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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, August 26. 2018From today's Lectionary: A difficult messageJohn 6:56-69 6:56 Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. 6:57 Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me. 6:58 This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like that which your ancestors ate, and they died. But the one who eats this bread will live forever." 6:59 He said these things while he was teaching in the synagogue at Capernaum. 6:60 When many of his disciples heard it, they said, "This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?" 6:61 But Jesus, being aware that his disciples were complaining about it, said to them, "Does this offend you? 6:62 Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? 6:63 It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 6:64 But among you there are some who do not believe." For Jesus knew from the first who were the ones that did not believe, and who was the one that would betray him. 6:65 And he said, "For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted by the Father." 6:66 Because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him. 6:67 So Jesus asked the twelve, "Do you also wish to go away?" 6:68 Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. 6:69 We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." Saturday, August 25. 2018Best of Season 6: Genius comedy TV
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Life In America: The project at the Maggie's HQ proceeds
What are unemployed Americans doing? The painters began work today, following the sides of the place where the carpenters have finished their work. 3 Brazilians. Lovely guys, very polite and accommodating. Perfectionists. One has been to Lisbon/Lisboa, but not to Porto. Depending on weather, they predict 3 more weeks of work (prep takes the longest): scrape entire house, then power-wash, then re-scrape and sand, then prime, then paint. Doing the job the right way. These guys have never heard of Fado. I suggested that they check it out. We liked this club in Lisbon. We had some Portuguese dessert there and I had a glass of wine:
Posted by Bird Dog
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Saturday morning links
Defense Against Bears with Pistols: 97% Success rate, 37 incidents by Caliber That's a great website Why the Earth Has Fewer Species Than We Think - A primer on the epigenome. Why bigger planes mean cramped quarters. The incredible shrinking airplane. YDSA urges socialists to infiltrate public education Asia Argento's Time Is Up - A tale of fame, fallacy, and the perils of good intentions The Billion Dollar Homeless Scam Two officers suspended after body cam video was leaked of the Denver mayor's son berating cops America is experiencing a major culture war between its interpreters and the people. The NYT is doing an effective job at instilling revulsion for Trump. "Every day it becomes clearer that the true object of the investigation taken over by Robert Mueller is the removal of President Trump from office."
Just how communist is Mainland China? E U Meeting Ends With No Deal On Migrant Redistribution Netherlands Prosecuting Man for Insulting Turkish President Erdogan Friday, August 24. 2018Secrets of nut-milking, exposedThe New Media: My Experience and MoreCommenter: "I could listen to Jordan Peterson all day. Oh shit, I have." This genius guy's coherence is inspiring. Rock star talker. Puts into words what you thought but could not express.
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Language and the Lunatic Fringes of the Left
I recommend it. Things have gotten much worse since 1992. I have noticed the growing use of the word "problematic" lately. I find the use of that word to be problematic. What it means is that you might be in trouble with the Thought and Culture cops.
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QQQFriday morning linksLife lessons from his friend in the face of death
America’s Invisible Pot Addicts - More and more Americans are reporting near-constant cannabis use, as legalization forges ahead. Magic mushrooms to treat depression? This Peter Thiel-backed startup just got FDA okay to begin trials David Horowitz: Visa, Mastercard Cut Off - Payments to My Think Tank Based on SPLC ‘Hate Group’ Label Suspicion of dark hidden motives is corrupting the leftist mind Sierra Club: Democrats are Losing Interest in Climate Change Why Are Democrats (And The Media) Still Trying To Rehabilitate Socialism? 8-Year-Old Girl Walks Dog Around Block, Police and Child Services Investigate Mom Majority of Public Employees Don't Want to Be Forced to Pay Union Dues Palestine: A false road to statehood Thursday, August 23. 2018Thursday morning links
Venice restaurant bill outrages Japanese tourists It's a tourist trap San Francisco "Poop Patrollers" Make $185,000 Passing the Torch - Why the eons-old truce between humans and fire has burst into an age of megafires, and what can be done about it Social Media Companies the Most Dangerous Monopolies Ever The Guardian: Men’s Fixation on Younger Women is Indicative of a Crisis in Masculinity Says Legal Insurrection, "Longest “crisis” in human history" If neo-Nazis didn’t exist, the left would have to invent them. And to some extent have. Texas School Removes 'Ladies' and 'Gentlemen' Quote After Single Twitter User Complains ‘Social Justice’ is Overrunning the University of Texas Kling: I think that the case for spending “public money” (i.e., money extracted from taxpayers) on schools is quite weak. Until I see a well-controlled experiment, I will be skeptical of the benefit of schools. College bans ‘racial’ and ‘offensive’ discussions on campus network for 11 years 52.1% of Kids Live in Households Getting Means-Tested Government Assistance THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER’S PERFECT STORM - And why religious freedom is at stake. What Socialists (and Most Other People) Don't Understand About The Oil Industry Anti-Trump Harvard Law prof ‘has lost his mind’ over Supreme Court nominee Steyn: The Priorities of US Justice Anatomy of a Sting: Robert Mueller Likely Used FBI and Foreign Intel to Set-Up George Papadopoulos in July 2017… Wednesday, August 22. 2018The Keto DietThe Keto diet is a hot topic these days, but it's really nothing new. It's mainly a weight-loss diet with very low-carb (just those in non-root veggies) and high fat. The idea is to train your body (it does work) to burn fat for energy instead of carbs. When that happens, you excrete ketones mostly in urine. The high fat diet (greens with plenty of olive oil, juicy meat or fish with plenty of butter, etc) stave off hunger and combat carb addiction. That's the idea. Adjustment to a keto diet can mean enduring the "Keto Flu" for a week or two as the body readjusts to fat burning. Everything about getting in to good shape is difficult.
Why socialism always fails
It fails because of the incentive problem.
Help! I can't get up!It is floor to standing with a weight in your hand. Since I posted a photo of a Turkish Get Up yesterday, a bit more on this full-body calisthenic:
Wednesday morning links Don’t subsidize coal; just stop trying to kill it off Sea level rise has been average 7 inches per century for 7000 years Can Sexual Orientation Change? Cultural appropriation update New Jersey governor bans black bear hunting on state grounds, but not without backlash Asia Argento: I Deny Everything — And The Payoff To My Accuser Was Anthony Bourdain’s Idea Do People Really Think Earth Might Be Flat? A poll says lots of Millennials evidently do Not The Onion: PETA Frees Animal Crackers From Cages At UCLA, 20 paid diversity advocates isn’t enough Is Democracy Really Dying? Why so many commentators share an overly grim view of America’s fate When the Left admits they hate America and Americans Pulling Their Clearances Is Only The Start — It’s Time To Stamp Out Elite Privilege
Tuesday, August 21. 2018"New study says..."
When an article begins with those words, be as skeptical as you can. Journalists know little about medicine, science, or statistics, but they know click bait when they see it. New study says new studies are oversold: A systemic review presents damning evidence that journalists are overselling research. "Chevron," the Supreme Court, and the federal governmentKavanaugh And The “Chevron Doctrine”. It is important.
Connecting the dots in the DC swampBesides the Clinton-Russia collusion/treason?, there is just too much inbred corruption and deception. Where is the Special Counsel?
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Do I ever "feel like" working out?
I hate to imagine what my life would be like if I only did what "I feel like doing." Worst case? Living in retirement or on welfare as a TV addict or internet or heroin addict - but then I would hate myself for laziness and passivity. I am already a book addict. It's sort of moot for me, because I have never known the meaning of "relax and take it easy." Probably never will. I was made for work. What does "motivation" mean? I don't know. I do know what desire means, and what fear means. Desire for results, and fear of decay, affect me but so does the simple physical need to be active. My genius trainer always says "The hardest exercise of all is dragging your lazy ass to the gym every morning." The answer to my title question is "No - never." That's because it is so hard and stressful compared with, say, yard and garden work, or going for a scenic hike. I just want to get it done with and then to begin my day in a good state of mind. Once I get in the gym, though, there is some perverse satisfaction in pushing myself and testing my will, and good satisfaction after completing a hard hour. Being driven by a slave-master helps a lot too. Endorphins are over-rated, but an atmosphere where everybody is busting their ass is inspirational. As all of our readers know well, discipline, determination, and delayed gratification are darn important in making a decent life. It does feel good to me to be in better shape than I was in 20 years ago, but it's taken 3 years to get here with much further to go. Trying to turn back that clock, baby - it's only semi-delusional. Photo: Those people are doing Turkish Get-ups. It's a tricky calisthenic. Tuesday morning links
Above: Perry's Venn Diagram related to MacDonald's Gender is a construct - except when it's not Tyler Cowen is visiting Baku Most wildfires are started by humans, we can do a lot to prevent them too Ethanol Is Terrible for Health and the Environment, but Government Keeps Backing It. The US federal government still strongly pushes corn- and soy-based ethanol despite the EPA's new study showing its harmful effects. US military having trouble finding good recruits California Dems Pass Bill Banning Sale Of Soda And Juice To Kids… Public Housing’s Most Notorious Failure - Revisionist history notwithstanding, Cabrini-Green more than deserved its reputation for crime and squalor. Dalrymple on bureacratese The Pernicious Impact of Government Intervention in Healthcare, Captured in a Chart. This “third-party payer” system basically means market forces are absent. Weinstein accuser Asia Argento made deal to pay her own sexual assault accuser, bombshell report says Asia Argento Paid Off Sexual Assault Accuser (Report) ANDREW CUOMO: TRUMP’S AMERICA CONSISTS OF ‘SEXISM, RACISM, BIGOTRY, AND INTOLERANCE’ "...conservatives also cave in large numbers even when their most sacred cows are in danger." Chelsea Clinton Now Calls Running for Office a ‘Definite Maybe’ David Horowitz: Trump’s Character and Trump’s Presidency This is why all Americans should support President Trump on immigration Trump is gaining black support because his policies are improving the lives of all Americans
Why the New Winnie the Pooh Movie Is Banned in China South Africa farm seizures BEGIN: Chaos as first expropriation of white-owned farms starts Sweden riots: Why is Sweden rioting? Is it to do with the Sweden election? i Sultan: Why should Kofi Annan’s death cause us to forget how bad at his job he was? Failure falls upwards.
Monday, August 20. 2018Lost years"At 37, I’m stronger than I’ve been since I was 27, probably the same as when I was 17. I should rejoice, I know, but..."
At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!Left has won culture war
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Monday morning links
Roundup and junk science The internet has transformed the search for love and partnership First They Came for Alex Jones In Stunning Admission, Jack Dorsey Acknowledges Twitter's "Left-Leaning" Bias SO, YOU WANT TO BE A POLICE OFFICER? Editorial Collusion By Dozens Of Newspapers Proves Trump's Point: The Media Are Biased Poll: Government Back On Top As Nation’s Leading Problem Elizabeth Warren’s Batty Plan to Nationalize . . . Everything ICE BUSTS ILLEGAL ALIEN WANTED FOR MURDER IN MEXICO, MEDIA OUTRAGED ANOTHER TRUMP MIRACLE: President Brings Hope and Investment Back to Gary, Indiana – A Democrat Dead Zone Black Business Ownership Under Trump Jumps 400% in ONE YEAR WHAT TO MAKE OF THE WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL’S COOPERATION WITH MUELLER Progressive Cities Go To Work On The Problem of "Homelessness" RAHM EMANUEL ACCUSED OF RACISM FOR SUGGESTING SHOOTINGS COULD BE FIXED WITH FAMILY VALUES - "Our kids need that moral structure in their lives. And we cannot be scared to have this conversation.” One of the most touching of the #Walkaway stories EITHER OHR Will South Africa Follow the Path of Zimbabwe? VIETNAM’S CATHOLICS: CROSS WITH CHINA, AND ALL COMMUNISTS Peru And Ecuador Demand Passports From Venezuelans Migrants Sunday, August 19. 2018Sunday BobA practice version of Idiot Wind from 1974. Final lyrics of this tough, pained song still evolving in this tape. He was not happy when Sarah dumped him and his kids to run off with some con-man. Doubt he ever really got over that. "Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth..."
A Cape Cod state of mind: Why we love Wellfleet, MA
Foggy drizzly Atlantic morning beach hike, Newcomb Hollow to Cahoon's Hollow, and back. Big shorebird migration last week. Hundreds of Least Sandpipers and Bonaparte's Gulls. Lots of Grey Seals people-watching. Great Whites seal-watching, I guess, too. Besides multi-generational family tradition and the regular presence of my very high-energy sibs and their interesting kids (I went for an early morning jog - 5:30 or so, and ran past the town tennis courts. "Hey, Bird Dog - I have a spare racquet in my car". My brother and sis were playing tennis already, so we did Canadian doubles for an hour), I'll offer some reasons we love it there, and a few pictures, below the fold: Continue reading "A Cape Cod state of mind: Why we love Wellfleet, MA"
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