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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, September 28. 2018Kavanaugh's Hearings are Identity Politics Run AmokI doubt I can say anything new or add to what we already know or believe about Kavanaugh v. Blasey-Ford. But what has happened is concerning on so many levels. As a man, you worry about being viewed as 'tone-deaf' to women's needs or being hurtful of victims. As a woman, you will be questioned if you're not lined up behind the accuser simply because 'you know' what it's like. As a citizen, you worry about the clown show in Washington and the damage it is causing to the standards we have. Living in the NYC region, I see and hear things the rest of the country has to hear (media center) but doesn't really want to. I get it in double-barreled doses, though. NYC really is a bubble of tremendous proportions. A friend of mine, today, told me he doesn't think Kavanaugh is fit for the Supreme Court, but not because of yesterday. He felt the Fox interview was weak and showed someone without great knowledge or understanding. Then he added, "His emotional outburst yesterday showed me someone who can't control his temperament." Basically, yes, it was about yesterday. Kavanaugh's background puts his other concerns to rest, but this is Progressive Central - the People's Republic of New York is taking shape. Let's address the outburst. Kavanaugh's reaction was understandable. If I was held accountable for all the stupid things I did when I was 15, I think I'd probably go nuts. If I was being held accountable for something I know didn't happen, I'd be angry and ready to take on the world. Damn right I'd be pissed. The media is judging him poorly because of his emotions. His identity is now being carefully packaged as a person unable to control his anger. I think having to discuss my 15 year old farting would, on its own, piss me off. My friend said "this appointment is bigger than yesterday." Yes it was. Now it's not. Now it is about yesterday. The Democrats chose a battlefield, spent two weeks preparing that field with full media support, failing to expect what happened. They expected the Republicans to cut and run. For once, the Republicans fought back. From my perspective, and I was never a huge Kavanaugh fan, I shifted my views. I thought he was barely an OK choice originally. Good background, solid credentials, but weak in areas that matter to me. The Democratic strategy made me realize he was an excellent choice. It wasn't about yesterday until it was. It certainly changed my view on his desirability, and I was sold. His identity is one of candid and thoughtful forebearance. Anger plays a role at the right time. But Kavanaugh never attacked his accuser. He showed sympathy and concern. He lashed out at the politics of identity utilized to smear him. Continue reading "Kavanaugh's Hearings are Identity Politics Run Amok" Tuesday, August 7. 2018Political paternalism towards black AmericansFrom The Infantilization of Black America by Tosin Akintola:
Thursday, August 2. 2018Political Science
Swimming with “Leviathan” - Reconsidering Hobbes’s magnum opus with the release of a new edition. Generally, I find it much easier to read about Hobbes than to read Hobbes.Deep thinkers are difficult to read. Tuesday, July 31. 2018Happy 106th Birthday, Milton Friedman20 Friedman quotes here. One of the best: "With some notable exceptions, businessmen favor free enterprise in general but are opposed to it when it comes to themselves." Plus this great clip including "Where are the angels to run everything?"
Friday, July 20. 2018Good Populism and the historic importance of the middle classThe intro by our friend Roger Kimball is just icing on the cake. A mini history lesson.
Wednesday, July 18. 2018Inequality Demagogues
The greater problem with all this is that inequality demagogy is premised upon a misunderstanding of how wealth is created and distributed.
Friday, July 13. 2018Well, That's Inconvenient...NYT Editorial Board admits Trump got what Obama had been asking for. They still got a few shots in, because they do have their sheep to tend to. But at least on the main point, they admit he not only is doing what Obama tried to do, but also signed an agreement critical of Russia. Because that's what Russian agents do.
Friday, June 29. 2018‘Living Constitution’ Faces a Mercy KillingIt's the one thing all Americans have in common, other than summer vacations. If it's too malleable, it's nothing, and then America is nothing. The Constitution embodies the radical idea (with a few compromises to get it accepted - all since corrected). Krauthammer:
An enjoyable bit on Charles Krauthammer:
Wednesday, June 13. 2018How the Left left Heather MacDonald behind
Posted by The Barrister
in Education, Politics, The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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Thursday, June 7. 2018The political philosophy of America's founding
Whenever I read on this topic, I am reminded about how radical and idealistic it all was. Equal rights, the sanctity of property rights, weak government subservient to the citizens, and attempting to take into account all we know about the flaws in human nature while counting on virtue, religion, and self-reliance to keep the nation on a wholesome track. With all of their opportunities to seek power, those guys tried to set up a system with as limited and contained power as possible. Quite a remarkable, bold, and humble experiment into the unknown and untried. Even as government power and authority have grown like Topsy over two centuries, the US remains the desired destination for millions on this planet, for better or worse. Sad to say, I think that is more about economics than the ideal of individual freedom. That ideal is not native or natural to most societies and cultures. Tuesday, May 29. 2018The damage the 60s did to culture and politicsFrom Roger Kimball's The Long March: Reckoning With 1968's 'Cultural Revolution,' 50 Years On
Posted by The Barrister
in Politics, The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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How the Obama Presidency Destroyed Today's Democratic PartyA talk from October. Still good VDH. What a great talker.
Wednesday, May 23. 2018Marx, Nietzsche, and Political Science
A thoughtful essay. Is individual freedom a "greater good" for society? Or is "greater good" always an enemy of freedom? Thursday, April 26. 2018Principles for a 21st Century conservatism
Ain't that the truth? This is one of his better speeches. "Don't be a blight on the world - be useful." Also, "You're damned utopia always turns into hell."
Saturday, April 21. 2018Kelo, the movie
Today, as you may know, that land in New London, CT is a barren vacant lot. George Will: Hollywood’s newest action star: The Constitution’s takings clause. The trailer:
Monday, April 9. 2018You didn't build that
It is an absurd discussion, because the only way wealth can be "captured" is by theft, fraud, or taxation. The zero-sum fallacy is there, as usual. Still, the best solution to extreme statistical inequality suggested there would be to confiscate the assets of the top 400, or 1000, or 10,000, or 100,000, and to ship those people to New Zealand or Tasmania just in case they might be tempted to try to get rich again in the US. When rid of the richest, you can begin to go after the kulaks. After a while, there is nobody left to tax and economic equality ensues (except for our Leaders, of course - some pigs are more equal than others). It's great. No, it's awesome. Tuesday, March 20. 2018Victor D Hanson; A Thorough Explanation of California's Failing Utopian Vision
California is overwhelmingly first in the US by GDP. On its own, it's the 6th largest economy in the world. Why they want federal money is beyond me.
Sunday, March 11. 2018Blue State Blues: The case of Connecticut
This lovely Yankee state, "The Land of Steady Habits," is broke. It is still a wealthy state, thanks to Fairfield County's proximity to NYC, but the rest of the state is on a downhill slope. The prosperous cities are a distant memory. The government is now mainly ruled by the unions which drove manufacturing away. Currently, the tax structure is driving wealthy residents away. Six months + one day gets you Florida residency, so you can summer in CT with your friends. Wednesday, February 28. 2018HOW THE RULING CLASS RULES
A review of The Bureaucrat Kings (h/t Powerline) While forging a somewhat different path, this reminds me of The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy Monday, February 26. 2018The Administrative StateDoctor Hamburger Diagnoses a Malignant Administrative State Politicians come and go, but the apparatus remains in charge of things. Wednesday, February 21. 2018Tyranny
Pirkowski considers the Peterson view of human nature: Emergent Tyranny: The Seed of Human Suffering Within Us All - Confront your demons before they destroy that which you love most. I have never been convinced that Freedom is a common or powerful human aspiration. A noble one, probably, but there are many things most people care about more. Freedom is scary. There are reasons people will cling to external and internal tyrannies. A minority of Americans were in favor of the War of Independence. Friday, February 16. 2018Here We Are, Again. Or the Politics of OutrageOne more shooting. One more chance for the Progressives to screech and whine about gun control. I'm really tired of this cycle. Progressives complain about the cycle, too, because they want action, and they want it now. In 3 weeks they'll be bored again, or outraged about something new such as the fact that Trump doesn't have a dog and doesn't seem to care for them. Progressive try to make it seem like those of us who actually support freedom and the Constitution are uncaring, because we don't do something other than the one thing they deride - "Thoughts and Prayers". I've noticed some are taking a new tack. Not necessarily better. Like every other event, they trot out the same emotions, same flawed statistics, bizarre comparisons to nations without cultures remotely similar to ours, and then one or two tricks. Progressives are not old dogs. They are young dogs and haven't learned that new tricks aren't necessarily smarter or better. I wrote about mass shootings, and school shootings in particular, slightly over 5 years ago. Have my views changed since then, and the presumed thousands of mass shootings that Progressives point out? No. Not in the least. Does the fact this involved children change my views? Nope. Am I cold and heartless? No. I'm just rational. Gun control won't stop this. People who want to kill will kill and they will use whatever method they can. The Progressive argument is "with guns, you can kill MORE" and that's just not proven to be true. It's an assumption based on incomplete data sets. What is the real issue that needs to be discussed after a shooting and the outrage is building? Continue reading "Here We Are, Again. Or the Politics of Outrage" Friday, December 29. 2017The fragility of liberal democracyJonathan Haidt on the fragility of liberal democracy. He is correct, I believe. It is not "natural" so it takes plenty of civilizing and education to make individual liberty work at all.
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