
Posted by Bird Dog
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George W. Cromwell
You're never going to understand the contemporary fringe left until you understand what happened to Oliver Cromwell.
Maureen Dowd got caught plagiarizing a blogger in her New York Times column the other day. But calling the lockstep mindset she's channeling "plagiarism" is superfluous. She's cribbing the homework of someone who writes something called Talking Points Memo, after all. They can all finish one another's sentences, or start them to get the ball rolling. Makes no never mind. They never have an original thought, just endless permutations of the same drivel about George W. Bush. They all think if they rearrange the words a little one more time, George Bush will be guilty and Karl Rove will be arrested or Alberto Gonzales won't be able to rent movies from Netflix or... something. Or maybe they'll all be tried in absentia in some weird traffic court based in a European country whose GDP is less than Al Gore's electric bill, and George will be forever unable to travel to some frosty HMO masquerading as a country to pick up the Nobel prize they'll never award him anyway. It seems like trying to invest heavily in tulip bulb futures at this point to any sane observer. George wasn't running in the last election; he's very, very unlikely to stand in the next one. But still they persist. If you are a monomaniac, you try to convert others to your mania. Smart people give you the cold shoulder immediately. If you listen a little, you're going to have to listen a lot. It's the reason you don't make eye contact with people yelling at traffic in the street. It doesn't pay to seem interested and polite. Continue reading "George W. Cromwell"
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Monday, May 18. 2009Monday evening linksThe giant garbage dump in the Pacific. What a shame. h/t, Cons. Grapevine Pelosi first heard of 9-11 attacks in late 2003. Scrappleface Jail for not holding those filthy handrails? I thought they were there for the old folks. How to land an F-16 with a spinal injury. (h/t, Neptunus) MA: Let the frail die. The best way to save $ is to refuse treatment for anybody over 45. Ted Kennedy too old for brain surgery in Canada. Related: CBO estimates on Obamacare top $1 trillion. What's happening to the piano? How uncertainty is affecting investors High state taxes lead to job loss and population loss. Duh. Related: NY taxpayers vote with their feet. The pork inside cap and trade. PBS' war on religion will cut "Mass for Shut-ins." How progressive. This letter from Congress is unbelievable. Don't they realize that they are our servants? h/t, Cafe Hayek The "snarl of hatred" from the Pro-lifers. Related: Waterboarding terrorists bad; infanticide good. Go figger. Related: Is abortion "murder-lite"? That porkulus package did a lot of good, didn't it? Well, everybody knows it was pure political pay-off. American Thinker is up to 1 million unique visitors/month. They deserve it. They want your support, though. Excuses, excuses. Breitbart, "I Jerk", and Dowd Finally, Honda produces a crappy car Sam Huntingdon eulogies Those climate ocean buoys must be defective. Science must be required to fit the narrative. So, just for some cruel fun:
A gratifying emailA nice email from a friend who came from Russia with his family to work in the US: Special thanks for the introduction of the Maggie’s Farm. I don’t go to bed unless I read something there. I hope that you are going to survive the Bolsheviks intervention in this country.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Drake Mallard this weekendTaken with my new Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 with a 32x Leica optical zoom at 3 megapixels (only 18x at 10MP):
Friend brought me lunch from the Peruvian restaurant. Rotisseried half chicken and rice, with that wickedly hot and tasty Peruvian green sauce. Nice.
Distribution requirements
What are colleges doing about distribution requirements these days?
QQQThe weakness of all Utopias is this: that they take the greatest difficulty of man and assume it to be overcome, and then give an elaborate account of the overcoming of the smaller ones. They first assume that no man will want more than his share, and then are very ingenious in explaining whether his share will be delivered by motorcar or balloon. G.K. Chesterton, via Dr. Bob who has a piece up, Epiphany of Evil, inspired by Roger Simon's postings.
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