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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, October 8. 2014The Psychiatric Underground
At one extreme, there are those who practice as if there were neither mind nor soul, as if there were nothing to a person but a bag of chemicals. At the other extreme, those who practice as if there were no protoplasm and nothing but a bag of conflict and developmental/situational hang-ups. Both extremes suffer from some form of psycho-utopianism. Most of us come in somewhere in some grey zone, in a confusing and challenging grey zone which keeps our brains working hard. A zone of ambiguity and mystery. My close colleagues and I tend towards Dr. Levinson's view: Psychiatry’s Underground Economy. (It's not mainly about money, it's about how we think about patients.)
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Tuesday, October 7. 2014An E.O. Wilson classic, about ant wars
It begins like this: The Trailhead Queen was dead. At first, there was no overt sign that her long life was ending: no fever, no spasms, no farewells. She simply sat on the floor of the royal chamber and died. As in life, her body was prone and immobile, her legs and antennae relaxed. Her stillness alone failed to give warning to her daughters that a catastrophe had occurred for all of them. She lay there, in fact, as though nothing had happened. She had become a perfect statue of herself. While humans and other vertebrates have an internal skeleton surrounded by soft tissue that quickly rots away, ants are encased in an external skeleton; their soft tissues shrivel into dry threads and lumps, but their exoskeletons remain, a knight’s armor fully intact long after the knight is gone. Hence the workers were at first unaware of their mother’s death. Her quietude said nothing, and the odors of her life, still rising from her, signalled, I remain among you. She smelled alive. It is a short story. Read it all. Sunday, October 5. 2014Why Liberals Love the Disease Theory of Addiction
My impression was that the "disease" model became popular for three main reasons; 1) it made it more comfortable for the addict, 2) it made it more likely to get insurance coverage for treatment and 3) addictions do have a physiological aspect. It never occurred to me that politics had anything to do with it.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Friday, October 3. 2014Post-traumatic Growth Syndrome It's always been my view that difficult experiences can eventually result in painful psychological growth as often as they can result in lasting damage. It used to be called the School of Hard Knocks but I call it "Reality Therapy," and it's all the therapy most people ever get. Psychotherapy, in it's most penetrating and exploratory forms, is nothing more than controlled psychological trauma, just as surgery is controlled physical trauma.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Friday, September 26. 2014"Disaffected Muslim youth" - What?Many articles I read about Jihadists refer to "disaffected youth," even this one about the Algerian beheading of the French hiker. I am sorry to say that these are not "disaffected youth" (as if they were Holden Caulfields or Benjamin Braddocks), they are deeply "affected" people from all walks of life who do not mind dying for their beliefs. They are true believers, Muslim fundies following their scripture and their religious leaders. Any efforts to psychologize them are amateurish, naive, ignorant, and Western cultural-centric. Multicultural dogma says that we must comprehend people in the context of their cultures, not in the context of our materialist, secular, and therapeutic culture.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Disabled or handicapped?Tuesday, September 23. 2014How Sigmund Freud Wanted to Die
Freud's approach to his terminal illness was about the same as today's physicians towards their own terminal illnesses. There seems to be no "schizophrenia"
This is not surprising, but it is interesting. "Schizophrenia" really meant miscellaneous chronic psychosis. We have all always felt that the paranoid psychoses were a different animal. Time will tell whether this information will have any practical value.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Saturday, September 20. 2014A group therapy quote
Apparently this sad old line was met with nothing but guffaws from the group. Friday, September 19. 2014Death
What are the things which most emotionally engage ordinary Americans? I think love and family, sex, God, money, freedom from government - and death. Two deathy links: How We Die: Dr. Sherwin Nuland on the Lifelong Art of Making Our Final Moments Meaningful
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Wednesday, September 17. 2014The story of LithiumIt's an excellent medicine, with an interesting story behind it. Should We All Take a Bit of Lithium?
Monday, September 15. 2014Men and women are different
Where would we be without scientific studies to demonstrate what humanoids have known for almost a million years?
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Tuesday, September 9. 2014Life Lessons From One of the World’s Oldest MenCharlie White, who died at 109, was able to separate the things he could control from the things that he could not
Wednesday, September 3. 2014Like I have been saying for over 7 years about getting fat
Many years too late, the MSM and the government are getting the obvious message which docs have known all along. Unless you do manual work all day and are skinny, you don't need hardly any carbs to be fit and healthy. What carbs to eat very sparingly, if at all, to be strong and lithe? See below the basic list of the bad things which few Americans need to thrive: All fruit (except strawberries and blueberries). Fruit is just flavored sugar, as are fruit juices Carb-produced fat on your body is the worst thing for your heart, your joints, some cancers, your sex drive, and your youthfulness, vigor, and energy. If you are skinny and fairly muscular, ignore this. Unless you are too skinny or healthily-skinny, I suggest one to one and a half smallish meals per day, mainly meat, eggs, greens, and vegetables. Why Westerners decided three meals daily was needed is a historical mystery, and very wrong unless you were a farmer or a growing child: most people used to be farmers, who worked until they dropped and their little kids helped all day too. Being overweight was a sign of wealth, and now it sort of functions as a sign of poverty and the underclass. OK, a sugary dessert once weekly as a special treat. Alcohol as desired. Your hunger and your stomach will shrink quickly, as will your burdensome lard. You will feel better and more vigorous, if that is what you want. Some people want that, some do not. Our current prosperity gives us that free choice, in the Western world.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Sunday, August 31. 2014Are we happy yet?
Tuesday, August 26. 2014Why do my friends have more friends than I do?
I always figured that it was because my friends are friendlier, wittier, and more fun than I am. Sunday, August 17. 2014Salt is good foodWe have had a decade or two of some experts preaching that fat and salt will kill you. Many of us docs have been debunking those old claims, to little avail. Pour on the Salt? New Research Suggests More Is OK Food without salt really doesn't taste very good. If you're worried about your BP, take a pill.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Stupid people
McArdle: Only Stupid People Call People Stupid
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Sunday, August 3. 2014A brief history of self-respect, self-esteem, etc."Self-esteem", "amoure propre", is a strange concept, self-respect is very hard-earned, and self-hatred, whether deserved or neurotic, is a big challenge. Some thoughts: If Narcissus were here he’d be busy on instagram. Can we have a virtuous sense of worth without the vanity of self-love?
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Friday, August 1. 2014Eat fats! Enjoy them! They are delicious and juicy.I've been preaching this ad nauseam but everybody has his own food religion based on superstition, old wive's tales, antiquated misinformation, and various quackeries. If ignorance floats your boat, then go for it and be happy with the placebo effects, but just do not pretend that it makes sense. There is no reason at all to avoid dietary fats, and this has been well-known for over a decade. I was wrong - we should be feasting on fat, says Dr. Mosley. If your triglyceride numbers scare you or your doc, take some statins. Eat all the carbs you want, too, unless you want or need to lose weight. If you wish to be more slim, trim, and muscular, quit the carbs and exercise hard. And, for God's sake, quit with the stupid organic stuff. It's just marketing. Marketing genius for sure, just like the people who sell water in bottles.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Wednesday, July 30. 2014Medical guidelinesGuidelines have consequences – intended and unintended. I don't know what practicing clinician has time to write guidelines for other docs, but guidelines are nothing but trouble. The best medical care is both art and science. Knowledge is always incomplete, patients are individuals with unique situations, and all docs have their own preferences and points of view. Guidelines end up being little more than fodder for tort lawyers and time-wasters. Worst of all, young docs feel as if they have to follow them. Many things go wrong when practicing by the book. Medicine is an art and a science.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Tuesday, July 29. 2014Talk therapy and therapy talk: An update on modern Psychology
Thursday, July 24. 2014A tale of woe
Confessionals like this one can sometimes help those people blessed with sunny dispositions to have some understanding of those unfortunates without such dispositions.
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