Tuesday, June 15. 2021
Bjorn Lomborg wants to save the world. I am not sure how many African tribes want his salvation, but his idea of salvation is for all the world to be a bourgeois Scandinavian thing. An Ikea world I guess.
To save you the trouble, I listened to his entire conversation with Jordan Peterson. It was about Lomborg's list of apocalyptic worries and how to prioritize them. Don't waste your time, although Peterson tries his best.
If you are, as he is, anxious about global warming, simply advocate for nuclear energy. Simple. I do not worry about it all though anyway, but no global taxes necessary for nuke.
Friday, June 11. 2021
Life With a Star. The 1949 Czech film ‘Distant Journey’ was one of the first movies to dramatize the Shoah. Banned for decades and recently restored, its depiction of Nazi horrors is still one of the most striking.
One Man’s Amazing Journey to the Center of the Bowling Ball. Mo Pinel spent a career reshaping the ball’s inner core to harness the power of physics. He revolutionized the sport—and spared no critics along the way.
The New Clerisy - Faith in science is an oxymoron.
Yoga Instructor and “Body Activist” Jessamyn Stanley Says White Supremacy has Polluted Yoga
The IRS and Propublica:
ProPublica compared the amount of taxes paid by these people not to their earned income but to the amount their wealth grew during the period in question. That’s not an analysis of their incomes but their wealth. So, what ProPublica is engaged in isn’t a dive into our tax code but a speculative lobbying effort in favor of taxing wealth.
Waking up from wokeness - On America’s “First Great Awokening.”
Critical Race Theory and Common Sense
This Isn’t Your Father’s Left-Wing Revolution. Today’s revolutionaries aren’t fighting “the Man”—they are “the Man.”
Canada: They're Coming for Your Children
Trump Was Right: Study Shows Hydroxychloroquine Boosted Ventilated COVID Patients' Survival by 200%
Biden's Border Crisis Now at Worst Level in DHS History. CBP encountered 180,034 persons attempting entry in May
Half of the pandemic's unemployment money may have been stolen
Journalists Against Truth
America’s Overdue to Unfriend Mark Zuckerberg
Radio Free America – Rush’s Legacy
CBP: Record number of migrants crossed the U.S. border in May
Amnesty: China has created 'a dystopian hellscape' in Xinjiang
China Increasing Military Capability at 'Serious and Sustained Rate,' Top U.S. General Says
The Abraham Accords Passed Their First Big Test. When war broke out in Gaza, Arab countries chose rapprochement with Israel over solidarity with Palestinians.
I Worked on the Abraham Accords. It's Time to Free the Palestinians from Hamas—and Iran
Biden and the Ayatollah’s Game Plan
Wednesday, June 9. 2021
A job-seeking site emailed me about a "Caucasian-American woman" who might be a candidate for a position we are looking to fill.
That is the first time I have seen that phrase. Why is it relevant?
Monday, June 7. 2021

Powerline: D-Day (Dec 6, 1944) at 77
Archive Video Of The D-Day Normandy Landings
The Committee to Support and Defend is committed to providing a voice to retired servicemen and women who seek to continue fulfilling their oath to support and defend the US Constitution. Please join me in showing solidarity to support constitutional values by signing this letter. LTC. Allen West (Ret.)
Last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz dies at 98: He flattened the fence around the notorious camp with his tank in 1945
Was mask-wearing pointless, after all? Fauci must be forced to answer
Birds are racist
Bill Maher on the college scam (video)
Twitter declares access to its platform a 'human right' amid censorship of conservatives
A battle over the future of truth in news: Goodwin
Is Academic Freedom a Casualty of the Gaza War?
Don't Get Discouraged About The Preposterous Plans To Eliminate Fossil Fuels
Looks Like Trump Was Right About Fauci After All
No, Critical Race Theory Isn’t a New Civil Rights Movement. (Just the Opposite)
Veterans must come together to combat Critical Race Theory
New York Psychiatrist Hates White People
In order to quiet things down in the Twin Cities, we should probably suspend all law enforcement activity. Just to be on the safe side.
Report: Cartels Are ‘Totally In Control’ of The US-Mexico Border…
Saturday, June 5. 2021
White Spanish Teacher Cancels Herself for Being White
Last I heard, Spanish is from Spain. She is correct about one thing: Spain did colonize the New World. Portugal too. Might be more correct to eliminate Spanish, and Portuguese too.
Friday, June 4. 2021
California drought
CA has had droughts forever.
New blood at Wall Street's old guard rattles Corporate America
He wants to remain in covid cocoon
It is termed "regression"
Georgetown University professor is under fire after quoting a racial slur from a historic Supreme Court case
Diversity—Unless You’re Asian. The Supreme Court will soon decide whether to hear a case concerning Harvard’s race-conscious admissions policy.
Happening Now: Violent Minneapolis Black Lives Matter Mob Looting Sneaker Shop, Target, Walgreens, CVS and More
That's not news
Is Glenn Greenwald the New Master of Right-Wing Media?
American Liberalism Is Dying
So, the media learned, during the Trump era, to define what is reportable in terms of whether or not it advantages Trump. Obviously, we no longer have a liberal media and we are not dealing with a free and open press. We are dealing with organs of state propaganda...
‘Woke’ medicine is coming to a hospital near you
What Happens When Doctors Can't Tell the Truth? Whole areas of research are off-limits. Top physicians treat patients based on their race. An ideological 'purge' is underway in American medicine.
Elie Wiesel’s son: Jews always speak up for everyone else. Now’s the time to stand up for ourselves.
Thursday, June 3. 2021
The white supremacy of Physics, at Quillette.
Linking these sorts of absurdities is becoming tedious, but I will include a quote from the article from some academics, which I feel indicates some mental disorder insofar as it sounds like an argument against testing hypotheses. I know it's really political rather than insane, but whatever:
Abstract: Black thought can help us free science from the white supremacist traditions of scientists. Scientists vs. Science will use Black feminist and anti-colonialist analyses to show that white supremacy is a total epistemic system that affects even our most “objective” areas of knowledge production. The talk hinges on the development of the concept of white empiricism, which I introduced to give a name to the way that anti-intellectual white supremacy plays a role in physicists’ analysis of when empirical data is important and what counts as empirical data. This white empiricism shapes both Black women’s (and other) experiences in physics and the actual knowledge produced about physics. Until this is understood and addressed directly, systems of domination will continue to play a major role in the practice of physics.
I took two White Physics classes in college. A few Chem classes too. There were people of all colors, ethnicities, genders, etc. in them. Tough classes, for me. Besides learning a heck of a lot about the natural world, I learned that I did not have a scientist in me. Fascination, yes. Potential, no.
Monday, May 31. 2021
An Epoch Times mini- documentary
Florida had it right all long.
Saturday, May 29. 2021
Scott runs through the list, at the beginning
White people should quit those qualities, but it's hard because I was trained for most of them as a youth. Trained, or by example.
Photo: Fractal Broccoli - ever grown any?
COVID-19 'has NO credible natural ancestor' and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with 'retro-engineering' to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims
USA Today Removes ‘Male’ From Op-Ed on Trans Athletes Claiming It’s ‘Hurtful Language’…
By Two-to-One Margin, Americans Say Transgender Athletes Should Compete Against Members of Same Biological Sex
The Gathering Resistance to the Stigmatisation of Masculinity
AVI disappointed in Jonathan Haidt
Rutgers: We apologize for condemning anti-Semitism
Civic Education, Rightly Understood - To become responsible citizens, young Americans need a full, accurate, and responsible account of their own country.
A book: Red, White, and Black: Rescuing American History from Revisionists and Race Hustlers – May 18, 2021 by Robert L. Woodson Sr. (Editor)
White people are inherently racist, argues diversity expert hired by elementary school district
America's shortage of white supremacists
Barnard College instructor discusses blowing up and gassing whites in coming race war