Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, February 10. 2013MessagingVia AVI via Gay Patriot, at Bookworm: Conservatives need to create powerful, “sticky” messages that lead the electorate to a tipping point:
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Quote of the day
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Dr. CarsonThe WSJ suggests Dr. Ben Carson for President. Here's Carson vs. Obama: A Perfect Contrast Here's Dr. Carson on Hannity, via Legal Ins:
Saturday, February 9. 2013Saturday morning linksReport from the Killer Snowstorm of the Century: Just another ordinary good winter snow dump, overhyped as usual. Around 15-18 fluffy inches here. The old Explorer can handle it easily but I am waiting for my plow guys to show up to make life shipshape. Yes, they are Hispanics. They want to work, and do not mind the cold. A lack of competition in beer? Our local beer dump has about 500 varieties from all over the world. Still, their biggest seller is Coors Light, second is Bud Lite, third is Corona. ... it turns out that Harvard and other Ivies have apparently been employing a strict anti-Asian quota now for a couple of decades Duh. California schools give up on math Let's leave math to the Asians The Third Sex in Massachusetts is having trouble with the shrinks But meanwhile, Brown University’s student health plan will cover sex changes Country has gone nuts...or nut-less Yet Another Hidden Cost of ObamaCare Good grief, what a joke NY Times Notices Obama Tax Hikes Are Crushing Americans, Fails to Mention Obama Byron York: With public focused on jobs, Washington fights other fight While Doherty and Woods Were Fighting For Their Lives, Obama Was Sleeping Soundly Andrew Cuomo is a dithering fool He wants to run for president, but he can never make the simplest decisions laws being proposed around the country to limit and regulate guns and ammunition represent a momentous first step. That's the view from the moonbats California Democrats Propose New Rules on Gun Registration and Confiscation of “Assault Weapons” Please, people - disarm the criminals, and not the good guys and gals Dr. Benjamin Carson Addresses National Prayer Breakfast, Criticizes Obamacare I did not know that this was going on under Grand Central StationWonderful eery photos: New York's newest cathedral: Inside the illuminated arches of the city's latest rail terminal as it's carved deep beneath Grand Central. How cool is it that the really smart, disciplined people know how to do these things? Civil Engineers. They build amazing, grand stuff so the rest of us can get to our cubicles and spend the day staring at monitors. Those guys are the people who make the world work for the rest of us, and I admire them immensely.
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Friday, February 8. 2013What are the idiot politicians doing with my tax dollars now?
Friday morning linksIt's nor'easter season again. They are predicting a hearty snow dump today and tomorrow, with high winds, so don't be surprised if Maggie's is down for a bit (due to winds, not the lovely snow). Storms are caused by fossil fuels, claim many experts. Since there have been storms forever, I think that's a crazy theory. Here's a more compelling explanation for wintry weather: Asian astrologers warn of stormy Year of Snake If Americans would only stop driving cars and begin riding bikes instead, we'd have less snow and less cold in the winter. I think I got that science right, didn't I? But wait a minute - we love snow. It is peaceful, quiet, and beautiful.
The Pension Fund That Ate California - CalPERS’s corruption, insider dealing, and politicized investments have overwhelmed taxpayers with debt. A fascinating, scandalous Malanga report on how CalPERS became intertwined with politics and ultimately controlled by the government unions. EXCLUSIVE: Your employer may share your salary, and Equifax might sell that data People should complain to their congresscritter Do Traditional Husband Chores Lead to More Frequent Intimacy? Are Women Who Say “Sorry” Weaker? Details Emerge on University of Toronto’s Sex Ed Week ‘Orgy’ The students get all the fun New Poll: Majority of Americans Want Illegal Immigrants to Head Back to Home Countries They were not invited More on Perils of Prosecutorial Discretion in a World Where Everyone is a Criminal Greenland: Chris Mooney’s Chartsmanship in the Service of Alarmism Debunker: Wildfires, droughts, storms, oh my! The GOP should destroy Obama. Now is the time. Just 32 months later, Obama administration tells us what ObamaCare plans must have in them CBO and small biz: Yeah, about keeping your health care plan if you like it Americans are still struggling at Obama's halfway point. Isn’t it time we discuss violent liberalism? Related, via Insty, Supporters, admirers leap to alleged murderer Christopher Dorner’s defense The end times of trust in government may well be upon us Trusting any government is infantile and naive, ignorant of human nature. That's why America was designed the way it was. Thursday, February 7. 2013Who's yo daddy?
That is a stunningly immature view of the world. I don't think he was using irony.
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Thursday morning links
For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II Postal Service to Cut Saturday Mail to Trim Costs Steyn: When the assassin calls Lars needed a gun. Obamacare makes real medical insurance illegal My own insurance will be illegal next January Krugman: We'll need death panels Young Americans Are Left Behind In Obama's Economy A generational tragedy. "Should artists have to work?” Goldberg: Education spending that isn't smart - Education is important and necessary for a host of reasons. But there's little evidence it drives growth.
In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their “Science” Heavy Snow In Russia? That’s “Climate Change” They predicted no more snow by now Henninger: Obama's Thunderdome Strategy - The president's goal is to make Republican ideas intolerable. On firearms, Obama makes no sense. His memoir, Radical Son, is a good read Karl Rove and the Cotton Conservatives - Modern Day Whigs and the rise of the Party of Lincoln and Reagan. More Thompson: "Readers may recall the comical Marxist Bea Campbell and her urge to see the population being enlisted by an egalitarian state, in which “emancipating governance” would be based, rather curiously, on greater state control." Control is freedom Waterboarding Bad, Assassination Good More from Horowitz' good essay:
The history of creeping gun control in England:
Wednesday, February 6. 2013"Sending your kids to public school is looking more and more like parental malpractice."That's a quote from Insty. Does Insty have any kids? I don't think so, but I don't know for sure. If he does not, then he does not appreciate the essential baby-sitting and child-care function of public education. Home schooling is a fine alternative to government schools (designed for the poor), private schools (designed for the upper middle classes, and for parents desiring a religious education) and home teaching and tutoring (for the wealthy). Somewhat related, I am re-posting Abolish Social Studies - Born a century ago, the pseudo-discipline has outlived its uselessness. The invention of social studies is quite a story. Government psycho-social engineering of the masses. Brave New World. Did it work? Private schools rarely had such a thing, but they have History and Geography.
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Weds. morning links
After 30 years, a GM food breakthrough finally here Do violent criminals have a brain abnormality? The South Has Risen Again THE MISSISSIPPI MEANDER - Cartophilia: a ghostly map takes Samantha Weinberg to the river, and shows her where it no longer flows Bummer: Electric Cars Heading To Trash Bin (Again) Green Movement Founder Opposes Wind Turbines in His Backyard Al Gore’s disastrous book tour: a breath of fresh air Downgrade This! Standard and Poor’s Sued By US Government The federal government’s relentless expansion has made Washington, D.C., America’s real Second City. Federal Regulations Kill Innovation Too - The complexity of the federal government frequently protects it from scrutiny Moral preening and politics The Origins of Our American Creed
Tuesday, February 5. 2013Tuesday morning linksTexas Versus California: A Story Of Welfare States. Grade disparities favoring girls start in kindergarten, and they have profound, long-term effects that can last a lifetime Department of Homeland Stupidity: Huddle like Sheep and Die Dino: Life of Julia Against black history month Can Robert Menendez survive? Obama, build a lasting urban legacy - An ambitious proposal for the President’s second term: Create a new federal Department of Cities America’s Creeping New Normalcy - Sluggish growth and high unemployment are increasingly just accepted. Another Disaster… Obama’s $5 Billion Electric Car Dream Bankrupt and in Shambles Panetta Confirms Again That Waterboarding Helped Get Bid Laden; Media Still Confused They Kill Because They Like It - Turkey’s Marxist terrorists strike again—this time, against America Monday, February 4. 2013Our friend Sunny demands a plan to ban massacresSunny takes it to the sanctimonious, phony and manipulative emotional appeals. h/t, reader. Like we need celebs to feel terrible about the slaughter of children by satanic persons.
Monday morning linksAmerica's Baby Bust - The nation's falling fertility rate is the root cause of many of our problems. And it's only getting worse. Babies needed, preferably with two functioning parents Sandra Fluke: People Who Oppose Free Birth Control Are Like People Who Oppose Coverage for Leukemia Patients Babies are a disease? Then all of us are diseases. Tumors on Gaia. 5 Reasons Men Cheat - Are you missing the signs? England's King Richard III Found After 500 Years Raisin farmers in SCOTUS case face $650K charge if they don’t give half their crop to the feds Pew Poll: Majority of Americans See Government as Threat to Freedom Please, President Obama. Not another ‘national conversation.’ WSJ: Crop of New Law Schools Opens Amid a Lawyer Glut The most common causes of death due to injury in the United States Newtown Votes To Request Armed Police Officers In Elementary Schools Red-handed: Associated Press caught inserting “assault rifle” into Alabama hostage standoff Cheapest Obama-Care Family Plan Will Be $20K Many Unhappy Returns—Millions of Them - It's the 100th anniversary of the 16th Amendment. Don't forget to file your taxes The Economist: Nordic Countries Reinventing Capitalism Sunday, February 3. 2013I hope he cleaned and cooked that skeet after he shot itAll you can do is laugh. Seven Reasons Why it's a Photo-op. Our president is not very manly. Not that there is anything wrong with that. The White House warned people against photoshopping their image. WTF? This is not Venezuela yet. Photo via Ross. Thanks, reader.
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It's Buffalo Chicken Wing SundayI have to confess that I'm a person who far prefers playing almost any sport badly to watching other people do it well. When I was in grad school, we had the best "touch" - read "shove very hard so the guy falls in the mud" - football games, weekly. A joy. Being quick and agile then, I was usually a runner (and a ball-dropper). That football is a slippery bugger. Since every TV sports fan in the US is either hosting or attending a party today (any excuse for a party, or for buying a new big screen), and because I do like to make and eat chicken wings, I offer Alton Brown's very good Buffalo Chicken Wing instructions. As usual with Alton, the show is a kick - and educational - even if you don't care about the recipe. For Alton, everything simple is an adventure. Great production.
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Saturday, February 2. 2013A few Saturday morning linksI don't know how Theo got this pic of my new girlfriend on my fishing boat last summer, in Southington CT harbor. The cool, smart chicks seem to like me. I have no idea why. When Two People Click - Finding a mate used to be a long quest to uncover a few worthy people, but dating sites now offer hundreds of potential mates at a keystroke. Students' evaluations of profs: The Dr. Fox Effect When Did Humans Come to the Americas? Recent scientific findings date their arrival earlier than ever thought, sparking hot debate among archaeologists Mr. New York. Ed Koch, 1924–2013 Ex-NASA Scientists Conclude: ‘…no convincing physical evidence to support the man-made warming’ Selective Catholic-bashing Evil is human, and real The Obsession with Social History The income tax: A century of bigger government - The Sixteenth Amendment was ratified 100 years ago this Sunday. Obama vs. Fox News -- behind the White House strategy to delegitimize a news organization The myth of “collective action British gangs use flare guns now because they can’t find real ones Climatologist Matt Ridley:
Draft IPCC Report Shows 20 Years Of Overestimated Globull Warming
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Friday, February 1. 2013Goodbye, Neal, and thanks for the ride Goodbye to greatest talk show host Neal Boortz
The thing is, I'd tend to agree, except for one little hitch: Outside of a few brief spots on cable talk shows, I've never heard him utter a peep. The difference between Neal and — as far as I know — every other radio talk show host on the planet, is that Neal would spend hours writing a for-real blog every morning, whereupon he'd punch out three or four posts on different subjects, some of them fairly lengthy, then finish it up with a handful of must-read links. He took it as seriously as any of us do. So I'm saying goodbye to Neal Boortz, blogger. On the subject, though, I would note that, while he's officially retiring from radio and blogging, he's still keeping his hand in when it comes to mouthing off about pet topics now and then. He had an article on Townhall just the other day.
Yep, same ol' Neal. (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, for the uninitiated, is Boortzspeak for "WTF??") Below the fold I'll continue this tribute with some of my favorite moments and quotes. A search on my Rainy Day site for "boortz" pops up five articles where I mention him, so I'll include the links. And, just to quell any claims of blatant partisanship, I'll toss in a couple of criticisms. That is, if you call my referring to him as a total dogshit asswipe when it comes to his attitude toward cigarette smokers a 'criticism'. So thank you, Neal. That was a terrific run — even if you are a total scumbag butthole for redesigning your web site a few years ago. Continue reading "Goodbye, Neal, and thanks for the ride" Friday morning linksLobster dinner, 1955, somewhere in New England, via Shorpy. Where's the wine and beer? Eagle Nest Sacrificed to Wind Power Idiocy The End of an Era… Patty Andrews of Andrews Sisters dead at 94 Morbid gallery reveals how Victorians took photos of their DEAD relatives posing on couches, beds and even in coffins “Hey, Uncle, I need a handgun before they’re banned. What do you suggest?” School choice: Spreading like a prairie fire Ethanol Deathmatch I do not want any ethanol in my car, my chain saw, or my outboard engine. None. It's not only damaging - it's insane. Claim: Obama 'Uncomfortable' at Touted Skeet Shoot Let’s Be Thankful Obama Won’t Achieve His Dream of Being a Second FDR Home invasion suspect arrested after woman opens fire Some Really Inconvenient Truths about gun killings in the US Biden: Have I mentioned yet that these new gun-control measures won’t fundamentally alter the chances of a mass shooting? Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors in the media Detroit Public Schools: Bankrupting Minority Students’ Futures Dominican prostitute: Sen. Bob Menendez ‘likes the youngest and newest girls’ People Who Won’t Give Up Their Own Handguns Testify In Favor Of Gun Control Thursday, January 31. 2013Let the animals go free?This clip is via NYM's More Social Pathology: I can picture the millions of chickens, pigs, cattle, sheep, etc. of the American farms gloriously set free in downtown Oakland, but I suspect they would all quickly end up in peoples' stew pots or hit by cars. What these people perhaps do not deal with is the simple fact that none of these animals would exist at all without meat and dairy farms. Worse of all, these annoying people ignore the far worse, massive animal genocide brought about by antibiotic medicines. Why protest the slaughter of only big animals? Does nobody care about the little animals? Are they that heartless?
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Thursday morning linksPhotos of Paris, 1914 - in color, from the Albert Kahn Museum The originals were in color, but those images were digitally brightened up a bit Human sex: Average is 6 minutes Sandwich generation takes a hit supporting adult children and aging parents U.S. Economy Unexpectedly Contracts in Fourth Quarter Santelli: 'We Are Now Europe' The U.K. Braces for the Next Wave of Immigration ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN mum on FBI raid of doctor office tied to Menendez Delingpole: It’s Time To Stand Up To The Vicious Bullies Of The “Caring” Liberal Left Mead discusses post-industrial America: The Blue Elites Are Wrong:
Wednesday, January 30. 2013Confused about immigrationI am confused today by all I have been reading about illegal immigration. Being somewhat Yankee-biased, I tend to feel that the US needs no immigrants from anywhere anymore. Just spend a weekend in NYC and then tell me we need more foreigners around. Half the people you see were born elsewhere, and have no clue what America is all about. They are just using us, trying to get on one gravy train or another. Call me a xenophobe. I don't mind, because I like foreigners - in their own countries and in their own cultures. I do not want my culture changed, or to feel like a stranger in my own country. It's mine, and it is not open to the general global public. All the Russians too. Sheesh. Unpleasant, loud people without manners and Soviet-style (ie, no) morals. Legal too, I assume, which means they went through the process. They may have to take a test, but there is no civility test. Those lovely Russki girls are silky sociopaths, well-trained in the Soviet system to ignore law and civilization and to follow the money. The turbaned Sikh cab drivers from Whereizitstan are far more pleasant and dignified, but what the heck? We have unemployed college grads who could drive cabs and could probably figure out how to find JFK airport from the Plaza Hotel. Most nations do not permit any. Just try emigrating to Japan, France, Britain, Sweden, Russia, or Mexico from the US. Can't be done. As we say here, "Don't be lazy, people. Fix your own darn homeland." I read this one this afternoon: Did The President Make Sense Today For Some Reason?
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Weds. morning links1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500% A Miami Clinic Supplies Drugs to Sports' Biggest Names Eggs not bad for you and the NYT is on it Student Loan Bubble Update: "This Situation Is Simply Unsustainable" Preaching to the Choir on Housing - At last week’s debate, New York’s mayoral candidates sang the same old chorus. If NYC deregulated housing, there would be affordable housing for everybody. Classic example of a government fix of a temporary problem creating a permanent shortage problem. Markets work when government stays out of the way. Will we learn from Britain and France? Robert Reich: Walmart, McDonalds and Every Hospital in America Should Unionize Want to Save Money on Health Care? Do Less of It. A Lot Less. Docs can't "do less" without tort reform. Defensive medicine is a huge factor in medicine today. Many claim it's 30-50% of billings. Other major wastes? Most preventive medicine, and annual physicals. Studies prove it. Department of Awful Statistics: Are Mass Shootings Really On the Rise? They're not, but the alarmist numbers are more likely to get media attention. Never Let a Dead Child Go to Waste MSNBC Busted AGAIN For Deceptively Editing Video To Make Conservatives Look Bad “60 Minutes” voluntarily becomes Pravda, and The Atlantic actually notices Time For Reform And Rethinking On Immigration While GOP leaders push amnesty, Dems rope more immigrants into welfare state Five reasons Republicans won't win Latino voters with immigration reform:
Only somebody like Rubio can preach the American gospel to hispanic immigrants. Past large waves of immigrants (Swedes, Jews, Irish, Poles, Italians, Cubans) got the memo, but in the era of big government, this wave doesn't get it. The fraud at the heart of the Gang of 8 immigration proposal Gun Restrictions Punish the Rational and Responsible for Acts of the Irrational and Irresponsible Boom! NAACP Leader Says Blacks Are “Doing Far Worse” Under Obama
Tuesday, January 29. 2013Tuesday morning linksFood cranks update: From Sundance to Dunkin’ Donuts, the gluten-free craze shows no signs of abating Why Fruit Juice Is the Real Health Killer Study: Nearly half are overqualified for their jobs Defined how? Liberal racism Many libs believe, deep down, that blacks and hispanics cannot make it in the modern world Question of the Week: Which Department of the Federal Government Should Be the First to Be Abolished? My vote goes to Dept. of Education. Not a federal responsibility. Don't get paranoid, but why this? Obama Administration Repositioning Homeland Security Ammunition Containers 1.4 billion rounds of ammo? Maybe they are planning on disarming the criminals in Chicago. That’s Weird: DHS Wants 7,000 Scary Looking Rifles For Personal Defense NY Mayor Mike Bloomberg Uses His Armed Bodyguards to Bully Journalist in Washington “San Diego Chief of Police: We Can Disarm America ‘Within a Generation’” No. You maybe can disarm the honest people, but not the crims Kirstin Powers on Obama & Hillary’s ’60 Minutes’ Interview: “Was Something You’d Expect From State-Run Media” Clinton backers launch ‘Ready for Hillary’ super-PAC in hopes of 2016 campaign
Malians celebrate, French-led forces clear Timbuktu Why shale fuels cannot help Britain Japan: Welfare payments to be slashed ¥74 billion to root out the comfortably poor
Monday, January 28. 2013A detailed look at illegal immigration from MexicoI am opposed to amnesty for illegal immigrants, partly because it is indeed a crime and we are a nation of law (why begin citizenship as a Federal criminal when there are legal ways to do it?), and partly because I have seen what five-ten year hoops and expenses legal immigrants to the US need to go through, such as physicians from Canada and the UK, and programming geniuses from Singapore. Also, because I believe that vast numbers of immigrants cannot be assimilated. (Case in point: Mexifornia. Case in point: Europistan. Case in point: Dearborn, MI.) And, lastly, people have no idea how impossible it is for an American to emigrate to Mexico. Many American citizens and retirees would like to, if they could. Puerto Vallarta. Cabo. Basically, they have made it illegal to do so. Mexico is hell on immigrants. They want none of them. This piece by Skerry reviews some of the history that may make Mexican illegals a somewhat different case. From Splitting the Difference on Illegal Immigration:
It is worth reading. In the end, I suppose, my sentiment is that I would prefer that people who live in crappy countries do what they can to improve them. My blessed and brave ancestors did that here, for me. Half the world would invade the US were they able to do so. If you want to come here, why not try to make your place like ours? We have enough people already, and terrible unemployment with grandiose PhDs working as restaurant waiters. Nothing wrong with educated wait staff, but it's probably not what they envisioned in their Obama Economy. Bear in mind that I very much enjoy the legal Mexican and Colombian immigrants around here. Great people, family people, ambitious and entrepreneurial, and wonderful restaurants too. They are doing many jobs which unemployed Americans, with their sense of entitlement, spurn. However, it is true that they frequently prefer cash which, as an honest taxpayer, I resent. Not entirely assimilated into American values, know nothing about our history or traditions or even why we are a special place. Willing to work hard, though. It's more about money than political freedom because neither Mexico nor Colombia are totalitarian or oppressive states. Except for Boston, New England doesn't have the hispanic drug gangs and crims that California has. Most of our crims here are home-grown.
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