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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, December 23. 2019Arthur McBrideHe and his cousin Arthur McBride had an exciting Christmas Day walk. Dylan did a good cover of this Irish song but it's not on youtube. This is much better anyway.
What is the United States?The idea of an American nation - On the genesis of the American nation-state by James Piereson A useful essay. I learned that Lincoln was the first to routinely use the word "nation" instead of "union".
Monday morning links
You Think You Know What Hanukkah Is All About? Think Again How Social Work Became the Pit of Despair It Is Today Derailing Australia’s Campus Rape Panic Seeing the Light about the Pending Climate Apocalypse Boeing Starliner Spaceship Fails Critical Flight Test After Malfunction Save Me from My Defenders! A protest against me, and its aftermath, at Bard College by Ruth R. Wisse Jobs in Joe Biden's gunsights are America's highest paid 12 Stories The Media Got Horribly Wrong In 2019 - As the year comes to a close, here are a dozen of the top stories the media majorly messed up. The Horowitz Report: Yes, It Gets Worse BARR VERSUS COMEY Lindsey Graham Promises to Call in EVERY PERSON Who Signed Bogus Carter Page FISA Warrants …Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein… Schiff: ‘It’s Hard to Be Sympathetic’ Towards Carter Page Even Though He Was a Victim of FISA Abuse Judicial Watch Files A Lawsuit Against Adam Schiff And The House Intelligence Committee Over Phone Records U.N. Imposes Strict Gender Quotas on British Army for Africa Jihadi Fight Boris Johnson's Victory Heralds A Golden Era In US-UK Relations ‘This is mass rape’: China slammed over program that ‘appoints’ men to sleep with Uighur women Sunday, December 22. 2019Christmas church
It comes up because we "went to church" this morning with my father-in-law. We did indeed go, but they had canceled the early service today so we went to the diner instead and gave the waitress a big Christmas tip. We missed the memo. Mrs. BD and her Dad had 2 eggs benedicts; I had scrambled eggs and bacon. When I was growing up (Congregationalist), we would often go on Christmas morning, sometimes to the candlelight service on Christmas Eve. Doing both is a real job for pastors, but they signed up for it. Our Congo church now only does Christmas Eve - 3 services. Pastor has a bunch of young kids. I believe Roman Catholics still do a midnight Mass and a Christmas Day Mass. A note at our favorite diner made it clear that they have planned a special Christmas Day meal, all day. That's really nice, especially for lonely people. Sweet friendly people work there. Greeks, mostly.
My Sharpie is back
Most of his attacks fail, but clearly enough succeed to keep him around. I sometimes term my bird-feeder a Sharpie-feeding station. Somebody should call PETA, because if I did these sorts of things to little songbirds, I'd end up in jail. They are accipters. "Hawks," in the US, is generally used to apply to Accipters, Buteos, and Falcons. Each raptor genus is readily identifiable by profile, regardless of size, maturity, or species. Quick and easy Christmas or Hannukah present ideas
- A rocky Mountain or European guided hiking trip. All sorts of good ones for all levels of fitness on the internet. - A charitable donation to something good, in their name. - 7 weeks of 3 day/week sessions with a trainer at a local gym. That's enough time to get the fundamentals of calis and weights, so the spouse can do it on his or her own daily, afterwards. Make sure trainer knows enough about nutrition to handle either muscle-toning or fat loss/weight gain, and is not a musclehead. A skinny friend gained 13 rock-hard lbs from lifting over 10 months. - 6 months of weekly T injections for the male spouse. It might make the female spouse happier in an animal sense, and the male spouse stronger. - Tickets for the NYC Ballet always makes the female spouse happy. Happy wife, happy life. If remote, grab a hotel room. Fun. Just not the darn Nutcracker. - A firearms class of any sort, whether for handgun permit, clays, whatever. Good fun. Guns are fun for guys and gals. My girls get a kick out of shooting (but this year they need/want more musical instruments). I heartily approve of home-made music. Ability without talent is good enough to make a house a home. Mrs. BD and my daughters have ability. My son, not so much it seems, to his sorrow. Vocally, all of us are zeros but that's what instruments are for. Just takes brains. - Give a gift of a year of Maggie's Farm. It's free, all it takes is the gift of a link to us. Trump era news hoaxesScott Adams runs through the list at about the 30 minute point on yesterday's podcast. It's quite a list. Remember, news hoaxes appear when there is not enough Real Bad to report. They have to make fake news to sell it.
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From today's Lectionary
Matthew 1:18-25 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 1:19 Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. 1:20 But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 1:21 She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." 1:22 All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 1:23 "Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel," which means, "God is with us." 1:24 When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, 1:25 but had no marital relations with her until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus Saturday, December 21. 2019Don Jr. on his Czech grandmaDangerfield's shrinkSaturday morning links Photo from Family shocked by “moving ornament” in Christmas tree A memorable tree for them. Poor bird is far from home, though. Amusing: Florida Man Friday: Worst Cleanup on Aisle Six Ever CNN Anchor: Trump Should Listen When Women Tell Him We Have ’12 Years’ Until the World Ends Shouldn't the media report how bad previous climate change predictions have been instead of participating in the indoctrination? Yes, but... History’s Largest Mining Operation Is About to Begin - It’s underwater Bipartisan Congress showers health care industry with multi-billion victory after wagging finger at it for much of 2019 Now Alcohol and Sugar Are Even Worse for the Planet Than Eating Meat Bottom line: Don't eat or drink British Academic Wants To Ban The Insults "Nerd" And "Geek" As Hate Crimes As an ex-nerd, or current nerd, can I call her an idiot a-hole, or is that hate crime too? Bill Gates' educational plans don't work NAS Commends President Trump’s Executive Orders: No More Law by Dear Colleague Letter The Fracking Decade Economic Inequality—Populism’s Rallying Cry Make the wealthy poorer - statistical problem solved. If you have more than one house, let the gummint take the others. Then your IRA. Why not, if equality is sacred? Chris Hayes’ Mini-Rant About Whiteness of House GOP Ends Badly After People Point to MSNBC’s Lineup The Vindication of Sean Hannity - A relentless pursuit of the truth. CA Dem Gov. Newsom Lashes Out At Trump, GOP For Not Helping Solve California’s Homeless Crisis That's the feds' problem? I don't think so. It's local. AG Barr: James Comey is a Serial Liar Wow. Saint Comey? " The Horowitz report makes clear that multiple news cycles over the past few years were dominated by reports that were either incorrect or lacking factual foundation." True, only chumps believe the news Trump-branded properties lost value since the 2016 election, study shows Predictable. Honey Badger don't care. When Hate Becomes an Agenda - Trump so infuriated his opponents that, rather than find arguments to convince a majority of Americans that the president’s policies were flawed, his enemies instead sought to destroy him. Haters gotta hate on something Will Washington media expose the liars who spun the Trump-Russia hoax? 6 Reasons Pelosi’s Senate Obstruction Gambit On Impeachment Articles Is A Disaster How Trump Won 2019 - Column: Thank his opponents Democrats are making a farce of impeachment Merry Impeachmas’ — Washington Post Reporters Appear To Celebrate Impeachment Of course Trump-Obsessed German Media Cheer Impeachment: ‘Huge Success for the Democratic Party’ In Haiti, UN Peacekeepers Fathered Hundreds of Children and Abandoned the Mothers They always do that Friday, December 20. 2019Christmastime BobHave yourself a merry little Christmas
He wanted Trump impeached on Day 1
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Mulled Wine If it comes to a boil, the alcohol will boil off. Best just to warm it up for 20 minutes or so. Friday morning links
Robot can make 300 pizzas an hour NY Times: Why Not Embrace Super Long Trips To Avoid Flight Shaming Or Something "One huge drawback of nuclear energy is that it doesn't dismantle systems of oppression - it only produces clean energy." America Has World’s Highest Rate Of Single-Parent Households The UK: A charity worker was fired because she expressed the illegal opinion that biological sex is real and not just a fantasy. The casual misandry that masquerades as ciriticism of men ‘Social Justice’ Ideology Is Damaging American Values Three years in prison seems like an awfully light sentence for an action that could have killed a planeload of people. California Energy Situation Bad and Getting Worse 2020 census: Surge in immigrants to take 24 House seats from Trump states Jacobin: Bernie can win Charter School Advocates Crash Democrat Debate, Trash Elizabeth Warren Trump Gets Massive Post-Impeachment Victory As USMCA Passes House Winning for America US Economy in Longest Expansion Ever Winning for America As House votes to impeach Trump, McConnell pushes 13 judge nominations through Senate Winning for America Trump Signs ‘Groundbreaking’ Legislation Supporting Historically Black Colleges And Universities Winning for America
Did anyone really think the Democrats were serious when they put on those long faces for the nightly news and cast their impeachment votes? Democrats impeach. America yawns Tucker on Democrats’ Impeachment Vote: “It Is Kind of a Jonestown Dynamic Where They All Know It’s Going to End Badly” Kimball: The real impeachment scandal. The Democrats are always guilty of what they accuse Trump of Get The Hell Out Of Afghanistan Now Margaret Thatcher's Amazing Prophecy On The EU Europe's Humiliation Thursday, December 19. 2019International affairsTrump is going bolder in Obama's direction: The Age of Great-Power Competition - How the Trump Administration Refashioned American Strategy However, Obama was reactive, and tentative about everything. Trump never heard of that word. Obama saw that Europe and the EU were the past, not the future.
Trump the magicianPer Scott Adams, he has changed the meaning of impeachment to "a stern note of reprimand." Related, Trump frames the impeachment: "In reality/They're not after me/They're after you." Related, Honest Democrat Jonathan Turley: “You Could Impeach Every Living President” on These Type of Allegations Related, McConnell: Sure Looks Like House Dems Getting “Cold Feet In Front Of The Entire Country”; Update: “Throw Me Into That Briar Patch” Related, Here's How Trump Is Using Impeachment To His Political Advantage Related, Impeachment Is Hurting The GOP So Badly That They Just Broke A Fundraising Record Related, Trump Laughs At Impeachment At Rally What a circus! Holiday fun!
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Thursday morning links
‘Christmas With Your Jewish Boyfriend’: A Jewish jazz guitarist recorded a dozen famous Christmas songs written by Jews The Highest-Paid YouTube Stars of 2019: The Kids Are Killing It NYU students say ‘Join Us if You Hate NYU’ Holy Cross dean defends protestors who disrupted Heather Mac Donald lecture I guess he didn't want to hear what Heather had to say either Louis Meyers: Bending the cost curve on higher education Who Is Winning The Climate Wars? (2) Northeastern States Look To Implement Transportation Climate Initiative We like horses How Marxists Invented “Hispanics” Black Nationalist Hate Group Praised by Media Shot Up Kosher Market How Out Of Control Is Our Surveillance State? Establishment Journalists Call For Big Tech To Censor Everyone Else Facing a 2020 drubbing, the left begins lining up its excuses Horowitz hits FBI 'failures' in Senate testimony after FISA court rebuke Not "failures" - moral and maybe legal lapses Trump approval rating on impeachment day hits highest point since March 2017 Re the Russia hoax: WE NOW KNOW: THE CASE OF JANE MAYER Dershowitz on Impeachment Disheveled California Democrat Rep. Admits Impeachment is About Smearing Trump – ‘Impeachment Will Be a Stain on His Record Forever’ The Empire Strikes Back - What the effort to impeach President Trump is really about.
Brit Hume: One Of The Wonders Of Modern Media Is Its Failure To See Through Adam Schiff Bartiromo on FISA abuse: The lies are real, people will be prosecuted… Wednesday, December 18. 2019On education, fake news from the WaPoBesides that, though, is there any correlation between money spent and outcome anyway? M.A.G.A.Seattle is busy interrogating its structures of power.Not from The Onion. At City Journal:
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Wednesday morning links Vanderleun's Mall Angel America’s best colleges get even worse on due process for accused students, report finds It’s Spreading Like the Plague — Social Justice Education Does anyone trust the FBI after reading the shocking findings of the Horowitz (IG) report? Not on your life. Opposition To Trump’s Antisemitism Executive Order Is All About The 2020 Election Why The Democrats Have Shifted Left Over The Last 30 Years IG Report Proves Adam Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since The Beginning. Following the inspector general’s FISA report that proved nearly every sentence wrong in Rep. Adam Schiff’s last high-profile report, Schiff’s work should be deemed worthless. New Evidence Shows Hunter Biden-Ukraine Payments Flagged As ‘Suspicious’ In Early 2016 Trump tells Pelosi in blistering letter that Dems are 'declaring open war on American Democracy' Read Donald Trump’s Historic Impeachment Takedown Letter to Nancy Pelosi USA TODAY Poll: Impeached or not, Trump leads his Democratic rivals for another term Scott Adams says Schiff is the one of the worst Americans ever Also amusing about Comey pleading incompetence rather than malice Russia to modernize Syria port, build railway across Syria to Persian Gulf Mike Pompeo's great letter to Democrats on settlements and peace (full text) Xi Jinping’s annus horribilis Tuesday, December 17. 2019Corrupt FBIFISA Court Issues Rare Public Order Condemning FBI for Russia Probe Abuses and Demanding Reforms Dirty cops, not all of them for sure but maybe just some at the top. A sad, and frightening thing to see what the FBI did against the country for seemingly political purposes. Power corrupts.
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The true History of The Traveling WilburysIs psychopathy untreatable?Why researchers are starting to change their minds. Here are the problems, with which I am sure most people in my field would agree. First, most serious psychopaths rarely seek help, and then usually only when they get in trouble. Second, lying and manipulating are second nature to them, so they try to play you. Some are quite adept. Third, they tend to be unreliable with showing up or paying their bills. There are others, too. In my experience, when people come to me worrying about whether they have a cold or dark heart, or feeling guilty about some pattern of behavior, it's a good sign that they are far from psychopathic. I will offer the opinion that there are full-blown psychopaths, very scary people. However, there are people with a range of psychopathic (ie sociopathic) traits which are worth being alert to. On the other end of the spectrum, most people have psychopathic fantasies which they never, or very rarely, act on. No mortal is pure of heart. It's complicated. It's not a disease.
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