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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, November 18. 2017Saturday morning links
Want to live longer? Get a dog I'm a skeptic on that, but a well-trained dog makes life better Ladies: The Draft is Coming. The Senate just voted to require young women to register for the draft. Disaggregating the economy: cost of living by state Paltering: The art of lying with the truth POLICE BODY CAMERAS CAN THREATEN CIVIL RIGHTS OF BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE, NEW REPORT SAYS Ya can't win in the race game DeGroot is grim: The Future of Black America Vietnam War: A confrontation of two ideologies Dem Running For Ohio Gov Opens Up About Sexual Escapades With ’50 Attractive Females’ Like they say, politics is Hollywood for less appealing people Continetti: The Great American Earthquake: Can the foundations of our society hold?
DEMOCRATS REVIVE THE “TRICKLE DOWN” SMEAR I can't follow this story: Fusion GPS Founder Told Congress He Regrets That His Research Ended Up In Kremlin Hands
" We’ve literally gone from complete and total silence on this issue for nearly 20 years to people jumping on the Clinton-is-a-creep bandwagon and proclaiming they’ve always felt this way. " Sore Loser Conspiracy Theorist: No, I Can´t Say the 2016 Election Was ´Legitimate´
Saudi Prince promises Israel billions of dollars to defeat Hezbollah France: Escalating Muslim Anti-Semitism Swedish Government Suppresses Stats on Muslim Rape Epidemic Life in America: ThanksgivingFriday, November 17. 2017QQQ“Some shocking news, you guys: It just came out that as many as four elected officials have not been accused of sexual harassment.” Jimmy Fallon Guard Commander InspectionChanging the guard, at Arlington National Cemetery. Rituals matter.
Friday morning links
They are the best From No 'lost tribes' or aliens: what ancient DNA reveals about American prehistory
World's first human head transplant successfully carried out Put me on the waiting list. I want a better one Local Aristocracy and Nationalization of Culture. Yes, I've thought about that too How Green Delegates Keep Warm In Bonn Boston Globe: It's Time To Consider Gun Confiscation The Red Cross Destroys the Laws of War 13 Baltimore Public High Schools Have ZERO Students Proficient in Math Sylvester Stallone Made 16 Year-Old Fan Perform Oral On Him And His Bodyguard Then Told Her They’d Kill Her If She Told… NPR Grapples With Harassment Crisis WHY THE DEMOCRATS REALLY TURNED ON BILL CLINTON - It’s not about his victims, it’s about money and power. HELL FREEZES OVER=> Chelsea Handler Tells Juanita Broaddrick She Believes Bill Clinton Raped Her Franken, Weinstein, and 'Men Without Chests' - C.S. Lewis: "We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst." Number One U.S. Hatemonger: The Southern Poverty Law Center YES, VIRGINIA, IMMIGRATION IS TURNING THE COUNTRY BLUE. The inconvenient fact about Democrats' recent electoral successes. The Whole World – Not Just the U.S. – Is Moving to Secure Its Borders Senators Aim to Axe Program Giving Farmers Guaranteed Profits While Sticking Taxpayers With the Tab - It's "like insuring your car for $5,000, and getting a check for $10,000 after it's totalled," says Sen. Jeff Flake Good Resignation of CFPB head gives Trump opportunity to erase Elizabeth Warren’s legacy Good Hillary Clinton: Investigating Me With Special Counsel Would Be An Abuse Of Power Wow Thursday, November 16. 2017New Zealand might have a solution to its unwanted immigrant animalsFor saleActually, an online auction: 1949 International Farmall Cub Tractor Entirely rebuilt. Perfect example of something I want but don't need. Golly, I know everything about that tough old machine. It will run forever. The Cub is identical, basically, to the larger version that I grew up with. Just shrunk.
Undoing the Dis-Education of MillennialsFrom Adam McLeod's Undoing the Dis-Education of Millennials
Cardio workouts for the over-40 and over-50 group
Cardio training is for general energy and endurance - but it is also to help you survive your first heart attack and to fend off senility. Weight training and Calisthenics do not require any age adjustments, but cardio training generally does because your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) tends to decline with age (or in my case, is actually suppressed by my BP pills). This site explains how to calculate where your baseline cardio training heart rate needs to be - around 70-80% of MHR. That's baseline cardio training - not your sprints. A few points below the fold -
Continue reading "Cardio workouts for the over-40 and over-50 group" Thursday morning links
Museum of the Bible ready to open giant, Gutenberg-inspired doors in D.C. CLIMATE CHANGE ALARMISM IS FOUNDED ON DISHONESTY Here’s a novel idea: how about teaching history instead of trendy ideology? Williams College President: The Real Threat To Free Speech Isn’t Far-Left Students Silencing Speakers On Campus Black high school students demand white principal’s ouster … for not agreeing with their narrative I feel sorry for that guy Latino Student Schools Liberal Teacher in Debate on White Supremacy Hey Millennials: Communism Sucks, I Lived It Bill Clinton: Godfather of Harvey Weinstein and Roy Moore McArdle: Outsiders Can't Transform a Bureaucracy. What is required at a place like the Department of Health and Human Services is, if not a swamp dweller, at least someone swamp-adjacent. Here's what Trump gets right on trade Labor Sec Says Red Tape Holds Back Apprentices, Acosta tells committee 'cumbersome' DOL registration hinders worker training Good ‘The American outer class’: Professor explains to peers why Trump won Saudi Arabia's crown prince has reportedly ordered Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to accept the Middle East peace plan due to be announced by Donald Trump in the coming weeks. Venezuela defaults on its debt, blames Trump Venezuela: Milton Friedman once joked that if you put the government in charge of the Sahara Desert in five years there would be a shortage of sand. ... this being CNN, “This story has been updated to characterize Venezuela’s government as socialist.” World getting hotter: Blame Trump Fewer Brits Will Die From Cold Due To ‘Climate Change’ Nigel Farage Calls Out Soros Allies In EU Parliament, Shines Spotlight On Open Society Influence Chinese Communist Party to Christians: Replace Paintings of Jesus With Photos of Xi Hezbollah, crown jewel of Iran's spreading influence Wednesday, November 15. 2017Risk factors for Alzheimer's Disease
What factors are associated with increased risk? - Age (obviously) nb: Correlation does not mean causation. These things just represent the current knowledge. Also, medical researchers never include "Bad luck" as a disease risk factor, but it is usually a major one in most ailments. Best jump ropes
As we have posted in the past, jumping is an excellent almost zero-impact (you land on your toes with soft knees) cardio stressor (roughly equivalent to sprinting depending on your turn speed), and there are countless step variations to work on to keep it fun (one-footed, spread-leg, running man, split jumps, skipping, etc etc). Varying the speed and extending the duration also keep it interesting. If you can do a minute or two of double unders, I tip my hat to ya. Jumping is not just for guys, but it's mostly guys who do it to train their athleticism. Watching a skilled jumper vary his steps and speeds seemingly effortlessly (it's not), as if almost weightless, is a thing of beauty. I use jumping as an HIIT component of my Cardio or Calisthenics days. I only go for a few minutes per set, but good jumpers go for 10, 20, or 30 minutes. I just do not have that kind of endurance....yet. We recommend the Rx Smart Gear ropes. You have to get the right length for your height, and you have to pick a cable weight. The lightest ones are not for amateurs, and the heaviest ones are a bitch but a heck of a one-minute cardio workout. If a beginner, go for a beginner rope. I like the guy in the video below the fold -
Continue reading "Best jump ropes" The Math You Need Is Not the Math You GetGreat, if you assume that inside each little brat is a hidden Euclid or Archimedes or Newton just waiting for the chance to emerge. Since the odds are strongly against that, we have instituted the concept of "education," meaning learning what much smarter people have already figgered out. Wednesday morning links
Since Harvard is so big on anal sex, maybe they figured the Harvard founders probably were not Why there are so many Turkeys in New England New Yorkers are right to fume over the Tappan Zee’s new name 30 Million Americans Were Just Diagnosed With High Blood Pressure, Here's Why PhD: Small desks cause 'hostile' environment for fat students Quotation of the day on how the radical college left eliminated opposing voices and replaced them with extremism and demagoguery Is Drudge a Russian agent? Earth’s future is ‘worse than we thought’ – 25th anniversary edition Charles Krauthammer 'still recovering' from mystery surgery, promises: 'I'll be back' From PBS' 'Vietnam' slap in face of all who served:
'Creep list’ of men known for inappropriate behavior circulates in Congress CAN YOU REALLY BE ADDICTED TO SEX? So Just Why Is the Left Acknowledging Clinton's Sexual Deviancy Now? “If the government cannot even count all of the criminal laws it has enacted, how on earth can citizens be expected to obey them?” Who cares? There's a crime to fit everybody The problem with diversity quotas Why taxing stock options is a bad idea I'm convinced Socialist students at Kent State refuse to take part in 'capitalist vs. socialist food drive' Duh. Most Socialists want to get, not give Kimball: Helping the Victims of Trump Derangement Syndrome Judicial Watch: 1.1 million illegals voted for Hillary in 2016 Was the 'dossier" the dirtiest trick ever? The Arctic Silk Road: A Huge Leap Forward For China And Russia Al-Qaeda Has Rebuilt Itself—With Iran's Help Tuesday, November 14. 2017New England real estate: Cuttyhunk Island
Cuttyhunk seems remote, but it is only ten minutes by air from New Bedford. I don't know how well Amazon Prime works there. Cell service? Don't count on it. Around 40 people live on Cuttyhunk year-round. The house above is for sale. Prof. Peterson's daily exercises, and his advice to young people
That is a hell of a lot better than a lazy and sedentary schlub, but it's not a program we would recommend. It's not varied enough, for one thing. Repetition builds efficiency, and thus reduces effectiveness. Anyway, the Prof has high vitality and productivity so it works for him. Years ago, I ran 10k every morning in the dark. A complete waste of time even though I enjoyed the supposedly "healthy" ritual. Since I know Peterson's IQ is at least 20 points above mine, I would not presume to give him fitness advice though. Here's his advice to younger people, which is basically something like "Do anything, do not feel "above" any sort of work, grab any opportunity, be humble. Life is very difficult so you need to be in it as much as you can."
Posted by Bird Dog
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Lessons from successful adults who overcame difficult childhoodsTwo about TrumpWhy I Have Given Up on Trumpism The New Republic: Liberals Are Becoming Knee-Jerk Anti-Trumpists. The left should be encouraging the president's moderation on foreign policy rather than distorting the truth about alleged gaffes. It's nice that even TNR sees all the fake news going around
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Tuesday morning links
I happen to find them disgusting Student government votes for installation of $20k set of ‘napping stations’ It's nursery school! Academic bloat update 'Transracial' man born white feels like he is Filipino And I feel like a ham sandwich on rye with swiss and mustard More on the toxic masculinity of gay men Two Young Black Men Elected To Public Office In Connecticut – As Republicans The Great Progressive Tax Escape - IRS data show an accelerating flight from high-tax states. New Report Highlights Terror Links of Students for Justice in Palestine Bernie Sanders suggests the U.S. should emulate Canada’s free healthcare. No we shouldn’t, and it isn’t free Keurig Apologizes For ‘Taking Sides’ In Hannity Boycott Sean Hannity is fighting for his survival Soros' minions are after him Is There Nothing Republicans Can’t Screw Up? Dems Fuming as Trump Remakes Federal Judiciary Althouse: Remembering Bill Clinton's sexual assaults Sessions directs prosecutors to ´evaluate certain issues´ involving Uranium One and Clinton, leaves door open on special counsel Did the Cooked-Up Steele Dossier Trigger the Entire Russia Probe? Seven bombings in twelve days in Sweden, what is happening? Another Yankeeland photoFrom a reader, from last week before wind and rain mostly cleaned out the trees
Monday, November 13. 2017Our moral and intellectual superiorsWhere are the biggest sleazes? In the political world or in Hollywood?
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Being overweight, and your precious knees
While muscles respond well to stress, joints do not. The worst thing you can do to your hips and knees is to be overweight. That is why, in the UK and many other European nations, if you are overweight they will leave you a cripple and tell you it's your own fault. Government medicine will buy you a 12-Euro cane. In Euroland today you see people with canes, walkers, and wheelchairs who would be playing tennis and hiking in the US. How Overweight Causes Knee Problems Study links obesity to rise in knee dislocations Similar issues apply to hips and lower back. Nothing but trouble. Shoulders can wear out too, but that's a separate topic with different causes. Monday morning links
The Best Way for Retirees to Find Meaningful Volunteer Work Sex worker with over 10K partners reveals what men really want Short version: Most men just want to be desired Let little boys wear tiaras: Church of England issues new advice to combat transgender bullying for teachers Communism's Defenders Still Don't Get It. Despite ample evidence that nothing good comes of it, people still insist on defending communism. Why Is It So Hard to Fix the National Flood Insurance Program? Flood insurance subsidized the perverse incentive to build in flood zones The Fight Against Hotcoldwetdry Can Only Succeed If All Citizens Are Forced To Comply Jerry Brown Climate Rant: “We need a total, I might say, brainwashing” The Sacred Science - 25,000 climate change evangelists jet to Bonn to tell the rest of the world how to live. WHO PAYS FOR “GREEN” ENERGY? Possibly biggest scam in world history. Cui bono? Keurig Caves to Media Matters, Faces Boycott Backlash from Outraged Sean Hannity Fans After Dropping Ads Surveillance Cameras Made by China Are Hanging All Over the U.S. Company 42%-owned by the Chinese government sold devices that monitor U.S. Army base, Memphis streets, sparking concerns about cybersecurity The Surveillance State: An Inexorable March Toward Totalitarianism 80% Failure Rate Would Get All Of Us Fired. Not The TSA! Air Force Academy: A Perfect Hoax For The Age Of Trump. University of Oregon President Likens Student Protesters to Fascists You Have to Hand It to Hillary – the Girl Can Smear How the ex-DNC chair ruined Clinton’s chance at 2020 Fendandez on your supposed moral and intellectual superiors:
If The Saudi Arabia Situation Doesn't Worry You, You're Not Paying Attention I have enough to worry about Sunday, November 12. 2017People who think they're good at things often are not. People who see their limits tend to be more skilled than those who rate their skills highlyLess competent people tend to rate themselves more highly. It's Dunning-Kruger If you think you're good at something, think again.
Posted by The Barrister
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Alternative Math
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