Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, April 30. 2012Better cameras keep getting cheaperA photo nut pal loves this new one he's been using: Canon PowerShot G12. Fits in a pocket, but not in a shirt pocket. He is like a pro with Photoshop. As readers can tell from my snapshots, I have never used that program. I have neither the time nor the interest. What I snap is what I get. Were I an artist, I would paint pictures. These things have all of these buttons and menus. Who wants to bother with that? OK, call me a luddite. A few Monday morning linksEveryone Wants to Look at New York's Municipal Archives Photos England: It was Fun While It Lasted England: Doctors back denial of treatment for smokers and the obese I guess there's no Hippocratic Oath in the UK BRITAIN BATTLES NEW BRUSSELS ORDER TO FLY EU FLAG EVERY DAY When did Belgium conquer Britain? The Imperiled Promise of College Real Romney: real scary - Beneath the moderate veneer, a right-wing agenda lurks Scott Brown's amazing half court shot Sarah Palin was a prophet about Obama's education takeover Public-Employee Unions Gone Wild Fox Sports’ Tim McCarver: Global Warming is Causing More Home Runs in MLB 'Victims' of Nutella chocolate spread (and their lawyers) win $3 million class-action suit Sunday, April 29. 2012Sunday linksImage above via Other McCain Scary Retirement Numbers--No Matter How You Calculate Them Ouch. I need to invest in more Powerball tickets. Germany sends optical-clock signal over nearly 1000 km (h/t Synthstuff) Beach Boys going on tour Nocera: My faith-based retirement Why women are losing the dating game When your love life hasn’t gone according to plan, leaving you with disappointment instead of devotion, it’s hard not to feel like a failure. Monica interviewed the author on her show: Rolling Pennies in the Dark An amazing life story. If you think you had a tough childhood, you ain't seen nothin. Prostate cancer surgery 'has no significant survival benefit', study suggests - Thousands of men could have undergone painful surgery to treat prostate cancer for little or no benefit, a study has suggested. Chiropractic manipulation of the spine may cause strokes and even death Past Imperfect: Theodore Roosevelt’s Life-Saving Speech Sharpton Stands by Brawley, Denies Crown Heights Riot Incitement . Also, Sharpton Sows Seeds of Next L.A. Riot At the intersection of Rodney King and Trayvon Martin. Natural gas leading U.S. Industrial Renaissance "I'm unemployed, my wife left me and the house is getting foreclosed on, but at least we've got a cool president!" CBS Asks the Important Question: ‘Can Mitt Romney make boring sexy?’ One week after the IPCC said no correlation of climate with storms, the NYT comes out with Consensus Argument Proves Climate Science Is Political. “Shut-up and let us run the country,” they explained Economy's Biggest Drag Right Now Is Government Duh. Can Mutually Beneficial Exchanges Be Exploitative? - The importance of context-keeping in libertarian thought Geithner Goes Over the Edge - Treasury secretaries are not supposed to be political partisans. What NY Times and Wash. Post kept secret from readers in April Saturday, April 28. 2012Palestinian Clown Union At UCSDA group of students at the University of California, San Diego, claim exclusive rights to wear clown costumes, and accuse anyone else wearing one to be clownaphobic. Ridiculous, right? Then, keep reading. After the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine at UCSD lost the vote in the student government for divestment from Israel, they have turned to baseless and in this case utterly absurd attacks upon anti-divestment members of the campus. First they made up charges against a music professor that he’d intimidated a student, which the official UCSD Office of Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination investigated, clearing the professor. Now, beclowning themselves, SJP member Noor El-Annan and cohorts accuse a campus-wide elected member of the student government, Ashton Cohen, who voted against divestment, of being Islamaphobic, denigrating Moslems, and being culturally insensitive. The pretext: the student Senator wore an Arabic costume at a costume party. The student is a Persian Jew, with Moslem family members. He bought the outfit in Dubai, and wore it there for comfort when it was very hot. On that same trip, as a guest of the Indian government along with other US student government leaders, he’d also bought Indian garb, but it was at his family’s house in L.A. If he’d worn that Indian garb, would he be Indianaphobic? Ridiculous. At the costume party a photo was taken of him, along with three female friends, two of whom are Moslem. One of the females posted the photo with a humorous subtitle, “three wives?” That’s what the pro-Palestinian fanatics call an insult to Moslem polygamy practices. Would they have preferred photos of clitorectomies, which is also a common Moslem practice? Here’s the photo:
Continue reading "Palestinian Clown Union At UCSD"
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Saturday morning linksBob Dylan Awarded Medal of Freedom, the Nation's Highest Civilian Honor Our blog pal Don Surber is retiring. Thanks for all the good work you've done, Don. We have enjoyed it. Dalrymple: Too young to retire, too old to keep the job - The quirks of law mean that ageing workers are damned by the critics whatever they do. Protesters Who Attended Second-Rate College Would Like People Who Only Finished Second-Rate High School To Pay Their Loans Paranoia is just good sense if people really are out to get you Science and Scientism A review of On Being: A Scientist's Exploration of the Great Questions of Existence, by Peter Atkins and The Tyranny of Science, by Paul Feyerabend Charlie Cook on Obama: ‘We have kind of a metrosexual president’ Seriously, This Is What's Passing for Liberal Political Discourse These Days Examiner Editorial: Obamascam: Campaigning on taxpayer dollars Luntz: Five myths about conservative voters KC Johnson: The Kafka-like "Dear Colleague" Letter Wins at Cornell How Big Government Is Killing California - When you've lost the entrepreneurs, free-spirits, and dreamers, you've lost the Golden State. Elizabeth Warren: A white Indian? Sheesh. Ouch! Bill O’Reilly Absolutely Destroys Pro-Open Borders Activist Monica Novoa Yes, Speaker Boehner: Democrats Think You're Stupid and Weak. Yes, They're Laughing At You. The Chicago Way: Obama attacking private citizens Related, Strassel: The President Has a List - Barack Obama attempts to intimidate contributors to Mitt Romney's campaign. Biden Calls Campaign Audience ‘Dull as Hell Related, via Vanderleun, more Joe Biden (good for a few giggles - I watched it 3 times):
Friday, April 27. 2012Political quote of the dayVia Gateway:
Friday morning linksMiracles Do Happen: Someone in Brussels Accurately Analyzes Europe’s Fiscal Crisis! Portland Pounces On Groupon - Oregon city stopping citizens from saving money in tough times. First Lady’s Spanish Vacation 'Cost Taxpayers $500,000' Vacation backlash: Blue collar Dems jealous, angry at Obamas George Will: Illinois is running out of time and money Outrage as Egypt plans 'farewell intercourse law' so husbands can have sex with DEAD wives up to six hours after their death Review: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion By Jonathan Haidt Terrific: Senate Dems offset cost of student loan bill with higher taxes on small business The Election Should Be All About Barack Obama’s Record - Three likely stark reminders of just how bad it is will arrive just before Election Day. Would You Settle Your Claims on Social Security for 80 Cents on the Dollar? (I Would) America Is Out of Control - Central Planning in the US Congress to Sebelius: “This mandate is going to wind up in the Supreme Court” Mahan’s Naval Strategy: China Learned It. Will America Forget It? California Bill Would Ban Psychotherapy Aimed at Changing Under-18-Year-Olds’ Same-Sex “Desires, Attraction, or Conduct” Kay Hymowitz: Why Women Make Less Than Men Matthews: Romney's Youth Vote Comes From Corrupt Business Students Liberal Media Mock Obama for Faux Campaign No sea level rise for 100 years EPA Official's 'Philosophy' On Oil Companies: 'Crucify Them' - Just As Romans Crucified Conquered Citizens City Slickers - The growth of urbanized areas could shift some states from red to blue over time. Actually, if Ken Salazar had his way we'd already have $9 per gallon gas Former Dean Rapoport: 'I Expect Some Law Schools to Close' Secret Service Repaired Personal Cars Instead of Presidential Limos Thursday, April 26. 2012A Thursday video dumpThis will increase your faith in the discernment of the American voter:
Bedbugs at the UN:
Mitt's speech. Hope and Change:
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College students protest debt on "Trillion Dollar Day"College students protest debt on "Trillion Dollar Day" They should be protesting the federal debt they are facing, instead of the debt they freely took upon themselves in an effort to improve their prospects in life. Apparently higher education does not instill emotional maturity. Only real life can do that. "Ouch. I think I hurt my back." Worker's Comp and DisabilityI am asked to do a brief post about Disability and have been sent a couple of links. "Disability," as in our Social Security Disability welfare program, is one about which I have unpleasant feelings which some might view as cruel. I prefer to view it as Tough Love. However, it comes from experience. The fact is that I will not consult with anybody on Disability, nor will I participate in anybody's Disability application unless they are in a coma, severely brain-damaged, or the like. Can people with (treated) schizophrenia work, be useful, and maintain some dignity? Of course they can. Every patient of mine with schizophrenia works, except for one housewife. Here are my reasons for that, from a psychiatric standpoint: 1. Nobody with a treated mental problem is incapable of doing something useful Few people have any idea of how easy it is to get on Disability these days. Here is one of the links: Workers Comp. and Unemployment
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Thursday morning linksThat pic of a Texas tan-line is going around Morning Jay: 90 Percent of the Electorate Is Probably Locked In P.J. O'Rouke tells you guys to stop wearing shorts. Forty Days of Prayer…for Abortion? Supreme Court casts doubt on Obama’s immigration law claim Charles Murray on marriage "...Republican supporters know more about politics and political history than Democrats." More Oops from Elizabeth Warren, Smartest Woman EVAHAHAHAAAA Redstate: The Second Coming of American Liberal Fascism? The Best Answer to Crackdowns on Medical Marijuana? A Medical Marijuana Vending Machine. AP: Jobless Down Because More Given Up Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be newsmen. The “Progressive” brand — for what does it stand? Brilliance on Top of Brilliance… Lib Senator Wants to Save Postal Service With Windmills Why Universities Can't Grant Religious Liberty 10 Reasons Americans Should Celebrate Israel's Independence Day George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting Wednesday, April 25. 2012The campus Thought PoliceKC Johnson: Why Do Dems and Liberals Tolerate Speech Codes? Well, the answer seems obvious to me. Liberal Fascism. The authoritarian, or totalitarian, streak in the Left has always been there, and always will be. From Prof. Johnson's piece:
Weds. morning linksMore on Lovelock's recantation Earth Day 2012 Fizzles — Badly 10 Bands That Define Southern Rock Florida Man Mistakes Girlfriend for a Hog, Shoots Her Students Sign Petition To 'Redistribute' GPAs, But Some Are Too 'Greedy' To Lower Their Grades For Others Progressivism as a Christian heresy Big Brother's Next Target: Your Car Romney’s great-grandfather was a polygamist, just like Obama’s dad Mitt previews the fall Samuelson: Revisiting the Great Depression US home prices drop for 6th straight month NY Times Public Editor: The Times' Coverage of Obama Has Been More Favorable Than Any Recent President; It's Time For A Skeptical Look At Obama and His Record I just wonder what it would be like to think that way for just ten minutes. Must feel nice, like crack or Ecstasy. Boehner: Obama Looking for 'Every Boogey Man Known' To Mask Failings Sheesh. Joel Kotkin: The Great California Exodus - A leading U.S. demographer and 'Truman Democrat' talks about what is driving the middle class out of the Golden State:
Jew-Bashing at Universities the New Normal Rural kids, parents angry about Labor Dept. rule banning farm chores Are we allowed to make them clean their rooms? How about mowing the lawn? My kids have split wood, stacked wood, mowed fields, cleared brush, cleaned the bathroom. Tuesday, April 24. 2012Tuesday morning linksGerson: Charles Colson found freedom in prison Rick Moran: Who Cares About Race?
SCOTUS: Rent Control Is Forever A darn shame. Gummint programs, enacted to deal with a crisis, develop constituencies, expand, and become eternal - but strangle change. Punished for Not Being a Victim The Obama Administration's 15+ Scandalous "Achievements" "Abolish the Department of Homeland Security. If they’ve got time for this crap, we don’t have a terrorist problem anymore." Eat what we want you to eat: The Progressive impulse to totalitarianism You are not my Mommy, jerks Cameron Should Scrap His Tired Old Script Scott Walker to Newsmax: Obama's Machine Spending $60 Million to Defeat Me Mead: The Health Care Disaster and the Miseries of Blue U.S.-Based Mayo Clinic Offers Three Medical Insurance Programs for Canadian Patients Capretta: The President’s Incoherent Economic ‘Philosophy’:
Arab Spring 3.0 What’s more revolutionary in the Middle East: Facebook or porn? Obama on Education: Bully Pulpit at Its Best … and Not Much Else Why Do They Hate Us? The real war on women is in the Middle East. 'Osama bin Laden Made Me Famous' - Bernard Lewis Looks Back Will the GOP stop playing Charlie Brown to the media's Lucy?
That's a big deal. He's the guy who thought up the Gaia Hypothesis, or religion, or whatever. Humility can arrive at any age. Monday, April 23. 2012Jobs of the future?From Barone's Liberal Nostalgiacs Don’t Understand Jobs of the Future:
A related piece by Surber, Underemployed college grads is a good thing. Monday morning linksWhat’s Your College Major Worth? "They're killing us': world's most endangered tribe cries for help No Trespassing at our national parks A request to readers: write a “connect the dots” letter The Medicalization of Rebellion - The long, shameful history of using science to stigmatize dissent News you can use: How to Talk Her Into Making Love to You Decrying Imaginary Racism How many people would be out of jobs if we admitted that racism is a thing of the past in America? Here's on the those potential unemployed: Jesse Jackson: School Suspension is Racial Profiling, Caused Trayvon's Death Is It Too Late to Save the Constitutional Republic? Barack Obama's re-election bid is already in deep trouble Kristol: President Romney Obama Woos Young Voters with Cheap Student Loans 1 in 2 new graduates are jobless or underemployed NEW YORK TIMES PUBLIC EDITOR: Yes, Our Paper Is Totally In The Tank For Obama Hinderaker: Have Our News Organizations Gone Crazy? Democrats Are Jumping Ship Google Books lists Bill Ayers as author of Dreams from My Father Saturday, April 21. 2012Saturday morning linksToon via Vanderleun Public Schools Failing the Poor STOP ALLOWING THE LEFT'S RHETORICAL STRATEGIES TO DEFINE THE DEBATE How Mitt Romney Beats the Press, Avoiding Most National Interviews Early Childhood Reeducation Camps Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D, MT): having a polygamous family history is bad! …if you’re a Republican Enthusiasm Craters for Obama Amongst Young Voters Noonan: America's Crisis of Character - The nation seems to be on the wrong track, and not just economically. George Will: The constitutional right to be left alone Food Stamp Rolls to Grow Through 2014, CBO Says Drip, Drip, Drip: ‘Mormon Mitt’ Meme Keeps Popping Up in Mainstream Media Lefty sees Occupy as a resurgence of Leftism in the US Time for the U.S. to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority Petitioning for change in Vietnam A Vivid Reminder of How The Climate Debate is Broken As for Mitt Romney, right now he may be the most underrated politician in America Friday, April 20. 2012Friday morning linksEasily, by reading Maggie's daily Gypsies invade The Englishman's castle Markets in Everything: 3D Printer for Medicine Earth is celebrating its 400th Birthday? Drunk Woman Hands Over Car Keys to Boyfriend & Faces 30 Years in Prison for It! The 2012 Iowahawk Earth Week Cruise-In Holy Cartagena!… Colombia Secret Service Hooker Photos Released The Democrats’ Racist Gun Control History Russia Rattled By Rising Importance Of Shale Gas " Because American kids have been psychologically disarmed by Leftist school administrations, the bullies, the ones who have resisted this mental disarmament, know that there is no real downside to their behavior." "At the community college we were told to regard students as "customers," and to dumb down the material." Culture — Not Race — Determines Many Crime Stats - Charting a course through the rocky shoals that sank the USS Derbyshire Obamacare in Action? Private Practice Shuts Down Citing 'New Regulations' Northeastern University — Profs Gone Wild - Radical professors give anti-Israel lectures while their Jewish colleagues remain silent. The Questionable Prosecution of John Edwards SHOULD governments — of nations, states and towns — compete like business rivals? Why not, if they want to? Some states want business, some don't. Total Recall: Our Future Hangs on Wisconsin Vote Why the race card The fight for the persuadables What does Obama want to do in a second term? Reinventing Canada: Stephen Harper’s Conservative Revolution When the Media Loses Its Skepticism – High Speed Rail Edition EVERSOLE: Military votes don’t count - Obama Justice Department excuses failure to deliver ballots to troops
Thursday, April 19. 2012Your Thursday Cracked FestivalIt's been too long since our last one: 5 Gourmet Foods That Used to be Cheap The World's 5 Worst Ways To Get Drunk The 5 Creepiest 'Progressive' Parenting Fads
Thursday morning linksImage: Via Surber from Drudge Douthat's new book: Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics Anchoress: Catholicism and Bad Religion: a One-Two Punch LA schools: Lower standards so more kids can go to college NYT: Food Deserts Are Not Real. Also, We Can Fix Them. Connecticut last in U.S. for Tax Freedom Day When Barney Frank is the voice of reason in the Democratic Party Why does Mitt Romney seem so stiff? He’s trying too hard, friends say. Liberal attacks on Mitt Romney's Mormonism begin to intensify. A Greek Impossibility: 2 Millions Missing Jobs The Progressive Case for Repealing the Progressive Tax Rate System Ford Sells Zero Focus Electrics in Two Months Krauthammer: "I would say: Hide the children and check the plumbing because you're going to have to shower several times a day" “Young, Black Male, And Stalked by Bias.” Ed Lasky: Why Obama Lies Ohio proves that conservative fiscal policies work in spite of Barack Obama. Commentary: Don’t Strand the Holocaust in History Wednesday, April 18. 2012Of course you remember this: "I say this in all humility..."What Is it With You Italians?Farrell begins his post thus:
Weds. morning linksImportant reminder: Hot girls have problems too The 20 Best Small Towns in America - From the Berkshires to the Cascades, we've crunched the numbers and pulled a list some of the most interesting spots around the country Malanga: Illinois Shows What Not to Do - Wise Wisconsin isn’t imitating its spendthrift neighbor. "...Matthews is right: Romney will be at a huge disadvantage this year, running as he is against one of the warmest, most approachable, just-us-folks politicians that has ever graced our public life." Michelle Obama: 'This President Has Brought Us Out of the Dark and Into the Light' Sheesh Dan Walters: Jerry Brown's up to his old say-anything tricks The next Venezuela? Argentina to nationalize oil company No-tax, low-tax states booming Obama's Coalition of the Enraged Rubio's Immigration Push a Potential Lift for GOP What Arnold’s memoirs need: A chapter on his betrayal of California Jews concealing their identities in Europe Romney rips media, cheerfully: Tuesday, April 17. 2012Tuesday morning linksO’Keefe Team Offered More Ballots Obesity accounts for 21 percent of U.S. health care costs What % is accounted for by old age? Driscoll: ‘Why Your Highway Has Potholes’ Vietnam bloggers charged with spreading pro-democracy propaganda “Teaching as a Subversive Activity” Iranian nuclear scientists were present at failed North Korean missile launch, says source Rev. Al Sharpton: The Race Hustler as Kingmaker Defeat at Sea: The U.S. Naval Implosion of 2050 - Imagining the results of our current shortsighted policy. U.S. voters should recall a time when Mormons saved Jewish lives Here’s how big the potential 2013 tax hikes would be Monday, April 16. 2012California’s Failure To Protect All From Illegal HarassmentLast Friday, the editor of a southern California publication asked me whether I wanted to do a piece about the “settlement” between the US Justice Department and University of California San Diego regarding the handling of racial harassment on campus. I told him that I wasn’t privy to the inside details, so didn’t want to analyze the settlement. What I do know is that it grew out of incidents on campus in 2010 that caused an uproar of indignation, mostly justifiable. A fraternity held a Compton Cookout that relied on disparaging racial stereotypes of Blacks. A noose was found in a library. (As it later was revealed, a minority student admitted to placing the noose, not considering the implications.)UCSD quickly set up an office on Harassment and Discrimination to hear and judge complaints regarding any campus minority. UCSD took constructive action to uphold laws, alleviate fears and confront facts. Added: Inside Higher Ed reports: "A professor’s use of a class website at the University of California at Los Angeles to promote a boycott of Israel has led to a protest and a subsequent finding by the university that his actions were inappropriate...Academic freedom experts said that professors are not free to use class websites to promote political agendas. “If the link posted is strictly of a political nature, and is unrelated to the course content, then it is not protected by academic freedom,” said Greg Scholtz, AAUP’s director of academic freedom, tenure and governance." At the University of California’s sister public college system, California State University, however, the opposite is taking place. The illegal use of college webservers to promulgate anti-Israel propaganda, to promote boycotts of Israel, create an harassing atmosphere on campuses toward Jewish students and others supportive of Israel, and senior administrators who have ignored these transgressions and themself broken the law, has not been addressed nor remedied by the Chancellor of the Cal State system, Charles Reed. The outrageous and illegal activities by some faculty and administration members continue. I won’t belabor you with all the details here. Just read the latest letter: "Abuses of academic freedom at CSU need your attention", below, from leaders of AMCHA, an organization to protect Jewish students from illegal harassment, written to Chancellor Reed, Cal State college presidents, and the state officials elected to protect the rights of all Californians. The issues have previously been brought to their attention, including by me (Cal State’s Chutzpah, in City Journal). The issue is already moving to the courts. We await the US Justice Department to intervene, or to as so often in this administration exhibit a proclivity to only become involved on behalf of one minority. Continue reading "California’s Failure To Protect All From Illegal Harassment"
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