Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, January 17. 2013Thursday morning linksI bailed out of an attempt to induct me into a cult tonight. Evil TV Network Takes Income From 11 Children Are Gold-Plated Health Benefits Making American Workers Worse Off? Kathryn Bigelow on Zero Dark Thirty: 'It's illogical to ignore torture' IRS Warns Employers: Do Not Try to Avoid ObamaCare Insurance Mandate:
In ‘fiscal cliff’ deal, a blow to Obamacare Whole Foods CEO: ObamaCare “more like fascism” GE: Hybrid And Electric Vehicles Make No Financial Sense Memo to Beijing: Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause Smog House Passes $50 Billion In Sandy Relief (Mostly Unrelated Pork) With Democrats Providing Majority Of The Yes Votes - UPDATE: Less Than Half The Money Is Sandy Related The Whiz Kids - They didn’t come here to cut spending:
Gun rights advocates should not rely on the Second Amendment. NY Punishes Law-Abiding Citizens: Cuomo signs Nation's Most Punitive Gun Legislation into law The would-be murderers are shaking in their boots Sultan on guns and the "We have to fix this" ethos:
Obama Regime Stalls on Lisa Jackson Emails California: Money not set aside for retiree health benefits Bob Schieffer Likens Obama 'Taking on the Gun Lobby' to Hunt for Bin Laden, 'Defeating the Nazis'
Journalist Rebellion in China Egyptian court sentences Christian family to 15 years for converting from Islam Vatican slams breakaway group for anti-Semitism - Cardinal calls Jew hatred ‘non-Christian,’ questions validity of Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X Egypt’s U.S.-Subsidized Politics of Hate State Dep’t investigation: Assad used chemical weapons against Syrian rebels last month Wednesday, January 16. 2013"The Piling on by Political Left to Use Massacre of Children to Advance Political Agenda Disgusts Me"
That's Gov. Perry. I could not agree more.
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Phillips Andover jumps the sharkI had been under the impression that the reason to spend big bucks for an elite education in prep schools like Andover, Exeter, Choate, Deerfield, etc. was for a very rigorous classical education, traditional and strict moral standards, and, in general, a special culture set apart from ordinary society and its fads, from factory-style public education, and from ordinary mindless and immature teen pursuits. If these sorts of schools no longer aspire to be different, what's the point? Heather MacDonald reports from Andover: Hey, Kids--How About Studying Oppressed Sex Workers? So now Geoff Chaucer, the father of modern English, is voiceless and the whores have voices? Thus the culture progresses, forgetting the Wife of Bath - and the Whore of Babylon. Tuesday, January 15. 2013Tuesday morning linksMore WW ll aircraft photos Toyota Overtakes General Motors as Top-Selling Automaker Kimball and Sandy: I used to think that our house was, you know, our house. Five years ago, on a quiet, leisurely Thursday night, my husband and I sat at the dining room table with a yellow notepad, discussing when we should start having kids. ObamaCare's Health-Insurance Sticker Shock - Thanks to mandates that take effect in 2014, premiums in individual markets will shoot up. Some may double. The debt is up about 60% since Obama took office. This can't go on forever Obama true to form as the 'Great Divider' Nobody trusts him San Bernadino: Lock your doors and load your guns Obama to Ram Through Amnesty Plan for 11 Million Illegal Immigrants Is Chicago’s Out-Of-Control Murder Rate Connected to Its Sanctuary City Policies? CMC updates required reading list for Marines - or for anybody With French airstrikes, has the war to retake northern Mali begun? Monday, January 14. 2013Monday morning linksPic above from A Christmas card come to life: Jerusalem hit by worst snowstorm for TWENTY YEARS as eight inches fall across Holy City Tribal Lessons - ‘The World Until Yesterday,’ by Jared Diamond Colonial Manners - Based on the Exercise of a Schoolboy Good manners have not changed much since Washington's time Teaching Self-Esteem Undermines Students’ Academic Achievement A Sex Tourist Swallows the Red Pill Don't Go to Business School! Unless you can get into a top program, professional school may cause more problems than it solves Career advice from Aaron Swartz Hostess sells Wonder Bread and five other brands to Tastykakes baker for $390m with new Twinkies owner expected in a matter of weeks Saved by a non-union company Barone: History suggests that era of entitlements is nearly over Leftism and the Dangers of Modernity - The futile quest to save us from ourselves. Texas Gov. Rick Perry jabs Andrew Cuomo Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms Provisions, state by state A book: So You Want to Own a Gun By Robert Owens D.C. attorney general confirms that law is for the little people. After Immigration Arrests, Obama Administration Caves to Open Borders Mob on Twitter Soft Head, Soft Heart Argument against the minimum wage It should not kick in until age 21 Banks seek NSA help amid attacks on their computer systems Body of lies from Benghazi to Barack News Flash: Jews Are 'Apes And Pigs.' So Why Is Egypt's Morsi The Elephant In America's Newsrooms? Saturday, January 12. 2013Zero Dark ThirtyBoring, unless you want to spend two hours looking at Jessica Chastain's quivering lips. Argo, equally tedious. Two movies in a row that kept me checking my watch to see how much longer I had to sit there. Much rather read a book. Why do I bother going to the movies? Well, to be a good husband. Saturday morning linksOur friend Pirate would say, re today's photo art, "If all you see is a rapidly rising ocean about to drown poor Kate, you must be a warmenist." NYT closing its environmental propaganda desk Global cooling strikes again Classical Greek: Molon labe From Neurotic Misery to Ordinary Human Unhappiness Not a utopian Why Are LEGO Sets Expensive? Glad we have an attic full of them. Good investment. A Dad who cannot throw a baseball “You Quarterbacks Get All the Good-Looking Women” Deaths increase, misery mounts as flu sweeps nation I blame global cooling. Bad news from NY: The Blue States Are Getting Bluer Duh. Good stuff: American Digest Ilya: Tax Rates and Political Ignorance CA Gov Proposes Billions In New Spending For Upcoming Year HHS Study: Yep, Head Start doesn’t work But it does work: It employs millions of the marginally-employable in government baby-sitting jobs. As new fiscal crises near, Democrats seek more tax increases Molon labe Read more here: Noonan: Time for the Repubs to act like pirates White House Does Damage Control on NYT Gun-Control Report (h/t Insty) From Sultan's Crime and Disarmament:
Friday, January 11. 2013Ben vs. Piers on gunsThis is entertaining, but the alert and fast-talking Ben Shapiro makes one disputative error which might seem minor, but is not. His error was in answering the question "Why does anyone need an assault rifle?" The right answer would be "I don't know what your definition of an assault rifle is, but nobody has to justify his wants in America. It's a free country. Piers, why do you need a polluting Town Car and driver to bring you to work?" Link to the lively TV interview here. When white kids are killed, it's a catastrophe. When young black gangbangers die in Chicago, it's a non-story. The more I listen to all the hysteria, the more I want an AR-15 to play with even though I tend to prefer more aesthetic, old-school firearms, with wood in them. It appears that they are on back-order anyway. Just had to repost the Hello Kitty AR-15. I would not mess with this pleasant lady:
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Friday morning linksVintage photos of an Oklahoma square dance that capture an innocent slice of 1940s America We are raising a generation of deluded narcissists Sexist Brawl Erupts Between Morning Joe Anchors Obama signs protection bill for former presidents Good timing for the gun debate Henninger: Hurricane Christie - The governor howls at the Republicans who were trying to help him. Unexpected: Jobless Claims Rise to 371k As a separate country, the US oil and gas industry would be the 16th largest economy in the world In campaign for tougher gun laws, Obama and allies work to tilt public opinion Malpractice Claims: A Drain on the Entire Health Care System A Century of Nixon and the Nixonian Century Voters Still Think Economy Fairer to Lower Income Americans Than to Middle Class Low-Info Voters Just Not Interested In Politics “Some of My Best Friends are Antisemites”: Obama Nominates Hagel Egyptian Cleric Warns Christian Women: If You Don’t Wear a Veil You’ll Be Raped Where the Pressure Lies in the Middle East
Thursday, January 10. 2013Afternoon linksThe Islamization of France in 2012:
The Problem with John Kerry and Chuck Hagel: They Are Products of the Vietnam Generation Israelis Lose Faith In International Guarantees PA uses water as a political weapon Thursday morning linksPlanetary disasters: It could happen one night - Catastrophes from the past will strike again — we just do not know when. 'My Brooklyn' Tells a Story of Gentrification and Loss Boeing Has Another Dreamliner Mishap: Fuel Leak in Boston Too bad about the problems - I like that airplane Richard Burton on the Cavett Show Charisma and intelligence on parade New data show 1 in 4 children on food stamps in FY 2011 Office Space, University Edition When Teachers aren't Smarter than a Fifth-grader SURPRISE SURPRISE... GLOBAL WARMING HAS STALLED, ADMITS MET OFFICE Claims of 'Warmest Year' For Continental U.S. (Less than 2% of Earth's Surface) Ignore Flat Global Temperature Trend Obama's Green Ethanol Bureaucrats Starve The Poor Pure scam VDH: The Hipster Facade Whatever happened with Al Gore's sexual assault cases? Obama Power Grabs on the Horizon Biden: Obama May Use Executive Orders to Impose Gun Control A Kennedy Shocks the Pro-Dope Liberal Media Dino: Cons need a better presentation Keep it simple, stupid. A school shooting which did not happen Wednesday, January 9. 2013"If it only saves one life..."That's the Lefty mantra this week, re firearms. So let's ban cars, which are far more deadly. Or urban gangs and urban drug gangs, who do, by far, most of the killing in the US with illegally-possessed handguns.
Mind you, I am entirely in favor of banning firearms, or any other weapons including baseball bats, from violent criminals and the criminally insane. However, that is already the law. Crims ignore laws, obviously, worldwide. Criminalizing the law-abiding seems one more example of A nation formed by geniuses and run by idiots. A rational government would want the law-abiding armed, and the crims disarmed. I happen to believe that our government wants me disarmed. Me, who have been burglarized four times, held up at gunpoint once, threatened with death once, have had an armed home invader running through the area recently, and have never harmed anybody who did not deserve it - and never with a firearm but only with words. When government and police give up guns, and government officials and celebrities and newspaper offices give up their firearm protection, and security guards begin carrying squirtguns, and the crims give up their guns and we establish the Peaceable Kingdom where the lion lies down with the lamb, then we can talk. Until then, Maggie's HQ is defended with legal citizen arms just as Mayor Bloomberg and the President are. That's how honest country folk think, who cannot afford security guards and have no gendarmes for many miles. In the country, one must be one's own gendarme. That's the American way. I grew up with guns around. Just tools, like all the others. We kept a .22 revolver in the kitchen drawer with the pliers and screwdrivers. My Mom shot a roaming Copperhead with it one time, when a little one was outdoors in a basinette. Eve should have been armed.
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Weds. morning linksWe are mostly living in the ruins of civilizations we could not now make ourselves. Hope it holds out a while Hunting Lessons From Obsidian Wings Why All the Hate for Les Mis? A Tribal American Future? Tom Wolfe’s Back to Blood explores the downside of Miami’s diversity. How home schooling threatens monopoly education Chicago Teachers Union president jokes about murdering wealthy people New Year’s Day was tough for taxpayers. Thirteen tax increases kicked in. Why toy guns can be good for kids Sandy, Katrina, and the Pro-Government Party - Contra Paul Krugman, Sandy isn’t a Democratic success story. Christie outlines all federal spending he wants for Hurricane Sandy relief
VDH: The New Liberal Aristocracy - Modern elitists are past masters at preaching one thing and practicing another I wish more Republicans were like Barack Obama. EPA Pre-Emptive Action Against Nonexistent Alaska Mine Could Create Chilling Effect on Domestic Mining Dig It! Rare Earth and Uranium Mining Potential in the States Impact of ObamaCare on Business: Lessons from France
RubinReports: Noxious Nominations: The Four Horsemen of the American Foreign Policy Apocalypse Egypt’s Christians worried by Islamists’ rise First Strike: US Cyber Warriors Seize the Offensive A Woman's Role Is to Instill Love of Jihad and Martyrdom in Her Children Tuesday, January 8. 2013“We all know now that Al Gore is nothing but a bulls***ter.”Says Al Gore's staff. Slow learners, I guess. From Sultan's scathingly entertaining Hollow Men:
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Minimum wage for interns?I'm not sure what is driving this movement. Unions, perhaps? My kids have all had various internships, paid and unpaid, some very well-paid. Internships are an opportunity for the student and, in most cases, a bit of a hassle for the person offering them. If a person thinks it worth their while to take an unpaid internship, why not? If they were paid, they might not be offered at all.
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Tuesday morning linksI Call Them 'Bat-Chomping, Bird-Slicing Eco Crucifixes' Because They ARE Bat-Chomping, Bird-Slicing Eco Crucifixes From a Lefty: In Defense of Sports - Why let capitalists have all the fun? How Law Schools Evade Market Competition Guns have become symbols in our polarized society, figurative Nationwide Gun Confiscation Australia ... 6 minute video case study A ceasefire in the war on drugs There's method in Chris Christie's madness Coyote: My Tax Proposal Question of the Week: “Can America Be Saved? Why Double Taxation Must Cease - Economic growth and rising living standards depend on saving and investment Charles Krauthammer Nails the Pelosi-Obama Motto: “We Have Not Begun to Tax and Spend” Starving The Poor To Feed Green Illusions Global outlook rosy; Europe's outlook grim Free enterprise Is Coming to Africa Image below via Theo Monday, January 7. 2013Do Americans want to live like Europeans?
There will be large tax increases on the middle class. There is no getting around it, if people want so many government benefits. Those Obamacare taxes are just the beginning. With that will come ever-slowing growth of jobs and income. The downward creep of regular tax increases has already begin (h/t Insty): The Stealth Tax Hike -- Why the New $450,000 Income Threshold Is a Political Fiction. I remain confused about why Europe seems like a good role model for a vigorous economy with opportunity for all. Now Democrats Aim for a Trillion in New Taxes. It's never enough.
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Monday morning linksYesterday was Epiphany Mom shoots intruder, saves kids “Justice” Comes to Islington - A London borough makes townhouses available to the poor. America Doesn’t Have a Gun Problem, It Has a Gang Problem How Walt Disney Cashes In on Corporate Welfare Breaking Up Banks Is Easy When They Aren’t Failing Dodd-Frank may produce more problems than it solves. Simpson and Bowles Savage Obama, Cliff Deal NICE JOB, BLOOMBERG: NYC welfare funds being spent in strip clubs, porn joints, liquor stores... New Obamacare Law Is Already Forcing Premiums to Double in Some States Feud over Obama health care reforms to intensify in coming monthsSamuelson: If we can’t kill farm subsidies, what can we kill? Examiner Editorial: One term gone and no recovery in sightJoel Kotkin: California's politics of farceIsrael's Arabs: Deprived or Radicalized? Sunday, January 6. 2013Sunday morning linksPic: We ain't taking sides, because, for one thing, we have Alabama relatives. For another, we believe that rooting for teams is rooting for laundry - in Seinfeld's immortal words. I just liked this photo. But what the heck, it's all about money and fun and athletic talent, which are all good things. But "Brian Kelly" - sheesh. Irish enuf? Are you kidding me? Notre Dame vs. Alabama: College Football's Epic Rivalry Lou Holtz, the man who led the Irish to their last national title, on the health of college football amid big money, big injuries and big scandals. Our Culture, What's Left Of It: Interview with Theodore Dalrymple Wisdom from Psychopaths? A scientist enters a high-security psychiatric hospital to extract tips and advice from a crowd without a conscience 10 Things Happy People Do Differently (h/t Insty) Rent a Scottish Castle (or country house)
Frosties and Coco Pops today. But don’t be fooled into thinking it will end there. The Brits: 60,000 patients put on death pathway without being told but minister still says controversial end-of-life plan is 'fantastic' The Episcopal Church: Nothing Like Consistency (With Comedy Video Bonus) Behind the December jobs report -- why America's unemployment rate remains so high Do You Believe This Garbage?… Obama Resorts to Outright Lies in Weekly Address How the world's most prominent environmentalist learned to stop worrying and love Big Oil. Here Comes The Student Loan Bailout Your Government Forced You to Place a Cancer Menace In Your Home Belly up to the ATM, boys — drinks are on the taxpayers. I’m wondering if Elizabeth will advocate for the Times to get rid of their own armed guards?
Do women want the toughest fighting jobs? Abbas Salutes Hitler-Supporting Mufti, Terrorists in Anniversary Address CAIR chief claims Muslims discovered America first Overheated rhetoric on Israeli settlements Image below via Moonbattery Saturday, January 5. 2013Saturday morning linksReport: Drowsy driving is dangerous -- and common How To Cook Steaks On Your Stovetop That Taste Better Than in a Fancy Restaurant That's how I do ribeyes - crusty on the outside, rare inside. A grill does not do justice to good Costco ribeyes. One per person, please. A real treat. Construction is complete on behemoth airship; first flight planned Crime in England to Post on Facebook That “All Soldiers Should DIE & Go To HELL!” When did the Brits give up on free speech? We’re Saved! Concord Bans Planet Killing Water Bottles Internet emissions are terrible for the planet I Support President Obama’s Plan for Making Schools Safer The Guardian offers some moral support for pedophilia Heck, Bonobos do it all the time. We're just monkeys, right? Some Pluses, Many Negatives for Higher Education Obama Supporters Hit Hardest in Latest Jobs Report – Blacks, Hispanics and Young Adults Continue to Suffer New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives New York Green Weenies Almost Out of Gas Cruz Sworn In As Texas’ First Hispanic US Senator, Will Introduce Bill To Repeal ‘Obamacare’ Emmett Tyrrell: Liberals will learn that it's still about the economy And now the “rich” will pay… Why Obamacare's Health Care Cost Controls Won't Work - Our sad, failed history of technocratic cost controls. Schumer: Dems Won’t Negotiate With GOP On Debt Ceiling Illinois Tax Hikes, Two Years Later: A Failure - The Land of Lincoln is still aflame. CAIR demands media drop term “Islamist” An Appeal for Dictatorship Comes Out of the Closet at the New York Times It's termed "Liberal fascism." They are certain that they are wiser than us humble, feckless, ignorant
India and the United States: How Individuals and Corporations Have Driven Indo-U.S. Relations Ancient manuscripts indicate Jews thrived in Afghanistan a thousand years ago The Israelis should take it over. In five years, it would be the tech center of the world. Al-Jazeera’s “Alternative Viewpoint” in Qatar’s Paradise Friday, January 4. 2013Friday morning linksA free ad for Angie's List. We use it for almost everything these days. It's a great biz concept. Crony Capitalist Blowout - A tax increase for everyone but the favored wealthy few. McFortress - An antigun newspaper avails itself of the Second Amendment. Former Democratic NYC Mayoral Candidate Equates Gun Owners to Child Molesters FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year than Rifles $822,000 Worker Shows California Leads U.S. Pay Giveaway So What's Next, Mr. President? Nearly every decision made during Obama's presidency has been conducted under the canopy of catastrophe. Krauthammer: Return of the Real Obama - The president is dedicated to the expansion of the welfare state:
Gloom update: America: Doomed by Scarcity, Doomed by Plenty, Doomed, Doomed! BBB's charity ratings, seal of approval under fire Holder Brags About Burning 3,000 Bankers At the Stake Another Pigford government fraud? Egyptian Magazine Claims 2 High Ranking Homeland Security Officials are Muslim Brotherhood Operatives Hamas, PA reportedly refuse to take in Palestinian refugees from Syria Thursday, January 3. 2013Welcome to AmericaAl Gore may not have invented the internet or Global Warming, but his name will be forever associated with both. He certainly found ways to profit from these themes. Now he's found a way to profit from TV, which he never claimed to invent, but hoped to 're-invent' with his Current TV network. An unwatched network airing questionable programming, pursuing a bizarre agenda that was mildly anti-American to most of us. Well, now he's out of the TV business and turning the reins over to another crowd of potentially anti-American broadcasters. I can see the conspiracy theorists lining up behind this one. If Al-Jazeera somehow turns the U.S. into a Muslim nation, will Al Gore take credit for being the founding father of Islamic U.S.A.? Thursday morning linksPhoto is Between the woods and frozen lake, on Tuesday Single-molecule motor sits on a single-atom ball bearing The Rumford Meteor's Top 100 News Stories of 2012. One sample: Wiscasset Ladies Organ Society Gets Together And Wishes More Of Their Organs Worked Harvard Law to offer first free online course Examiner Editorial: Worst 2012 lawsuits argue for 2013 reforms CBS "Evening News" Report: Is ObamaCare Bad For Business? Higher ed: an obituary - On the future of higher education in the Internet age. The War on Drugs revisited 'Gun control' doesn't survive Christmas Michelle: Obama’s Tax Evaders of the Year VDH: 2013: Welcome to Very, Very Scary Times Democrats Quietly Allow Social Security Taxes To Rise U.S. Needs a 12-Step Program for Spending - It's as addictive as crack cocaine and even more dangerous. A Must-See Film on Being Over 50 and Out of Work Moscow flash mob: Puttin on the Ritz Wednesday, January 2. 2013Weds. morning back-to-work linksRoad sign seen in Lyme, CT, in November When College is a "Waste of Money" Prof. Mead had a wonderful New Year's Eve at the opera The Hobbit: Narrative Validation or Vandalism? 150 Years Ago Today… Republicans Freed the Slaves Toyota: Settlement of the year Fiscal Cliff Deal: $1 in Spending Cuts for Every $41 in Tax Increases Zero Hedge: Putting America's Tax Hike In Perspective Sheesh In 2013, Years Of Obama Reparations Planning Pay Off In Pigford DriscolI: Human Nature has no History Two Options for Home Invasions Tuesday’s tax increase is the biggest in decades David Brooks: This Fiscal Cliff Deal Is Rather A Crapburger, Eh? Mort Zuckerman: Brace For an Avalanche of Unfunded Debt Biden May Be the Most Influential Vice President Ever Seidman: “Let’s Give Up on [Parts of] the Constitution” A New Year’s Prediction Challenge For Climate Alarmists Ari Fleischer may give less if charitable deduction is limited; Libs freak out Brokaw: 'The system is rigged' US Marine Pens Viral Letter to Anti-Gun Senator Dianne Feinstein: “No Ma’am”:
Collision course with Israel How the Right Can Reclaim its Edge on Foreign Policy Court appeal of dissident Vietnam bloggers is rejected Israel economy best in the west Tuesday, January 1. 2013Tuesday morning linksI am bird-hunting today with Gwynnie, a real dog, and some friends. 20 ga., not binoculars. Hope our readers have a fine and jolly day too. I am in fine fettle, having only indulged in one beer last night, and early to bed. With a little luck, some pheasants for a late dinner tonight and a little vino. US on Pace for Slowest Decade of Population Growth Since 1930s Mead: Why did God choose the Jews? Sentimentalizing Serial Murder - A recent book exemplifies the erosion of moral judgment in Britain. Public Funding for Stadiums Jumps the Shark in Miami Top 10 Food Policy Success Stories of 2012 - This year had its share of good news for supporters of food freedom. US Shale Boom Is So Big You Can See It From Space NYC Wants to Mandate a No-Smoking Ban in Peoples’ Homes A Liberal Comes Clean: We Hate the Constitution Shaidle: Ban Schools, Not Guns Two interesting infographics were published recently that make it so easy to see the decline of the West, even a caveman can do it. Obama demonstrates the virtue of the sequestration Are you ready? ObamaCare: Pain 2.0 Health costs on top of tax hikes Health care law may mean less hiring in 2013 Watch Out: Your 401(k) Is Being Targeted Krauthammer: Obama showed´incredible arrogance´ in´astonishing´ press conference Hiring criminals: EEOC Protected Classes Steven Korn's Disastrous Tenure at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: A Postmortem A Life of Integrity: Vladimir Bukovsky at 70 Bad news, Hamas. Israel’s Iron Dome gets better every day
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