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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, June 25. 2019A treat: Messing around with guitars and Keith Richards for 15 minutesKeith Richards is a cool dude. Lives in New Canaan, CT, of all places. Fun. A delightful guy. The saying goes that every time you ignite a cigarette you add a day to Richards' life.
Tuesday morning links
Instapundit's new underwater Nikon Nice turtle New research into black holes has accelerated in recent years, producing some outlandish - though mind boggling - ideas Why Costco only charges $4.99 for a rotisserie chicken A Loss Leader, and a good one Dalrymple on PC enforcment: The bland leading the bland UCSC folds, will remove ‘deeply painful’ bell from campus Richard Epstein: Race Madness at Oberlin College Pelosi On Enforcing Immigration Laws: “What’s The Point?”… Surprise? After Trump Delays Deportations Operation Pelosi Calls For Amnesty For Illegal Aliens New High in U.S. Say Immigration Most Important Problem Warmist hysteria over purportedly ‘catastrophic’ ice melting in Greenland busted 70 Arrested as Climate Activists Protest Against the New York Times Pope Francis: Muslims Are Our “Partners For Co-Existence”… Are they on board with that? “With the exception of the Registered Apprenticeship program, government job training programs appear to be largely ineffective and fail to produce sufficient benefits for workers to justify the costs.” Kunstler: Democrats Are Race-Hustling Their Way To Election Disaster In 2020 DEMOCRATS’ LEFTIST BIDDING WAR ACCELERATES Elizabeth Warren Celebrated Her 70th Birthday At A Planned Parenthood Forum That's not from Babylon Bee Devin Nunes Notes: “Two Parallel Tracks” Used To Target Donald Trump… It's called Crossfire Trump Administration Pushes To Make Health Care Pricing More Transparent Peggy Noonan is tired of Trump winning Op-Ed By Trump Pal Published In WSJ Calls On Trump To Ditch Pence For Haley Nothing wrong with Pence, but I'd go with Haley. She's a star 2 mulchesMrs. Salt Water New England's garden. Not sure what the plants are. Deep leaf mulch from last fall, and the black stuff. Very neat. Everything she does is neat and stylish. So are her boats.
Monday, June 24. 2019Economic disparitiesJapanese Beetles
Have you seen any in recent years?
Google update
James O’Keefe Strikes Again: Project Veritas Publishes Explosive Report Featuring Google’s Plan to Prevent ‘Trump Situation’ in 2020
Monday morning links
What Dropping 17,000 Wallets Around The Globe Can Teach Us About Honesty EcoWatch: Those Impossible Burgers Are Neither Healthier Nor More Eco-Friendly The Top Four Reasons California Is Unsustainable Online Knitting Community Bans Trump Supporters, Accuses Them Of Backing 'White Supremacy' Study Shows 92% Of Left-Wing Activists Live With Their Parents, One In Three Is Unemployed It Will Cost $600,000 To Cover Up George Washington Mural That 'Traumatized' San Fran High School Students Elizabeth Warren Makes The Case For Gay Reparations FROM THE MIXED-UP FILES OF REP. ILHAN OMAR Chicago Mayor ‘Will Not Cooperate’ With ICE To Deport Illegal Immigrants Biden Compares Trump’s Election to the Assassinations Of MLK Jr. And Bobby Kennedy Democrat Leaders Pelosi and Schumer Caught on Camera Doing Victory Dance After They Thought They Goaded Trump into War with Iran! Tucker Carlson Calls National Security Advisor John Bolton A ‘Bureaucratic Tapeworm’ Sunday, June 23. 2019Weights before cardio?It looks to me as if lots of people do weights and cardio on the same days. I never do that, unless you count a little jump rope between lifts to loosen up. My reasoning is that a weights day calls for at least one (or two days for those over 40) of active muscle recovery, by which I mean just calisthenics or "cardio." That's why I have weights days, "cardio" days, and calisthenics days. However, if you do cardio and some heavy weights on the same day, do the weights first. If you do them the other way around, you may not have the oomph to move the amount of weight you need to. CollegeBiology of Desire Of course, it depends on how you want to define "disease" Is a "personality disorder" a disease? What about overweight and obesity? There has been a big debate about that, but the pressure to term overweight a disease rather than, say, a physical condition, is all about insurance coverage. Otherwise, such questions would matter little. Speaking of desire, what about those magnetic attractions to one of those of the opposite (or, I suppose, same) sex? Those can be as powerful as drugs and make people behave just as crazy. Beer Barrell UrinalI may be late to the party to knowing about this innovation in recycling that I stumbled upon (figuratively) after a few beers at the local beer hall. A quick look at the Internet says that there are many variations available, even make your own (a worthy project for fraternity houses). From today's Lectionary: When shall I come and behold the face of God?Psalm 42 and 43 42:1 As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. Saturday, June 22. 2019It is complicated to move a US president around, overseas
Posted by The News Junkie
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Human hazards of conservation Some of those predators do not always play nice with people and human activities. I am thinking about sharks, Grizzlies, Black Bears, wolves, Cougars, Tigers, etc. I think most people are more comfortable with conservation of a benign, pastoral Nature, but that is a pipe dream. Nature kills stuff. The natural imbalance where I live is mainly an infestation of White Tailed Deer. We have no wolves to control their population, and the hunters can not get to enough of them. Deer hunting is not easy, especially in semi-rural areas.
QQQBenjamin Franklin once said, “In all your Amours, you should prefer old Women to young ones.” Franklin delivers eight reasons for this, which I’ve condensed: 1. They know more, conversation is better. Saturday morning links How Your Looks Can Shape Your Personality McDonald’s Is Testing Kitchen Robots And Voice-Recognition In The Drive-Thru San Francisco Bans Vaping for Some Reason Rebuild Penn Station Never should have knocked down the magnificent old one A Jew in SS uniform - An Orthodox Jew from Manhattan, William Brickman never expected to be dispatched to Germany during World War II. There, posing as an SS officer behind enemy lines, Brickman's job was to catch Nazis attempting to flee Germany for South America. University of Oregon Students “Oppressed” By American Pioneer Statue, Demand It Be Removed… Running out of things to be offended by Ideology and Facts Collide at Oberlin College College students and free speech Twice denied the freedom he'd fought for, black Revolutionary War hero from Maryland to be honored at last Judge orders special prosecutor be appointed to look into Jussie Smollett controversy Why Wasn’t Everyone Looking for Hillary’s Missing Emails? The FBI Used Another "Dossier" It Did Not Verify and In Fact Was Specifically Warned Might be Fake, to Start an Investigation into Paul Manafort THE REAL BIRTHRIGHT: INHERITING OUR JEWISH STORY Saturday Verse: A prayerMatthew, Mark, Luke and John, From the New England Primer, via American Digest's Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Friday, June 21. 2019Robbie Robertson talksAn amusing chat about working with Bob Dylan
Vitamin D updateI still think it's a good idea to get your share of natural sunlight daily, and even more so if healing or recovering from something. Still, much of the Vit D research was apparently wrong: Millions of Americans take vitamin D. Most should just stop. Outside of rare cases, rigorous studies of the supplement don’t find any health benefit. Like many other stories, the moral of this one is that there is no settled science. Sexism and RacismWhy Sexism and Racism Never Diminish–Even When Everyone Becomes Less Sexist and Racist: As social problems shrink, there is less need or demand for the Left. Then the challenge is to magnify smaller issues right down to the microscopic, invented, or imaginary ones. Raise the volume. They are gettng the hang of that. Especially Scare the Blacks, but I don't think that will work this time. The reparations deal might, though, because who does not like the idea of a free check in the mail?
Posted by The News Junkie
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Friday morning links
Toon via Lucianne Four Child-Rearing Practices Ben Franklin’s Father Used to Raise a Great Man 10-Year-Old Colorado Girl Becomes Youngest Person to Climb El Capitan Sheesh Talk About Excitement: New York To Become The "Global Leader" On Climate! Why Are There So Many Homeless in Los Angeles? Connecticut’s Fiscal Decay
Kotkin: What Do the Oligarchs Have in Mind for Us? Anti-Semitism Grows on College Campuses Rhode Island Passes 'Abortion Until Birth' Bill; Senator: 'We Will All Be Accountable To God' What physician would do that? Depraved Social Engineers Run California Schools Bishop Tells Congress White People Need to Pay Reparations to Save Their Souls At Dems' Event on Poverty, No One Talked About Jobs Why? LEFT-WINGERS PILE ON CHUCK TODD FOR CALLING OUT OCASIO-CORTEZ CNN’s Angela Rye Says America Is Headed Toward Implementing The Same “Death Camps” As Nazis CA Voters Not Happy With Free Medical For Illegals IMMIGRATION MADNESS - A legal immigrant weighs in 'Scorched Earth': Mueller's Targets Speak Out Terrible stories Schlichter: Trump’s Way To Victory 5.8 Million Individuals Drop Off Food Stamps Under Trump Apple, Black & Decker and Steve Madden among US companies moving production out of China. Here’s the full list. Iran determined to arm West Bank Palestinian factions China’s Urban Crisis - Authoritarian planning, rising class tensions, and sophisticated population surveillance cast a shadow on the country’s rapidly growing cities. Thursday, June 20. 2019Possibly best version of Desolation RowLife in America: Nice rural garden in Connecticut, and thoughts about gardening
I'm talking about the area from Great Barrington MA down through Salisbury CT, Kent CT, Litchfield, Washington, Warren, Goshen, Woodbury, Southbury, etc. Perfect semi-rural villages, each with its dominating Congo church. We visited the Hollister gardens again this weekend. I like the way that even their formal gardens are not manicured - sort-of random but always with good structure, good garden architecture.
Over the years, I think I have grown weary of the vegetable gardening hobby. It was more fun when the kids were young, and learned from it. Some of my pals have wonderful and attractive vegetable gardens, but it can become just a chore. I just focus on tomatoes for now. Too many other fun things to do on weekends, not to mention social duties. I focus more on shrub borders, perennial borders. I'd rather mow a meadow on a tractor, with a cold beer or two and a ceegar, than hoe a vegetable garden. To each his or her own, I guess. I have my eye on a rural property in Litchfield County with a pond, a trout stream, meadows, and woodlands. Antique farmhouse, barns, and cottage. Trouble is, we never seem to have free weekends. Trump Just Revolutionized medical insurance
Trump Just Revolutionized Health Care — And Nobody Noticed
Thursday morning links
JD POWER SAYS KOREAN CARS BEAT US AND EUROPE IN QUALITY California Bishops Concerned With Climate Disruption, Want Ecological Sprituality Female Student Athletes File Title IX Complaint, Say Transgender Competitors Are ‘Displacing’ Them Stuyvesant High School: Some stats: Mean SATs, Stuyvesant: 1470, mean math 760. These correlate with an IQ of 143. Meet the New York couple donating millions to the anti-vax movement Mexico becomes first country to approve USMCA Schumer & Cotton: Our bipartisan 'Fentanyl Sanctions Act' targets traffickers like China VDH: America’s First Third-World State Hoyer expects reparations bill to get a floor vote Race hustlers Don Lemon Compares Airing Trump Speeches To Giving Hitler Air Time… MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch: Make America Great Again Is Make America White Again, ‘It’s All About Racism’… CNN Pulls the Plug on Trump Rally After Crowd Chants 'CNN Sucks' Trump's Orlando Speech: Unprecedented and Remarkable This Marine captain figured out exactly how many pounds equal pain in combat One of the criticisms of D Day was overloaded infantry
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