I have a long-time friendly acquaintance who is in jail for quite a while. Rightly so, and he doesn't mind admitting it. Not a career criminal, but a real one-time white-collar crime. Bad idea, terrible judgement.
I do my best to avoid committing crime, or moral lapses of all sorts, but I did spend one night in jail decades ago. For hitchhiking on the Taconic Parkway to see a girlfriend. Figures, right? The police thought my roll-up tobacco might be marijuana, but it was not. Lucky me, because at that age it might have been.
Career crims might be comfortable with it, but it is a daunting experience for an otherwise decent citizen. People who do not monitor themselves well can do foolish things. I do not term them "bad decisions" because they do not seem like considered decisions.
Any readers been in jail, or have a friend who did?