Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, January 23. 2015Friday morning links
Photo above from 44 Amazing NYC Places That Actually Still Exist (h/t Althouse) Here's a site of interest: Invisible Serfs Collar Ten Ways Men Oppress Women with Their Everyday Behavior - Manspreading and manslamming are just the beginning! Reviving Blue Collar Work: How to Start a Career in the Trades Vaccine deniers stick together. And now they’re ruining things for everyone BPA is not toxic Europe’s $100 Billion Green Energy Mistake Where Campus Liberals are Always Angry We’ve Reached Peak Feminism Kill Me Now: NBC News Just Launched NBCBLK So the rest of NBC is for white folks? A Billionaire Lectures Serfs In Davos: "America's Lifestyle Expectations Are Far Too High" Moonbat Elitists Fly 1,700 Private Jets to Davos to Discuss Global Warming Qaradawi Organization Wants Worldwide Blasphemy Law French Philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy Denounces ‘Delirium of Anti-Zionism’ Before UN General Assembly U.S. Commander: Russian Support to Ukrainian Separatists Has ‘Doubled’ - Kremlin ignoring terms of ceasefire agreement Counterinsurgency: The West’s record in fighting modern insurgents from the Cold War era to the age of globalisation is characterised by multiple political reverses. Graph below via Ace Thursday, January 22. 2015Thursday morning linksJohn Boyd’s Roll Call: Do You Want to Be Someone or Do Something? Sitting will kill you, even if you exercise NYC's Doctors Riot New SAT, New Problems - The questions, particularly those in the math sections, could put certain students at a disadvantage. “American Sniper” — a Rorschach test separating the wheat from the chaff Gov. Scott Walker: Obama Now A ‘Lame Duck President’ Watch This Pentagon Official Literally Joke About Lowering Standards for Women in Combat Rep. Brat: Obama’s SOTU Plays ‘Populist Card,’ Yet His Ideas Concentrate Gov’t Power
NY Times Magazine forced to admit that Megyn Kelly might be great at her job What Jon Stewart Didn’t Ask Jimmy Carter Sisi’s Brave New Egypt? Suppose Islam Had a Holocaust and No One Noticed Report: Islamic State Executing “Educated Women” In Iraq… Tom Friedman: "The bullying often works to silence critics of Islamic extremism. ... They cause governments, writers and experts to walk on eggshells.” Israeli TV shows ‘Iranian missile’ that ‘can reach far beyond Europe’ Playing a Double Game in the Fight Against AQAP - In Yemen, the world’s most dangerous jihadi group is both the government’s enemy and its ally of convenience. What Jon Stewart Didn’t Ask Jimmy Carter Wednesday, January 21. 2015Wednesday morning linksInside a Porsche engine assembly plant (vid) Salt Is Not the Killer the Government Says It Is 80% Of Americans Support Mandatory Labels On Foods Containing DNA. NASA discovers 8 new dangerous near Earth asteroids George Washington had a parrot that he disliked. Amazon Is Not the Reader’s Friend, Says Debate Audience The Ik people Swedish Authorities Enable Somali Rapist Has the Worm Turned at Duke and UNC? Vanderbilt Administration Silenced Me at Pro-Islam Rally Journalism professor opposes free speech. Government regulation vs. regulation by market forces and consumer-regulators Americans Deserve a Fair Shot. Government Should Get Out of the Way. Obama Calls for $320 Billion in New Taxes Obama’s State of the Union: “Death is a tax loophole” How a Lame-Duck President Skunked the GOP The Big Chill: The Battle for Central Europe Obama’s State of the Union: “Death is a tax loophole” - See more at:
Tuesday, January 20. 2015Nothing is as Great as It Used To Be
A number of people, mostly born-and-bred New Yawkers, have recently been suggesting to me that New York is in decline. With Mayor Bill, I have a hard time refuting this. On the other hand, their 'evidence' is a host of articles and commentary about the closing of this deli or that dry cleaner, some other diner, or the changing cultural makeup of some community which they'd prefer never change. "That deli was iconic, how horrible!" "Landlords forced them out by raising rents!" Oh the horror! To me, New York is cool because it doesn't stay the same. Face it, who wants it to stay the same? Sure I love Carnegie Deli and Katz'. If they closed tomorrow, sad as I'd be, something else would come along. Jack Dempsey's was gone long before I arrived in 1985, should I regret it's passing (I'm sure many did)? Though I haven't been in McSorley's since our hike last fall, and only to use their restroom, I admit I'd fight tooth and nail to keep it open...though probably not. Better to have one last beer and let the past go, if I must. Bond's is a great example of the idea that New York is improving rather than getting worse. I've eaten at Bond 45 a few times. The food is good, though I consider it comfort food. Still, for a business or friendly lunch in the heart of Times Square it's good to know there is a reliable and reasonable place to eat. Even so, isn't it lamentable that Bond's is gone? Sort've. I mean, the clothing store and "international casino" are long gone. So is the concert venue, which was iconic because of The Clash in 1981. Well, really iconic because those 'greedy' concert promoters sought to fill overwhelming demand to see a red-hot band (everyone won in that transaction, if I remember like my brother-in-law got to say they 'were there', promoters made some good coin, Bond's made a pretty penny, and The Clash got their cut and made a name for themselves - wait, where was the "greed" again?) I am reminded of a fellow at a recent event I attended for my alma mater, Syracuse University. This schmuck, after hearing of all the very positive changes the university was implementing, stood up and asked "But what are you doing to preserve traditions, places, and buildings from my past?" The chancellor gave a good, pat answer. As we walked out, I commented to my wife "I don't think that question has any meaning to me. I wonder how someone who graduated in 1880 would feel if he walked the campus today? Would he wish it looked and felt exactly the way it did in 1880, or are students better having things which suit them in this day and age?" I love standing on campus, making note of the changes, and then commenting about what I did in that building, or how I used to sled down that hill, or how we once sneaked chickens into Bird Library (a feat unlikely to ever be duplicated). The past is the past, and keeping a building around simply because it's always been there isn't a winning idea anymore than it is for me to continue to wish I could still be on the Quad throwing a football. Progress is painful, especially on our emotional ties to the past. But progress is a net positive, and we shouldn't simply let the past get in the way of progress. Even if it is because of some 'greedy' landlord in a city that epitomizes (or used to) progress. I like the fact I saw several games in the old Yankee Stadium or even Shea Stadium. But the new stadiums are still a great place to see a game, regardless of their limited history.
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Tuesday morning links5 things Steve Jobs said Apple would never do - and Apple is doing How Do Sea Turtles Find the Exact Beach Where They Were Born? An Actual Letter Ayn Rand Wrote To An Actual Teenage Girl Why Feminists Hate Male Sexuality A book (not new): A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League This just in: cakes, cookies, doughnuts and pizza popular with kids Should Tackling Hotcoldwetdry Trump Real Environmental Concerns? Related, at Powerline:
Mitt the Insurgent What Makes Hillary Clinton So Darn Likable? A few conundrums about America Obama loves trolling the GOP, even if it hurts the Democrats Obama trolls, talks trash with a purpose Sweden: From "Humanitarian Superpower" to Failed State Marine Le Pen: France Was Attacked by Islamic Fundamentalism Why Obama Can't Say 'Radical Islam' From VDH's Untrue Truisms in the War on Terror
Monday, January 19. 2015The Jews of EuropeFrom Steyn's A Judenrein Europe:
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Monday morning links
Martin Luther King -- Under the Liberal Bus A tour of a ballistic sub John (Junior) Gotti on growing up son of mob boss John Gotti: memoir Ten people killed, churches and non-Muslim-owned businesses attacked in Niger over Charlie Hebdo cartoons How to get rid of Moose Mommy has a penis SECOND AMENDMENT NEWS: The Innovative Taurus Curve Looks like a stapler In Praise Of Price Discovery—–The Market Is Off Its Lithium:
Mastodon bones discovered in local family’s backyard Joel Klein on the NYC School System: "The Most Complex Bureaucracy in America" - The former schools chancellor on the wisdom of shutting down "perpetual failure factories." As the number of students going to law school drops dramatically, law Feminist Author @PennyRed Quotes Bolshevik Commissar’s Anti-Love Advice It's not news that socialism wants your primary relationship to be with the state Professor quits because there are too many conservatives on campus
"GOVERNMENT” IS JUST ANOTHER WORD FOR THE THINGS THAT WE SCREW UP TOGETHER Obama to Seek Billions in New Taxes on Investments and Inheritance Ted Cruz: Loose Cannon or Libertarian Reformer? The Elephant in the Room: Unfunded Liability for State and Local Government Employees California Spending Big to Halt School Reform Lawsuit Backed by Republicans and the ACLU What???? About 1 Million Kids Are Now Eating Dinner at School Rereading Regensburg - Questions that need to be asked about Islam were asked by Pope Benedict nearly ten years ago. Jindal's Brilliant Take on Radical Islam Aussie official: “Go fuck yourself you communist turd.” Iran doesn’t hesitate to use a human pawn as nuclear negotiations go on Meet the honor brigade, an organized campaign to silence debate on Islam Not All Religions Are Peaceful: Charlie Hebdo and Cultural Relativism ISIS Throws Gay Men From Rooftop, Stones Woman Christians Burned Alive: Where’s the Outrage? Germany’s Anti-Islamist Movement PEGIDA Cancels Rally After ISIS Death Threats Sunday, January 18. 2015American SniperGood art opens vistas to the viewer that he or she wouldn’t ordinarily see or know are there. The new film American Sniper is great art, and we have Clint Eastwood to thank for it. For a nation in which so very, very few serve in the military and in combat, there is huge ignorance of the simple and essentially heroic motivations of our defenders and their sacrifices unimaginable to a civilian. Each and every serviceman experiences war in their own way, and each has a story that is unique. Most do not share that story with anyone or with more than a trusted few. I’ve probably seen as many “war movies” as anyone, and it is rare that the connections to a man’s service is served up so realistically to the audience. There are no John Waynes. There are individuals who stand tall when needed and meet their responsibilities at any cost. The theater was packed and entirely silent, not a person stirring in their seat. We filed out in silence, each person experiencing the film in their own way and thinking. How rare for a film to take the audience’s breath away. That’s art.
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Saturday, January 17. 2015It's settled
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Saturday morning linksToon stolen from Am. Digest Why fewer skyscrapers are a GOOD Sign for the United States Colorized old photos AI Has Arrived, and That Really Worries the World’s Brightest Minds A dark, dark, day in American history The Metaphorical War - Conceptual metaphors determine how we view the Why the Republicans are finding it hard to reform Obamacare Why the Republicans are finding it hard to reform Obamacare - See more at: This is what the new U.S.-Cuba travel rules mean for Americans hoping to visit Cuba Lessons For Winning Liberty In A World Of Statism View from the left: Tea Party’s Constitution fraud: Why the Why less than half of adults in WV work. Senator’s husband stands to profit big from government deal Obama to Senate Dems: ‘I’m going to play offense’ Hitchens explains Islam and why it is so STUPID. Cuba Is Hoping To Replace Venezuelan Oil With American Tourists Friday, January 16. 2015Not from The Onion
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Friday morning linksHow did you get your first job in comedy? My Father Does Not Live In America ‘Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ going back to publisher (WARNING: GRAPHIC) ISIS Releases Pictures of Carrying Out Koranic Death Sentences Brits dislike choices of doctors and treatments It's just too hard It's sick and getting sicker Here we go: Feds move to ban all fried foods at day care centers Didn't the feds recently conclude that saturated fats were not a health problem? A day of reckoning for “disparate impact” housing discrimination cases The White House on Thursday said legislation was not necessary to settle so-called "net neutrality" rules because the Federal Communications Commission had the authority to write them. Report Finds No Substitute for Mass Data Collection Obama's Next Foray: Paid Sick Leave I am my own boss. How can I get this? The Fox News Obsession - It’s an exercise in confirmation bias on the Left. Pope Francis: There are limits to free speech I think he's talking about manners and civility, not law Ron Paul Institute: Charlie Hebdo Massacre a False Flag Operation Good grief Islam Means "Submission," and So Does Liberalism George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action Obama, Hillary and their Dr. Phil foreign policy - Sympathy for the devilry is music to the ears of left-wing leadership Obama Was Right to Skip Paris - By lionizing Charlie Hebdo, Europe is empowering Al Qaeda. I sort of agree. Thursday, January 15. 2015Thursday morning links
23 Hollywood Moms With Same Sperm Donor Go on Vacation Alfred Fuller's brush with history My Lovely Wife in the Psych Ward The Real Reasons We Don't Invite Friends to Church Personal Trainer Impressed By Man’s Improved Excuses The bias against guns: What the media isn't telling you AMERICA'S MILITARY: A conservative institution's uneasy cultural evolution A ‘Gentle Mob’ Pushes UVA to the Irrational Oxford University Press bans sausages and pigs from ObamaCare Opt-Out Act: Let all Americans make their own health care decisions Martin Luther King Jr. enlisted to fight illegal immigration, Obama amnesty Elitism driving “free” college proposal by Obama? The Problem with Romney Nostalgia - Romney’s 2012 campaign was premised on dissatisfaction with Obama, not enthusiasm for Mitt. Mitt is a superb fellow. If I were elected, I'd put him in charge of something big Scott Walker, the un-academic?
Friends of the Earth are the Enemies of Mankind 1 million tons of pressurised CO2 stored beneath Decatur, Illinois. It was a tenth of that, 100,000 tons, that caused the Lake Nyos disaster Top MIT Climate Scientist: ‘Senate’s Climate Change Vote Is Ludicrous’ Bernie Sanders: Keystone XL Pipeline Would Leave Planet ‘Significantly Less Habitable’ What Terrorism? Kerry Still Obsessing Over 'Climate Change' $Billions Pledged to Haiti After Earthquake Have Vanished Why Iraqi army can't fight, despite $25 billion in U.S. aid, training France Arrests Comedian Dieudonné for Condoning Acts of Terrorism on Facebook - 54 arrested in crackdown; Interior Minister promises ‘total severity’ against free speech the government doesn’t like WaPo: French Muslims 'Deeply Torn' by ‘I Am Charlie’ Slogan - 'Many are viewing the tragedy in starkly different terms from their non-Muslim compatriots. Sky News Really Doesn't Want to Show the New Charlie Hebdo Cover - Self-censorship in action Free Speech Can Get You Killed? Support It Anyway.
It is Time for a “backlash” in Europe What Carlebach Wrote, And Ma'ariv Published West's anti-Israel propaganda encourages terror The Existential Necessity of Zionism After Paris: A COMMENTARY Editorial Drawing While the Hand Trembles - A view of "Charlie Hebdo" from the world of Arab cartoonists, where the risks loom large and the humor is black. Below via Front Page
Wednesday, January 14. 2015Wednesday morning linksMan Spent 12 Years in ‘Vegetative State,’ Says He was ‘Aware of Everything’ Fitness Trackers Only Help Rich People Get Thinner Brains, veins and bones as you've never seen them: Scanner reveals gruesome, high-definition images of the human body - Next-generation GE scanners are being used by doctors in Florida Iceland: Brewery makes 'whale testicle beer' Just a reminder of what one of America’s largest media conglomerates Sheesh The Higher Education Bubble: Feminist Postmodern Literary Criticism, Ph.D. Almost 300 Stanford Professors Sign Letter Urging Divestment from Fossil Fuels I'd be impressed if they vowed to eschew fossil fuel themselves Taking people who shouldn’t have graduated high school, and sending them to colleges they aren’t ready to attend. California: Will the Court Give Abood the Boot? The U.S. Supreme Court is one decision away from curtailing union power in California. Student with Autism Kicked Out of College For Supposed Sexual Assault Liz Warren: Class Warrior With Heap Big Wampum Atkisson: The U.S. Govt. vs. Gen. David Petraeus Saudi Imam Bans Building of Un-Islamic Snowmen Paris Update or, “Who Should I Believe? You or My Lying Eyes?” Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam tells fellow Muslims who do not appreciate the 'freedoms' of living in the West to Reflections on the Murders in Paris - The rise of political Islam in the west is not being adequately addressed by our elites. Angela Merkel Joins Pro-Nazi Muslim Brotherhood at German Rally White House: Obama Will Fight Media To Stop Anti-Jihad Articles US judges review broad surveillance of Muslims by NYC police Jewish Lives Do Matter—to Terrorists. To a Distracted Left, Not So Much. Nigeria's Horror in Paris's Shadow - Why a 10-year-old suicide bomber isn't front-page news
Tuesday, January 13. 2015Tuesday morning linksNo, the Internet Is Not Killing Culture - It’s always been hard to make a living in the arts. It still is. How To Prepare For The Imminent 30-Year Cold Spell Obama Science Aide Says Humans Preventing New Ice Age Experts: female, minority students face 'microaggressions' on campus Ivy League Athletes Caught Cheating in Sports Ethics Class Are Today's Law Students Tough Enough? In letters to the editor, attorneys and students weigh in on covering fraught subjects in school Demand for ‘trigger warnings’ at University of Minnesota meets opposition De Blasio Is a Lesson New Yorkers Need to Learn Sorry, liberals, Scandinavian countries aren’t utopias Venezuela's Bishops Have A Message For Pope Francis on Communism Blasphemy for Me, But Not For Thee - Do liberals actually believe in the right to offend? Is Islam “a religion of peace”? I’m Running Out of Ways to Defend Islam Obama's Muslim Sympathies Grow Curiouser And Curiouser WHAT WAS OBAMA THINKING? A PLAUSIBLE ANSWER Two Scenes From the Grand Synagogue of Paris - Netanyahu, the French national anthem, and what it all means NIGERIAN ARCHBISHOP: NIGERIA NEEDS ‘SAME INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT’ AGAINST TERRORISM AS FRANCE Monday, January 12. 2015Why History Will Eviscerate Obama
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Monday morning links
Photo above from Old Trees How Brazilians Fish For Piranhas Science: Your Kid’s Not Special More: Study Finds More Reasons to Get and Stay Married Can the Government Force Medical Treatment? Kerry Gets It totally Wrong on Climate’s Impact on New Zealand’s Dairy Farmers FIRE Letter to Yale University President Richard C. Levin Repeat After Tweety: Ted Cruz = Joe McCarthy Wounded Warrior Project Wasting Donations? Obama Will Hold Summit on 'Countering Violent Extremism'--Not Radical Muslim Terrorism 6 TIMES THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SAID ITS JOB WAS TO PROMOTE ISLAM Eugene Robinson: France attack might have been worse here, because guns Moderate Muslims Criticize the Charlie Hebdo Attacks Afghanistan rally hails Charlie Hebdo attackers as 'heroes' Feel Good Story: Muslim African American Hid the Thirty Jews in the Freezer at the Hyper Casher, Saved Their Lives Joyce Carol Oates: “It is delicate matter to adjudicate, even to Sultan: Let's Laugh at Islam Rupert Murdoch Tweets About "Jihadist Cancer" Powerline: Terrorism as Rorschach Test
It's called the sinfulness of fallen mankind Re Gwynnie's post on Saturday: Saturday´s suicide bombing elicited little coverage... Sunday, January 11. 2015To Shoot or Not to Shoot, That is the Difficult Question
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Climate prof speaks out“I’m now retired, so I have no scientific career to protect by spreading lies.” He said he thinks dire global warming predictions are really all about lassoing federal research funding and votes.
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Saturday, January 10. 2015Muslim killings - a small rantThe MSM are in a twit about 16 Frenchmen. Well and good, but thanks to The List of Islamic Terror Attacks from 2014 you can see that, in 2014, they killed 32,004 people, or 88 a day. I copied it to a spreadsheet and there are 3,000 incidents. Remember how we ignored the Cambodian holocaust? Brown vs. brown. I thought when Jews spoke of their Holocaust and said "never again" that they meant no more holocausts. Nope - the media in NYC were silent about killing 3,000,000 Cambodians; I guess "never again" meant no more killing Jews. Good idea for certain, but a far smaller scope. Now THAT is racism!! Saturday morning links Today's image from People's Cube Poor teeth - If you have a mouthful of teeth shaped by a childhood in poverty, don’t go knocking on the door of American privilege My own teeth are a disaster, and I was never really poor except temporarily. Just bad luck and bad genes This isn’t a culture anymore. It is a freak show. The New Sneaky Tactic Gun Control Advocates Are Embracing A Conservative case for New Urbanism: Conservatism for the City - Beauty, streetcars, and dual codes are the right ideas for urban policy. Nikon 1200-1700mm Helps French Photogs Capture Hostage Situation from a Safe Distance Mankind Tired Of Having To Remind Itself Of Good In World We Don’t Need No (Free) Education - Ultimately, Obama's plan is a bad deal for America, because it will hurt people’s employment opportunities and cost too much.
On population growth and decline (a reader found this somewhere) - correction, it is from Alan Macfarlane, ‘The Invention of the Modern World’ - Alan Macfarlane, ‘The Invention of the Modern World’ - See more at:
Some people are surprised that Raùl Castro would act to precipitately in cracking down on Cuban freedom advocates. But why the surprise? House passes 40-hour workweek for Obamacare; Dems buck Obama veto threat The U.S. Marines' 5 Most Lethal Weapons of War We Are Not All Charlie - It is easy to express solidarity with murdered cartoonists, but it is difficult to live as bravely as they did Not so difficult if you are armed Boko Haram massacres 2,000 in Nigeria
Nobody is afraid of Christians Friday, January 9. 2015Just two or four dangerously-stupid MuslimsRush said today: "Just two Muslims with guns dominated the world news, and scared the media out of their minds, for almost a week. That, my friends, is called power." It is amazing how fearful the American MSM is of, of Muslims. The New York Times males have their panties messed up. Man up, pussies. I advise 12 ga. shotgun, not rifle or handgun. When lunatics in the vicinity, steady aim is difficult except for the pros. He went on to explain that those two are not the real news, that the real news is the millions of Muslims all around the world who remain silent, support, or applaud their war on Western civilization. Not to mention their apologists and the scaredy-cats in the West. Has any Muslim organization in the world condemned these sorts of evil ones yet? Not one. Unlike some hysterics, I have no big fear of the batshit lunatics. Unlike the French, we regular Americans are well-armed. Unlike past free-world threats, these are snakes, not formidable armies. Slippery, though, because Islam advises them to lie to nonbelievers so, if in the wrong place at the wrong time, these snakes can bite. They need killing, same as a rattlesnake in the barn. This idiotic war has been going on for a long time, since around 600 AD. We are on the side of the crusaders, defending the foundations of Judeo-Christian civ. It ain't perfect, but it's OK. The French may need a Charles Martel, but most of the West just needs a St. Patrick to eliminate the snakes. Send them packing back to whence they came along with their loony cult and their hopeless, ignorant, pedophile, goat-f-ing, wife-beating, bloody, desert culture where their fun was in killing eachother and nobody really cared what they did until WW1. My only problem with all of this is that I have some Muslim friends and colleagues who I respect - and vice-versa - and whose company I enjoy a great deal. They have zero interest in killing me for my Christian faith and I believe it because we've talked over (many) beers in NYC pubs. In fact, in my heart I would rather bring them to Christ than they are interested in bringing me to their Mohammed prophet. For me, live and let live - but if you want to harm me, I will kill you and I have the means and the heart to do so with no remorse.
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Friday morning links
Metamorphosis is disgusting Why daughters might be better than sons Some of each is best The First Jew Scalped for America Why white dudes often don't make the NBA (quick vid) Kevin Williamson: The New Royals - Princesses, peas, and the emotional needs of chickens:
Williamson keeps getting better, doesn't he? Gobble Down Those Goose Guts, Californians! Judge Strikes Down Foie Gras Ban Yum. Really. High speed rail in CA: "It's not that expensive. We can afford it. In fact, we cannot NOT afford it." I can't NOT afford a Ferrari. Don't they have airplanes in California? The slow death of the precious gem jewelry business Diamonds are a scam and everybody knows it now Brutal Cold Does Not Factor Into Man's Decision To Stay Inside For Two Days Straight A diverse group of social psychologists calls for more diversity in their field UVA Still Punishing Fraternities Over Debunked Story Sowell: The Dogma of Multiculturalism - The fallacy of “equally valid” cultures polarizes society. Obama to propose two free years of community college for students If it doesn't cost you, you don't value it 17 Brilliant Insights From Legendary Marine General James Mattis Christians in the Holy Land: Don’t Call Us Arabs Where's the Coverage? Majority of Israeli Arabs Proud to Be Israeli As the Purge Intensifies, Xi Shifts to the Left East Asia's Population 'Death Spiral' What's wrong with population decrease? Seems like a good thing to me. Dalrymple: Equating Prudence with Cowardice - France must continue to mock, bait, and needle its Muslims. Muslims segregated from French society in growing Islamist mini-states Nobody segregated them. Don’t Blame the Charlie Hebdo Mass Murder on ‘Extremism’ - Intolerance for free expression is rooted in classical Islam. Saudi Blogger To Be Publicly Flogged Outside Mosque For “Insulting Islam”… French policewoman killed in shoot-out, hunt broadens for militant killers New York Times Reports On Muslim Proselytizing During Charlie Hebdo Attack, Then Deletes It Chickenshit weenies Thursday, January 8. 2015Thursday morning links Will a Cheap Engagement Ring and Wedding Help Your Marriage? Contents of Paul Revere’s time capsule unveiled in Boston Jeffrey Epstein's Society Friends Living the Hugh Hefner life style. Those aren't "sex slaves," - they are concubines, courtesans Just Because It Sucks Is No Reason to Leave New Jersey - Why would anyone leave New Jersey? Naomi Oreskes and Post-Modern Science Frontiers of microaggression Why ‘Manspreading’ Is Definitely a Serious Issue, as Explained by the Feminist Internet - The government should maybe do even more. This Is Not Your Grandma's Humane Society Hating Whitey’s Brunch Solving the Police Problem - If They Don't Want to be Policed, Don't Police Them The Overcriminalization of America - How to reduce poverty and improve race relations by rethinking our justice system:
Le Pen Plays Islamist Card Linking Attacks to Immigration No - it's the Islamists playing their Islam card. She's France's Paul Revere Via Reuters:
Howard Dean: Don’t Call Paris Terrorists ‘Muslim’ We call them Lutherans Lutheran cleric: ‘Freedom of Expression Does Not Extend to Insulting’ Muhammad Mark Steyn To Media: 'Man Up' Before You 'Retreat Even Further Into Self-Censorship' New York Times: With A Dozen Parisians Dead, MUSLIMS Hit Hardest The lefty New Yorker:
And even The Atlantic:
My question for the day: Why do the euro elites want all these Muslim immigrants?
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