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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, May 21. 2015Cool shotguns for saleThe Palau familyI mentioned a luncheon we are hosting for Luis Palau. Here's a recent chat with the family about what these evangelists are up to these days.
New York OystersFighting to Keep an Oyster Ghost Town Alive Oysters have to be farmed to meet market demand. I am part of that market. They are easy to farm, but slow-growing compared to chickens. I find the West Coast oysters to be insipid, and oysters grown south of Chesapeake Bay flavorless, too large, and disgusting. Oyster gourmet. Is there any way to avoid your campus microaggressions?
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Thursday morning links
Ancient Heritage Site at Major Risk as Islamic State Nears Full Control in Palmyra Althouse: "I retreated to the position that the mind of Bob Dylan is simply an unknowable phantasmagoria." A good word. Can the West Stand Up for Free Speech? NYC is America’s No. 1 slumlord Disgrace: 51% of Democrats, 37% of Republicans support making “hate speech” a crime I hate hate hate people who wish to restrict speech More Dems Than GOP Aiding Paul’s Marathon Protest of Patriot Act I'm with Rand on this The ‘Old and Relentless’: The Clinton soap opera continues The Secret Roots of Liberation Theology ISIS gains big in Iraq; Obama remains functionally indifferent I am becoming indifferent too. The world is full of evil people, always has been. Why is that my problem? Why should I get upset by these ignorant raghead lunatics? They have been there for a long time, killing eachother. It's what they do - their culture. A Deere in my shedWednesday, May 20. 2015The Strange Story of Bob Dylan’s Triumphant First Letterman Performance
Exercise and Fitness
I often write about dietary and nutritional issues here, trying to debunk the fads, but I think anything people do to keep moving with vigor in all stages of life improves the quality and functionality of life. Physical and mental challenges, constantly. All kinds of resistance exercises are excellent for the regular sedentary Western person to maintain posture, balance, function, bone density, and muscle mass. The challenge is that middle-aged people develop aches and pains, reminding us that Nature and maybe God never intended us to live much beyond our prime breeding ages. But, there is a need for a few wise elders. Why not be one? What exercise cannot do, unless you are hiking the Appalachian Trail (we did it as a between-jobs extended sabbatical, before kids - Georgia to Katahdin. A crazy 5-month honeymoon of bliss, bonding, and exertion. Youthful woodland passion from hill to dale, from state to state. God saw us. Then hubbie's "garden leave" ended, we started new jobs, I got an office, life returned, and kids came. I think we created our first one towards the end of that hike and we later nicknamed him "Trail," - short for Trail Mix) is get rid of fat. Only diet can do that. When people have young kids, they rightly neglect their own well-being. Nature demands that. After that chapter, you either rise or fall. These are averages for average-fit people, not what might be desired. Average sizes, not lifters and hard exercisers (for ages 30-60). These rough numbers are with reps, however many one can handle (1-10): Average fit male can bench press his weight.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Pot-headsI think daily pot-smoking is a poor choice of lifestyle especially if you want a clear head. However, poor choice of lifestyle is not a crime. I enjoy a taste of weed once in a while, usually on a boat on a calm, clear day with a couple of Pacificos. Sometimes on a hiking climb in the glorious White Mountains of New Hampshire, or on a trout stream anywhere. It's difficult to relax anywhere, but one must put in that extra effort to relax sometimes if only to get along with others cheerfully. "Prior to 1937 in the United States (and 1928 in the United Kingdom), cannabis had enjoyed a 5,000 year run as a therapeutic plant with no history of illegality." I am generally opposed to drug laws. Gigantic waste of time and money. Freedom entails freedom to be stupid. Just not on my nickel.
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Wednesday morning links Water balloons are bombs, and water hoses are flame-throwers. Dangerous out there if you have a psychotic imagination. Life is more fun without psychosis. With luck, the “trigger warning” crew will all stop watching Game of Thrones now “Notice how you never hear feminists saying, ‘We need more women loggers’?” How PTSD Became a Problem Far Beyond the Battlefield The story of Liberation Theology How Government Debt Disinherited the Next Generation…and How To Fix It Ferguson Rent-A-Mobs Exposed After boosting trade pacts, Hillary Clinton gets millions from speeches to traders Watergate Redux? Will Sid ‘Vicious’ Upend Hillary? Chris Christie on the NSA: “You can’t enjoy your civil liberties if you’re in a coffin” Does not sound like Patrick Henry How America Lost Vietnam After Winning the War Against a Communist Foe Why Does the Left Kowtow to Islam?
Obama’s Middle East Policy Is In a State of Collapse Did U.S. Policy Allow Ramadi to Fall? Stubborn D.C. advisers won't accept why Iraqi security forces fail and the jihadis keep advancing. The Lessons of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Discovery FinallyThe front garden is springing to life
Tuesday, May 19. 2015Oil and wax, again, with other goop I always listen to him. As an old-timey Yankee traditionalist, I figgered he'd go for for waxes or oils which I prefer on my gunstocks, but he likes a couple of coats of that Deft stuff, sprayed or brushed. I will not use polyurethane on furniture as my religion forbids it but that's not polyurethane. It's a lacquer. I am still contemplating how to finish one of our old oak rustic, wide-board family dining tables which I sanded, steel-wooled, and stained. Why do that? Drink and other stains, and 90 years of grime, food, wax, dust, and dead mouse excretions. And rustic enough that I could not screw it up badly. Would never dare touch fine furniture. Maybe I'll use the No rush. We have tables! Just no time to siddown.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Death TaxI am completely opposed to any death taxes. The income has already been taxed. Why tax the dead? Well, it was because the turn of the century (last century) Progressives hated the wealthy families. Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, etc. appeared to hate the wealthy because their influence, like that of churches and large businesses, competed with government - as they should wish to compete. Government is not God. Over the years, many families have fallen victims to that tax other than those who are slick enough to dodge it. My view is that I want all families to be free to be as wealthy and independent as they chose to be, and to be free to accumulate whatever they want to for their futures. Farm, flower shops, whatever. It means a lot to people. In America, wealth is never the most important thing in life but everybody cares about their family and their families' futures. You can call it love, not greed. Greg Mankiw said this in 2003, and it is still right. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.
It's an exaggeration. They do well in state and local elections. For national elections, I feel they need to inject a larger dose of good old American Libertarian ideas and rhetoric. Sometimes I imagine that they are afraid to win the WH, Senate, and Congress at once. That never bothered their opposition with their messianic aspirations. I do not aspire to utopia, just personal freedom from government, as much as is reasonable. Trans-fats? Are you kidding me?
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Tuesday morning linksRelated? Hating Babies, Hating Mothers The MA Berkshires: From a sleepy farming area to Deep in the Berkshires, Housewares and High Fashion Life Is "Triggering." The Best Literature Should Be, Too. Boston University prof in racist tweet flap accused of trolling white rape victim Federal Hammer to Come Down on Trans Fats The Coming Trans Fat Ban and the Petty Tyranny of the FDA - The FDA, which helped make trans fat use more common, is now seeking to ban trans fats. Robot anesthesiologists How Soaring Housing Costs Impoverish a Whole Generation and Maul the Real Economy Kerry: Internet 'Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly' - Calls for more international Internet laws. Bored to Death: Do Jeb and Hillary Really Want to Be President? Steph: Weasel words from a weasel Stephanopoulos’s Long, Long Record of Loyal Service to the Clintons Clinton Foundation donors include dozens of media organizations, individuals NYT: Clinton Friend’s Memos on Libya Draw Scrutiny to Politics and Business Camden, NJ: Obama Just Called This "Rotting, Decaying Hellhole" A Symbol Of "Promise For The Nation" Illinois: “Politicians are to blame for the state’s fiscal woes, but mainly Sharpton’s daughter hiked up mountain on ‘sprained’ ankle #Ferguson Protest Leaders Paid $5,000 a Month to Disrupt & Instigate Violence Obama — You’re a bad person to do the best for your kids. Me? You’re kidding, right? Hillary Caught in Another Email Lie: New Docs Reveal She Used Second Private Account While Sec. of State Obama — You’re a bad person to do the best for your kids. Me? You’re kidding, right? - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=56832#sthash.4YhFG9Qo.dpuf Unions Pour Millions into Clinton Foundation - Some contributions reported as political activity Clinton Political Advisor Sydney Blumenthal Has Been Paid by the Clinton Foundation for Years; "Advised" Hillary on Libya at Same Time He Was Seeking Business Opportunities There Sweden: Rape Capital of the West Vietnam poetry: Tell Me What It Was Really Like Greenfield: Liberating Our Jerusalem ISIS Opens 262 Room Luxury Hotel. Really. Raindrops Keep Falling On My Nuclear Umbrella - By failing to help South Korea and Japan with small threats, the United States is casting doubts on its biggest commitment in the region. What Israel and Saudi Arabia Can Learn from Egypt Federal Hammer to Come Down on Trans Fats
Colorado yesterdayA friend sent this pic from Colorado yesterday. He was visiting Denver to see family, heard some slopes were open, rented some skis and boots and skied in his jeans. Arapahoe Basin.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Monday, May 18. 2015Can Doubt Actually Be a Sign of Devotion?Certainly. It's part of the package or, if you will, part of the trip. How questioning and seeking truth can be part of loving God with our whole mind. In the beginning...Cosmology has been on a long, hot streak, racking up one imaginative and scientific triumph after another. Is it over?
Posted by The Barrister
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Monday morning links
No thanks Insty likes the Audi Q7 Nice car, but me want a big boy truck. The Future of Wind Turbines? No Blades Air Force general who spoke of God in talk should be court-martialed, group says Scientists fleeing Antarctica due to ice and cold A new Little Ice Age? Instead of dangerous warming, Earth could be entering a chilly era Report: Cost of Federal Regulation Reached $1.88 Trillion in 2014 Chipotle Backs Off GMO-free Claim Utah professors attacked for defending traditional marriage UC Davis women's lacrosse apologizes for senior photo featuring stereotypical costumes Administrative Complaint Filed against Harvard for Anti-Asian Admissions Discrimination Affirmative Action Firefighter Refuses to Fight Fires The ACA’s Unintended Consequences - Obamacare will depress wages and productivity. Al Sharpton’s daughter sues city for $5M after spraining ankle Don’t Be So Sure the Economy Will Return to Normal Who’d a thunk, a devout Christian black Republican beats out everyone else? Coming Soon to a Middle School Near You: ‘Gender Fluidity’ Studies War Against Human Nature: What Feminists Pay $47,030 a Year to Learn The latest lunatic postmodern target: Motherhood US Spending on Social Programs 17 times that of Socialist China NY Times Is Very Concerned Over The Housing Apartheid In Big Cities Marco Rubio fires an impressive opening shot WORTH REMINDING THEM: In 2013, the RNC Said Mark Levin Should Moderate a GOP Debate Why It Is Particularly Unseemly That Hillary Clinton Keeps Attacking the Citizens United Decision $25 million: Show Hillary the money Stephanopoulos, ABC have not fully disclosed Clinton ties: Schweizer Have Hostile Governments Stolen Hillary’s Emails? Pope Francis extends agenda of change to Vatican diplomacy Procession Honoring Virgin Mary Considered “Provocation,” Attacked by Moslems in Italy Contrary to Popular Outrage, Pope Francis Didn’t Call Mahmoud Abbas ‘an Angel of Peace’ Muslim Rape Gangs, Terrorists as 'Pop-Idols,' and the Trafficking of Children Islamic State Terror Handbook Trains Western Jihadis To Avoid Capture Procession
Honoring Virgin Mary Considered “Provocation,” Attacked by Moslems in Italy - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=58511#sthash.9uxYlOp1.dpuf Sunday, May 17. 2015State of MindDr. Ted Dalrymple speaksFirst time I've seen him interviewed. He is discussing destructive cultural trends.
Posted by The Barrister
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Oil and waxTrying to learn about this. Linseed oil seems like a real pain, and pure Tung does too (diluted Tung seems easier to work with, but I know nothing). Is wax the perfect protection for furniture? Among other things I learned, 1) never use anything on a good piano and 2) that spray shine stuff is terrible for wood.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Science is often flawed.
Movie quoteFrom Idiocracy: Sgt. Keller: Yeah, when he says that, you're not supposed to choose "get out of the way." It's supposed to embarrass you into leading - or at least following. Pvt. Joe Bowers: That doesn't embarrass me.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Oldie: Home lateA wife comes home late one night, arriving early from being out of town and quietly opens the door to her bedroom. From under the blanket she sees four legs instead of two. She reaches for a baseball bat and starts hitting the blanket as hard as she can. Once she's done, she goes to the kitchen to have a drink. As she enters, she sees her husband there, reading Maggie's Farm. "Hi, Darling", he says, "Your parents have come to visit us, so I let them stay in our bedroom."
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