Pay your credit card on time - and suffer anyway. John at Powerline asks Who is subsidizing whom? Since when is a credit card a right? It's a loan.
The people spoke: California must cut budget. Schwartzenegger went to DC to say "We need help." Help yourself, tough guy. Don't be a pussy-man. From the link:
Schwarzenegger joined with liberal Democrats and the California Teachers Assn., the group that helped defeat a 2005 ballot package championed by the governor. Foes of Proposition 1A, meanwhile, included several unions, which didn't like the effect spending limits could have on the state workers they represent, and anti-tax groups that hated its extension of tax increases.
The Gaia Dogma coming to a school near you. Grammar, math and chem are so annoying anyway.
The NYT-ACORN story is still untold. More from Kaus on the game-changer question
Gummint to hand GM to the unions. Brilliant. That means the gummint forced me to buy GM debt - something I never would have done. Thanks, geniuses. And yes, I do know that it's a political union pay-off. Chevy, I hardly knew ye. Chevy - and GM - is DOA.
Happiness is being old, male, and Republican. Sorry, gals. h/t, Neptunus
What does Russia want? It wants its own interests. Duh. Hudson Inst
Should the unemployed go back to school? No. It's a dumb idea.
Signaling and conspicuous consumption. Overcoming Bias
Biden needs just two things - a speech-writer, and somebody to deliver the speeches. Sheesh
Via Protein:
In a recent interview with Trina Hoaks, the atheist blogger for the website, Dawkins described religious believers as follows: “They feel uneducated, which they are; often rather stupid, which they are; inferior, which they are; and paranoid about pointy-headed intellectuals from the East Coast looking down on them, which, with some justification, they do.”
Yep, that pretty much sums me up. How did he know me that well?